What's up y'all?

AND fucking furthermore...it didn't help with a staff member joining in the fray instead of telling everyone to STAY ON TOPIC in the damn INTRO thread and being unbiased in his remarks. Not a good look, that. If a staff member doesn't follow their own rules they bust ass to enforce, why stay in such a place? I wouldn't/won't.

I'm grumpy. This place is starting to suck. Badly.
I'm glad you think it's funny that you broke your own fucking rule.
Good day gentlemen, my name is [REDACTED] and I am an 18 year old guy from the Eastern woods of Kentucky.

I am a self proclaimed conservative, and proud to be a conservative teen in a world full of moronic kids my age. I am home schooled (Thank God for that), and live on a farm surrounded by woods and "hollers". I love to relic hunt, hunt, bottle hunt, coin roll hunt, Bargain hunt, you get the picture. :)

View attachment 477707
No I don't, you can't be a real country boy because you never mentioned hunting mushrooms, snipes or deer. You being into numismatics tells me you are a suburbanite.
What's a snipes?

Where did he go? Why, perhaps he intro'd himself, spoke about the things he loves to do and y'all turned it into a history lesson complete with comments on his mask, the flag, etc and he said "fuck this shit. Old fogies want me off their lawn".

This is why we can't have nice things or young people here.
GAB is starting to look good again. I can go to my fun groups and have a nice time and have nice things as well. And no staff members thumbing their nose at their own rules.

And, here is a promise. I keep my promises, too.

I will never ever again post links to this place elsewhere.

Now laugh at that, WinterBorn . Har har. Rob this joint of possible donations as you grin.
GAB is starting to look good again. I can go to my fun groups and have a nice time and have nice things as well. And no staff members thumbing their nose at their own rules.

And, here is a promise. I keep my promises, too.

I will never ever again post links to this place elsewhere.

Now laugh at that, WinterBorn . Har har. Rob this joint of possible donations as you grin.
I was following Cynthia at Gab. . . then they got hacked. . . BIG TIME. I never had a membership there, I am really loath to sign up anywhere, TBH. I do sign up anywhere, it will probably be to get a membership at Corbett Report since his site is backed up with an IPFS, and this place isn't. Once the police state really gets crazy. . . well. . . . you know, the STATE and AWS can take away our free speech here, they can't touch him.

Everything disappeared from her profile at GAB after that hack.

Nothing there but contact info now.

You're flag is racist- just an FYI- but, sfw- I love the Stars and Stripes myself- especially on top of the General Lee-
Actually, the flag is history.

So is this:

View attachment 477815
German history.

World history.
You are right. History is history. Good or bad.

I agree with, as far as history goes. But there were a lot of years in which domestic terrorists used the symbol to keep a segment of the population in line. Both the overt terrorist acts and the threat of more of those acts created a legacy for that piece of history.
We are supposed to learn from history, not pay for it.

When a symbol is used to terrify a specific segment of the population, and many people of authority ignored the issues, it changes the way the symbol is perceived.

You are not having to pay for it. But how many think that flag that has caused so much trouble is the flag of the Confederate States?

Yes, the Confederacy is history. But to wave the Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia around like it means something, when that meaning has been co-opted by a couple of generations of domestic terrorists is insanity.

View attachment 477877
Yes and No WinterBorn
This is not an exclusive monopoly.
We do have to be careful and considerate but that does not mean judging and punishing people for our differences in cultural meaning and perspective.

The WAP video upset a lot of people, but not everyone agreed. Dissenters can turn off the Grammy's and not support that sector of the music industry.

You can wave your own flag and teach your interpretation of these symbols.

But you cannot expect to impose your interpretation as the "dominant mandate everyone must follow" without becoming the thought police you are fighting against.

I am not imposing my interpretation on anyone. Just explaining why the waving of the battle flag of the army of Northern Virginia is prone to incite hostile feelings in some.
In the old days? 30, 40 years ago. . . the left liked to offend folks, they were never worried about folks feelings. This is America, grow up and be responsible for your own damn feelings.

If you can't control your feelings? You are a child and had lousy parenting and schooling.


I am all grown up, thanks. I am also responsible for my own damn feelings. No problem.

I have control over my feelings. I am not a child. And I had excellent parents and good schooling.

