What would happen to the United States if Conservatives left?

No, no he didn't.

Doesn't matter as facts to Bigfreakingnumbnuts are like pork to Muslims.

LOL...words from the author of this gem:

"People are not on unemployment for 2 years because there are no jobs. There are no jobs because people are on unemployment for 2 years."
The Rabbi

And the fact that you think it is absurd shows what an under-educated moron you are. The kind of guy who would call liberals conservatives and vice versa because he doesnt understand those terms in their context.
Friedman said many things.
In practice he was a monetarist and a statist.

A statist? No wonder I have you on ignore.

Liberals at least owe it to themselves to try a nation of all liberals. Split the country up and give them that chance.
And the fact that you think it is absurd shows what an under-educated moron you are. The kind of guy who would call liberals conservatives and vice versa because he doesnt understand those terms in their context.

Words mean what they mean, not what they say.

Crucial linguistic issue.

Nothing is more boring than the Internet fools who try to pretend they are something fancy because they stick to an antique British definition of "liberal" and "conservative" instead of the way everyone means those words now.

Migod, people have been trying on that sort of pretentiousness for DECADES. I don't suppose it fools anyone anymore, but some of the duller types still hope to impress somebody.
Sure he did. His first dream was to become a Priest.


"The national government... will maintain and defend the foundations on which the power of our nation rests. It will offer strong protection to Christianity as the very basis of our collective morality."

"Today Christians... stand at the head of our country. I pledge that I will never tie myself to parties who want to destroy Christianity... We want to fill our culture again with the Christian spirit.... We want to burn out all the recent immoral developments in literature, in the theatre, and in the press - in short, we want to burn out the poison of immorality which has entered into our whole life and culture as a result of liberal excess during the past... few years."

Adolf Hitler
The Speeches of Adolph Hitler, 1922-1939, Vol. 1 (London, Oxford University Press, 1942), pg. 871-872.

You've taken quotes out of context, which is not surprising.

No where does it say that he called himself a Christian. Hitler replaced conventional Christianity, with New Germany Christianity. All he did was replace Christianity with aspects he disapproved and renewed it with aspects he did approve. If you've read Mein Kampf (which most people have not), you would have learned why he rejected Christianity. Hitler was also a Darwinist. He felt the ideas of Christianity protected the weak and feeble-minded. He felt the Christian idea of mercy and forgiveness was 'un-German.' Hitler was against the idea of helping the weak and the ill, which are other Christian ideals. Sure, he did a lot of things which protected the rights of the church in signing the Concordat, but these protections didn't last very long.
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[Hitler replaced conventional Christianity, with New Germany Christianity. Hitler was also a Darwinist. All he did was replace Christianity with aspects he disapproved and renewed it with aspects he did approve. If you've read Mein Kampf (which most people have not), you would have learned why he rejected Christianity.

I tried, but it's pretty awful. Can you summarize why Hitler rejected Christianity in Mein Kampf?

Or at least why he said he did; people assume that he didn't want a separate power base since he was running a totalitarian society. The independent church is always a problem for totalitarian governments: Henry VIII had exactly the same issue Hitler did. The church is a way for people to slip out from under the total life control of totalitarianism. That's why Stalin killed religion, too.
Or at least why he said he did; people assume that he didn't want a separate power base since he was running a totalitarian society. The independent church is always a problem for totalitarian governments: Henry VIII had exactly the same issue Hitler did. The church is a way for people to slip out from under the total life control of totalitarianism. That's why Stalin killed religion, too.

Briefly explained in the edited post.
Or at least why he said he did; people assume that he didn't want a separate power base since he was running a totalitarian society. The independent church is always a problem for totalitarian governments: Henry VIII had exactly the same issue Hitler did. The church is a way for people to slip out from under the total life control of totalitarianism. That's why Stalin killed religion, too.

Briefly explained in the edited post.

Excellent, thanks much.

He felt the ideas of Christianity protected the weak and feeble-minded. He felt the Christian idea of mercy and forgiveness was 'un-German.' Hitler was against the idea of helping the weak and the ill, which are other Christian ideals. Sure, he did a lot of things which protected the rights of the church in signing the Concordat, but these protections didn't last very long.
What is a conservative anyway? Conservatism as a political force in America didn't even start till the thirties or even later. Abraham Lincoln was not a conservative for he wanted and fought for change. Can one imagine an American conservative today fighting for justice and fairness as Lincoln did?


