CDZ What Will be Obamas Legacy?

The killing of Osama bin Laden.

Healthcare reform.

Obamas healthcare reform is rejected in every poll released since its inception. OBL? Thank the intelligence community for that.

Presidents don't act in a vacuum, but they get credit for what gets done.

You asked, I answered. I'm not going to go around in circles with you about it.

Perhaps in the future, but as of now many Americans don't see Obamacare as a positive for Obama.

He's the first President to achieve health insurance and healthcare reform. Whether people agree with it or not. That's a legacy.

OBL was killed under Obama's watch. That's part of his legacy. Even his most rabid detractors aren't coming out against the killing of OBL.....yet.
While Obama gets credit for being the man on the hill when OBL was taken out that is NOT a legacy. Legacies last and killing OBL will be largely forgotten within another decade.

OBL is not a legacy, Obamacare OTOH is.
9-11 will never be forgotten, neither will what happened to the guy who ordered it
Obamas healthcare reform is rejected in every poll released since its inception. OBL? Thank the intelligence community for that.

Presidents don't act in a vacuum, but they get credit for what gets done.

You asked, I answered. I'm not going to go around in circles with you about it.

Perhaps in the future, but as of now many Americans don't see Obamacare as a positive for Obama.

He's the first President to achieve health insurance and healthcare reform. Whether people agree with it or not. That's a legacy.

OBL was killed under Obama's watch. That's part of his legacy. Even his most rabid detractors aren't coming out against the killing of OBL.....yet.
While Obama gets credit for being the man on the hill when OBL was taken out that is NOT a legacy. Legacies last and killing OBL will be largely forgotten within another decade.

OBL is not a legacy, Obamacare OTOH is.
9-11 will never be forgotten, neither will what happened to the guy who ordered it
9-11 will not be forgotten. OBL will. That is simple reality.
Presidents don't act in a vacuum, but they get credit for what gets done.

You asked, I answered. I'm not going to go around in circles with you about it.

Perhaps in the future, but as of now many Americans don't see Obamacare as a positive for Obama.

He's the first President to achieve health insurance and healthcare reform. Whether people agree with it or not. That's a legacy.

OBL was killed under Obama's watch. That's part of his legacy. Even his most rabid detractors aren't coming out against the killing of OBL.....yet.
While Obama gets credit for being the man on the hill when OBL was taken out that is NOT a legacy. Legacies last and killing OBL will be largely forgotten within another decade.

OBL is not a legacy, Obamacare OTOH is.
9-11 will never be forgotten, neither will what happened to the guy who ordered it
9-11 will not be forgotten. OBL will. That is simple reality.

Osama Bin Laden will be remembered as the guy Republicans let go after 9/11.
What Will be Obamas Legacy?

I don't see much to go on but one of the most failed presidencies in U.S. History.

Stopped a Depression
Saved the banks and auto companies
Passed Obamacare
Expanded gay rights
Killed bin Laden
Immigration reform

Not too shabby

Lengthened the Recession
Gave GM to the UAW
Lied to the public about Obamacare
Killed Christopher Stevens
Violated Immigration Law
Invited Russia to seize Ukraine
Lost the Iraq War

Not too impressive.
What you said:
Lengthened the Recession (Republicans gave us with screwed up economy)
Gave GM to the UAW (Huh?)
Lied to the public about Obamacare (How was he to know Republicans would be so stupid they would fight for substandard policies?)
Killed Christopher Stevens (The guy who refused multiple times to leave?)
Violated Immigration Law (Huh?)
Invited Russia to seize Ukraine (That's stupid)
Lost the Iraq War (Oh, yea, because it was so close to being "won")

