What Trump Needs to Do To Buttress Markets and Control Spread of COVID19 Virus


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This virus is tanking markets because of panic, flight to money safe havens and the fear that authorities dont know what the F they are doing.

So what I am suggesting is to calm the panicking doofuses, assure the markets things will return to normal via actions and not just verbiage, and most of all, take effective action to slow then recover from this virus before too many die.

1) Declare a national emergency as a precaution so that needed measure can be taken immediately. Emphasize this is preventative in nature and not a late response. Ignore Democrats posturing for political effect.

2) Take the $8 billion the Dems have offered before they change their minds to finance this thing, and have budget people look where more money might be found if needed.

3) Give VP Pence emergency powers and authorize the CDC to take emergency action as well. Authorize the CDC to place anyone in quarantine that has had 3 step exposure to the disease over the last two weeks if anyone is found to carry COVID19.

4) Order adequate isolation units constructed under expert medical supervision that can house over 3 million people. These would be temporary shelters with 0.03 micron prevention, N99 level filtration. Note, N95 is not adequate as that has 0.3 micron opening which is larger than the Covid19 virus.

5) Use war powers under the emergency provisions to order new supply chains for our medical equipment, especially masks and test kits that is entirely within the USA so we can control the manufacturing process. Make as many of these masks and test kits as possible.

6) Have the CDC set up emergency test kit labs that can have a 24 hour turn around on results, so that we have a fast through put on the people tested and free up as many isolation units as possible as people are processed for Covid19.

7) Have food delivery services set up by all food markets so that people do not have to leave home to get essentials.

8) Put antibiotics on a fast track to provide any effective antibiotics enmasse as soon as they are found to be effective. Suspend normal testing procedures for an abbreviated process to save lives now and not worry so much about cancer 30 years from now.

9) Declare that those not cooperating with the CDC will face mandatory confinement and high fines as appropriate.

10) Close all air and sea traffic from nations not taking adequate measures and that have had Covid19 related deaths.

11) Give the public a diagram of probable numbers over the next 6 months from COVID 19. Give most likely, worst and best scenarios to give the public a range of expectations and discount the worst hysterical nonsense.

I think this or something similar will let the public know that the Executive branch is managing this thing appropriately and has things truly under control.
This virus is tanking markets because of panic, flight to money safe havens and the fear that authorities dont know what the F they are doing.

So what I am suggesting is to calm the panicking doofuses, assure the markets things will return to normal via actions and not just verbiage, and most of all, take effective action to slow then recover from this virus before too many die.

1) Declare a national emergency as a precaution so that needed measure can be taken immediately. Emphasize this is preventative in nature and not a late response. Ignore Democrats posturing for political effect.

2) Take the $8 billion the Dems have offered before they change their minds to finance this thing, and have budget people look where more money might be found if needed.

3) Give VP Pence emergency powers and authorize the CDC to take emergency action as well. Authorize the CDC to place anyone in quarantine that has had 3 step exposure to the disease over the last two weeks if anyone is found to carry COVID19.

4) Order adequate isolation units constructed under expert medical supervision that can house over 3 million people. These would be temporary shelters with 0.03 micron prevention, N99 level filtration. Note, N95 is not adequate as that has 0.3 micron opening which is larger than the Covid19 virus.

5) Use war powers under the emergency provisions to order new supply chains for our medical equipment, especially masks and test kits that is entirely within the USA so we can control the manufacturing process. Make as many of these masks and test kits as possible.

6) Have the CDC set up emergency test kit labs that can have a 24 hour turn around on results, so that we have a fast through put on the people tested and free up as many isolation units as possible as people are processed for Covid19.

7) Have food delivery services set up by all food markets so that people do not have to leave home to get essentials.

8) Put antibiotics on a fast track to provide any effective antibiotics enmasse as soon as they are found to be effective. Suspend normal testing procedures for an abbreviated process to save lives now and not worry so much about cancer 30 years from now.

9) Declare that those not cooperating with the CDC will face mandatory confinement and high fines as appropriate.

10) Close all air and sea traffic from nations not taking adequate measures and that have had Covid19 related deaths.

11) Give the public a diagram of probable numbers over the next 6 months from COVID 19. Give most likely, worst and best scenarios to give the public a range of expectations and discount the worst hysterical nonsense.

I think this or something similar will let the public know that the Executive branch is managing this thing appropriately and has things truly under control.

I kinda like the fact that it is tanking markets! A little of what I think this world needs! Shaken up a bit! Let the big players lose a bundle. Frankly, I think it'd be kinds nice if by Christmas, there is widespread panic in the streets! Investors, bankers and CEOs all jumping off their roofs!
I kinda like the fact that it is tanking markets! A little of what I think this world needs! Shaken up a bit! Let the big players lose a bundle. Frankly, I think it'd be kinds nice if by Christmas, there is widespread panic in the streets! Investors, bankers and CEOs all jumping off their roofs!
If this thing has not blown over by September, say hello to President Bernie Sanders.
I kinda like the fact that it is tanking markets! A little of what I think this world needs! Shaken up a bit! Let the big players lose a bundle. Frankly, I think it'd be kinds nice if by Christmas, there is widespread panic in the streets! Investors, bankers and CEOs all jumping off their roofs!
If this thing has not blown over by September, say hello to President Bernie Sanders.

I believe it will be like SARS, Swine Flu and Ebola!

*** cough ***

Which is we will have a major scare but nothing more than maybe ten thousand deaths from it and our Influenza kills more in a year...

At least the left is getting what they prayed for but too bad ot started in a Communist Country they dream we should become...
I kinda like the fact that it is tanking markets! A little of what I think this world needs! Shaken up a bit! Let the big players lose a bundle. Frankly, I think it'd be kinds nice if by Christmas, there is widespread panic in the streets! Investors, bankers and CEOs all jumping off their roofs!
If this thing has not blown over by September, say hello to President Bernie Sanders.

Sweet! Right! Exactly! The nation has gone to hell, corona is everywhere, there is total panic, mayhem and chaos, then they elect Sanders to run it all!

Disease, pandemic, mass graves and a socialist president who wants a free ride wide open door to all the illegals he can stuff in and give free healthcare, education, food and housing to! The ultimate confluence of progressive liberal doom!
He needs to build a bigger wall, and ban travel from third world shitholes. If things still get worse, declare Marshal Law.

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