What reason does the USA get into Wars?

Have you ever heard of SEATO or much less know what it means?

  • NO I have Never heard much less know what it is.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I've heard of it but don't know what it means

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I KNOW and I had to defend it or knew some who defended it

    Votes: 8 100.0%
  • I really don't understand the question

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I was talking with my 12 yr granddaughter and she was wearing a tee-shirt with a "Peace" sign. Which I just found out was originally created for the "Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament"
Peace symbols - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

She said she had no idea about the Peace sign much less the Vietnam war.

Knowing she'll in all likelihood NOT hear the true reason for Vietnam I asked her if then she believed in when making a contract or agreement, or treaties was it wrong to abide by the terms, i.e. SEATO for example. Or the 1991 Cease Fire.

Neither of which she had ever heard of much less knew anything!

So I'm asking the people of this forum in a poll how many of you had EVER heard of SEATO?
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaad you are being like, all serious and boooring and stuff.
Isn't it funny how "the younger generation" believes they discovered "it", what ever "it" might be. My own g-daughter said we wouldn't know about hip huggers and flared pants. I've noticed the colors and designs of my generation are back ... Next, they'll "discover" hot pants and hip boots.

Why do we go to war?

I thinks its always been the same. A very few profit and they believe its worth the price. Oh yeah, and they don't give a fuck about those who get DEAD.

And, of course, we all know who it is that profits and it ain't the 99%. Just ask Dick (Darth Vader) Cheney.

I came of age in the time of Vietnam so of course, I've heard of SEATO. But really, what does it matter?

A memory - walking through Stapleton Airport, Denver, after seeing a friend off to Vietnam where he was later killed. A headline of the Denver Post caught my eye - 'No troops in South East Asia, Johnson says'.

Politicians lie and a lot of soldiers die.

That's just one of the reasons I prefer Obama's surgical strikes.
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Isn't it funny how "the younger generation" believes the discovered "it", what ever "it" might be. My own gdaughter said we wouldn't know about hip huggers and flared pants. I've noticed the colors and designs of my generation are back ... Next, they'll "discover" hot pants and hip boots.

Why do we go to war?

I thinks its always been the same. A very few profit and they believe its worth the price.

And, of course, we all know who it is that profits and it ain't the 99%. Just ask Dick (Darth Vader) Cheney.

I came of age in the time of Vietnam so of course, I'm heard of SEATO. But really, what does it matter?

A memory - walking through Stapleton Airport, Denver, after seeing a friend off to Vietnam where he was later killed. A headline of the Denver Post caught my eye - 'No troops in South East Asia, Johnson says'.

Politicians lie and a lot of soldiers die.

That's just one of the reasons I prefer Obama's surgical strikes.

I wish you would take a SEATO jackass!
Isn't it funny how "the younger generation" believes they discovered "it", what ever "it" might be. My own g-daughter said we wouldn't know about hip huggers and flared pants. I've noticed the colors and designs of my generation are back ... Next, they'll "discover" hot pants and hip boots.

Why do we go to war?

I thinks its always been the same. A very few profit and they believe its worth the price. Oh yeah, and they don't give a fuck about those who get DEAD.

And, of course, we all know who it is that profits and it ain't the 99%. Just ask Dick (Darth Vader) Cheney.

I came of age in the time of Vietnam so of course, I've heard of SEATO. But really, what does it matter?

A memory - walking through Stapleton Airport, Denver, after seeing a friend off to Vietnam where he was later killed. A headline of the Denver Post caught my eye - 'No troops in South East Asia, Johnson says'.

Politicians lie and a lot of soldiers die.

That's just one of the reasons I prefer Obama's surgical strikes.
"Missed it by THAT much!"

Had you said Both Parties love the Military Industrial Complex I would have repped ya'.
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Isn't it funny how "the younger generation" believes they discovered "it", what ever "it" might be. My own g-daughter said we wouldn't know about hip huggers and flared pants. I've noticed the colors and designs of my generation are back ... Next, they'll "discover" hot pants and hip boots.

Why do we go to war?

I thinks its always been the same. A very few profit and they believe its worth the price. Oh yeah, and they don't give a fuck about those who get DEAD.

And, of course, we all know who it is that profits and it ain't the 99%. Just ask Dick (Darth Vader) Cheney.

I came of age in the time of Vietnam so of course, I've heard of SEATO. But really, what does it matter?

A memory - walking through Stapleton Airport, Denver, after seeing a friend off to Vietnam where he was later killed. A headline of the Denver Post caught my eye - 'No troops in South East Asia, Johnson says'.

Politicians lie and a lot of soldiers die.

That's just one of the reasons I prefer Obama's surgical strikes.

So why do you think SEATO existed?
More importantly though why are you paying your bills?
I mean you made an arrangement with the seller goods for payment.
Why don't you just not pay?

SEATO was an agreement that like NATO AT THE F...king time you idiots.. the world was ruled by Mutual ASSURED DESTRUCTION mentality..i.e. COLD WAR!
But again idiots like you have ALL the luxury of hindsight!
SO being the smart ass you are... what IS OBAMA going to do when USSR/IRAN/CHINA/Syria have "WAR GAMES" with 90,000 troops 1,000 tanks!
WHAT brillance will "surgical strikes from idiot Obama do then???
YOU know the ONLY value DRONES have is they don't have pilots BUT THEY do get shot down... 1,000 missile launchers between Syria/Iran/USSR/CHINA all aimed at your
"surgical drones"!

Please explain then why are we so concerned about Syria? Concerned about Iran?

