What would a Tea Bastard Party led U.S. look like?

Like this, but in front of a statue HeyZeuss


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Could anyone picture a Glenn Beck, Rand Paul or Palin Tea Bagger led US? It would be a country full of "mavericks" who believe black people hate white people and every mother would have daughters bearing children at age 17.
Could anyone picture a Glenn Beck, Rand Paul or Palin Tea Bagger led US? It would be a country full of "mavericks" who believe black people hate white people and every mother would have daughters bearing children at age 17.

Obama would say that's "Typical white behavior" on your part
Could anyone picture a Glenn Beck, Rand Paul or Palin Tea Bagger led US? It would be a country full of "mavericks" who believe black people hate white people and every mother would have daughters bearing children at age 17.

Show proof of your accusations please.

You just sounds like a crazy loon if you don't.
What the U.S. Might Look Like If the Tea Party Led It - DailyFinance

I rue that day. I'll move to Canada or Germany if that happens.

That was the least informative attempt at prediction I have ever read. Obama does better than that on his vision for the future, and I thought he was as bad as it could get. All he managed to do is associate everyone who voted for Brown in Massachusetts with the Tea Party, and pointed out that their objectives contradict each other.

Maybe he should do a little work, and find out what everyone who voted for Brown had in common, and why they all focused on him instead of his opponent as the best one to meet their diverse goals. If he did, he might actually be able to project what will happen if we focus on what everyone has in common.

Like most pundits, all he can see is the differences, which makes him look small and petty, just like everyone else who agrees with him. Brown got votes from Republicans, Independents, Tea Partiers, and Democrats because he promised to listen to them, and actually represent them in the
Senate. I did not vote for him because I do not live in Massachusetts, but he does seem to be trying to represent his state. He has sided with Republicans on some issues, and Democrats on others. Imagine a country where everyone in Congress actually listened to the people who put them in office, and represents their interests, and is willing to go back and justify his decisions to those constituents.

I could live in that country, but you are welcome to move to Canada or Germany if you like. I much prefer to live in a country with other people that want to make their own decisions than in one that expects the government to make all his decisions for him. The fewer of you who stick around, the greater the probability of that actually happening.
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It's funny when people who don't actually know any conservatives in real life speak authoritatively about them.

Oh, we know plenty conservatives. We are not talking about conservatives. We are talking about the Tea Party, the ultra right. Soon, political rallies will be visited by some from the ultra right, packing sidearms, trying to intimidate as many people as possible.
It's funny when people who don't actually know any conservatives in real life speak authoritatively about them.

Oh, we know plenty conservatives. We are not talking about conservatives. We are talking about the Tea Party, the ultra right. Soon, political rallies will be visited by some from the ultra right, packing sidearms, trying to intimidate as many people as possible.

You can send out people from the ultra left to intimidate them back. Bombs scare people more than guns.
Oh, we know plenty conservatives.
I'm not talking about the stereotypical reference conservatives you keep in your head.
We are not talking about conservatives. We are talking about the Tea Party, the ultra right.
Ummm...the ultra right IS conservative.
Soon, political rallies will be visited by some from the ultra right, packing sidearms, trying to intimidate as many people as possible.
Guns! Booga booga!

Maybe you'd better ask the Nanny State to put all the scary conservatives in camps, then.
It's funny when people who don't actually know any conservatives in real life speak authoritatively about them.

Oh, we know plenty conservatives. We are not talking about conservatives. We are talking about the Tea Party, the ultra right. Soon, political rallies will be visited by some from the ultra right, packing sidearms, trying to intimidate as many people as possible.

LOL, yeah man. all them old gray haird men and women are reeeeaaall scary and ULTRA RIGHT.

I would even bet the grannies are packing heat in their "handbags".:eusa_shhh:
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I think a government manned by tea bastards would be a hell of a lot more functional and successful than a government manned by lib bastards.
I think a government manned by tea bastards would be a hell of a lot more functional and successful than a government manned by lib bastards.

And the 1964 Civil Rights Act would be repealed, the country was already ruled by Tea Bagger-like people for years and things were not good, just read your history. True conservatives don't exist anymore, all that exist are Republicans and Tea Baggers that fashion themselves as conservatives based on what they think other would like but not on their actions.
I think a government manned by tea bastards would be a hell of a lot more functional and successful than a government manned by lib bastards.

And the 1964 Civil Rights Act would be repealed...
Leftist historical revision is always amusing. Next, tell us the one about how Reagan had nothing to do with the collapse of the Soviet Union. That one always makes me chuckle! :lol:

You guys desperately want the TEA party to be racist...but it's not.

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