You are delusional. The one thing that always makes me laugh about Iraq and Republicans is the fact that Iraq never created a "America Appreciation Day". Or called George Bush a "hero". No, instead, they chant "Death to America" But in the last 40 years, Republicans have caused much, much more damage to this country than al Qaeda ever could. And it blows my mind that Republicans refused to even acknowledge "recent" history. Come on, it was recent. What a bunch of fools.
Obama will forever have the legacy as our first black President. The fact that a man born of mixed race parents with a name like Barack Hussein Obama could rise to the presidency is quite an accomplishment

Beyond that, we will look at what were the conditions given to him when he became President and what were the conditions when he left. As well as his lasting legacy

There is no doubt history will acknowledge he was given an economy on the brink of collapse and two wars to contend with. Obama righted the ship and stabilized the economy. He also withdrew us from two wars and avoided future entanglements in Egypt, Syria, Iran and Ukraine

Lasting legacy was Obamacare, expanded gay rights and immigration reform

Top ten President
Presidents don't act in a vacuum, but they get credit for what gets done.

You asked, I answered. I'm not going to go around in circles with you about it.

Perhaps in the future, but as of now many Americans don't see Obamacare as a positive for Obama.

He's the first President to achieve health insurance and healthcare reform. Whether people agree with it or not. That's a legacy.

OBL was killed under Obama's watch. That's part of his legacy. Even his most rabid detractors aren't coming out against the killing of OBL.....yet.
While Obama gets credit for being the man on the hill when OBL was taken out that is NOT a legacy. Legacies last and killing OBL will be largely forgotten within another decade.

OBL is not a legacy, Obamacare OTOH is.
9-11 will never be forgotten, neither will what happened to the guy who ordered it
9-11 will not be forgotten. OBL will. That is simple reality.

Forgotten by President Bush and by the Republicans but not forgotten by the American people - especially those who lost loved ones in 9/11 or in the illegal war against an innocent country.

It is to the shame of the right that they lied and still lie about what we have done to Iraq and that tried to take credit for finding and killing bin Laden.
1) More Job Growth and Investment than Ronald Reagan

Back in 1980, the Christians of the world united behind a powerful leader with an amazing vision for the future: Simply sell the United States to the highest bidders, and let everyone live like fat hogs for the next 15 to 20 years. And Reaganomics worked…sort of. Long after he left office, Reagan’s Sale of America left a legacy of excess capital laying around. At least, till it ran out. But during his term, Reagan did America more good than any other president.

Well, any other president until fairly recently. The first graph below compares Reagan (The Great Job Creator’s) unemployment record for the first 67 months with Obama’s. The second compares the S&P stock growth for the first 69 months; bearing in mind that both presidents entered office in the midst of a massive recession:

Looks like The Socialist Anticapitalist needs to brush up on his literature and job description. Because, from what we’re seeing here, he has been at least as good as Reagan for the economy. In fact, we’ve now had 63 straight months of job expansion, including 54 consecutive weeks of private sector growth.

In fact, Obama’s administration has created more jobs in five years than Bush managed in all eight.

Worst. Socialist. EVER.

2) The Federal Budget Deficit has Shrunk by 2/3s since 2009

Obama came into office with a $1.4 trillion deficit, due largely to the high unemployment figures Bush left him with. Since people have gone back to work, more income taxes have been coming in — that’s raised the revenue for the givernment, shrinking the deficit spending.

Without cutting a thing, we might add.

This year’s deficit is predicted to be $500 billion — the lowest it’s been since Bush cut everything in 2007.

3) Our Dependence on Foreign Oil is at a Record Low Due to Domestic Oil Production and Higher Fuel Efficiency Standards

Is Barry the arch-nemesis of domestic oil production? Looks like a fan of drilling holes to us. True, the drive to decrease oil imports began under Bush; which must have hurt, given his family’s close friendship with Saudi Arabian royalty, and Bin Laden’s family specifically. Guess Barry’s one to harbor a grudge, though, because he certainly doesn’t seem to have done much to stop the downward crash of oil importation. Or the rapid increase in production.

