What You All Think About Romney/Rand Paul?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
While I am a supporter of Ron Paul (not quite a Ronulan yet though) I find his lack of attacks on Romney (while he attacks consrevatives just a little more to the center like Santorum and Gingrich) to be a bit suggestive.

Whats the catch? He is attacking Santorum in MI while not running there and refused to run anti-Romney ads in Maine where he stood to gain if he had.

So my guess is that he has horse-traded to get his son Rand a position in the Romney adminstration, maybe even the VP nod.

This is not a bad thing per se, just the way politics is played universally, isnt it?

I guess I am suprised at Ron sitting there calling Santorum a fake while saying nothing to Romney who is the Mother of all Fakes.
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Romney is going to want someone obedient and relatively unambitious. The hard lesson in usurpation that was Dick Cheney is not lost on him I am sure.
Romney is going to want someone obedient and relatively unambitious. The hard lesson in usurpation that was Dick Cheney is not lost on him I am sure.

I think you seriously overestimate the power Dick Cheney had. And for a Vice President, he was quite unambitious. Else he would have run in 2008.
Romney is going to want someone obedient and relatively unambitious. The hard lesson in usurpation that was Dick Cheney is not lost on him I am sure.

Does Dan Quayle have a son? :tongue:

I think it's going to be another private industry guy, just a feeling.

Why? He already brings that to the ticket. If he is looking to balance it out, Rand Paul or Marco Rubio would both be good choice. Though to be honest I think id prefer both in the Senate doing good there.
Does Dan Quayle have a son? :tongue:

I think it's going to be another private industry guy, just a feeling.

Why? He already brings that to the ticket. If he is looking to balance it out, Rand Paul or Marco Rubio would both be good choice. Though to be honest I think id prefer both in the Senate doing good there.

I am thinking that if it does not look good for Romney in the general that they may call in a stunt running mate like McCain did.
I think it's going to be another private industry guy, just a feeling.

Why? He already brings that to the ticket. If he is looking to balance it out, Rand Paul or Marco Rubio would both be good choice. Though to be honest I think id prefer both in the Senate doing good there.

I am thinking that if it does not look good for Romney in the general that they may call in a stunt running mate like McCain did.

What Palin did for McCain, energizing the conservative base, Romney may be thinking Rand does for Romney with the Tea Party people whom have had a distinct distaste for Romney thus far.

Maybe it's his haircut.
Romney has enough problems without adding Ayn Rand Paul, aka Aqua Buddha, to his ticket. That would help about as much as adding Scott Walker. I have a feeling that November won't be a great month for the Tea Party.
Romney has enough problems without adding Ayn Rand Paul, aka Aqua Buddha, to his ticket. That would help about as much as adding Scott Walker. I have a feeling that November won't be a great month for the Tea Party.

Lol, you seem to be mistaken here.

I was asking what people *thought* and I'm not sure you are capable.

Let's see, you provide no facts, only two pejoratives and a wishful thought regarding the Tea Party in November, again without providing any facts. Kinda low standard, even for a liberal.

But thank you for expressing yourself all over the floor.
While I am a supporter of Ron Paul (not quite a Ronulan yet though) I find his lack of attacks on Romney (while he attacks consrevatives just a little more to the center like Santorum and Gingrich) to be a bit suggestive.

Whats the catch? He is attacking Santorum in MI while not running there and refused to run anti-Romney ads in Maine where he stood to gain if he had.

So my guess is that he has horse-traded to get his son Rand a position in the Romney adminstration, maybe even the VP nod.

This is not a bad thing per se, just the way politics is played universally, isnt it?

I guess I am suprised at Ron sitting there calling Santorum a fake while saying nothing to Romney who is the Mother of all Fakes.

You think RP is Romney's secret attack dog?

Interesting theory.
While I am a supporter of Ron Paul (not quite a Ronulan yet though) I find his lack of attacks on Romney (while he attacks consrevatives just a little more to the center like Santorum and Gingrich) to be a bit suggestive.

Whats the catch? He is attacking Santorum in MI while not running there and refused to run anti-Romney ads in Maine where he stood to gain if he had.

So my guess is that he has horse-traded to get his son Rand a position in the Romney adminstration, maybe even the VP nod.

This is not a bad thing per se, just the way politics is played universally, isnt it?

I guess I am suprised at Ron sitting there calling Santorum a fake while saying nothing to Romney who is the Mother of all Fakes.

i can't see a scenario where Romney takes Rand Paul. Rand Paul doesn't get him anything. If he doesn't already have the Rand Paul voters in the bag (a "TEA" bag?) for November, he's already in trouble. It's like McCain taking Palin to get conservatives on board. He should have already had them.

Ideally, Romney should already have the conservatives nailed down, and should be taking a running mate who helps him in the Rust Belt, where this thing is going to be decided. Unfortunately, most of the obvious choices- Walker, Pawlenty, Snyder, Kasich - are already damaged goods.

More likely, Ron Paul knows that the way that Rand becomes the leader of the TEA movement and the TEA movement becomes relevent again is if Romney loses. Badly. Then he can say, "Well, we nominated an establishment moderate, and he lost just like McCain did."

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