Zone1 What's the nuttiest allegedly Christian religion on the Planet?

What's the nuttiest allegedly Christian religion on the Planet?

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Re-read what I wrote. I said the Holy Spirit is with the Church of Jesus Christ and the Latter Day Saints, that they are no more without the Holy Spirit than any other Church.

"The LDS Church, no more than any other Church, is without the Holy Spirit."

I could find your post if I chose to and maybe I will but I am 99% sure you said that HS is not with the LDS folks..

OK, here it is.

Your exact quote:

The LDS Church, no more than any other Church, is without the Holy Spirit.

OK, I can see where you may have meant to say the opposite, but... Maybe you are not guilty of being theologically off

just grammatically... um.. challenged. That was NOT a good way to say things.
Some link........more AD HOMINEM BS :party: Your show is entertaining at first........but when you continue to just circle back and keep repeating the same material without documenting anything with objectivity....Its nothing but grins and giggles. :bigbed: you are putting us to sleep, its like white grow to ignore it. If you want documentation that proves the Mormons are filled with nothing but the documented, book, chapter and verse in post 190
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Your book is full of false fabrications.
I have presented the truth.
Read.......comprehend with logic and reason. English Standard Version: "All scripture is breathed out by God, and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work....." Complete: requiring nothing more. There are no modern day revelations nor modern Apostles who can demonstrate the signs of an apostle..........bringing back the dead, giving sight to the blind, making the lame from birth walk......

Let me know when you can document just one true sign of an apostle. These must be miraculous acts, unexplainable by the laws of nature, it must be observed, reproducible, and consistent without attempting to blame the one who is to receive the miracle..........because he/she did not have enough faith. (SCAM). "Test all things; hold fast to what is good/true". God gave us a brain grounded in Logic and Reason for a reason.........and it was not to listen to grifters who have only 2 goals in this life...........power and wealth.

What does the "Holy Spirit of Truth" teach? Is the Holy Spirit something that can be possessed personally? we receive "a gift" from the Holy Spirit of Truth? (Acts 2:38)

Acts 2 begins by stating, "........they were FILLED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT......" -- Acts 2:4. The scriptures do not state "....they were possessed by the Holy Spirit, but...they were FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT". Just what is the Gift of the Spirit? Its truth from Heaven, as that is what Jesus Christ Himself stated as to the reason He came to earth in the first deliver Truth -- John 18:37. Thus........the Apostles were filled with the Gift of the Spirit.........truth from Heaven. The Holy Spirit is 1 of 3 personalities of the one can possess God.

How do we get Filled with the Spirit of God today? By being filled with the product of the Holy Spirit of Truth..........the content of the Holy Scriptures that were all a product of God (2 Tim. 3:16-17) the term Inspired of God....translates literally to mean "God Breathed". The Holy Spirit declares that men now possess all that is required to make one complete, as pertaining to LIFE AND GODLINESS (2 Peter 3:1-10)..... that is the doctrine that comes from the Word of God, as revealed by Jesus Christ.....not tradition, but the actual word of God. Jesus stated that traditions of men make the word of God.......non-effective (Mark 7:13)

The Scriptures state that the supernatual gifts of the spirit would cease/fail, as they were but temporary, and of necessity to establish Truth from the Christ as delivered by the Spirit ........when the Supernatural gifts fail, all that remains is Faith, Hope and Charity/Love (1 Cor. 13) When were the supernatural gifts to fail? When THAT WHICH IS "PERFECT" comes.......perfect in the Greek means made whole, complete. The perfect is not a person..........but the completed Doctrine, and its the same Greek word used in James 1:25.....that concludes with the PERFECT being the PERFECT LAW OF LIBERTY...aka..........the New Testament of Grace, completed. The scriptures declare the FAITH (Doctrine) has been delivered ONCE by the saints of the 1st century. (Jude 3)

What makes one whole today and establishes righteous doctrine as declared by God? The Holy Scriptures.....not someone play acting as if they are in communication with God directly and He answers back today by the Holy Spirit. If God speaks to one today, He must then speak to everyone as God has no respect of person. No one person, saint or sinner is more important to God than the all are created by God with their souls ALL belonging to God to judge as He will (when the spirit leaves the body...the body goes back to dust....the soul goes to God to judge -- Eccl. 12:7

Its all truth and spiritualism. Walk in truth.......and allow the Spirit of God to guide your daily life. If the Word lives in your heart.........the Spirit dwells there within. As the kingdom of God is not a visible kingdom but resides within the Christian (Luke 17:21)

