What's this about our troops being sent to Africa?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
Ive been out of the loop all weekend. But I hear Obama is sending troops into Africa. What's this about?
It's in compliance with an act approved by both houses of Congress with massive bipartisan support (I read somewhere it was unanimous, but I really doubt Paul voted for it). 140 or so special ops troops will be sent to Uganda to aid the government in taking out the LRA and its leader Kony. The LRA is one of the biggest bunch of war criminals on the planet, routinely kidnapping children and forcing them into its army/forcing them into sex slavery. The U.S. troops will be "advisers" and are not supposed to be engaged in any combat. However, they will be fully armed. British special forces have failed in the past to kill Kony, so I guess it's time for America to do the job right.
Ive been out of the loop all weekend. But I hear Obama is sending troops into Africa. What's this about?

It's about Obama being Obama...

They've probably been sent their to get Michelle a real African meal so she can impress her progressive friends..

Yeah, SEAL team 6 getting Michelle lunch..

Obama is a hypocrite...

Both are....
Bush had bipartisan support for Iraq. He even had bipartisan support every year after we invaded.

I remember we were only gonna send trainers and advisers to a small Southeast Asian Country too.

This is, after all a Nobel Peace prize winning President.
Is so's we can give `em the intelligence to defeat the rebels themselves...
U.S Military Intelligence ‘Critical’ to Defeat Rebels, Says Uganda Official
October 16, 2011 - An official of Uganda’s government says military support from the U.S. will help Kampala combat the notorious Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) rebels in the sub-region.
Minister of the presidency in the Ugandan cabinet, Kabakumba Masiko, says Washington has always supported her government’s efforts to defeat rebel insurgencies. “It is going to be in the area of intelligence gathering and sharing and liaison,” said Masiko. President Barack Obama told Congress in a letter Friday that he was authorizing a contingent of U.S. combat forces to help remove Joseph Kony, leader of the LRA rebels, from the battlefield.

The soldiers will not engage the rebels directly, except in self-defense. “We have always said to anybody who will listen that this [LRA] is a terrorist organization,” said Masiko. “If everybody could come with us to firmly deal with [them] and finally finish it, it will be a good thing.” Meanwhile, Uganda’s ruling National Resistance Movement’s (NRM) week-long retreat is scheduled to begin today (Monday). The retreat, Masiko said, will enable members of parliament of the party to discuss ways of resolving the country’s economic challenges.

“There are many interventions that we are looking at like the agricultural sector. We want to see how best we can increase agricultural productivity both for food crops [and] for export,” said Masiko. “Value addition is key, so [we are looking at] agro-processing and also diversification of our export.” Several months ago, opposition groups and critics embarked on walk-to-work protests, or campaigns, to demonstrate against sharp price increases in petrol and food. The groups have planned another round of protests beginning Monday. But, Masiko said the accusations are misplaced, insisting that the rising fuel and food prices are due to what she said are “external shocks.”

“Of course, what they are saying is not true. They have lost touch of the realities,” said Masiko. “And we are aware that their walk-to-work campaigns [were] not about the increase in prices, but about trying to overthrow government using unlawful means.” She acknowledged that Ugandans are facing difficulties with current economic hardships. “What is happening is [that] the prices are going up, inflation is increasing, and people are increasingly finding it hard to live,” said Masiko. “But as a country, we want to see how [we] can increase the supply of goods and services so as to meet much the demand.

It's in compliance with an act approved by both houses of Congress with massive bipartisan support (I read somewhere it was unanimous, but I really doubt Paul voted for it). 140 or so special ops troops will be sent to Uganda to aid the government in taking out the LRA and its leader Kony. The LRA is one of the biggest bunch of war criminals on the planet, routinely kidnapping children and forcing them into its army/forcing them into sex slavery. The U.S. troops will be "advisers" and are not supposed to be engaged in any combat. However, they will be fully armed. British special forces have failed in the past to kill Kony, so I guess it's time for America to do the job right.

We haven't declared an act of war in 60 years (Korea)....