4) Spending Increases and Taxes Are Lower Than Anytime in the Last 50 Years

Of course, Tea Partiers are going to take credit for this, citing it as the fruits of thier obstructionism. That isn’t exactly the case, but let’s look at the relevant facts:

Yes, Tea Partiers are certain to claim victory here, but that’s a far cry from reality. Obama himself signed in tax cuts for 95 percent in his stimulus package following the Bush Recession. But that hasn’t kept the Taxed Enough already crowd from thinking their taxes had gone up.

As to the spending, that’s mostly a result of getting out of Bush’s War in Afghanistan. The military is an expensive machine to run; but its’ every Republican’s favorite.

5) War is Down…and Foreign Terrorist Attacks on American Soil Are at Zero

The Commander-in-Chief, as of right now, has fewer troops deployed in war zones than at any point since the Afghan Invasion began in earnest in 2004. And yet, somehow, there hasn’t been a single foreign terrorist on American soil since Obama was elected. That’s about as far from what Dick Cheney predicted as imaginable, should we be unwise enough to put a soft, limp-wristed Democrat in office.

6) The ACA has Added Years to the Life of Medicare, Insured 7 Million People so Far, and Precipitated the Lowest Rise in Healthcare Costs Since 1960

Right now, somewhere between 7 and 10 million Americans who didn’t have health insurance before have it now. Rates haven’t gone up across the board as predicted either, primarily because healthcare costs are now rising slower than they have at any point since 1960.

Indeed — seems strange things happen when doctors and hospitals get paid for their services, instead of passing the cost of non-payers along to others. And since more people now have insurance, they’ve got more paying customers than ever before.

That’s had a decided impact on not just the cost of insurance, but the lifespan of a program that was projected to die in 2016: Medicare. Before the ACA, Medicare was on the verge of running out of money, and major cuts were on the horizon. But because the increase in healthcare costs have dropped, Medicare is now projected to live till at least 2030 with no cuts or changes whatsoever.

Which means you have to ask…

Were the Conservatives who fought this ignorant, incompetent or simply lying? Perhaps to themselves, if nothing else.

7) The Obama Administration Has Deported More Illegal Immigrants than Any Other in History…Including Bush

Some will say this is just a consequence of more illegals coming in, so the proportion of those going out rises in accordance. And that might be partly true; but there’s still no doubt that Obama’s administration has issued more one-way tickets to Central American countries than any other in history.

So, Mister Soetoro…it appears you haven’t been doing your job as the world’s most powerful Nazi Communist Anti-Capitalist Deathmonger. And when was the last time you even went to a mosque?

From this list alone, we can see that in six years you have

Read the rest at the link.

This president has accomplished some amazing things but imagine how much more he could have gotten done FOR the US if he had had the support of the Do Nothing But Obstruct And Lie Repub Congress.
Obama will forever have the legacy as our first black President. The fact that a man born of mixed race parents with a name like Barack Hussein Obama could rise to the presidency is quite an accomplishment

Beyond that, we will look at what were the conditions given to him when he became President and what were the conditions when he left. As well as his lasting legacy

There is no doubt history will acknowledge he was given an economy on the brink of collapse and two wars to contend with. Obama righted the ship and stabilized the economy. He also withdrew us from two wars and avoided future entanglements in Egypt, Syria, Iran and Ukraine

Lasting legacy was Obamacare, expanded gay rights and immigration reform

Top ten President
Not only that, the first legislation he signed was the Lily Ledbetter act.

You know, when I told a Republican co worker, a lady software engineer, that Republicans voted against equal pay for equal work she didn't believe it. She said that would be political suicide. I told her you don't believe it? 5 minutes on the Internet and you would know that truth. She said she wasn't going to bother since she knows it's not true. How can you fight that? The truth is, you can't. She believes what she believes. They only way she would know different is when she gets screwed over personally by GOP policies.

If you actually go look at legislation Obama has promoted and signed, he is amazingly accomplished.