But thanks for your concern.
Great. . . so stop white knighting for folks, and let anyone say anything they want, and wave any flag they want.

Freedom, what a concept?

I am only responsible for what I say. I am not responsible for your misinterpretation of what I say.

Can you please point out where I said people should not be allowed to wave any flag they want?
You are telling the forum, when others use a flag, what their intentions are. . . by the reactions on-lookers have.

"But to wave the Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia around like it means something, when that meaning has been co-opted by a couple of generations of domestic terrorists is insanity."

This, of course, is wrong.

The intentions of those using the symbol, belong to the person using the symbol.

Just the same as. . . If I made the claim that you are calling every person that waves the American Flag a white supremacist, even though this is clearly something you have never written? That would be false. So I have no right to impute upon you something you have never said or written. . . yet you are in this thread imputing motive on folks by the way their use of a symbol makes others feel.

That is ridiculous.

How others feel about the use of a symbol? That is on them.

The only thing that matters is what a person says about the use of that symbol.

All of the times folks in various states demanded that the Battle flag of Virginia be taken out of the State Capitol flags? All of those instances were patently ridiculous. . . as none of those instances had anything at all to do with slavery, nothing. It was purely a political move by the left and the federalists grasp for more power.

That had to do with depressing Southern Heritage.

I have not discussed the intent of those waving the flag. I have discussed why there are those who would feel a certain way about those who wave that flag. And that they have good reason to feel that way. If your parents, grandparents, and community were terrorized by people waving that battle flag of northern Virginia, it would tend to stick with you.
So you are telling me how I should feel now? Just like the mass media and schools tell the minorities here how they should feel. Nice. And you think these elite oligarchs are giving them "good reason," to feel that way, huh?

I had ancestors that were terrorized by this flag.

In fact, under this flag, this whole slave mess and "terror," was started in the first place. . . can we move to ban this flag world wide now? :dunno:


If not? Then I hope you can finally identify why your propaganda sounds, just like it is. . . propaganda.

I am not telling you anything about how you should feel.

As far as your ancestors, were you there and saw it? Did you see fear in your father's eyes from the terrorist acts?

You have tried to twist what I have said every way you can, and then accuse me of propaganda. I have not spouted propaganda at all. Just the explanation that there are people for whom the battle flag of northern Virginia was a symbol used by men who terrorized them and their families. Not only that, the authorities often aided in the terrorism. And these terrorist acts were not in another country or hundreds of years ago. They were in THIS country and in my lifetime.

ahhh. . . . so now you believe I am trying to "twist" what you are saying when I accurately deconstruct your propaganda and nonsense eh?

. . . oh? And now we are going to move the goal posts? There is a time limit to when terror and hate matters? I see.

It has an expiration date. Interesting.

GTFO with your excuses for why we would believe there are good reasons for censoring thought and free expression. I have no time for people carrying water for the authoritarians that want to divide this nation.

Most intelligent folks can figure out who the haters are, and who those are that are celebrating heritage. If you want to sit there and tell the forum that folks are "offended," by normal people celebrating their heritage? You are standing with the authoritarians that wish to crush freedom, liberty and free expression for all.

So you think a person who has seen the terrorist attacks in person, or has seen, first hand, the results of those attacks against a parent or grandparent, is the exact same as someone who has knowledge of terrorists attacks from 200+ years ago? lol Okey dokey then.

I am not moving goalposts at all. I have been consistent in what I have said.

And please point out where I have advocated censorship. There is a huge difference between censorship and recognizing that a symbol can be the source of anxiety, fear or hatred. I have not said anything about banning anything. Not once.

And likewise WinterBorn
People can wave flags to symbolize states rights, and not say or believe a single thing about slavery or racism.

This reminds me of being prochoice as in decriminalizing women, but being assumed or accused of being pro abortion.

Pro choice can mean pro due process.
It does not have to mean pro abortion.
You can be prochoice and against abortion
Just like you can be for states rights and against slavery and racism.

Confederate flags also stand for states rights.
They do not have to mean pro slavery.

Honestly, the tags on our clothes that say made in China or Indonesia probably do more to support slavery.
AND fucking furthermore...it didn't help with a staff member joining in the fray instead of telling everyone to STAY ON TOPIC in the damn INTRO thread and being unbiased in his remarks. Not a good look, that. If a staff member doesn't follow their own rules they bust ass to enforce, why stay in such a place? I wouldn't/won't.