Many Americans today fail to realize we did not arrive at this place in time without a lot of turmoil and change, revolution, civil war, Laissez-faire capitalism, great depression, unions, new deal, civil rights, great society, riots, and on and on. This fictional dichotomy (liberal v conservative) has existed in the minds of many since the New Deal, corporate America has since tattooed it into our minds. Makes everything easy to categorize. For those interested in its story check out the book below.

"The rise of conservative politics in postwar America is one of the great puzzles of American political history. For much of the period that followed the end of World War II, conservative ideas about the primacy of the free market, and the dangers of too-powerful labor unions, government regulation, and an activist, interventionist state seemed to have been thoroughly rejected by most intellectual and political elites. Scholars and politicians alike dismissed those who adhered to such faiths as a "radical right," for whom to quote the Columbia University historian Richard Hofstadter politics "becomes an arena into which the wildest fancies are projected, the most paranoid suspicions, the most absurd superstitions, the most bizarre apocalyptic fantasies." How, then, did such ideas move from their marginal position in the middle years of the twentieth century to become the reigning politics of the country by the century's end?

Historians and social critics often explain the successes of conservative politics by pointing to the backlash against the victories of the social movements of the 1960s, the cultural reaction against the radicals who fought for civil rights, feminism, and gay and lesbian rights and who protested against the Vietnam War. The 1970s defection of white working class people alienated and frightened by the liberal program shifted the politics of the country far to the right. The argument is that in the days before the onset of the culture wars, a "liberal consensus" dominated American politics, especially around economics." Kim Phillips-Fein ('Invisible Hands')

Intersting post, A book I should read. But what would you classify laura ingalls wilder [spl? I think] books "little house on the prairie. Were they Liberals or conservative? or even my child hood favorite "the rifle man" t.v. show was chuck conners charcter ( fyi he used to be a ptcher for the Chicago cubbies) was he a a liberal or a con? just bringing this up because you said conservatives didnt exist till the 1940's..

(My bold)

The Little House on the Prairie were more-or-less autobiographical accounts/stories by the author. The stuff on TV was a niece? some female descendant of Wilder, who appropriated Wilder's work & tried to sell it for movie scripts, etc. (During the Depression?) Hollywood turned her down, not "commercial" enough.

So she rewrote the lot, downplayed the everyday nature of life on the prairie, the communal activities - barnraising, getting in the crops, firefighting, schooling, religion, etc. Then she sensationalized the sorry result. Which made it all v. interesting to the moguls @ TV. That's what you remember, & it's mostly a pack of lies. Your public library probably has copies of the original stories - ignore anything with Little Joe Cartwright's pix on the cover, & any novelizations of the TV show - look for ms. with a copyright in the 1840s?

But check on Wikipedia for the copyright date, I'm doing this from memory. Best of luck, & pay no attention to the screaming little box in your livingroom. How to tell when it lies: It's on.
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I put this topic here because I want honest answers and no flaming. As a right leaning guy I love the left and wouldnt want to see them go. But why does the left hate Republicans so bad? Their history is after all the Anti-Slave party. p.s. sorry about any typo's I wrote this on the fly because I am so curious what would you think happen to the US if cons left

What would happen to this nation if any group comprising 25% of the population left?

The economy would collapse, of course.

Then it would begin to recover as it adapted to the massive change in circumstance.

I know that you wanted a more partisan response, but that is what would happen if the a huge percentage of the population disappeared regardless of who it was
What is a conservative anyway? Conservatism as a political force in America didn't even start till the thirties or even later. Abraham Lincoln was not a conservative for he wanted and fought for change. Can one imagine an American conservative today fighting for justice and fairness as Lincoln did?


Many Americans today fail to realize we did not arrive at this place in time without a lot of turmoil and change, revolution, civil war, Laissez-faire capitalism, great depression, unions, new deal, civil rights, great society, riots, and on and on. This fictional dichotomy (liberal v conservative) has existed in the minds of many since the New Deal, corporate America has since tattooed it into our minds. Makes everything easy to categorize. For those interested in its story check out the book below.