But you knew you had someone when he went to the GOP retreat and came out with a sore hand after bitchslapping the entire GOP.

Fact-checking Obama and Republicans at GOP retreat PolitiFact

Obama Goes To GOP Lions Den -- And Mauls The Lions

Obama eats Republicans lunch Richard Adams US news The Guardian
Obama will forever have the legacy as our first black President. The fact that a man born of mixed race parents with a name like Barack Hussein Obama could rise to the presidency is quite an accomplishment

Beyond that, we will look at what were the conditions given to him when he became President and what were the conditions when he left. As well as his lasting legacy

There is no doubt history will acknowledge he was given an economy on the brink of collapse and two wars to contend with. Obama righted the ship and stabilized the economy. He also withdrew us from two wars and avoided future entanglements in Egypt, Syria, Iran and Ukraine

Lasting legacy was Obamacare, expanded gay rights and immigration reform

Top ten President
Not only that, the first legislation he signed was the Lily Ledbetter act.

You know, when I told a Republican co worker, a lady software engineer, that Republicans voted against equal pay for equal work she didn't believe it. She said that would be political suicide. I told her you don't believe it? 5 minutes on the Internet and you would know that truth. She said she wasn't going to bother since she knows it's not true. How can you fight that? The truth is, you can't. She believes what she believes. They only way she would know different is when she gets screwed over personally by GOP policies.

If you actually go look at legislation Obama has promoted and signed, he is amazingly accomplished.

But you knew you had someone when he went to the GOP retreat and came out with a sore hand after bitchslapping the entire GOP.

Fact-checking Obama and Republicans at GOP retreat PolitiFact

Obama Goes To GOP Lions Den -- And Mauls The Lions

Obama eats Republicans lunch Richard Adams US news The Guardian
In the end, Obama will be judged on the hand he was dealt and how he played that hand
Only FDR was handed a worse economy and Obama will be credited with preventing an economic collapse
No president has had to deal with such an obstructive opposition party intent on preventing any legislative action that might make the president look good
Obama will forever have the legacy as our first black President. The fact that a man born of mixed race parents with a name like Barack Hussein Obama could rise to the presidency is quite an accomplishment

Beyond that, we will look at what were the conditions given to him when he became President and what were the conditions when he left. As well as his lasting legacy

There is no doubt history will acknowledge he was given an economy on the brink of collapse and two wars to contend with. Obama righted the ship and stabilized the economy. He also withdrew us from two wars and avoided future entanglements in Egypt, Syria, Iran and Ukraine

Lasting legacy was Obamacare, expanded gay rights and immigration reform

Top ten President
Not only that, the first legislation he signed was the Lily Ledbetter act.

You know, when I told a Republican co worker, a lady software engineer, that Republicans voted against equal pay for equal work she didn't believe it. She said that would be political suicide. I told her you don't believe it? 5 minutes on the Internet and you would know that truth. She said she wasn't going to bother since she knows it's not true. How can you fight that? The truth is, you can't. She believes what she believes. They only way she would know different is when she gets screwed over personally by GOP policies.

If you actually go look at legislation Obama has promoted and signed, he is amazingly accomplished.

But you knew you had someone when he went to the GOP retreat and came out with a sore hand after bitchslapping the entire GOP.

Fact-checking Obama and Republicans at GOP retreat PolitiFact

Obama Goes To GOP Lions Den -- And Mauls The Lions

Obama eats Republicans lunch Richard Adams US news The Guardian

Sorry to interrupt your lovefest, but the Lily Ledbetter Fair Play Act merely extended the statute of limitations for filing a pay discrimination lawsuit so that new plaintiffs could keep suing companies forever. Did you forget that, or is it just another of your omissions?
Obama will forever have the legacy as our first black President. The fact that a man born of mixed race parents with a name like Barack Hussein Obama could rise to the presidency is quite an accomplishment

Beyond that, we will look at what were the conditions given to him when he became President and what were the conditions when he left. As well as his lasting legacy

There is no doubt history will acknowledge he was given an economy on the brink of collapse and two wars to contend with. Obama righted the ship and stabilized the economy. He also withdrew us from two wars and avoided future entanglements in Egypt, Syria, Iran and Ukraine

Lasting legacy was Obamacare, expanded gay rights and immigration reform

Top ten President
Not only that, the first legislation he signed was the Lily Ledbetter act.

