What's a liberal?

What is a liberal?

  • Adolf Hitler was a liberal.

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Anyone left of Hitler.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Anyone left of Genghis Khan.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Anyone left of Barry Goldwater.

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Anyone left of Richard Nixon.

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • George Bush.

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Anyone.

    Votes: 1 12.5%

  • Total voters
jimnyc said:
Keep comparing smokers to faggots all you like, that won't make them accepted noe their DEVIANT acts.

"One that differs from a norm, especially a person whose behavior and attitudes differ from accepted social standards."


Smoking has been accepted socially, sticking your manhood in another mans butt hasn't exactly taken off and been accepted just yet.

Smokers can do wahtever the hell they please, so long as I don't have to be categorized in the same group with faggots.

I smoke cigars and I've never had gay sex. Does that make me normal? I think not. I am deviant (according to this definition) in many ways. I dress differently, listen to different music, eat different food, drink different booze, watch different movies, than the average American. And that's all right with me.

Constitutional democracy protects the rights of the minority, no? That's the difference between democracy and mob rule.
Nuc said:
I smoke cigars and I've never had gay sex. Does that make me normal? I think not. I am deviant (according to this definition) in many ways. I dress differently, listen to different music, eat different food, drink different booze, watch different movies, than the average American. And that's all right with me.

Everything you mentioned may be in the minority, but it is socially accepted behavior - gay sex and marriage is not.
jimnyc said:
Keep comparing smokers to faggots all you like, that won't make them accepted noe their DEVIANT acts.

"One that differs from a norm, especially a person whose behavior and attitudes differ from accepted social standards."


Smoking has been accepted socially, sticking your manhood in another mans butt hasn't exactly taken off and been accepted just yet.

Smokers can do wahtever the hell they please, so long as I don't have to be categorized in the same group with faggots.

Ah, your hate for gay people is equivalent to my hate for smokers. I don't understand addiction, and I don't care to understand addiction. You can criticize what I deem as deviant behavior all you want. It doesn't change my opinion.
jimnyc said:
Everything you mentioned may be in the minority, but it is socially accepted behavior - gay sex and marriage is not.

If smoking is so socially accepted, why have laws been evolving taking away people's ability to smoke wherever they want? Yeah, that's real socially accepted behavior. I loved it when smokers say that they feel chastized by society. They should feel that way. Regardless, I don't mind your criticizing the behavior that gay people exhibit, since it's no different than my criticizing (and my disgust) towards the behavior of smokers.
Apparently the deviant sexual practices of homosexuals are protected by the US Constitution. Their ability to "marry" as if they were man and woman is not.

...the majority report stated that the case did not "involve whether the government must give formal recognition to any relationship that homosexual persons seek to enter." 5 The decision decriminalized same-sex behavior; it did not guarantee gays and lesbians the right to marry.
ProudDem said:
If smoking is so socially accepted, why have laws been evolving taking away people's ability to smoke wherever they want? Yeah, that's real socially accepted behavior. I loved it when smokers say that they feel chastized by society. They should feel that way. Regardless, I don't mind your criticizing the behavior that gay people exhibit, since it's no different than my criticizing (and my disgust) towards the behavior of smokers.

I think it depends upon the situation. If I'm in a jam packed nightclub full of dancers, I'm glad if there's a no smoking policy. If I just finished a huge meal (particularly if it's a European meal) I want to light up a cigar and relax. What's wrong with that? If there's enough ventilation, or a designated area, who cares?
Nuc said:
I think it depends upon the situation. If I'm in a jam packed nightclub full of dancers, I'm glad if there's a no smoking policy. If I just finished a huge meal (particularly if it's a European meal) I want to light up a cigar and relax. What's wrong with that? If there's enough ventilation, or a designated area, who cares?

Nuc, there is nothing wrong with that. Just because I personally don't accept that behavior (smoking), doesn't mean it's wrong--it just means that I don't accept it.

I made a joke with one of my friends about the 3 circumstances for which I would leave my husband (who I am crazy about). If he:

(1) started smoking
(2) became a republican
(3) was unfaithful

And probably in that order. ;)
ProudDem said:
Nuc, there is nothing wrong with that. Just because I personally don't accept that behavior (smoking), doesn't mean it's wrong--it just means that I don't accept it.

I made a joke with one of my friends about the 3 circumstances for which I would leave my husband (who I am crazy about). If he:

(1) started smoking
(2) became a republican
(3) was unfaithful

And probably in that order. ;)

I don't know about that as I'm not crazy about the inhaling someone else's smoke unless it's a cigar or pipe but Im thinking unfaithful has to rank at number 1 for me anyway, for me becoming a Democrat (actually Democrat doesn't bother me as long as he was conservative) but liberal would be number two though so Im with you on that...LOL
ProudDem said:
Nuc, there is nothing wrong with that. Just because I personally don't accept that behavior (smoking), doesn't mean it's wrong--it just means that I don't accept it.