"The rise of conservative politics in postwar America is one of the great puzzles of American political history. For much of the period that followed the end of World War II, conservative ideas about the primacy of the free market, and the dangers of too-powerful labor unions, government regulation, and an activist, interventionist state seemed to have been thoroughly rejected by most intellectual and political elites. Scholars and politicians alike dismissed those who adhered to such faiths as a "radical right," for whom to quote the Columbia University historian Richard Hofstadter politics "becomes an arena into which the wildest fancies are projected, the most paranoid suspicions, the most absurd superstitions, the most bizarre apocalyptic fantasies." How, then, did such ideas move from their marginal position in the middle years of the twentieth century to become the reigning politics of the country by the century's end?

Historians and social critics often explain the successes of conservative politics by pointing to the backlash against the victories of the social movements of the 1960s, the cultural reaction against the radicals who fought for civil rights, feminism, and gay and lesbian rights and who protested against the Vietnam War. The 1970s defection of white working class people alienated and frightened by the liberal program shifted the politics of the country far to the right. The argument is that in the days before the onset of the culture wars, a "liberal consensus" dominated American politics, especially around economics." Kim Phillips-Fein ('Invisible Hands')

Intersting post, A book I should read. But what would you classify laura ingalls wilder [spl? I think] books "little house on the prairie. Were they Liberals or conservative? or even my child hood favorite "the rifle man" t.v. show was chuck conners charcter ( fyi he used to be a ptcher for the Chicago cubbies) was he a a liberal or a con? just bringing this up because you said conservatives didnt exist till the 1940's..

(My bold)

The Little House on the Prairie were more-or-less autobiogrpahical accounts/stories by the author. The stuff on TV was a niece? some female descendant of Wilder, who appropriated Wilder's work & tried to sell it for movie scripts, etc. (During the Depression?) Hollywood turned her down, not "commercial" enough.

So she rewrote the lot, downplayed the everyday nature of life on the prairie, the communal activities - barnraising, getting in the crops, firefighting, schooling, religion, etc. Then she sensationalized the sorry result. Which made it all v. interesting to the moguls @ TV. That's what you remember, & it's mostly a pack of lies. Your public library probably has copies of the original stories - ignore anything with Little Joe Cartwright's pix on the cover, & any novelizations of the TV show - look for ms. with a copyright in the 1840s?

But check on Wikipedia for the copyright date, I'm doing this from memory. Best of luck, & pay no attention to the screaming little box in your livingroom. How to tell when it lies: It's on.

I read the books, so my question remains the same.
I put this topic here because I want honest answers and no flaming. As a right leaning guy I love the left and wouldnt want to see them go. But why does the left hate Republicans so bad? Their history is after all the Anti-Slave party. p.s. sorry about any typo's I wrote this on the fly because I am so curious what would you think happen to the US if cons left

The ‘left’ doesn’t ‘hate’ anyone, republicans in particular.

In fact, they’d love to have conservatives back to participate in responsible governance again.

Unfortunately, at least at this time, social conservatives, rightwing fiscal extremists, and Christian fundamentalists have a stranglehold on the GOP.

But you hate Ron and Rand Paul.... They are the definition of holding the Government responsible, hence their reason of wanting to keep it small... They are the fiscal conservative who upholds the constitution who at no point uses their religion for political gain... like Obama has. Or did you mean responsible to mean vote for programs like Obamacare and anything else Dems put up?

The worst thing that could happen to Dems or Reps is that a real conservative gets elected.
This would happen everywhere:



Well maybe...
Hey there all heading to a job interview right ? Or is it to the nearest college campus where they are with great welcome, in order to inject their ideology on the young and ignorant because their parents aren't there ? Or are they heading to wall street for their final offensive ? Or are they just riding around in a bus smoking pot and doing every other kind of escape the world type drug, until it runs out of gas, and then what ? Or is it halloween, where everytime the bus stops, one of them has to go beg for something ? Or are they heading in total dress up hippie style to the biggest musical festival in the land at the time ((Woodstock)) ?
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Sure he did. His first dream was to become a Priest.


"The national government... will maintain and defend the foundations on which the power of our nation rests. It will offer strong protection to Christianity as the very basis of our collective morality."