You know, when I told a Republican co worker, a lady software engineer, that Republicans voted against equal pay for equal work she didn't believe it. She said that would be political suicide. I told her you don't believe it? 5 minutes on the Internet and you would know that truth. She said she wasn't going to bother since she knows it's not true. How can you fight that? The truth is, you can't. She believes what she believes. They only way she would know different is when she gets screwed over personally by GOP policies.

If you actually go look at legislation Obama has promoted and signed, he is amazingly accomplished.

But you knew you had someone when he went to the GOP retreat and came out with a sore hand after bitchslapping the entire GOP.

Fact-checking Obama and Republicans at GOP retreat PolitiFact

Obama Goes To GOP Lions Den -- And Mauls The Lions

Obama eats Republicans lunch Richard Adams US news The Guardian

Sorry to interrupt your lovefest, but the Lily Ledbetter Fair Play Act merely extended the statute of limitations for filing a pay discrimination lawsuit so that new plaintiffs could keep suing companies forever. Did you forget that, or is it just another of your omissions?

You have a problem with that?
Obama will forever have the legacy as our first black President. The fact that a man born of mixed race parents with a name like Barack Hussein Obama could rise to the presidency is quite an accomplishment

Beyond that, we will look at what were the conditions given to him when he became President and what were the conditions when he left. As well as his lasting legacy

There is no doubt history will acknowledge he was given an economy on the brink of collapse and two wars to contend with. Obama righted the ship and stabilized the economy. He also withdrew us from two wars and avoided future entanglements in Egypt, Syria, Iran and Ukraine

Lasting legacy was Obamacare, expanded gay rights and immigration reform

Top ten President
Not only that, the first legislation he signed was the Lily Ledbetter act.

You know, when I told a Republican co worker, a lady software engineer, that Republicans voted against equal pay for equal work she didn't believe it. She said that would be political suicide. I told her you don't believe it? 5 minutes on the Internet and you would know that truth. She said she wasn't going to bother since she knows it's not true. How can you fight that? The truth is, you can't. She believes what she believes. They only way she would know different is when she gets screwed over personally by GOP policies.

If you actually go look at legislation Obama has promoted and signed, he is amazingly accomplished.

But you knew you had someone when he went to the GOP retreat and came out with a sore hand after bitchslapping the entire GOP.

Fact-checking Obama and Republicans at GOP retreat PolitiFact

Obama Goes To GOP Lions Den -- And Mauls The Lions

Obama eats Republicans lunch Richard Adams US news The Guardian

Sorry to interrupt your lovefest, but the Lily Ledbetter Fair Play Act merely extended the statute of limitations for filing a pay discrimination lawsuit so that new plaintiffs could keep suing companies forever. Did you forget that, or is it just another of your omissions?

You have a problem with that?


Just like your slogan of "equal pay for equal work." How do you keep all your deceptions straight?
Obama will forever have the legacy as our first black President. The fact that a man born of mixed race parents with a name like Barack Hussein Obama could rise to the presidency is quite an accomplishment

Beyond that, we will look at what were the conditions given to him when he became President and what were the conditions when he left. As well as his lasting legacy

There is no doubt history will acknowledge he was given an economy on the brink of collapse and two wars to contend with. Obama righted the ship and stabilized the economy. He also withdrew us from two wars and avoided future entanglements in Egypt, Syria, Iran and Ukraine

Lasting legacy was Obamacare, expanded gay rights and immigration reform

Top ten President
Not only that, the first legislation he signed was the Lily Ledbetter act.

