What's The Best Way To Fight and/or Stop Racism?

Wouldnt work. White women love Black men. They even have a sex cult called the queen of spades.
That's ok. If you want to stop "racism", separate the races. If there are members of one race who desire to live with a different race, and that race will take them, let them go. The white women who moved to a black country (assuming black women allowed it) just to be fucked by black guys would be generally on the left side of the bell curve. The more intelligent women (of any race) would make their life decisions based on considerations higher than dick and animal instinct. Higher IQ women look for men who will stick around and help raise children, high status men, financially successful men, faithful family men, and so on. High IQ women would be more likely to stay in their own country. Lower IQ women are more likely to look for dick. In general, the departure of those white women would be eugenic for the white country they left.
They tried that already and white women still hunted down Black men to sleep with. Even the ones you claim have a high IQ. You see its instinct not brains that make them do it. They understand Black genes are the cornerstone of life and white genes are recessive and full of problems. Its only natural the female seeks the best genes.
White women aren't "hunting down black men" to conceive. That is especially true of upwardly mobile white women. Mixed race children of white mothers are overwhelmingly in the underclass.
Actually every white woman wants to have sex with a Black guy. Its like a rite of passage with them. They all talk about it and yes they are very aggressive about it. While they may make the conscious decision not to conceive they still instinctually are attracted to Black men. Sorry if it hurts but you cant talk this away. I know better. I'm a Black man and I have had doctors, professors, and even 2 CEOs that hunted me down to have sex with.
It says something about you that you are boasting about being fetishized. These women you claim pursued you because you were black were treating you as little more than a dildo. None of them wanted to marry you and raise a family with you. And you claim it as a mark of pride. OK. In any case, internet claims aside, the mixed race children of white mothers are overwhelmingly part of the underclass.
In your mind you think its boasting because you have been bested by Black men all your life. You feel as if I have the upper hand with your own women. You gave yourself away when you claimed I was boasting. Getting a white woman is easier than finding trash on a highway. Theres no work involved at all. Nothing to boast about.
Because you and your ilk are a special kind of uncouth without parallel in other races, you lack the perspective to understand how really low the low road you never seem to tire of is. So let me make it plain:

Blacks commit more violent crimes than whites who commit more violent crimes than Asians.
Asians have a higher average income than whites who have a higher average income than blacks.
Blacks have bigger dicks than whites who have bigger dicks than Asians.
Asians have bigger brains than whites who have bigger brains than blacks.
Blacks have higher rates of welfare use than whites who have higher rates than Asians.

In the vast majority of normally distributed human characteristics, whites lie between Asians and blacks. But Asians, whites, and most blacks understand that it is low class and vulgar to boast, say, thusly:

Asians and whites can run cities. Blacks can't.
Asians and whites can build civilizations. Blacks can't.

That's why you will rarely, if ever , hear whites and Asians indulging in that kind of crude, poorly socialized, vulgar rhetoric.
You, on the other hand, are a one-note D'Johnny. It's the ONLY thing you talk about.
Because you and your ilk are a special kind of uncouth without parallel in other races, you lack the perspective to understand how really low the low road you never seem to tire of is. So let me make it plain:

Blacks commit more violent crimes than whites who commit more violent crimes than Asians.
Asians have a higher average income than whites who have a higher average income than blacks.
Blacks have bigger dicks than whites who have bigger dicks than Asians.
Asians have bigger brains than whites who have bigger brains than blacks.
Blacks have higher rates of welfare use than whites who have higher rates than Asians.

In the vast majority of normally distributed human characteristics, whites lie between Asians and blacks. But Asians, whites, and most blacks understand that it is low class and vulgar to boast, say, thusly:

Asians and whites can run cities. Blacks can't.
Asians and whites can build civilizations. Blacks can't.

That's why you will rarely, if ever , hear whites and Asians indulging in that kind of crude, poorly socialized, vulgar rhetoric.
You, on the other hand, are a one-note D'Johnny. It's the ONLY thing you talk about.
Since you didnt seem to get the message the first time, let me be clear. You have little dick syndrome which is why you are prompted by stress into feeling I am boasting. Its the classic white boy insecurity response. You and I both know it. Everyone else knows it. You've exposed yourself because you feel I am your superior in every way. This is probably true but shouldnt you give yourself the benefit of the doubt?

Blacks built the first civilizations. This is documented. Blacks taught whites how to read, write, and do math. This is also documented. I know its hard being last to civilization only to turn around and almost regress back to cave man status once Rome fell but you have to do something about your insecurities. You dont have to be a violence prone failure for the rest of your races existence.
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Because you and your ilk are a special kind of uncouth without parallel in other races, you lack the perspective to understand how really low the low road you never seem to tire of is. So let me make it plain:

Blacks commit more violent crimes than whites who commit more violent crimes than Asians.
Asians have a higher average income than whites who have a higher average income than blacks.
Blacks have bigger dicks than whites who have bigger dicks than Asians.
Asians have bigger brains than whites who have bigger brains than blacks.
Blacks have higher rates of welfare use than whites who have higher rates than Asians.

