What Will The GOP Do When They Lose The House In 2014?

And/or the Senate.

What will be their strategy then?

Recent history has shown it is a very bad thing when one party controls both houses of Congress and the White House. Whether Congress and the White House are all red or all blue, the country suffers for it.

Turning to your question, if you asked me a couple years ago, I would have told you the GOP would finally shake itself out of its stupor and return to honesty, integrity, and conservatism. However, much to my surprise, after suffering losses in 2008 and 2012, the GOP has doubled, tripled, quadrupled down on its insanity.

Therefore, should the GOP lose the House in 2014, all bets are off.

The US collectively lost its mind on 9/11. Not everyone has come back from the edge. Some never will. Far too many people put the pedal to the medal as they drove toward the cliff.
Recent history has shown it is a very bad thing when one party controls both houses of Congress and the White House. Whether Congress and the White House are all red or all blue, the country suffers for it.

Scares the livin' shit out of me. My hopes for what happens in DC have deteriorated to the point where all I care about now is that neither ridiculous party has total control. That's all I ask.

I'll be biting my fingers in Nov 2014...

I for one, will miss the Constitution.

I will miss the fundamentals that make this country great.

I will wish I knew how to hunt and had a fishing pole, b/c considering the devalue of the dollar it will be impossible for me and many others to get by.
The GOP doesn't even have control of the senate. How could they lose it? They're defending 14 seats while the dems are defending 21. It's very likely that the R's will win the senate. What will the dems do when they lose control of the senate for the first time since 2006? Dems have to flip 18 seats to control the house.

another drive by troll liberal thug thread.
And/or the Senate.

What will be their strategy then?

i think this current administration has pretty much already secured that won't happen

Washington is due for a massive house cleaning.
Far left libs, old guard GOP establishment types need to be flushed.
The democrat candidate for President will not win.
The majority of the people are sick of Washington.

We'll see what the economy looks like.

I'm not yet convinced the GOP will be able to effectively marginalize the loons. They're still the primary source of energy within the party, and that matters. So if they have a lousy election, they may just argue that it was because they weren't loony enough.

Thanks for answering the question sincerely Mac...I could definitely agree with that sentiment.


Rep coming up when I get them again.
And/or the Senate.

What will be their strategy then?

Recent history has shown it is a very bad thing when one party controls both houses of Congress and the White House. Whether Congress and the White House are all red or all blue, the country suffers for it.

Turning to your question, if you asked me a couple years ago, I would have told you the GOP would finally shake itself out of its stupor and return to honesty, integrity, and conservatism. However, much to my surprise, after suffering losses in 2008 and 2012, the GOP has doubled, tripled, quadrupled down on its insanity.

Therefore, should the GOP lose the House in 2014, all bets are off.

The US collectively lost its mind on 9/11. Not everyone has come back from the edge. Some never will. Far too many people put the pedal to the medal as they drove toward the cliff.
I fear you are right sir.


If the the gop loses all three houses it will just make for a dramatic comeback in 16.

If it falls to filibuster proof, it may well be over for the gop, as we know it.

I'd say the dems finally fracture along the liberal progressive lines, and liberal dems become a new gop unless the libers can mount an offense of some kind with the remains of the gop.

It's basically over now anyway. the dems push amnesty, they get the votes they need to push texas ans Az blue

There will be no more back and forth of the 2 party system, one party will finally destroy the fundamentals of America and our children will be left with little more than a monarchy.
Forcing out MB this early (and other TPM reps are leaving also, believe me, before the end of summer) gives the Republican Party a decent chance to hold the House.

However, if the House rejects an immigration reform bill, the GOP will most likely lose House by 40 seats.
Dems take the House I leave, Repubs hold you leave the board coksucker...you have the balls jake?

Forcing out MB this early (and other TPM reps are leaving also, believe me, before the end of summer) gives the Republican Party a decent chance to hold the House.

However, if the House rejects an immigration reform bill, the GOP will most likely lose House by 40 seats.
The GOP doesn't even have control of the senate. How could they lose it? They're defending 14 seats while the dems are defending 21. It's very likely that the R's will win the senate. What will the dems do when they lose control of the senate for the first time since 2006? Dems have to flip 18 seats to control the house.

The GOP, do to Senate Rules and the recalcitrant minority leader have all the control they need. That you don't understand that reflects poorly on all self described conservatives.

Technically, you're wrong. That's not surprising. The senate is comprised of 53 dems, 45 repubs, and 2 independents who caucus with the dems. Dems have control of the senate but can't make a compelling case to pass any laws because there is no substance in them.

Nice try; your spin won't turn. Anyone who passed high school civics understands why.
What will the Dems do if the Republicans keep the House and take back the Senate? Which the three current scandals make more likely though no means certain to happen than the Republicans losing the House my best guess is they will cry racism, blame Bush why I don't know that just seems to their first instinct and finally claim the elections were stolen.
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What will the Dems do if the Republicans keep the House and take back the Senate? Which the three current scandals make more likely though no means certain to happen than the Republicans losing the House.

mcatl only responds to those who slob his nob. this is not as an open debate as you may think.
Your response is something that mac doesn't want to deal with so you'll get the obama shoulder

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