What..They Left Town.. ?

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Sweet... Congress leaves town..

It's really not that important to us that they didn't complete the Budget or extend the Bush Tax Cuts..

Hey.. it's not like were affected...:eusa_whistle:
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They have their priorities, we have ours.

I think our major priority right now is unemploying as many of them as we can.
How were they allowed to think that they had RISEN so far Above Us?

WTF even ARE they???

If this ISN'T a call to logic and critical thinking?

I do not know what IS...


Other folks want what is OURS, and they're fighting for it!

They've actually taken it SO LOW, that we'd have to look UP to see DOWN,

and STILL,

we're allowing this SHIT!!!

It's a war of wills.

Got WILL? Want freedom? STAND THE FUCK UP!

p.s. SmellChecker recognizes the word: FUCK. THAT's FREEDOM.
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The real pisser for me is that when these Clowns retire or get fired we will be paying for their Golden Parachutes till they croak. Believe me, they have Golden parachutes.

Waste of good money in my book.
The real pisser for me is that when these Clowns retire or get fired we will be paying for their Golden Parachutes till they croak. Believe me, they have Golden parachutes.

Waste of good money in my book.

No kidding... That is the worst part of this!
The real pisser for me is that when these Clowns retire or get fired we will be paying for their Golden Parachutes till they croak. Believe me, they have Golden parachutes.

Waste of good money in my book.

No kidding... That is the worst part of this!

mmm.. let me think.. the worst part...:eusa_eh:
The real pisser for me is that when these Clowns retire or get fired we will be paying for their Golden Parachutes till they croak. Believe me, they have Golden parachutes.

Waste of good money in my book.

I wouldn't call it a "golden parachute".

80% of final salary as a pension? My Dad's pension is better than that, and he was a college professor at a state school.
Sweet... Congress leaves town..

It's really not that important to us that they didn't complete the Budget or extend the Bush Tax Cuts..

Hey.. it's not like were affected...:eusa_whistle:

They cut things off. They knew that if they voted the way they have been? It was curtains for them. [It still is] however by the fact that they refused to address the issues.

They have painted themselves into a corner...and they won't recover.

What we have to watch though is when they come back to the hill...because they are going to do as much damage as they can before they get their pink slips. Just watch.
Sweet... Congress leaves town..

It's really not that important to us that they didn't complete the Budget or extend the Bush Tax Cuts..

Hey.. it's not like were affected...:eusa_whistle:

Lame Duck session lumpy, they will come back, the deficit commission will tell us we need to cut spending ( naturally) , the dems will introduce some type of VAT or play the paygo game for the tax cut, mark my words.....
All I can say is , it's going to be a very interesting November. They had to go home to campaign, as normal. They have forgotten that the house was given 2 year terms for a reason, and that reason was so they could do their 2 years and then go home to their families and businesses, not campaign for reelection to become a career congressman. I say boot em all out.
All I can say is , it's going to be a very interesting November. They had to go home to campaign, as normal. They have forgotten that the house was given 2 year terms for a reason, and that reason was so they could do their 2 years and then go home to their families and businesses, not campaign for reelection to become a career congressman. I say boot em all out.

Absolutely. But upon their return? They'll act as the petulant teens...and exact their revenge uppon the people whom booted them.

They have a taste right now other than fear of unemployment and rejection...and that is vindictiveness toward those that are about to boot their sorry asses.
They've done it so many times...it becomes predictable.

And look at the messiah? He's trying to recapture the magic he's pissed away by backyard BBQ's...Even members of his own party are steering CLEAR of him...

The proverbial writing is on the wall by the hand of the people that are angry as HELL at their government for the mess thy've created.

He's a lame duck even now...and won't get squat passed of his agenda. He's going to get stopped cold.

And he will retaliate. There are BIG stories in the wings as the new Congress takes hold...and it will come down to the people versus Obama.

This scenario has been brewing for some time.

Watch for it.
Hell? Even Rahm 'FishBoy' Emmanuel is leaving to go back to the comfortable climes of the Crime Families of Chicago for the Mayoral Race {How Convieeeenient}...

Even he knows the WALL Obama faces since Obama will no longer have the Majority he squandered...

It's a done deal. Congress will change hands. Obama is Done no matter how many College campi he goes to, no matter how many backyard BBQS he attends...

It's a fait a complis.

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