What the Media Doesn't Show

You're lying. I stated what I had said, there was nothing racist about that. I was being a realist as to
what it's going to take. You want to wake up the next day and there be no racism. Life doesn't work like that, racist.
You have to spin everything don't you? You're a paid hack that posts your racist BS on this site.
Sounds like you have to prostitute yourself to be relevant. sad
What you said was racist. Whites like you always talk about how it's going to take time. How much more time do whites need? I'm not paid to come here. America has been a nation since 1776. And whites have been saying it's going to take time since America was a colony. And I'm a racist for saying we're tired of waiting. You guys think 59 years is enough to make everybody equal, so we must end anything whites believe takes away what they feel they are entitled to but after 404 years of racism it's going to take more time. You lousy ignorant racist....
So if I white cop does something wrong to a black citizen it's white supremacy. If a black cop does something wrong to a black citizen it's white supremacy. If a black cop does something wrong to a white citizen is that white supremacy? What if a white cop does something wrong to a white citizen?
Internalized racism is a result of white supremacy. It's a psychological thing whereby some people of color want to be accepted by whites so bad, they'll adopt the same racist beliefs as whites. You see this with people like Candace Owens, Larry Elder, Ben Carson, Thomas Sowell and Clarence Thomas. If a black cop does something wrong to someone white, if they have a long record of police brutality against whites, then its racism and that racism would be created by white sypremacy. Your questions are stupid and what you're showing is that you haven't studied racisms psychological effects.

Now are you going to stay stuck on that one? Or are you going to discuss all the others?
And 92% of the black people murdered are murdered by other black people. What exactly is your point? Of course, white people have perpetrated more murders they make up the vast majority of the population and have since the inception of the country.
My pount is that white need to concern yourself with your 85 percdnt instead of harping on us because 85 percent is a high number too. You don't get to commit more murders because there are more of you. Whites were not the majority here at the beginning of this country and how they got to be the majority was due to attempted genocide. No other race of people in America has done that.
My pount is that white need to concern yourself with your 85 percdnt instead of harping on us because 85 percent is a high number too. You don't get to commit more murders because there are more of you. Whites were not the majority here at the beginning of this country and how they got to be the majority was due to attempted genocide. No other race of people in America has done that.

Who started this thread? Who's on here constantly crying?
Internalized racism is a result of white supremacy. It's a psychological thing whereby some people of color want to be accepted by whites so bad, they'll adopt the same racist beliefs as whites. You see this with people like Candace Owens, Larry Elder, Ben Carson, Thomas Sowell and Clarence Thomas. If a black cop does something wrong to someone white, if they have a long record of police brutality against whites, then its racism and that racism would be created by white sypremacy. Your questions are stupid and what you're showing is that you haven't studied racisms psychological effects.

Now are you going to stay stuck on that one? Or are you going to discuss all the others?
Right so no matter what happens in your world a white person is at fault.

You are a racist.
What you said was racist. Whites like you always talk about how it's going to take time. How much more time do whites need? I'm not paid to come here. America has been a nation since 1776. And whites have been saying it's going to take time since America was a colony. And I'm a racist for saying we're tired of waiting. You guys think 59 years is enough to make everybody equal, so we must end anything whites believe takes away what they feel they are entitled to but after 404 years of racism it's going to take more time. You lousy ignorant racist....
Well, I do see the obvious....you don't know what you're talking about, slick.
We are talking about the real world, not your unicorn and lollipop world.
With black racists like you, you're only hurting your cause? Or, maybe you want to keep the
embers burning. POS

Angela Davis? Cool! You're proud of your true self!

Let's see, who is Angela Davis?

Davis was born in Birmingham, Alabama; she studied at Brandeis University and the University of Frankfurt, where she became increasingly engaged in far-left politics. She also studied at the University of California, San Diego, before moving to East Germany, where she completed a doctorate at the University of Berlin. After returning to the United States, she joined the CPUSA and became involved in the second-wave feminist movement and the campaign against the Vietnam War. In 1969, she was hired as an assistant professor of philosophy at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). UCLA's governing Board of Regents soon fired her due to her membership in the CPUSA. After a court ruled the firing illegal, the university fired her for the use of inflammatory language.

In 1970, guns belonging to Davis were used in an armed takeover of a courtroom in Marin County, California, in which four people were killed. Prosecuted for three capital felonies—including conspiracy to murder—she was held in jail for over a year before being acquitted of all charges in 1972. During the 1980s, Davis was twice the Communist Party's candidate for vice president. In 1997, she co-founded Critical Resistance, an organization working to abolish the prison–industrial complex. In 1991, amid the dissolution of the Soviet Union, she broke away from the CPUSA to help establish the CCDS.

