What the democrats remind me of...


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2011
Along time ago, there was a situation in a workplace where a line construction company had what is known as a stern manager, who if a crew member asked for a tool, because he claimed that he had broken his, then that manager would ask that crewmen for the old tool before issuing the new one out to him (simple concept right), and if the crewmen couldnot produce the tool he was claiming he had broken, then the tool was issued even so, but a fine was charged for the tool that is now considered lost. The charge was pro-rated of course for example a come-along that would cost $100.00 dollars, would be charged in turn to the crew member for around symbolically $25.00 dollars, and this just to tighten up the ship and breed personal responsibility.. Now doesn't this make since when managing properly a company and it's assets, in order to keep a tight ship, and to make profits, as well as (very importantly) to save jobs because the company is making a profit and looking secure under such a manager ? Yes it does!

Ok, but the employee's didnot like this manager, infact they hated him or loathed him badly, because they wanted him to be more liberal and freerer with the companies assets and/or tools in this case, so they worked every angle that they could on this guy, in order to try and make him look bad, but it all failed or didn't work, because this guy was rock solid.

Soon because of this guy's credentials he had built up, and the stability that had surrounded him it paid off, as he was promoted on up the latter because of, but he needed a replacement or was expected to pick a replacement in which he soon did. He then picked a replacement, and here is the difference that was found quickly between the two be it him and his replacement. His replacement was a stone cold liberal minded fellow, that was very likeable and was very easy to deal with quickly, infact he was very funny (joking all the time), and he also worked the way he acted, so the men drew a great sigh of relief when this guy showed up on the scene as the other guy's replacement.

The first day on the job, he opened up the tool shed, and said to the men (take what you need, because I know you have been deprived and held back of the things that you have needed), evil grin as he looked upon the men taking what they felt they needed just like kids turned lose in a candy store all of a sudden. He then won them over by opening up this tool shed and making people laugh and laugh it seemed, but his bottom line began to slip, and his profits began to fall, his crews began wanting more and more and more, even beyond what they needed, but they expected it anyway. He began golfing and drinking while on lunch break, and just having the time of his life, while his crews began slipping and losing production, running wild and etc. Soon it all came to an abrupt end, as the party that was started had to end, and order had to be restored, and the lock was put back on the tool shed door. He was soon fired bacause of it all, and the next guy had to come in and repair all the damage, restore order, and put the company and it's employee's back on track again.

This return of order protected the company, it's employee's, and it's long term contract and profits.

Did Bill Clinton take the lock off of the tool shed door, and are we paying for all of that right now or unto this very day ?

Did Obama take the lock off the tool shed door, and begin a reign of unstableness that cannot be sustained much longer, and if so should we be looking for a new manager of this nation again, otherwise if we do find that this has been the case with these democrats? I am for liking people and having fun, but there is the right time and the right place for these things in life to happen, and then there is the wrong time for being funny when we should be serious, so are we crossing lines in all of these things today in America, instead of managing affectively for stability ? :eusa_eh:
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How can a mother stand there as Michelle Obama just did, and say that she is for a woman (all women) being the master of or totally in control of their decision making when it comes to their body (speaking on abortion as the topic I'm sure), and did this in such a blanketing way like she did for political scores ?

It sends the wrong message I think, where as with choices that are made by anyone in life, they all have consequences, and we will all be judged by those choices in our lives in which we do make, and this by our families, our doctors, our judges, our justice system, our laws, our religious communities or leaders, our Lord our God, to some their god or their god's, our children and/or etc. especially if we do make the wrong choices in life in so that it will affect us and others in a very bad way. We have been discussing abortion in another thread here, and some very good points of views have been seen in that thread, but in no way is it ever just seen in black and white, because the complexities of it all are many but the choices are few, and the choices are made based on specific criterias as in events that took place or medical complexities in which we had also covered in that thread. Most agree with each other on certain conditions or terms that determins an exception in choice that would be made in special cases concerning rape or incest, but after that if there is no conclusive evidence that the mothers life is in danger or rape or incest would have been the case to have been involved, that a pregnancy should be stopped after it had gotten started.

I don't like blanket statements made about abortion in the manor in which it was touted by Michelle Obama, suggesting that a woman should be in total control of her body (for whom many this means if she wants to cop out and get an abortion at whatever stage she deems appropriate by her), then who are we or the government or anyone else to say otherwise in such a situation ? Many know now that abortion has been taken to Hitler scientist levels almost (traggic stories and accounts told), and this because we have become laxed on our morals and eithics on such matters anymore, and that is ashame.