"Today Christians... stand at the head of our country. I pledge that I will never tie myself to parties who want to destroy Christianity... We want to fill our culture again with the Christian spirit.... We want to burn out all the recent immoral developments in literature, in the theatre, and in the press - in short, we want to burn out the poison of immorality which has entered into our whole life and culture as a result of liberal excess during the past... few years."

Adolf Hitler
The Speeches of Adolph Hitler, 1922-1939, Vol. 1 (London, Oxford University Press, 1942), pg. 871-872.

You've taken quotes out of context, which is not surprising.

No where does it say that he called himself a Christian. Hitler replaced conventional Christianity, with New Germany Christianity. All he did was replace Christianity with aspects he disapproved and renewed it with aspects he did approve. If you've read Mein Kampf (which most people have not), you would have learned why he rejected Christianity. Hitler was also a Darwinist. He felt the ideas of Christianity protected the weak and feeble-minded. He felt the Christian idea of mercy and forgiveness was 'un-German.' Hitler was against the idea of helping the weak and the ill, which are other Christian ideals. Sure, he did a lot of things which protected the rights of the church in signing the Concordat, but these protections didn't last very long.
My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter.
In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison.
To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before in the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross.
As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice.... And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows.
For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people.... When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, then I believe
I would be no Christian, but a very devil if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom to-day this poor people is plundered and exploited.

-Adolf Hitler, in his speech in Munich on 12 April 1922
My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter.
In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison.
To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before in the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross.
As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice.... And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows.
For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people.... When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, then I believe
I would be no Christian, but a very devil if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom to-day this poor people is plundered and exploited.

-Adolf Hitler, in his speech in Munich on 12 April 1922

That's nice. I've seen those quotes many times, although I never see the speech in it's entirety. Unless I can see that, I can only assume those were taken out of context as well (or cherry picked to say the least). Seeing as Mein Kampf was dictated about a year after that speech was given and published several years later, Hitler was very explicit about the weaknesses of the Christian religion and his evolutionary ideals he had in his vision for Germany.

Change of heart, possibly?
Ok, whats the deal with this thread... It's in the "clean debate zone" and it's like any other trolled out flame thread.

From what I read, no its not. I just want to know why the ultra left thinks conservatives are dying out. Beacuse thats what I have been reading on forums
Intersting post, A book I should read. But what would you classify laura ingalls wilder [spl? I think] books "little house on the prairie. Were they Liberals or conservative? or even my child hood favorite "the rifle man" t.v. show was chuck conners charcter ( fyi he used to be a ptcher for the Chicago cubbies) was he a a liberal or a con? just bringing this up because you said conservatives didnt exist till the 1940's..

(My bold)

The Little House on the Prairie were more-or-less autobiogrpahical accounts/stories by the author. The stuff on TV was a niece? some female descendant of Wilder, who appropriated Wilder's work & tried to sell it for movie scripts, etc. (During the Depression?) Hollywood turned her down, not "commercial" enough.

So she rewrote the lot, downplayed the everyday nature of life on the prairie, the communal activities - barnraising, getting in the crops, firefighting, schooling, religion, etc. Then she sensationalized the sorry result. Which made it all v. interesting to the moguls @ TV. That's what you remember, & it's mostly a pack of lies. Your public library probably has copies of the original stories - ignore anything with Little Joe Cartwright's pix on the cover, & any novelizations of the TV show - look for ms. with a copyright in the 1840s?

But check on Wikipedia for the copyright date, I'm doing this from memory. Best of luck, & pay no attention to the screaming little box in your livingroom. How to tell when it lies: It's on.

I read the books, so my question remains the same.

As I recall, she stressed the communitarian aspect of life on the frontier. Everyone pitched in to build houses, barns, get in crops, fight fires, etc. She didn't talk about gunfights, & hardly mentioned fighting off Native Peoples. It was fairly dull, which is why her relative had to rewrite the material to try to make it salable. I don't remember if the relative ever did make the sale.

I assume she did, the stuff on TV apparently bears only a slgiht resemblance to the real thing - kinda "inspired by stories with more-or-less the same cast of characters, locales, etc."

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