Angela Davis - Wikipedia


Angela Yvonne Davis is a prominent political activist, scholar, and author. She emerged as the leader of the Communist Party USA in the 1960s and had close ties to the Black Panther Party. She has advocated for the abolishment of prisons and the prison-industrial complex. She is currently Distinguished Professor Emerita at the University of California, Santa Cruz, where she taught in the History of Consciousness Department and is the former director of the Feminist Studies Department.

Angela Davis? Cool! You're proud of your true self!

Let's see, who is Angela Davis?

Davis was born in Birmingham, Alabama; she studied at Brandeis University and the University of Frankfurt, where she became increasingly engaged in far-left politics. She also studied at the University of California, San Diego, before moving to East Germany, where she completed a doctorate at the University of Berlin. After returning to the United States, she joined the CPUSA and became involved in the second-wave feminist movement and the campaign against the Vietnam War. In 1969, she was hired as an assistant professor of philosophy at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). UCLA's governing Board of Regents soon fired her due to her membership in the CPUSA. After a court ruled the firing illegal, the university fired her for the use of inflammatory language.

In 1970, guns belonging to Davis were used in an armed takeover of a courtroom in Marin County, California, in which four people were killed. Prosecuted for three capital felonies—including conspiracy to murder—she was held in jail for over a year before being acquitted of all charges in 1972. During the 1980s, Davis was twice the Communist Party's candidate for vice president. In 1997, she co-founded Critical Resistance, an organization working to abolish the prison–industrial complex. In 1991, amid the dissolution of the Soviet Union, she broke away from the CPUSA to help establish the CCDS.

Angela Davis - Wikipedia


Angela Yvonne Davis is a prominent political activist, scholar, and author. She emerged as the leader of the Communist Party USA in the 1960s and had close ties to the Black Panther Party. She has advocated for the abolishment of prisons and the prison-industrial complex. She is currently Distinguished Professor Emerita at the University of California, Santa Cruz, where she taught in the History of Consciousness Department and is the former director of the Feminist Studies Department.

Yes I LOVE ANGELA DAVIS. Now you love Marjorie Taylor Green.
Yes I LOVE ANGELA DAVIS. Now you love Marjorie Taylor Green.

My pount is that white need to concern yourself with your 85 percdnt instead of harping on us because 85 percent is a high number too. You don't get to commit more murders because there are more of you. Whites were not the majority here at the beginning of this country and how they got to be the majority was due to attempted genocide. No other race of people in America has done that.
Blacks who suffer from internalized racism believe and promote negative stereotypes of black people. They will adopt white racist beliefs and thinking. This is the literal meaning of acting white, and it has nothing to do with getting good grades or going to college. Internalized racism is when people of color accept a racial hierarchy that includes white beliefs about black people. It is what caused the killing in Memphis.

So simple minded posts about how racism can't be part of a black person killing another black ignores the psychological impact of white racism on blacks, especially in places like Mississippi

Are the cops here black?

You’re stuck in 1860. Snap out of it.
And 92% of the black people murdered are murdered by other black people. What exactly is your point? Of course, white people have perpetrated more murders they make up the vast majority of the population and have since the inception of the country.
You’re wasting your time. This has been pointed out to him ad naseum for years on this board. I hate to say it because it’s so stereotypical, but he’s not good at math.
My pount is that white need to concern yourself with your 85 percdnt instead of harping on us because 85 percent is a high number too. You don't get to commit more murders because there are more of you. Whites were not the majority here at the beginning of this country and how they got to be the majority was due to attempted genocide. No other race of people in America has done that.
I've always asked you to produce just one post of mine that was racist.
You can't do it, yet you still call me a racist. You spew racist posts nearly
every time you create a thread or post in other threads.
You got caught in the OP and have been doing damage control ever since.
Sad and pathetic, little man. :rolleyes-41:
In his mind, all whites are racist and all blacks aren’t.

Funny…he only thinks in black and white.
My pount is that white need to concern yourself with your 85 percdnt instead of harping on us because 85 percent is a high number too. You don't get to commit more murders because there are more of you. Whites were not the majority here at the beginning of this country and how they got to be the majority was due to attempted genocide. No other race of people in America has done that.
Which genocide was that?

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