You know, when I told a Republican co worker, a lady software engineer, that Republicans voted against equal pay for equal work she didn't believe it. She said that would be political suicide. I told her you don't believe it? 5 minutes on the Internet and you would know that truth. She said she wasn't going to bother since she knows it's not true. How can you fight that? The truth is, you can't. She believes what she believes. They only way she would know different is when she gets screwed over personally by GOP policies.

If you actually go look at legislation Obama has promoted and signed, he is amazingly accomplished.

But you knew you had someone when he went to the GOP retreat and came out with a sore hand after bitchslapping the entire GOP.

Fact-checking Obama and Republicans at GOP retreat PolitiFact

Obama Goes To GOP Lions Den -- And Mauls The Lions

Obama eats Republicans lunch Richard Adams US news The Guardian

Sorry to interrupt your lovefest, but the Lily Ledbetter Fair Play Act merely extended the statute of limitations for filing a pay discrimination lawsuit so that new plaintiffs could keep suing companies forever. Did you forget that, or is it just another of your omissions?

You have a problem with that?


Just like your slogan of "equal pay for equal work." How do you keep all your deceptions straight?
You have issues with equal pay?
I think Obama's legacy will be limited to having been our First Black President. This will be spun as a barrier breaking achievement, but in reality it will have set back race relations in our country and made election of another Black President much more difficult.

This is entirely true.

Imagine if Jackie Robinson had hit .047 with 4 homeruns and 12 RBIs over his career. People would barely remember his name.
Obama will forever have the legacy as our first black President. The fact that a man born of mixed race parents with a name like Barack Hussein Obama could rise to the presidency is quite an accomplishment

Beyond that, we will look at what were the conditions given to him when he became President and what were the conditions when he left. As well as his lasting legacy

There is no doubt history will acknowledge he was given an economy on the brink of collapse and two wars to contend with. Obama righted the ship and stabilized the economy. He also withdrew us from two wars and avoided future entanglements in Egypt, Syria, Iran and Ukraine

Lasting legacy was Obamacare, expanded gay rights and immigration reform

Top ten President
Not only that, the first legislation he signed was the Lily Ledbetter act.

You know, when I told a Republican co worker, a lady software engineer, that Republicans voted against equal pay for equal work she didn't believe it. She said that would be political suicide. I told her you don't believe it? 5 minutes on the Internet and you would know that truth. She said she wasn't going to bother since she knows it's not true. How can you fight that? The truth is, you can't. She believes what she believes. They only way she would know different is when she gets screwed over personally by GOP policies.

If you actually go look at legislation Obama has promoted and signed, he is amazingly accomplished.

But you knew you had someone when he went to the GOP retreat and came out with a sore hand after bitchslapping the entire GOP.

Fact-checking Obama and Republicans at GOP retreat PolitiFact

Obama Goes To GOP Lions Den -- And Mauls The Lions

Obama eats Republicans lunch Richard Adams US news The Guardian

\ The Lily Ledbetter Act did NOT have shit to do with forcing equal pay for equal work, that law already existed. All this Act did was lengthen the time women had to file a grievance.

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

LOL @ you talking about someone educating themselves.
Last edited:
Obama will forever have the legacy as our first black President. The fact that a man born of mixed race parents with a name like Barack Hussein Obama could rise to the presidency is quite an accomplishment

Beyond that, we will look at what were the conditions given to him when he became President and what were the conditions when he left. As well as his lasting legacy

There is no doubt history will acknowledge he was given an economy on the brink of collapse and two wars to contend with. Obama righted the ship and stabilized the economy. He also withdrew us from two wars and avoided future entanglements in Egypt, Syria, Iran and Ukraine

Lasting legacy was Obamacare, expanded gay rights and immigration reform

Top ten President
Not only that, the first legislation he signed was the Lily Ledbetter act.