The speech was very devisive and polarizing imho, because they are laying blame constantly on the otherside for using attacks and tactics, but then using the same attacks and tactics heavily themselves ?
wake me if you ever have any real content.
I just did or you wouldn't have awoken to participate, so I am sorry that I ruffled your democratic beauty sleep, but the truth needs to be told one way or the other moon-zappa or I mean moonglow.
wake me if you ever have any real content.
I just did or you wouldn't have awoken to participate, so I am sorry that I ruffled your democratic beauty sleep, but the truth needs to be told one way or the other moon-zappa or I mean moonglow.

Yes I saw Frank Zappa, one of his kids is named Moon Zappa. many times in the 70's and 80's.
But there is no truth to what you say, it is just opinion, sort of.
I do think the tool shed has been unlocked and too many are raiding it needlessly.

Welfare is a needed program for people down on their luck and for the disabled and elderly. When we see so many able bodied people on it and getting enough money to cover their gambling, tattoos, nail salons and other frivilous things, it's clear we have overdone it.

Welfare should be considered temporary while people are getting back on their feet. When people lose their jobs, it's usually rough until they find another one and settle back into their usual routine. When I see people on welfare for years and they use their EBT cards for the ridiculous things mentioned above, it's clear they aren't trying to get out of their rut, but rather settling in to a life of dependency. They spend tax payer money like spoiled chidren spend their big allowance.

Since when does the safety net require that the recipients be given disposable income to spend on luxury items, like big screen televisions? Is this going too far with assistance? Where is the incentive to get off welfare when the lifestyle it offers is similar, even better in some cases, than the average worker?

We should provide basic necessities for families who are struggling, but not over and above that. We should expect that they act responsibly when they are receiving welfare and making every effort to improve their own situation. Having more babies and spending welfare checks to get your nails and hair done or hit the casino isn't responsible and shouldn't be subsidized by the tax payers.

When anyone talks about cuts in some programs, there is panic. I think we should reduce the amounts for people who continually use the money for non-essential items. Go back to the food stamps that can only be used for food. As it is, they can use EBT for cigarettes, which is completely ridiculous. Welfare should be a last resort, temporary and cover basic needs. It should be temporary, but generations of families have lived on it. Time to break the cycle.

Instead of focusing on getting people on their own feet, the Dems are constantly looking for ways to make the liberal plantation even more desirable. It's almost like they want to lure people in. There is even an effort on the part of our government and the Mexican government to get people into the welfare offices. All the dependents mean votes and it's not really doing a favor for people. Taking care of people and constantly feeding them a line of bull, namely that they can't make it on their own, isn't doing them any favors. It's like the parent who spoils the child and does everything for them because they like to feel needed and kills the child's ability and desire to soar on their own. Dems are about government taking the lead and cradle to grave coddling and controlling people. Republicans are about individualism, freedom and liberty, which is the reason we used to be the greatest country on earth. I'm not sure where we stand at this point.
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I do think the tool shed has been unlocked and too many are raiding it needlessly.

Welfare is a needed program for people down on their luck and for the disabled and elderly. When we see so many able bodied people on it and getting enough money to cover their gambling, tattoos, nail salons and other frivilous things, it's clear we have overdone it.

Welfare should be considered temporary while people are getting back on their feet. When people lose their jobs, it's usually rough until they find another one and settle back into their usual routine. When I see people on welfare for years and they use their EBT cards for the ridiculous things mentioned above, it's clear they aren't trying to get out of their rut, but rather settling in to a life of dependency. They spend tax payer money like spoiled chidren spend their big allowance.

Since when does the safety net require that the recipients be given disposable income to spend on luxury items, like big screen televisions? Is this going too far with assistance? Where is the incentive to get off welfare when the lifestyle it offers is similar, even better in some cases, than the average worker?

We should provide basic necessities for families who are struggling, but not over and above that. We should expect that they act responsibly when they are receiving welfare and making every effort to improve their own situation. Having more babies and spending welfare checks to get your nails and hair done or hit the casino isn't responsible and shouldn't be subsidized by the tax payers.

When anyone talks about cuts in some programs, there is panic. I think we should reduce the amounts for people who continually use the money for non-essential items. Go back to the food stamps that can only be used for food. As it is, they can use EBT for cigarettes, which is completely ridiculous. Welfare should be a last resort, temporary and cover basic needs. It should be temporary, but generations of families have lived on it. Time to break the cycle.

Snap benifits can't be spent on smokes, now if you have TANF you can and it is put on the same card as the food stamps.
my dog knows more about sunday school than barry knows about a spreadsheet.

then please register the dog for the campaign and see how far it gets.

