What's Romney's Deal/Issue?


Rebelious Youngin
Oct 16, 2009
This is a serious question.

I've been watching the primaries for a while now and I still can't seem to figure this out. Just about every GOOD politician has a specific "issue" that they are PASSIONATE about... one they are known for spending a lot of time on and one they are known for lobbying for with unwavering strength and determination.

In other words they have a root cause or a purpose behind their being in politics.

For instance in the case of Gingrich has has an extensive background when it comes to dealing with the economy. His biggest accomplishment as Speaker of the House was welfare reform. Conservative "Reagan Era" economics are a big issue for him.

Santorum is seen as a champion of social issues. Abortion, Defense of Marriage, Private and religious schooling. All of these things he is clearly passionate about and he has an authentic desire to see morals and values continue to drive American life.

Ron Paul, another example, his drive is a non-interventionist foreign policy. Saving money by cutting down our troops overseas, and no longer "policing the world" as well as pulling out of the UN and ending Foreign Aid as we know it.

So I've been trying to figure this out? What actually drives Romney? What is it that makes him "authentic"? I can't find anything. Not to bash him, (or whatever) but the guy SIMPLY doesn't seem authentic to me. I mean he's flipped on just about every major issue, Abortion, Gay Rights, Gun Control, etc. His health care plan was the basis of Obamacare, so repealing Obamacare can't possibly what drives him. What is motivating this guy to win the Republican Nomination... besides... winning?
Gingrich has an extensive background when it comes to dealing with the economy?? How so?

I would say that the economy is Romney's main issue.

Course I would also say that the economy is Ron Paul's as well.

But Newt? I just dont see it bro.
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Gingrich has an extensive background when it comes to dealihg with the economy?? How so?

I would say that the economy is Romney's main issue.

Course I would also say that the economy is Ron Paul's as well.

But Newt? I just dont see it bro.

I agree. Romney's passion is economic issues - it's one of the reasons I support him.
Romney is a pragmatist opportunist, hence the opposite of authentic. This is why he is a very moderate candidate. There is a lot of pragmatism and opportunity being a moderate. He parallels Obama in this regard, hence why you don't see much of a difference besides a (R) and a (D).
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Gingrich has an extensive background when it comes to dealing with the economy?? How so?

I would say that the economy is Romney's main issue.

Course I would also say that the economy is Ron Paul's as well.

But Newt? I just dont see it bro.

Maybe that's because it's all Newt is really talking about.

Romney is running off of the "I'm a business man so I know the economy" routine. That is for sure.

However what exactly is his plan for America's future? Newt seems to be this guy with all the "book knowledge" and "big ideas", mind you these ideas might exist the same way the ideas exist in the head of a ADHD patient, but they are ideas all the same.

Anyway the mere fact that Romney was a "business man" can't mean that he can turn this entire nation's economy around, and I don't believe from listening to Romney that he really believes that this nation needs to go in a generally different direction.

I was hoping that in 2012 the GOP would field a young candidate, with a strong conservative background, who can revive the base, bring out populist independents, and mobilize the youth and young adult vote while bringing forward fresh and new ideas for this nation that could actually perpell this nation forward.

The closest thing we've got is Santorum, and he might be a lil' too socially conservative to win the general.

I just don't see Romney's passion for this nation. I don't see him as passionate about any particular cause. This is one of the reasons I have serious trouble trusting the guy. He doesn't seem to have a set of principles he's willing to fight for or go to bat for.
Romney is a pragmatist opportunist, hence the opposite of authentic. This is why he is a very moderate candidate. There is a lot of pragmatism and opportunity being a moderate. He parallels Obama in this regard, hence why you don't see much of a difference besides a (R) and a (D).

Exactly, to me he seems like the guy who believes whatever it takes to get a elected during any given election cycle.

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