I'm grumpy. This place is starting to suck. Badly.
I'm glad you think it's funny that you broke your own fucking rule.

What rule did I break? The discussion was about the avatar of the new member.
GAB is starting to look good again. I can go to my fun groups and have a nice time and have nice things as well. And no staff members thumbing their nose at their own rules.

And, here is a promise. I keep my promises, too.

I will never ever again post links to this place elsewhere.

Now laugh at that, WinterBorn . Har har. Rob this joint of possible donations as you grin.

Ok. If you insist.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
AND fucking furthermore...it didn't help with a staff member joining in the fray instead of telling everyone to STAY ON TOPIC in the damn INTRO thread and being unbiased in his remarks. Not a good look, that. If a staff member doesn't follow their own rules they bust ass to enforce, why stay in such a place? I wouldn't/won't.

I'm grumpy. This place is starting to suck. Badly.
I'm glad you think it's funny that you broke your own fucking rule.

What rule did I break? The discussion was about the avatar of the new member.

Is he coming back?
AND fucking furthermore...it didn't help with a staff member joining in the fray instead of telling everyone to STAY ON TOPIC in the damn INTRO thread and being unbiased in his remarks. Not a good look, that. If a staff member doesn't follow their own rules they bust ass to enforce, why stay in such a place? I wouldn't/won't.

I'm grumpy. This place is starting to suck. Badly.
I'm glad you think it's funny that you broke your own fucking rule.

What rule did I break? The discussion was about the avatar of the new member.

Is he coming back?

He posted today at 12:56am.
Good day gentlemen, my name is [REDACTED] and I am an 18 year old guy from the Eastern woods of Kentucky.

I am a self proclaimed conservative, and proud to be a conservative teen in a world full of moronic kids my age. I am home schooled (Thank God for that), and live on a farm surrounded by woods and "hollers". I love to relic hunt, hunt, bottle hunt, coin roll hunt, Bargain hunt, you get the picture. :)

View attachment 477707

At 18, nobody knows much about the world.

You can say "thank God I was home schooled", but really you can't know whether this is going to benefit you or not.

One thing should be certain in life, every five years you look back five years and you should say "I can't believe I thought like that".

If you don't, you haven't been thinking much or developing enough.
AND fucking furthermore...it didn't help with a staff member joining in the fray instead of telling everyone to STAY ON TOPIC in the damn INTRO thread and being unbiased in his remarks. Not a good look, that. If a staff member doesn't follow their own rules they bust ass to enforce, why stay in such a place? I wouldn't/won't.

I'm grumpy. This place is starting to suck. Badly.
I'm glad you think it's funny that you broke your own fucking rule.

What rule did I break? The discussion was about the avatar of the new member.

Is he coming back?

He posted today at 12:56am.


am? Yours or mine?
AND fucking furthermore...it didn't help with a staff member joining in the fray instead of telling everyone to STAY ON TOPIC in the damn INTRO thread and being unbiased in his remarks. Not a good look, that. If a staff member doesn't follow their own rules they bust ass to enforce, why stay in such a place? I wouldn't/won't.

I'm grumpy. This place is starting to suck. Badly.
I'm glad you think it's funny that you broke your own fucking rule.

What rule did I break? The discussion was about the avatar of the new member.
It was bullying a NEW MEMBER about his choice of an avie. You are staff. It's in the INTRO thread. Do your job, asshole, instead of bashing a noob IN THE INTRO THREAD.

Never thought you a fucktard, but see now that you are. Fuck you.
AND fucking furthermore...it didn't help with a staff member joining in the fray instead of telling everyone to STAY ON TOPIC in the damn INTRO thread and being unbiased in his remarks. Not a good look, that. If a staff member doesn't follow their own rules they bust ass to enforce, why stay in such a place? I wouldn't/won't.

I'm grumpy. This place is starting to suck. Badly.
I'm glad you think it's funny that you broke your own fucking rule.

What rule did I break? The discussion was about the avatar of the new member.
It was bullying a NEW MEMBER about his choice of an avie. You are staff. It's in the INTRO thread. Do your job, asshole, instead of bashing a noob IN THE INTRO THREAD.