In the vast majority of normally distributed human characteristics, whites lie between Asians and blacks. But Asians, whites, and most blacks understand that it is low class and vulgar to boast, say, thusly:

Asians and whites can run cities. Blacks can't.
Asians and whites can build civilizations. Blacks can't.

That's why you will rarely, if ever , hear whites and Asians indulging in that kind of crude, poorly socialized, vulgar rhetoric.
You, on the other hand, are a one-note D'Johnny. It's the ONLY thing you talk about.
Since you didnt seem to get the message the first time, let me be clear. You have little dick syndrome which is why you are prompted by stress into feeling I am boasting. Its the classic white boy insecurity response. You and I both know it. Everyone else knows it. You've exposed yourself because you feel I am your superior in every way. This is probably true but shouldnt you give yourself the benefit of the doubt?

Blacks built the first civilizations. This documented. Blacks taught whites how to read, write, and do math. This is also documented. I know its hard being last to civilization only to turn around and almost regress back to cave man status once Rome fell but you have to do something about your insecurities. You dont have to be a violence prone failure for the rest of your races existence.
Haha, and Wakanda has flying cars! So take that, Norway!
Because you and your ilk are a special kind of uncouth without parallel in other races, you lack the perspective to understand how really low the low road you never seem to tire of is. So let me make it plain:

Blacks commit more violent crimes than whites who commit more violent crimes than Asians.
Asians have a higher average income than whites who have a higher average income than blacks.
Blacks have bigger dicks than whites who have bigger dicks than Asians.
Asians have bigger brains than whites who have bigger brains than blacks.
Blacks have higher rates of welfare use than whites who have higher rates than Asians.

In the vast majority of normally distributed human characteristics, whites lie between Asians and blacks. But Asians, whites, and most blacks understand that it is low class and vulgar to boast, say, thusly:

Asians and whites can run cities. Blacks can't.
Asians and whites can build civilizations. Blacks can't.

That's why you will rarely, if ever , hear whites and Asians indulging in that kind of crude, poorly socialized, vulgar rhetoric.
You, on the other hand, are a one-note D'Johnny. It's the ONLY thing you talk about.
Since you didnt seem to get the message the first time, let me be clear. You have little dick syndrome which is why you are prompted by stress into feeling I am boasting. Its the classic white boy insecurity response. You and I both know it. Everyone else knows it. You've exposed yourself because you feel I am your superior in every way. This is probably true but shouldnt you give yourself the benefit of the doubt?

Blacks built the first civilizations. This is documented. Blacks taught whites how to read, write, and do math. This is also documented. I know its hard being last to civilization only to turn around and almost regress back to cave man status once Rome fell but you have to do something about your insecurities. You dont have to be a violence prone failure for the rest of your races existence.
Haha, and Wakanda has flying cars! So take that, Norway!

Its amusing when you white boys have nothing left. :laugh:
Because you and your ilk are a special kind of uncouth without parallel in other races, you lack the perspective to understand how really low the low road you never seem to tire of is. So let me make it plain:

Blacks commit more violent crimes than whites who commit more violent crimes than Asians.
Asians have a higher average income than whites who have a higher average income than blacks.
Blacks have bigger dicks than whites who have bigger dicks than Asians.
Asians have bigger brains than whites who have bigger brains than blacks.
Blacks have higher rates of welfare use than whites who have higher rates than Asians.

In the vast majority of normally distributed human characteristics, whites lie between Asians and blacks. But Asians, whites, and most blacks understand that it is low class and vulgar to boast, say, thusly:

Asians and whites can run cities. Blacks can't.
Asians and whites can build civilizations. Blacks can't.

That's why you will rarely, if ever , hear whites and Asians indulging in that kind of crude, poorly socialized, vulgar rhetoric.
You, on the other hand, are a one-note D'Johnny. It's the ONLY thing you talk about.

About all of this is wrong. I don't go around measuring dicks so I'll let you have that one.

Whites commit more violent crimes and we've had at least 2 national depressions and 2 world wars because of white governing incompetence. And your white president was caught on tape using "that kind of crude, poorly socialized, vulgar rhetoric".

You aren't very bright.
Because you and your ilk are a special kind of uncouth without parallel in other races, you lack the perspective to understand how really low the low road you never seem to tire of is. So let me make it plain:

Blacks commit more violent crimes than whites who commit more violent crimes than Asians.
Asians have a higher average income than whites who have a higher average income than blacks.
Blacks have bigger dicks than whites who have bigger dicks than Asians.
Asians have bigger brains than whites who have bigger brains than blacks.
Blacks have higher rates of welfare use than whites who have higher rates than Asians.

In the vast majority of normally distributed human characteristics, whites lie between Asians and blacks. But Asians, whites, and most blacks understand that it is low class and vulgar to boast, say, thusly:

Asians and whites can run cities. Blacks can't.
Asians and whites can build civilizations. Blacks can't.

