What the Media Doesn't Show

Ah, the willful ignorance of the LeftoCrat. I won't bother to explain why Sharpton cherry picks White Cops/Black Victim as the reason is obvious. Look at the cash bonanza George Floyd turned out to be.
And all it took for that to happen was for racist cops to torture and kill him on video, seemingly for the fun of it.
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It's called damage control from a black racist. Embrace it, you've earned it :smoke:
An old stale white racist who can't face the truth. This has nothingb to do with damage contril. I heard every worr that was said. But you want to cling to your denial so tough that you ignore every other exas not about internalized racism. I laugh when you call me a racist. Because its funny that a 72-73 year old born during segregation white man who told me that blacks just have to wait for whites to stop being racists has the nerve to call me a racist. You apparently suffer from dementia.
An old stale white racist who can't face the truth. This has nothingb to do with damage contril. I heard every worr that was said. But you want to cling to your denial so tough that you ignore every other exas not about internalized racism. I laugh when you call me a racist. Because its funny that a 72-73 year old born during segregation white man who told me that blacks just have to wait for whites to stop being racists has the nerve to call me a racist. You apparently suffer from dementia.
I've always asked you to produce just one post of mine that was racist.
You can't do it, yet you still call me a racist. You spew racist posts nearly
every time you create a thread or post in other threads.
You got caught in the OP and have been doing damage control ever since.
Sad and pathetic, little man. :rolleyes-41:
MarathonMike is an idiot who tried using the deaths of black children to validate his racist views. 85 percent of the whites who are murdered are murdered by other whites. Since America has been a country, whites have murdered more people in many different ways than anyone else and it's not even close. But here we see MarathonMike barking about Al Sharpton. If all lives really mattered, whites like him and others would be doing something about that 85 percent.

Instead murder only matters to people like him and the other right wingers is when someone black does it so they can run their mouths.
I've always asked you to produce just one post of mine that was racist.
You can't do it, yet you still call me a racist. You spew racist posts nearly
every time you create a thread or post in other threads.
You got caught in the OP and have been doing damage control ever since.
Sad and pathetic, little man. :rolleyes-41:

The fact that you told me that blacks have to wait for whites to stop being racists is proof.

The fact that you told me that blacks have to wait for whites to stop being racists is proof.
You have to misrepresent what I actually said to make your point? You're a liar too.

I said that racism isn't going to end over night. I said it will take a generation or two to get there.
I still stand by that, and that is not being racist.
You are not only a racist, but a lying POS to boot. :cuckoo:
Little vignettes that compress complicated issues into a you tube video to allege racism are examples of mostly left wing propaganda. Let's see what happens when the judicial system takes over.

The fact that you told me that blacks have to wait for whites to stop being racists is proof.
There is nothing fake about this and you know it Meister.
You have to misrepresent what I actually said to make your point? You're a liar too.

I said that racism isn't going to end over night. I said it will take a generation or two to get there.
I still stand by that, and that is not being racist.
You are not only a racist, but a lying POS to boot. :cuckoo:
No, I didn't misrepresent anything. Whites have had 404 years and people like you have been say that it will take a little longer for all 404 years. That's what racists do.

So let me know when I have said that all whites are racists. Apparently your dementia has you conflating the term right wing whites with all whites.

That's part of white fragility.
And this thread was just ended....

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :auiqs.jpg:
Since there are other examples.... But excuse making white racists looking for anything to deny racism cling to one thing and avoid the topic of internalized racism.

Nice try Jennings.
What egg?

Internalized racism is a real psychological effect of white racism. Simple minded white racists know nothing aout it. But you support blacks with it and tell other blacks how blacks like Candace Owens, Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder and Ben Carson, all of them psychologically damage, are the blacks that represent sucess.

Karen Waltzes Into Black Neighbor's Home, Threatens To Call Cops​

So if I white cop does something wrong to a black citizen it's white supremacy. If a black cop does something wrong to a black citizen it's white supremacy. If a black cop does something wrong to a white citizen is that white supremacy? What if a white cop does something wrong to a white citizen?
How exactly, is it "breaking in" when his daughter let the boy in?
Please read the link provided to you by JoeB131. There is no 15-year-old

An old stale white racist who can't face the truth. This has nothingb to do with damage contril. I heard every worr that was said. But you want to cling to your denial so tough that you ignore every other exas not about internalized racism. I laugh when you call me a racist. Because its funny that a 72-73 year old born during segregation white man who told me that blacks just have to wait for whites to stop being racists has the nerve to call me a racist. You apparently suffer from dementia.

Except you tried to paint black on black violence with kind of murky circumstances as proof of racist violence against black people. It took me about 5 minutes to get to the bottom of the issue, which is probably why you haven't heard about it much in the media. Once you found out the ex-cop was black and the kid was breaking into his house, it just wasn't what you presented it as.

MarathonMike is an idiot who tried using the deaths of black children to validate his racist views. 85 percent of the whites who are murdered are murdered by other whites. Since America has been a country, whites have murdered more people in many different ways than anyone else and it's not even close. But here we see MarathonMike barking about Al Sharpton. If all lives really mattered, whites like him and others would be doing something about that 85 percent.

Here's the thing. When a white person murders another white person, the police arrest him. He goes on trial, he gets convicted, and he goes to prison. People in the community cooperate with the police and act as witnesses against him.

This simply is not what happens with the 98% of black who murder other blacks. People don't talk to the police, people don't come out to be witnesses. Part of that is out of fear of retaliation by the gangs, to be sure, but part of that is a tolerance of crime itself.

This needs to change.
MarathonMike is an idiot who tried using the deaths of black children to validate his racist views. 85 percent of the whites who are murdered are murdered by other whites. Since America has been a country, whites have murdered more people in many different ways than anyone else and it's not even close. But here we see MarathonMike barking about Al Sharpton. If all lives really mattered, whites like him and others would be doing something about that 85 percent.
And 92% of the black people murdered are murdered by other black people. What exactly is your point? Of course, white people have perpetrated more murders they make up the vast majority of the population and have since the inception of the country.
Instead murder only matters to people like him and the other right wingers is when someone black does it so they can run their mouths.
No, I didn't misrepresent anything. Whites have had 404 years and people like you have been say that it will take a little longer for all 404 years. That's what racists do.

So let me know when I have said that all whites are racists. Apparently your dementia has you conflating the term right wing whites with all whites.

That's part of white fragility.
You're lying. I stated what I had said, there was nothing racist about that. I was being a realist as to
what it's going to take. You want to wake up the next day and there be no racism. Life doesn't work like that, racist.
You have to spin everything don't you? You're a paid hack that posts your racist BS on this site.
Sounds like you have to prostitute yourself to be relevant. sad

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