I made a joke with one of my friends about the 3 circumstances for which I would leave my husband (who I am crazy about). If he:

(1) started smoking
(2) became a republican
(3) was unfaithful

And probably in that order. ;)

Here's my order of importance:
(1) was unfaithful
(2) started smoking
(3) became a liberal

In the case of number (1), I wouldn't sleep with him anymore, with number (2), I wouldn't kiss him anymore, and in the case of number 3, he'd be in mandatory therapy, as I would have to conclude that he'd lost his faculties, lol!
ProudDem said:
Yeah, I'm a pot head. *sarcasm* I also have a prejudice against pot heads and those who do any kind of drug, those who drink and drive, and those who snap their gum. I am guessing you are a smoker since you're somewhat offended by what I wrote. I don't feel sorry for smokers who develop chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder and lung cancer. The Dept. of Veterans Affairs does not allow veterans to receive compensation benefits based upon disablities that are caused by smoking. I loved it when Congress passed that law.

No I am not offended...I am not a regular smoker...just on occassion...and usually to piss off people like you who think they are so righteous! :shocked:
archangel said:
No I am not offended...I am not a regular smoker...just on occassion...and usually to piss off people like you who think they are so righteous! :shocked:

Archangel, I am just righteous when it comes to this issue. ;)
ProudDem said:
*Yawn* I think anyone who equates three individuals getting married to anything other than three individuals getting married isn't very bright, IMO. I see that some people see bixsexuality as deviant behavior. It's disappointing, but that's the way it is.

Oh, look at you trying to turn my own words against me. Boy that really hurts. NOT.
(because you're an irrational liberal)

I guess your opinion on abortion isn't based upon your feelings at all? Yeah, right.

Even with your intellectual dishonesty staring you in the face, you continue to remain in denial.

You can be Proud, Dem, as you carry your supercilious liberal irrationalism with the best of them.

Blather on.
acludem said:
The true definition of an American liberal in today's political climate is someone who supports church/state separation, someone who supports equal opportunity and civil liberties for everyone regardless of age, gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation. Liberals believe that the government has a responsibility to exert certain controls on the economy to ensure a level playing field for businesses to compete and for consumers to spend.

Adolf Hitler was a dictator, he didn't have a political philosophy except that he was great. Mussolini was a fascist, which is the farthest extreme on the political right. Fascism is the merger of corporations and government, a policy wholly supported by the Republican (Fascist) Party in America, maybe not in word, but certainly in deed.

"Liberal" covers a large spectrum of views, just as "Conservative" does. I realize that many of you consider anyone to the left of Pat Robertson to be a flaming, screaming liberal. That's why many Republicans hate Arlen Specter, Christine Todd Whitman, et. al who are the true moderate conscience of that party. There are some on the extreme left of my party who may say the same things about Joe Lieberman, et al. but I am not one of them. I'm a pragmatic, common sense liberal. There are many pragmatic common sense conservatives. Many of the people who post on this board are right-wing extremists who won't walk on the left side of the road.

The real difference? Liberals think and then act, conservatives act and then, if they feel like it, think, but usually only after a liberal fixes their mistake (don't believe me, see Harding-Hoover and then Roosevelt, Reagan/Bush I and then Clinton).

A completely liberal, erroneus, answer. Typical, arrogant, liberalism.

What this tells me is that anytime anyone says something that ThomasPaine disagrees with, he will just call the person names without any substance.
ProudDem said:
A completely liberal, erroneus, answer. Typical, arrogant, liberalism.

What this tells me is that anytime anyone says something that ThomasPaine disagrees with, he will just call the person names without any substance.

All you need do is read the quote and you will see exactly what Thomas is saying. ACLU dem has summed up what he thinks quite nicely, he is arrogant, he is a liberal elitist by his own admission. It has nothing to do with whether Thomas disagrees with his politics.
Bonnie said:
All you need do is read the quote and you will see exactly what Thomas is saying. ACLU dem has summed up what he thinks quite nicely, he is arrogant, he is a liberal elitist by his own admission. It has nothing to do with whether Thomas disagrees with his politics.

Bonnie, that is a matter of interpretation. Thomas made the same kind of accusation against me (I cannot remember which thread). So when I made my comment above, I was addressing his comment to acludem and the one he made to me. I have not seen Thomas say anything other than to call a liberal an obnoxious name because they are a liberal. Sorry, but that's not indicative of someone who is capable of providing a substantive answer.

It's okay for him to be a liberal elitist since all of us who are liberals are. ;)
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ProudDem said:
Bonnie, that is a matter of interpretation. Thomas made the same kind of accusation against me (I cannot remember which thread). So when I made my comment above, I was addressing his comment to acludem and the one he made to me. I have not seen Thomas say anything other than to call a liberal an obnoxious name because they are a liberal. Sorry, but that's not indicative of someone who is capable of providing a substantive answer.

It's okay for him to be a liberal elitist since all of us who are liberals are. ;)

There are a few of them on this board. Just spank them and they run to mommy or hide in the corner for a while.

The thoughtful conservatives don't resort to name calling.

Then there are a few who have mood swings and veer between reasonable and name calling depending on their consumption of:
:beer: :wine: :wine: :beer: :alco: :alco:
ProudDem said:
Bonnie, that is a matter of interpretation. Thomas made the same kind of accusation against me (I cannot remember which thread). So when I made my comment above, I was addressing his comment to acludem and the one he made to me. I have not seen Thomas say anything other than to call a liberal an obnoxious name because they are a liberal. Sorry, but that's not indicative of someone who is capable of providing a substantive answer.

It's okay for him to be a liberal elitist since all of us who are liberals are. ;)

Not all.... but if liberals are not elitist then why do they present themselves that way?

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