Never thought you a fucktard, but see now that you are. Fuck you.

Bullying? LMAO!! Of all the things I have seen on these forums, if you think that is bullying you have lost your mind.

I do my job. I also post. I put up with obnoxious posters, baseless accusations of bias, and have to babysit hostile lunatics. Why? For the money? There is none. And a few dozen people have told me that my job is being a mod, not posting for myself. In other words, I am supposed to give up doing the thing that made this place fun in order to maintain order in a place that has more in common with a mob of school children than with serious political discussions.

And I did not start the discussion of the flag. I responded to the casual dismissal of the flag as an issue.

If you want to complain to the other mods, I will happily abide by whatever they think should happen.
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AND fucking furthermore...it didn't help with a staff member joining in the fray instead of telling everyone to STAY ON TOPIC in the damn INTRO thread and being unbiased in his remarks. Not a good look, that. If a staff member doesn't follow their own rules they bust ass to enforce, why stay in such a place? I wouldn't/won't.

I'm grumpy. This place is starting to suck. Badly.
I'm glad you think it's funny that you broke your own fucking rule.

What rule did I break? The discussion was about the avatar of the new member.
It was bullying a NEW MEMBER about his choice of an avie. You are staff. It's in the INTRO thread. Do your job, asshole, instead of bashing a noob IN THE INTRO THREAD.

Never thought you a fucktard, but see now that you are. Fuck you.

Bullying? LMAO!! Of all the things I have seen on these forums, if you think that is bullying you have lost your mind.

I do my job. I also post. I put up with obnoxious posters, baseless accusations of bias, and have to babysit hostile lunatics. Why? For the money? There is none. And a few dozen people have told me that my job is being a mod, not posting for myself. In other words, I am supposed to give up doing the thing that made this place fun in order to maintain order in a place that has more in common with a mob of school children than with serious political discussions.

And I did not start the discussion of the flag. I responded to the casual dismissal of the flag as an issue.

If you want to complain to the other mods, I will happily abide by whatever they think should happen. Until then, fuck you.
You broke usmb's rules. You are a staff member. What part of INTRO thread being for INTRO do you not understand?
I have no intention of complaining to the other mods but you seem concerned that I would. You are part of them, idiot. Nothing would be done and you know it.

Now go cry some about how awful this "job" is when you willfully stepped into it, then commenced to not BE a mod.

AND fucking furthermore...it didn't help with a staff member joining in the fray instead of telling everyone to STAY ON TOPIC in the damn INTRO thread and being unbiased in his remarks. Not a good look, that. If a staff member doesn't follow their own rules they bust ass to enforce, why stay in such a place? I wouldn't/won't.

I'm grumpy. This place is starting to suck. Badly.
I'm glad you think it's funny that you broke your own fucking rule.

What rule did I break? The discussion was about the avatar of the new member.
It was bullying a NEW MEMBER about his choice of an avie. You are staff. It's in the INTRO thread. Do your job, asshole, instead of bashing a noob IN THE INTRO THREAD.

Never thought you a fucktard, but see now that you are. Fuck you.

Bullying? LMAO!! Of all the things I have seen on these forums, if you think that is bullying you have lost your mind.

I do my job. I also post. I put up with obnoxious posters, baseless accusations of bias, and have to babysit hostile lunatics. Why? For the money? There is none. And a few dozen people have told me that my job is being a mod, not posting for myself. In other words, I am supposed to give up doing the thing that made this place fun in order to maintain order in a place that has more in common with a mob of school children than with serious political discussions.

And I did not start the discussion of the flag. I responded to the casual dismissal of the flag as an issue.

If you want to complain to the other mods, I will happily abide by whatever they think should happen. Until then, fuck you.
You broke usmb's rules. You are a staff member. What part of INTRO thread being for INTRO do you not understand?
I have no intention of complaining to the other mods but you seem concerned that I would. You are part of them, idiot. Nothing would be done and you know it.

Now go cry some about how awful this "job" is when you willfully stepped into it, then commenced to not BE a mod.


I did not "commence" to not be a mod. I never stopped being a poster. Funny, you don't complain about the ones who started the discussion of the flags.

Also, the INTRO is mainly to allow the poster to introduce themselves. It is also to introduce the poster to the board. To see what it is about.

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