What Would We Do Without Peer Review


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Appearing yesterday in Science magazine online is the news that “A U.S. federal judge has ordered the OMICS International publishing group to pay $50.1 million in damages for deceiving thousands of authors who published in its journals and attended its conferences. It’s one of the first rulings of its kind against one of the largest publishers accused of so-called predatory tactics.”

Fake Academe: Fined $ 50.1 Million

No shock about all of the junk science, nice to see the system get a wake up call. Science these days is only about obtaining funding. So this is good.
Appearing yesterday in Science magazine online is the news that “A U.S. federal judge has ordered the OMICS International publishing group to pay $50.1 million in damages for deceiving thousands of authors who published in its journals and attended its conferences. It’s one of the first rulings of its kind against one of the largest publishers accused of so-called predatory tactics.”

Fake Academe: Fined $ 50.1 Million

No shock about all of the junk science, nice to see the system get a wake up call. Science these days is only about obtaining funding. So this is good.

At NASA, which is the "gold standard" of everything science, they follow the rule of the 3 F's: "facts follow funding".

They get the funding, then find "facts" that justify further funding. If anyone questions them about whatever it is they are demanding money for, they just announce that it is "settled science", because a "peer review" got together, and agreed among themselves that they were right, ahem, correct, lefties are never "right" but they are always correct, and you'd better be too by the way because the "N" in NASA stands for Nazi.

It doesn't matter what other factor observations you want to bring forth, such as Mars is showing to be possibly warming, possibly indicating the sun as a culprit, possibly, but "poo poohed" by our ruling elites because it's been think tanked, and peer reviewed, and that's all us dweebs need to know about it, that and they need more money too.

I'm about tired of smug elite scientists acting as if they are the be all and end all of all things knowledge, at some point in the distant future the scientists of that age will be looking back at the scientists of today the way the scientists of tyoday look at the people who used leeches and in all cases, everyone at the time would tell you what they were doing was "settled science".

Let me save eveyone some time and sum up this dumb thread:

"Scientists were wrong that one time. Therefore, the earth is 10,000 years old and Baby Jaysus is real."
I'm about tired of smug elite scientists
No, you're just tired of being wrong and of feeling stupid. And learning stuff is too hard for you to bother with, so you instead try to bring everyone down to your level.

Would it scare you to know I've taught trade school? I acknowledge scientists were needed to envision and create the industry I service, I have a scientific mind, I would have been a scientist of some sort had I knuckled down and went to college, my problem with scientists is the smug self assurance.

They decree something to "be so" and then it is, whether or not it really is, but we'll base laws around it anyway.

There used to be a model of debate and concensus building, these days it is decree and mandate. The Earth is warming, it just is, even though Time magazine warned us about the coming ice age back in the 70's. Were they wrong then or wrong now? IDK, you tell me, you're the "expert".

Or how about CFC's? R-12 might as well be mustard gas as far as the average citizen is concerned, we've got to get rid of it, the poor poor ozone layer. So we get rid of it, force a change on the industry and what does John Kerry say around 20 years after that date and just a few years ago? That "Hydroflourocarbons (the replacement) pose a bigger threat to humans than ISIS".

Were they wrong then, or wrong now? IDK, you tell me, you're the "expert".
Would it scare you to know I've taught trade school?
Not at all. That tells me nothing. It surely doesnt mean you know anything about, for instance, evolutionary microbiology, or climate science.
You obviously even lack basic reading skills. Have someone explain the OP to you.
No, i'm just 20 steps ahead of your tired old dog and pony show.
Would it scare you to know I've taught trade school?
Not at all. That tells me nothing. It surely doesnt mean you know anything about, for instance, evolutionary microbiology, or climate science.

LOL "climate science", AKA "we're all gonna die without government intervention"


My problem with science these days is that there is no debate, there are decrees, and anyone with an opposing view is NASA'd out of the room "yeah, but NASA says blah blah blah, therefore YOU'RE wrong, and we dont give a shit what you have to say".

You still have never answered me about the supposed ice age that was on the way, who was wrong? Were they wrong then or wrong now? (I bet you'll tell me "then").