You know, when I told a Republican co worker, a lady software engineer, that Republicans voted against equal pay for equal work she didn't believe it. She said that would be political suicide. I told her you don't believe it? 5 minutes on the Internet and you would know that truth. She said she wasn't going to bother since she knows it's not true. How can you fight that? The truth is, you can't. She believes what she believes. They only way she would know different is when she gets screwed over personally by GOP policies.

If you actually go look at legislation Obama has promoted and signed, he is amazingly accomplished.

But you knew you had someone when he went to the GOP retreat and came out with a sore hand after bitchslapping the entire GOP.

Fact-checking Obama and Republicans at GOP retreat PolitiFact

Obama Goes To GOP Lions Den -- And Mauls The Lions

Obama eats Republicans lunch Richard Adams US news The Guardian

Sorry to interrupt your lovefest, but the Lily Ledbetter Fair Play Act merely extended the statute of limitations for filing a pay discrimination lawsuit so that new plaintiffs could keep suing companies forever. Did you forget that, or is it just another of your omissions?

You have a problem with that?


Just like your slogan of "equal pay for equal work." How do you keep all your deceptions straight?
You have issues with equal pay?
I have a problem with the way some define equal.
What Will be Obamas Legacy?

I don't see much to go on but one of the most failed presidencies in U.S. History.
That's completely untrue. He is not at all a failed president. If you want to discuss a failed presidency, discuss GW Bush. You people love making up a false reality about Obama. Pretty silly.

What I don't see is you saying anything to back up your claim about Obama not being a failure. All you do is talk about the other guy. That's pretty silly if you're only support of him is how bad you claim someone else was instead of what you think makes him good.

What you're saying is like the person with an 80 IQ claiming he's not dumb because the other guy has a 75.
Obama will forever have the legacy as our first black President. The fact that a man born of mixed race parents with a name like Barack Hussein Obama could rise to the presidency is quite an accomplishment

Beyond that, we will look at what were the conditions given to him when he became President and what were the conditions when he left. As well as his lasting legacy

There is no doubt history will acknowledge he was given an economy on the brink of collapse and two wars to contend with. Obama righted the ship and stabilized the economy. He also withdrew us from two wars and avoided future entanglements in Egypt, Syria, Iran and Ukraine

Lasting legacy was Obamacare, expanded gay rights and immigration reform

Top ten President
Not only that, the first legislation he signed was the Lily Ledbetter act.

You know, when I told a Republican co worker, a lady software engineer, that Republicans voted against equal pay for equal work she didn't believe it. She said that would be political suicide. I told her you don't believe it? 5 minutes on the Internet and you would know that truth. She said she wasn't going to bother since she knows it's not true. How can you fight that? The truth is, you can't. She believes what she believes. They only way she would know different is when she gets screwed over personally by GOP policies.

If you actually go look at legislation Obama has promoted and signed, he is amazingly accomplished.

But you knew you had someone when he went to the GOP retreat and came out with a sore hand after bitchslapping the entire GOP.

Fact-checking Obama and Republicans at GOP retreat PolitiFact

Obama Goes To GOP Lions Den -- And Mauls The Lions

Obama eats Republicans lunch Richard Adams US news The Guardian

Sorry to interrupt your lovefest, but the Lily Ledbetter Fair Play Act merely extended the statute of limitations for filing a pay discrimination lawsuit so that new plaintiffs could keep suing companies forever. Did you forget that, or is it just another of your omissions?

You have a problem with that?
The problem, as you damn well know, is that fact makes what RDean stated a direct and blatant misrepresentation of the truth. IOW, no one voted against fair pay. They voted against lengthening the statute of limitations. The fact that he/she was bloviating about truth at the same time is ironic. None of that matters to the partisans though - all that is important is 'scoring' another point.

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