What reason does the USA get into Wars?

Have you ever heard of SEATO or much less know what it means?

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  • I've heard of it but don't know what it means

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  • I KNOW and I had to defend it or knew some who defended it

    Votes: 8 100.0%
  • I really don't understand the question

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I was talking with my 12 yr granddaughter and she was wearing a tee-shirt with a "Peace" sign. Which I just found out was originally created for the "Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament"
View attachment 19638
Peace symbols - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

She said she had no idea about the Peace sign much less the Vietnam war.

Knowing she'll in all likelihood NOT hear the true reason for Vietnam I asked her if then she believed in when making a contract or agreement, or treaties was it wrong to abide by the terms, i.e. SEATO for example. Or the 1991 Cease Fire.

Neither of which she had ever heard of much less knew anything!

So I'm asking the people of this forum in a poll how many of you had EVER heard of SEATO?

South East Asia Treaty Organization.
Lately it's the chickenhawk Pubs who are guilty. Like the last 30 years, Neocon fools.

Based on your totally ignorant comment you probably are a thief!
You probably have had several credit cards taken you to collections.
You probably can't buy a car or a house because according to you NO agreements, contracts are to be abided by the people that make the agreements!

You are probably a chickenshi..t that would sign a peace treaty then turn around and invade .geez sounds like Saddam!

See the majority of civilized people make agreements, contracts, TREATIES like the
South East ASIA Treaty Organization! LIKE NATO and the USA signed with other countries all out of fear of Communism/Russia/China!

But because IDIOTS like you have NEVER been taught history you don't know WHY
the USA was involved in these wars.. but you sure as he...ll have BENEFITED by the people that recognized that with out the alliances the world would be complete totalitarian states!

Why don't you think just a little as in your own measly existence.
THERE is a treaty between you and the police!
They come when you call... BUT according to your ignorance when France in Vietnam
called on SEATO YOU would NOT GO!

Crap wipe is more responsible than people like you!

I'm having a heck of time trying to figure out what you are saying here. Looks like you're missing whole words....
Idiocy. I guess Hitler and the Commies were a-OK LOL. Johnson knew he made a mistake, and quit. Nixon said he had a secret plan to end the war and took it another 4 years. Pubs-ALWAYS WRONG.

Thanks for ruining the League of Nations, the World Depression that gave us Ger. and Jap. militarists,, letting Hitler and the Japanese run wild. Pub dupes!!

Franco, horrible arguement. Trotsky and Stalin hated each other, but they were BOTH commies.
Idiocy. I guess Hitler and the Commies were a-OK LOL. Johnson knew he made a mistake, and quit. Nixon said he had a secret plan to end the war and took it another 4 years. Pubs-ALWAYS WRONG.

Thanks for ruining the League of Nations, the World Depression that gave us Ger. and Jap. militarists,, letting Hitler and the Japanese run wild. Pub dupes!!

Franco, horrible arguement. Trotsky and Stalin hated each other, but they were BOTH commies.
But...but...but...MASTER'S IN HISTORY!! :rolleyes:
I can tell You one thing for sure. Just because you have a Masters in History does not mean you learned a God Damn thing from it. All it means is you know what happened. Does not mean you understand why it happened.

I wont make any claims about having a Degree, But I will describe myself as someone who has always been very interested in World History. Type of guy who will read the Auto Biography's, and Obscure books most people wouldn't. Put it this way, I have read probably 25 Books on the subject of the War of 1812 alone. lol
I can tell You one thing for sure. Just because you have a Masters in History does not mean you learned a God Damn thing from it. All it means is you know what happened. Does not mean you understand why it happened.

I wont make any claims about having a Degree, But I will describe myself as someone who has always been very interested in World History. Type of guy who will read the Auto Biography's, and Obscure books most people wouldn't. Put it this way, I have read probably 25 Books on the subject of the War of 1812 alone. lol

You must spread some Reputation around....
Republicans are bullies. They love to start wars. They just don't want to fight them. Or their kids. But that's why we have poor people. Republicans refer to them as "cannon fodder". It's obvious why.
The higher your rep, the more of a RW fool you are LOL. I taught French and Spanish , mainly, just like history- got that at 50. LOL

And this is politics, not history. The last 30 years, the wars are ALL chickenhawk Pubs'- lots of STUPID covert stuff too. Dems "wars" have been police actions, no US deaths.
We get involved in wars today because of what happened in WWI and WWII. We tried to stay out of Europe's business but they along with the Japanese eventually dragged us into their "World War" because on a planet, all actions eventually affect you somehow.

The US can't let Russia or China block off half the planet for their little kingdom and act like it won't hurt international finance and trade, in addition to the human rights violations of killing people left and right.

Once the Cold War started we got a kneejerk reaction to everything the communists did in Europe, Asia and South America. We got sucked into wars in Korea and Vietnam when in fact those countries are very little in importance compared to Iraq sitting right in the middle of the oil country. Iraq was a justified war compared to Vietnam, but everyone likes to claim this or that war is Vietnam out of stupidity. Uh, compare the number of dead between the wars first and the outcome.

The 1960s gave the social misfits a stage against Vietnam and now those assholes have weaseled their way into every part of society telling us war is evil at every turn.

Well, if we didn't fight wars then England would still rule the US....the Jews would've eventually been wiped off the face of the Earth, etc.

Any idiot that likes to play the "peace card" everytime is an ignorant person or evil person because they don't want to deal with evil people harming innocent people in some kind of military/terrorist action somewhere on this planet.
The higher your rep, the more of a RW fool you are LOL. I taught French and Spanish , mainly, just like history- got that at 50. LOL

And this is politics, not history. The last 30 years, the wars are ALL chickenhawk Pubs'- lots of STUPID covert stuff too. Dems "wars" have been police actions, no US deaths.
Like I said..."The last 30 years" lets you very conveniently omit the biggest warmongers of the 20th century.

Demduppe hack dupe.
Those opposed to the actions done by the US military ignore the reasons behind those actions.

1) Protect the US and its citizens.
2) Protect our allies.
3) Maintain human rights.
4) Maintain open trade routes for us and the world.
5) Maintain world and regional peace and stability.

If you violate 1 or more of those areas, then the US military might be paying you a visit.

Saddam violated human rights, invaded our ally, threatened other allies and destabilized the peave/stability of the middle east.....so he got attacked.

UBL harmed the US and its citizens, so he got attacked.

Iran is threatening us and our allies in addition to posturing to destabilize the middle east with nukes and support to terrorists.....they are on the list.

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