What type of gun control / legislation would remove guns from the possession of criminals?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
“GUN CONTROL” is such a catch phrase for the LefTarded bunch....it sounds so neat and gets them all giddy....BUT, what would a Bill look like that would effectively remove guns from the perpetrators of gun related crime?
“GUN CONTROL” is such a catch phrase for the LefTarded bunch....it sounds so neat and gets them all giddy....BUT, what would a Bill look like that would effectively remove guns from the perpetrators of gun related crime?
Keeping them in prison. No parole, no probation, no plea bargain.
Nothing. All gun control laws do is infringe upon the right of law abiding citizens to keep and bear arms.

Those laws never stop any crime. The most crime infested places in the US are the Democrat controlled big city shitholes with the most stringent gun control. It never works.

It should never be a crime to keep and bear arms. The crime should what you illegally do with it.
“GUN CONTROL” is such a catch phrase for the LefTarded bunch....it sounds so neat and gets them all giddy....BUT, what would a Bill look like that would effectively remove guns from the perpetrators of gun related crime?

Making Americans defenseless is always the answer.
You mean there’s no such Bill to be written that would compel the street beasts in Baltimore, St Louis and Chicago to voluntarily turn in their guns?
You mean there’s no such Bill to be written that would compel the street beasts in Baltimore, St Louis and Chicago to voluntarily turn in their guns?
None that I know of perhaps with the exception of certain laws of physics where certain things will explode if hit hard enough by a tiny metal projectile.
Do they think the government will just collect all the guns after they're outlawed? How much money will the black market make off of gun control?
“GUN CONTROL” is such a catch phrase for the LefTarded bunch....it sounds so neat and gets them all giddy....BUT, what would a Bill look like that would effectively remove guns from the perpetrators of gun related crime?

Weird in one thread you are all about giving up liberty and freedom to be safer...yet in this one you are against it.

you are like a weed in the wind,
Florida had it right when they implemented the concealed weapon laws. At that time they also created mandatory stiff mandatory penalties for using firearms in a crime. 10-20-life.

The gun crime went down in the state while gun ownership and concealed carry increased tremendously.
You mean there’s no such Bill to be written that would compel the street beasts in Baltimore, St Louis and Chicago to voluntarily turn in their guns?

There is one of these city's in every State. Well except California they have like six at least. San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, LA, Oakland, Anaheim anyone want to add to the list! Give up our guns! Yeah right !!!! When you expect the Government to protect you, you have already surrendered your freedom!
“GUN CONTROL” is such a catch phrase for the LefTarded bunch....it sounds so neat and gets them all giddy....BUT, what would a Bill look like that would effectively remove guns from the perpetrators of gun related crime?

Weird in one thread you are all about giving up liberty and freedom to be safer...yet in this one you are against it.

you are like a weed in the wind,

I think you’re busting your ass trying to misunderstand me.
“GUN CONTROL” is such a catch phrase for the LefTarded bunch....it sounds so neat and gets them all giddy....BUT, what would a Bill look like that would effectively remove guns from the perpetrators of gun related crime?

There is no such animal. They are criminals, they don't give a flying rhinoceros shit about laws, gun laws or otherwise. Gun Control laws are less about guns and more about control. Control of law abiding citizens.
Weird in one thread you are all about giving up liberty and freedom to be safer...yet in this one you are against it.

you are like a weed in the wind,

What type of gun control / legislation would remove guns from the possession of criminals?​

Care to tackle the premise of the thread?
“GUN CONTROL” is such a catch phrase for the LefTarded bunch....it sounds so neat and gets them all giddy....BUT, what would a Bill look like that would effectively remove guns from the perpetrators of gun related crime?
No law that can be imagined much less passed.

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