That's why you will rarely, if ever , hear whites and Asians indulging in that kind of crude, poorly socialized, vulgar rhetoric.
You, on the other hand, are a one-note D'Johnny. It's the ONLY thing you talk about.
Since you didnt seem to get the message the first time, let me be clear. You have little dick syndrome which is why you are prompted by stress into feeling I am boasting. Its the classic white boy insecurity response. You and I both know it. Everyone else knows it. You've exposed yourself because you feel I am your superior in every way. This is probably true but shouldnt you give yourself the benefit of the doubt?

Blacks built the first civilizations. This documented. Blacks taught whites how to read, write, and do math. This is also documented. I know its hard being last to civilization only to turn around and almost regress back to cave man status once Rome fell but you have to do something about your insecurities. You dont have to be a violence prone failure for the rest of your races existence.
Haha, and Wakanda has flying cars! So take that, Norway!

Yep and krypton has people made out of steel that can fly.

You are really stupid
Can we save everyone?

Me thinks not.

I like how brother Beau of the Fifth Column put it...

What about you, what say you, what's the best way to stop this vile thing called "racism/bigotry/prejudice?"

Well I see late into this thread that a bunch of racists are down to measuring what's in their pants and talking about which race taught the others to read and built civilizations and blah blah blah

So, it's sad but it's the internet: a thread about how do we combat racism ends with the racist in a....well, a race to the bottom.

So I say again: the best way to combat racism is to subscribe to a faith--and hold fast to it--where your individual soul is crafted by God and is infinitely worthy to God. We must individually answer to God, not as a "race".

Sorry 'bout this thread Marc
Can we save everyone?

Me thinks not.

I like how brother Beau of the Fifth Column put it...

What about you, what say you, what's the best way to stop this vile thing called "racism/bigotry/prejudice?"

Well I see late into this thread that a bunch of racists are down to measuring what's in their pants and talking about which race taught the others to read and built civilizations and blah blah blah......

Like every thread in this forum as soon as the racist cretins of all races get into it.
To address the thread topic: How about everyone posting on this thread go out and actually do something to make the problem better - even just a little bit better. Not talking, not feeling, but real get-off-your-ass something out in the world.

Maybe in the end that's the best way (or the only way) to chip away at the problem.
To address the thread topic: How about everyone posting on this thread go out and actually do something to make the problem better - even just a little bit better. Not talking, not feeling, but real get-off-your-ass something out in the world.

Maybe in the end that's the best way (or the only way) to chip away at the problem.
Ok, I'm going into Chicago with well intentions, and I'm going to ask the gangs to pull their pants up, get a life, and re-join civilized society. Will that work ?? Oh and I will ask them please to quit killing each other, and quit doing drugs etc. What if I ask nice enough ? Will that work ?

Or I will gain position in government, and I will break open the Treasury in order to bribe them back into being good. Will that work ??

Wait I know, how's about infiltrating their culture as a white rapper wanta be, and start working it from that angle ? Will that work ?

I'm out.
To address the thread topic: How about everyone posting on this thread go out and actually do something to make the problem better - even just a little bit better. Not talking, not feeling, but real get-off-your-ass something out in the world.

Maybe in the end that's the best way (or the only way) to chip away at the problem.
Ok, I'm going into Chicago with well intentions, and I'm going to ask the gangs to pull their pants up, get a life, and re-join civilized society. Will that work ?? Oh and I will ask them please to quit killing each other, and quit doing drugs etc. What if I ask nice enough ? Will that work ?.....

Just passing through? Not going to stay and do the work day in, day out, for years and years? Would you be naive enough to believe anything gets any better that way? You really do have a lot to learn about life.
To address the thread topic: How about everyone posting on this thread go out and actually do something to make the problem better - even just a little bit better. Not talking, not feeling, but real get-off-your-ass something out in the world.

Maybe in the end that's the best way (or the only way) to chip away at the problem.
Ok, I'm going into Chicago with well intentions, and I'm going to ask the gangs to pull their pants up, get a life, and re-join civilized society. Will that work ?? Oh and I will ask them please to quit killing each other, and quit doing drugs etc. What if I ask nice enough ? Will that work ?.....

Just passing through? Not going to stay and do the work day in, day out, for years and years? Would you be naive enough to believe anything gets any better that way? You really do have a lot to learn about life.
Answer my question's directly, and not with your deflections. Should anyone be willing to sacrifice their lives for those who are like IM2 and the other non-appreciated posters here, especially in disregard for those who had sacrificed their lives in the past for their cause ???? They best change their attitudes quick or things can change in a heartbeat on whether people keep helping in these things or not.
To address the thread topic: How about everyone posting on this thread go out and actually do something to make the problem better - even just a little bit better. Not talking, not feeling, but real get-off-your-ass something out in the world.

Maybe in the end that's the best way (or the only way) to chip away at the problem.
Ok, I'm going into Chicago with well intentions, and I'm going to ask the gangs to pull their pants up, get a life, and re-join civilized society. Will that work ?? Oh and I will ask them please to quit killing each other, and quit doing drugs etc. What if I ask nice enough ? Will that work ?.....

Just passing through? Not going to stay and do the work day in, day out, for years and years? Would you be naive enough to believe anything gets any better that way? You really do have a lot to learn about life.
Answer my question's directly,....

I did.

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