With your great MONDAY morning quarterbacking skills NOW required ADVISE Obama what are you going to do???
Remember history will record your statements you pompous ass!
Isn't it funny how "the younger generation" believes they discovered "it", what ever "it" might be. My own g-daughter said we wouldn't know about hip huggers and flared pants. I've noticed the colors and designs of my generation are back ... Next, they'll "discover" hot pants and hip boots.

Why do we go to war?

I thinks its always been the same. A very few profit and they believe its worth the price. Oh yeah, and they don't give a fuck about those who get DEAD.

And, of course, we all know who it is that profits and it ain't the 99%. Just ask Dick (Darth Vader) Cheney.

I came of age in the time of Vietnam so of course, I've heard of SEATO. But really, what does it matter?

A memory - walking through Stapleton Airport, Denver, after seeing a friend off to Vietnam where he was later killed. A headline of the Denver Post caught my eye - 'No troops in South East Asia, Johnson says'.

Politicians lie and a lot of soldiers die.

That's just one of the reasons I prefer Obama's surgical strikes.
"Missed it by THAT much!"

Had you said Both Parties love the Military Industrial Complex I would have repped ya'.

I wrote, "Politicians ... " no party.

But, I'm probably wrong. Its the D's who fight because of profit while the R's right for "truth, justice and the American way."

I write a non-partisan post and get the usual shit from the rw's.

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I was talking with my 12 yr granddaughter and she was wearing a tee-shirt with a "Peace" sign. Which I just found out was originally created for the "Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament"
View attachment 19638
Peace symbols - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

She said she had no idea about the Peace sign much less the Vietnam war.

Knowing she'll in all likelihood NOT hear the true reason for Vietnam I asked her if then she believed in when making a contract or agreement, or treaties was it wrong to abide by the terms, i.e. SEATO for example. Or the 1991 Cease Fire.

Neither of which she had ever heard of much less knew anything!

So I'm asking the people of this forum in a poll how many of you had EVER heard of SEATO?

Living in that neck of the woods, we had to study it in school....along with ASEAN
Isn't it funny how "the younger generation" believes they discovered "it", what ever "it" might be. My own g-daughter said we wouldn't know about hip huggers and flared pants. I've noticed the colors and designs of my generation are back ... Next, they'll "discover" hot pants and hip boots.

Why do we go to war?

I thinks its always been the same. A very few profit and they believe its worth the price. Oh yeah, and they don't give a fuck about those who get DEAD.

And, of course, we all know who it is that profits and it ain't the 99%. Just ask Dick (Darth Vader) Cheney.

I came of age in the time of Vietnam so of course, I've heard of SEATO. But really, what does it matter?

A memory - walking through Stapleton Airport, Denver, after seeing a friend off to Vietnam where he was later killed. A headline of the Denver Post caught my eye - 'No troops in South East Asia, Johnson says'.

Politicians lie and a lot of soldiers die.

That's just one of the reasons I prefer Obama's surgical strikes.
"Missed it by THAT much!"

Had you said Both Parties love the Military Industrial Complex I would have repped ya'.

I wrote, "Politicians ... " no party.

But, I'm probably wrong. Its the D's who fight because of profit while the R's right for "truth, justice and the American way."

I write a non-partisan post and get the usual shit from the rw's.

You plainly don't see that both Parties are the same as you defend the D and attack the R whenever you can. They're both corrupt and guilty.

It's like the American League and National League in Baseball. Yeah, one side has the DH but it's 99% they're playing the same game.
"Missed it by THAT much!"

Had you said Both Parties love the Military Industrial Complex I would have repped ya'.

I wrote, "Politicians ... " no party.

But, I'm probably wrong. Its the D's who fight because of profit while the R's right for "truth, justice and the American way."

I write a non-partisan post and get the usual shit from the rw's.

You plainly don't see that both Parties are the same as you defend the D and attack the R whenever you can. They're both corrupt and guilty.

It's like the American League and National League in Baseball. Yeah, one side has the DH but it's 99% they're playing the same game.

I wrote, "POLITICIANS" ...

EXACTLY where does it say left or right in that word?

Quit making excuses for your own bigotry.
Lately it's the chickenhawk Pubs who are guilty. Like the last 30 years, Neocon fools.

Based on your totally ignorant comment you probably are a thief!
You probably have had several credit cards taken you to collections.
You probably can't buy a car or a house because according to you NO agreements, contracts are to be abided by the people that make the agreements!

You are probably a chickenshi..t that would sign a peace treaty then turn around and invade .geez sounds like Saddam!

See the majority of civilized people make agreements, contracts, TREATIES like the
South East ASIA Treaty Organization! LIKE NATO and the USA signed with other countries all out of fear of Communism/Russia/China!

But because IDIOTS like you have NEVER been taught history you don't know WHY
the USA was involved in these wars.. but you sure as he...ll have BENEFITED by the people that recognized that with out the alliances the world would be complete totalitarian states!

Why don't you think just a little as in your own measly existence.
THERE is a treaty between you and the police!
They come when you call... BUT according to your ignorance when France in Vietnam
called on SEATO YOU would NOT GO!

Crap wipe is more responsible than people like you!
Idiocy. I guess Hitler and the Commies were a-OK LOL. Johnson knew he made a mistake, and quit. Nixon said he had a secret plan to end the war and took it another 4 years. Pubs-ALWAYS WRONG.

Thanks for ruining the League of Nations, the World Depression that gave us Ger. and Jap. militarists,, letting Hitler and the Japanese run wild. Pub dupes!!

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