And They Don't Vote Large


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Even among these the numbers aren't positive. Poor President Obama, he's been taking it on the chin at the backyard meetings too.

Young People And Minorities Are All The President Has Left - Congressional Connection Poll

Wednesday, September 29, 2010 4:22 AM
Young People And Minorities Are All The President Has Left

By Jim O'Sullivan

Americans between ages 18 and 29 are significantly more likely to be satisfied with the overall state of the country than those who are 65 and older, according to the latest Society for Human Resource Management/National Journal Congressional Connection Poll, conducted with the Pew Research Center.

While fully 72 percent of voters 65 and over saying they are dissatisfied with the direction of the country, only 39 percent of those under 30 share that dissatisfaction.

Fifty-nine percent of respondents between 18 and 29 said they believed the federal government would make progress in solving the nation's crucial problems over the next 12 months, while 38 percent said they did not. Just 7 percent said they had no confidence at all. The numbers are part of an overall pattern that shows sharper optimism about the country and higher approval of President Obama's job performance among younger and minority voters, contours of support that match core groups in his winning 2008 coalition.

Up the age bracket, the numbers on both Obama's approval and the nation's outlook begins to decline. Forty-two percent of those aged 30 to 49 and 50 to 64 saw progress over the next year, with 55 percent in both groups reporting little or no confidence that such progress will occur. Among the 65-plus crowd, confidence dropped to 36 percent, with pessimism rising to 60 percent...
Even among these the numbers aren't positive. Poor President Obama, he's been taking it on the chin at the backyard meetings too.

Young People And Minorities Are All The President Has Left - Congressional Connection Poll

Wednesday, September 29, 2010 4:22 AM
Young People And Minorities Are All The President Has Left

By Jim O'Sullivan

Americans between ages 18 and 29 are significantly more likely to be satisfied with the overall state of the country than those who are 65 and older, according to the latest Society for Human Resource Management/National Journal Congressional Connection Poll, conducted with the Pew Research Center.

While fully 72 percent of voters 65 and over saying they are dissatisfied with the direction of the country, only 39 percent of those under 30 share that dissatisfaction.

Fifty-nine percent of respondents between 18 and 29 said they believed the federal government would make progress in solving the nation's crucial problems over the next 12 months, while 38 percent said they did not. Just 7 percent said they had no confidence at all. The numbers are part of an overall pattern that shows sharper optimism about the country and higher approval of President Obama's job performance among younger and minority voters, contours of support that match core groups in his winning 2008 coalition.

Up the age bracket, the numbers on both Obama's approval and the nation's outlook begins to decline. Forty-two percent of those aged 30 to 49 and 50 to 64 saw progress over the next year, with 55 percent in both groups reporting little or no confidence that such progress will occur. Among the 65-plus crowd, confidence dropped to 36 percent, with pessimism rising to 60 percent...

You know why those younger people are more likely to be satisifed? Because of lot of those little darlings are still living at home, on mom and dad's dime!

Of course they are satifised. They have no freaking clue what it's like to get out and make a living.

Those of the younger population that ARE scratching around for a job and a living, they are the ones not satisified with Obama.

Of course, to be fair, to the younger generation, a lot of those living at home, MAY NOT HAVE A CHOICE.

With an almost 10% unemployment rate, many may not have a choice but live at home until they can find a job.
"Young people and minorities"

Because when I think of who's got the wisdom, experience and hard-headed smarts... the hard-working people... the people with know-how... the people who fix cars and land planes, the people who keep an eye on the bottom line, change the diapers, go to church, clean up the trash and volunteer at the polls...

I think of young people and minorities.
"Young people and minorities"

Because when I think of who's got the wisdom, experience and hard-headed smarts... the hard-working people... the people with know-how... the people who fix cars and land planes, the people who keep an eye on the bottom line, change the diapers, go to church, clean up the trash and volunteer at the polls...

I think of young people and minorities.

When I think of young people, I wonder why the law says my 20 year old is an "adult" but she isn't even adult enough to clean up her room. ;)

I'm not sure I agree that young voters still love Obama. I saw some interesting film clips on the news where the kids were saying Obama lied, didn't live up to his promises, hasn't lived up to what they had expected from his promises and not so keen on him these days.
Americans between ages 18 and 29 are significantly more likely to be satisfied with the overall state of the country than those who are 65 and older, according to the latest Society for Human Resource Management/National Journal Congressional Connection Poll, conducted with the Pew Research Center.

Ummmm, I believe the term "ignorance is bliss" applies here.;)
I'm not sure I agree that young voters still love Obama. I saw some interesting film clips on the news where the kids were saying Obama lied, didn't live up to his promises, hasn't lived up to what they had expected from his promises and not so keen on him these days.

That's the segment of the young living in the real world and knowing Obama is killing their changes of getting a job. ;)

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