What type of gun control / legislation would remove guns from the possession of criminals?

As far as criminals go, the best I can do is to increase the sentences for those who use a gun when committing a crime. These guys are by definition lawbreakers, so there's no new laws that will affect them cuz they won't pay any attention to it.

But the mentally ill is another story. These guys haven't committed a crime up to when they shoot a bunch of people, so is there anything we do to do reduce those incidents? A lot of them seem to be really young guys, so what about raising the age to buy a gun to 21, especially if there's any record of mental illness or violent behavior leading to an arrest or a required evaluation like the Buffalo guy. Or a requirement to delay any gun purchase for 12 months from the date of arrest or evaluation? IMHO, we gotta do better at keeping a gun out of the hands of these people.

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