These days, by what I am seeing so far in the democrat party as of lately, is some very little and/or small angry sets of doggies, who have a very big ole bark, yet probably could be big winners in these days and times, because people are intimidated by these little doggies whom have such a big ole bark but no teeth. ((smile))
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Sorry, but it was getting late last night when I wrote down some things, so if it didn't make much sense at times, I do apologize. I had every bit of three hours sleep before going to work today...wow

I corrected some post I made, so again I do apologize for writing while sleepy and/or sleeping at times when writing. LOL
I do think the tool shed has been unlocked and too many are raiding it needlessly.

Welfare is a needed program for people down on their luck and for the disabled and elderly. When we see so many able bodied people on it and getting enough money to cover their gambling, tattoos, nail salons and other frivilous things, it's clear we have overdone it.

Welfare should be considered temporary while people are getting back on their feet. When people lose their jobs, it's usually rough until they find another one and settle back into their usual routine. When I see people on welfare for years and they use their EBT cards for the ridiculous things mentioned above, it's clear they aren't trying to get out of their rut, but rather settling in to a life of dependency. They spend tax payer money like spoiled chidren spend their big allowance.

Since when does the safety net require that the recipients be given disposable income to spend on luxury items, like big screen televisions? Is this going too far with assistance? Where is the incentive to get off welfare when the lifestyle it offers is similar, even better in some cases, than the average worker?

We should provide basic necessities for families who are struggling, but not over and above that. We should expect that they act responsibly when they are receiving welfare and making every effort to improve their own situation. Having more babies and spending welfare checks to get your nails and hair done or hit the casino isn't responsible and shouldn't be subsidized by the tax payers.

When anyone talks about cuts in some programs, there is panic. I think we should reduce the amounts for people who continually use the money for non-essential items. Go back to the food stamps that can only be used for food. As it is, they can use EBT for cigarettes, which is completely ridiculous. Welfare should be a last resort, temporary and cover basic needs. It should be temporary, but generations of families have lived on it. Time to break the cycle.

Instead of focusing on getting people on their own feet, the Dems are constantly looking for ways to make the liberal plantation even more desirable. It's almost like they want to lure people in. There is even an effort on the part of our government and the Mexican government to get people into the welfare offices. All the dependents mean votes and it's not really doing a favor for people. Taking care of people and constantly feeding them a line of bull, namely that they can't make it on their own, isn't doing them any favors. It's like the parent who spoils the child and does everything for them because they like to feel needed and kills the child's ability and desire to soar on their own. Dems are about government taking the lead and cradle to grave coddling and controlling people. Republicans are about individualism, freedom and liberty, which is the reason we used to be the greatest country on earth. I'm not sure where we stand at this point.

Preach on brother, as this is what they are terrified of, but rather they should be embracing whole heartedly for their futures. We will never let people go hungry or be without medical care in this nation, but the demo's claim otherwise for political scores, and to ignite a base filled with an eyes wide open set of dependents, who are dependent on the government, and who will be for the government as always because of.

People are taking a good look around them now in this nation, and they are seeing the writing on the walls, even if they are being lied to by the government and these politicans, whom say otherwise in the face of it all, we the people still seek the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth in America so help us God.
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Was watching the Hannity show while the convention is going on, and they were slinging it about health care amongst the panel, but what I am not hearing also about, is the part about fines being levied for not buying health care as a policy each year per government mandate, and this even though the government cannot garantee the policy or the quality of the service as found within the policy, in which is catered to always ((the affordability of the individual)) when purchasing. Because of this and the money one has to spend on these things, they may not get a policy worth having really, but the government will force them to have that policy in which they can only afford regardless of, or they will get a fine if sit it out until something is offered as better maybe ? This was a failure of the health care mandate, and is another reason that this thing needs to be re-worked and re-reviewed for the American people big time.

Hec for another super example: Here we are also paying super high prices for gasoline right now, and sadly after you have placed $75.00 dollars worth in your tank to fill it up, and then next you go down the road spark raddle-ing ( a common term used) or having no power at all hardly because of, where as the octance isn't what it is supposed to be when purchased, thus placing your cars engine in danger. Well I think that the health care situation is also the same or simular, but the government is going to make you buy a policy now or fine you if you don't get insurance, and when you do, hec it may really cause your heart to flutter, just as that engine does with that over priced gasoline/rip off, where as sadly the octane level is found to be very low, thus causing catostrophic damages down the road to your engine in which is simply put (((insane))), especially at the prices of this stuff now. Do the repubs not understand how easy this stuff is to refute or to attack for the record upon review now or are they involved up to their neck in this stuff also ?
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