"Peer review", the beta male new age slogan for "circle jerk", of which they're all very good at.


Were they wrong then or wrong now? About the "global cooling" in the 70's, about the CFC's in the 90's, which is it?

LOL "climate science", AKA "we're all gonna die without government intervention"
See what I mean? You know less than nothing about climate science. Yet you presume not only to have an opinion on it, but to have outsmarted people who have dedicated their lives to its study. that makes you look like a bonafide retard.
LOL "climate science", AKA "we're all gonna die without government intervention"
See what I mean? You know less than nothing about climate science. Yet you presume not only to have an opinion on it, but to have outsmarted people who have dedicated their lives to its study. that makes you look like a bonafide retard.

Whose climate models? Your's, or your IBM computer? What if your input numbers are biasdely inflated by a left wing commie pinko? Wrong input, wrong output.
LOL "climate science", AKA "we're all gonna die without government intervention"
See what I mean? You know less than nothing about climate science. Yet you presume not only to have an opinion on it, but to have outsmarted people who have dedicated their lives to its study. that makes you look like a bonafide retard.

Whose climate models? Your's, or your IBM computer? What if your input numbers are biasdely inflated by a left wing commie pinko? Wrong input, wrong output.
You tell me. You explain how that would affect the work of 100s of 1000s of independent scientists across all fields of science, using libraries upon libraries of data from their fields. Go ahead dummy, tell us.
LOL "climate science", AKA "we're all gonna die without government intervention"
See what I mean? You know less than nothing about climate science. Yet you presume not only to have an opinion on it, but to have outsmarted people who have dedicated their lives to its study. that makes you look like a bonafide retard.

Whose climate models? Your's, or your IBM computer? What if your input numbers are biasdely inflated by a left wing commie pinko? Wrong input, wrong output.
You tell me. You explain how that would affect the work of 100s of 1000s of independent scientists across all fields of science, using libraries upon libraries of data from their fields. Go ahead dummy, tell us.


What a nice guy you are as you're talking down to people. Snarky too, have you built yourself a girlfriend robot yet Mr. Scientist?
LOL "climate science", AKA "we're all gonna die without government intervention"
See what I mean? You know less than nothing about climate science. Yet you presume not only to have an opinion on it, but to have outsmarted people who have dedicated their lives to its study. that makes you look like a bonafide retard.
You no less than nothing about climate science. Your posts validate it.
LOL "climate science", AKA "we're all gonna die without government intervention"
See what I mean? You know less than nothing about climate science. Yet you presume not only to have an opinion on it, but to have outsmarted people who have dedicated their lives to its study. that makes you look like a bonafide retard.
You no less than nothing about climate science. Your posts validate it.

So you're a climate nazi too?
LOL "climate science", AKA "we're all gonna die without government intervention"
See what I mean? You know less than nothing about climate science. Yet you presume not only to have an opinion on it, but to have outsmarted people who have dedicated their lives to its study. that makes you look like a bonafide retard.
You no less than nothing about climate science. Your posts validate it.

So you're a climate nazi too?
Zeig Heil!
LOL "climate science", AKA "we're all gonna die without government intervention"
See what I mean? You know less than nothing about climate science. Yet you presume not only to have an opinion on it, but to have outsmarted people who have dedicated their lives to its study. that makes you look like a bonafide retard.
You no less than nothing about climate science. Your posts validate it.

So you're a climate nazi too?
Zeig Heil!

It's amazing to me, and I have to give a tip of the hat to the left for their masterful use of calling the right nazi's, while very much acting the part themselves. There's one opinion to have, and everyone better have it, as is being demonstrated in this "debate" about climate, which is that there is no debate, it's "settled", and anyone with an opposing view is ignorant or otherwise, therefore to be dismissed.

Todays democrats hate jews as well, interesting...........
LOL "climate science", AKA "we're all gonna die without government intervention"
See what I mean? You know less than nothing about climate science. Yet you presume not only to have an opinion on it, but to have outsmarted people who have dedicated their lives to its study. that makes you look like a bonafide retard.
Looks like you're the one who has been outsmarted. You've been duped into believing CAGW junk science.

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