What's the difference between Anthony Weiner and Herman Cain?

Aside from pictures, I'd say nothing at all.

Caines not taking nudy pics of himself and putting them all over the internet.
I have a question too, whats the difference in this thread and the other 4 above it that talks about cain? Shouldn't they all be merged into one?
Let me know when there is actual evidence that Cain did something illegal.

But, isn't it just like those with an agenda to decide guilt or innocence on nothing but gossip?

and what did wiener do that was illegal?

I had originally thanked this post but had to remove it after I remembered that Weiner did in fact lie to law enforcement about being hacked. I'm pretty sure that's not legal.
well, weiner didnt force himself on his employees........

You cant prove Cain did either.

Don't have to.

Cain has now admitted to sexually harassing One (01) Woman. There is now another woman( For a Total of 3-Women who now claiming Cain Harassed Them) who is coming forward.

There were Two (02) Women who received Five-Figure Cash Payouts from the National Restaurant Association.

Both Women signed a "Non-Disclosure Agreement". The women have not violated that Agreement, though is seeking a means by which she can speak out.

Cain has already lied about sexual harassment.

Cain admits to sexually harassing One (01) Woman.

Cain knows as long as the N.D.A. is in place, no party bound by that Agreement can speak unless and/or until such a time as the National Restaurant Association allows the parties involved to speak.

Cain has already lied about sexual harassment.

All that remains unknown at this time is how many women are in fact involved.

thanks for using your math skills!
Aside from pictures, I'd say nothing at all.

Um..... Substance.

Can you show Substance???

If not, why not wait and see.

Aside from that, Weiner is a .... well....... a Weiner..... a Prick.... He always has been that..... that and all mouth.

Cain has a Record of Achievement. Weiner has a record of accusation and complaint.

well, weiner didnt force himself on his employees........

You cant prove Cain did either.

Don't have to.

Cain has now admitted to sexually harassing One (01) Woman. There is now another woman( For a Total of 3-Women who now claiming Cain Harassed Them) who is coming forward.

There were Two (02) Women who received Five-Figure Cash Payouts from the National Restaurant Association.

Both Women signed a "Non-Disclosure Agreement". The women have not violated that Agreement, though is seeking a means by which she can speak out.

Cain has already lied about sexual harassment.

Cain admits to sexually harassing One (01) Woman.

Cain knows as long as the N.D.A. is in place, no party bound by that Agreement can speak unless and/or until such a time as the National Restaurant Association allows the parties involved to speak.

Cain has already lied about sexual harassment.

All that remains unknown at this time is how many women are in fact involved.

Where is your evidence? Where are your Links?
Aside from pictures, I'd say nothing at all.

well, there was the last name. rightwingers couldn't make enough weiner jokes.

but honestly, there's a big difference. apparently none of the people anthony played with complained about him.

imagine that...

Is he running for President? Imagine that? :lol:

Maybe he should?:tongue:
Aside from pictures, I'd say nothing at all.

Um..... Substance.

Can you show Substance???

If not, why not wait and see.

Aside from that, Weiner is a .... well....... a Weiner..... a Prick.... He always has been that..... that and all mouth.

Cain has a Record of Achievement. Weiner has a record of accusation and complaint.


Cain has a record of sexual harassment lawsuits. Sexual harassment is an abuse of power.

Anyone that doesn't care to know the truth that pulls the lever for him is an asshole.
Let me know when there is actual evidence that Cain did something illegal.

But, isn't it just like those with an agenda to decide guilt or innocence on nothing but gossip?

and what did wiener do that was illegal?

Well actually it could have been taken as "solicitation of a minor" since ANYONE of any age could have seen it! How would you like your 7 yr old daughter to view something like that? Maybe you wouldn't care???

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