Our congress chooses to fund a war or not...

That is how it works today...
It's in compliance with an act approved by both houses of Congress with massive bipartisan support (I read somewhere it was unanimous, but I really doubt Paul voted for it). 140 or so special ops troops will be sent to Uganda to aid the government in taking out the LRA and its leader Kony. The LRA is one of the biggest bunch of war criminals on the planet, routinely kidnapping children and forcing them into its army/forcing them into sex slavery. The U.S. troops will be "advisers" and are not supposed to be engaged in any combat. However, they will be fully armed. British special forces have failed in the past to kill Kony, so I guess it's time for America to do the job right.

We haven't declared an act of war in 60 years (Korea)....

Our congress chooses to fund a war or not...

That is how it works today...

Unless your name is Bush, then it is illegal, unconstitutional and a war crime.
It's in compliance with an act approved by both houses of Congress with massive bipartisan support (I read somewhere it was unanimous, but I really doubt Paul voted for it). 140 or so special ops troops will be sent to Uganda to aid the government in taking out the LRA and its leader Kony. The LRA is one of the biggest bunch of war criminals on the planet, routinely kidnapping children and forcing them into its army/forcing them into sex slavery. The U.S. troops will be "advisers" and are not supposed to be engaged in any combat. However, they will be fully armed. British special forces have failed in the past to kill Kony, so I guess it's time for America to do the job right.

We haven't declared an act of war in 60 years (Korea)....

Our congress chooses to fund a war or not...

That is how it works today...

Unless your name is Bush, then it is illegal, unconstitutional and a war crime.

Our congress funded Iraq and Afghanistan bi-partisanly numerous times..
We haven't declared an act of war in 60 years (Korea)....

Our congress chooses to fund a war or not...

That is how it works today...

Unless your name is Bush, then it is illegal, unconstitutional and a war crime.

Our congress funded Iraq and Afghanistan bi-partisanly numerous times..

And YET Democrats and the far left have claimed it was an illegal war, that it was Unconstitutional and that Bush is guilty of War Crimes.
Oh this is while democrats were calling republicans "war mongers."

They vote to fund a war then call others "war mongers."

Quite frankly I would rather stand on the DMZ than deal with these tools - however my height isn't impressive enough...

Yes we commit psychological warfare ...

We put our tallest soldiers at the DMZ just to taunt the little Napoleon... His response to that was a minimum height limit in Pyongyang.

Kim Jong-il is one of the most interesting yet disturbing characters in the world..

He booted all short people out of his capitol city because we put tall guys on the DMZ hahahahaha

Sorry for getting off topic...
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Unless your name is Bush, then it is illegal, unconstitutional and a war crime.

Our congress funded Iraq and Afghanistan bi-partisanly numerous times..

And YET Democrats and the far left have claimed it was an illegal war, that it was Unconstitutional and that Bush is guilty of War Crimes.

Now that Obama is Mr. Commander it seems to be cool...

See how that works.... It's who commits the war with them. Not why the war was enacted.

For such a peacemaker Obama has made lots of war...
So this Nobel Peace Prize winner has:
-expanded and lost the war in Afghanistan
-committed US troops to the Libyan endeavor
-and now sent US troops to Africa where our vital interest is...anyone? I dunno.

If we use our military to take out petty cruel tyrants in Africa we'll be there for the next 200 years.
Ive been out of the loop all weekend. But I hear Obama is sending troops into Africa. What's this about?

Obama loves to drop things on us on Fridays , he thinks if he does that no one will pay attention. Go to Uganda instead of dealing with the real issue Iran:cuckoo:
Obama loves to drop things on us on Fridays , he thinks if he does that no one will pay attention

yes well, i often forget which countries our military's in by monday.....

The U.S. troops will be "advisers" and are not supposed to be engaged in any combat.

seems i've heard that somewhere before....


Yup. Vietnam anyone??

Thats how we started out there. As Advisors and that turned into a war that cost the lives of 55,000 young Americans.

Where's the UN in all this?? Thought thats what the UN was for.

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