No one prospers when you PLAY CHURCH and attempt to duplicate the Acts of the Apostles......its like children playing, pretending to be like their heroes. As the Apostle, declared, "When I was a child (infant stage of church), I spake as a child, I felt as a child, I thought (reasoned) as a child; now that I am become a man, I put away childish things (1 Cor. 13:11)
Since there are no apostles then there are no miracles and the heavens are still closed. All you talk about the Holy Ghost is also not present and therefore everything you believe is based on your interpretations as though you are God. Without prophets, which apostles are, then there is no authority including your huge ego brain. Therefore, I reject what you blabbered. Instead, I will testify that prophets and apostles do exist. They don’t need to perform miracles that you deem miracles.
How do the devotees of Joel allow him to become a multi-millionaire by milking them financially dry, I will never know?

How do the devotees of Joel allow him to become a multi-millionaire by milking them financially dry, I will never know?


thanks for this info, assuming it is correct but we do see the pics

I knew I was right to dislike Olsteen even though never knew much about him

except he preaches health/wealth and prosperity.

If being devoted to Christ could in and of itself make you rich, I'd be the richest person in the world...
The ONE scripture that totally debunks Olsteen and his $$-grabbing ilk

is Luke 16:19

in which we have a parable told by Jesus about a homeless person and a rich man.

Check it out
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Folks just don't understand things celestial can not, and will never be translated into the terrestrial w/out bias.....~S~
Folks just don't understand things celestial can not, and will never be translated into the terrestrial w/out bias.....~S~
I can see why you say this, but it is likeky you have never been in an old fashionedCatholic Church? I sigh with nostalgia... deeply.

There is nothing to compare to the true religion Christ gave us. Human beings have all but destroyed it, and it is really sad that there are so many people who will never experience it. It is largely a memory in my own mind/heart...

very sad

Those who have had a hand in destroying Christ's Church (I speak of Vatican II, mostly... and its bad results) will get, I am certain, the lowest of the low places in Hell
Those who have had a hand in destroying Christ's Church
Which is the empirical hierarchy itself Misereable one

I'm amazed at Christians that can not grasp this......

Let me ask you this, if you believe in God, do you believe in the devil?

If , and if so you are truly a Christian, do you believe he is now incarnate?

Which is the empirical hierarchy itself Misereable one

I'm amazed at Christians that can not grasp this......

Let me ask you this, if you believe in God, do you believe in the devil?

If , and if so you are truly a Christian, do you believe he is now incarnate?

If I am truly a Christian? Show me the post or thread in which I cast doubt on that. I'm curious to see.

In any case, there definitely is a devil but he can't do anything unless humans let him. God has to let him also, but it's complicated because God gives humans free will, so I guess you could say it is mostly humans allowing all the evil. God just lets people have free will and they choose evil 9 times out of 10 (these days anyhow)

Are you asking if I think the devil is incarnate today?

If so, a resounding Yes
KJV 1611 4 He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions, and strifes of words, whereof commeth genuine, strife, railings, evil surmisings, 5 Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: From such withdraw thy selfe. 6 But godliness with contentment is great gain.

Response stopped
1 Timothy 6:5 in the New International Version of the Bible reads: "and constant friction between people of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain."1
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Your book is full of false fabrications.
I have presented the truth.
Yeah.......its the Holy Bible, not the plagiarized book of mormon that is full of fabrications. The promotion of polygamy, fornication and adultery outside of God's plan for marriage. (Mark 10: 5-10). While promoting bigotry and racism against dark skinned peoples.....declaring they have dark skin because they are being punished by God. Then of course who could forget that according to mr. smith, the moon is populated by a race of peoples that look and dress like Quakers.

But......its your book that is true and the Bible (that your cult plagiarized) that is full of fabrications. Talk about self contradictions. If the Holy Bible is a false fabrication ......are the passages that smith copied from the Holy Bible, as mormon doctrine, also fabrications?

You have to simply love all these retorts from false religions attempting to justify their false doctrines........that are based upon pure unadulterated Ad Hominem emotions instead of reason and logic.

Ad Hominem: Your cult demonstrates the quint essential ad hominem response. Ad Hominem: appealing to personal reasons other than FACTS AND REASON.

You presented the truth.......uh!, uh!, because you said that you presented the truth. Where's the beef? The Observable, Reproducible, Testable facts in evidence?
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