What really caused Protective Edge, and more.


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Norman Finkelstein on Gaza conflict, Hamas goals and Iron Dome myth
What caused Operation Protective Edge.

When Sisi got in he sealed the tunnels of Gaza to Egypt.

GAZA —The Egyptian military is resorting to a pungent new tactic to shut down the smuggling tunnels connecting Sinai and Gaza: flooding them with sewage. Along with the stink, the approach is raising new questions about relations between Egypt’s new Islamist leaders and their ideological allies in Hamas who control the Gaza Strip
(couldn't smuggle rockets in )

For 50 days of war, the home front and soldiers on the front lines were battered by thousands of rockets and mortar shells, as armed groups in Gaza fired 4,564 projectiles (not bombs) at Israel

According to Magen David Adom, there were 842 Israeli casualties during the fighting. Six civilians were killed by rocket or mortar strikes and 36 were wounded by shrapnel, including 10 who were seriously injured, 6 who were moderately injured, and 20 who sustained light injuries.

MDA added that another 33 people were hurt by flying glass, and that 18 people were hurt in traffic accidents that occurred when rocket warning sirens sounded, including one person who was seriously injured. Also, 159 people were injured while running for bomb shelters, and 581 were treated for shock. In addition, nine people were killed in three terrorist attacks in Israel.

The biggest point is, couldn’t Israel close the tunnels on Israel’s side like SISI did, without going in????? and killing more people and infrastructure.
I really didn't think any Zionist would have a response.
Conspiracy fairy-tales.

What is, point out what you do not find as truth?? and then tell me,

why did you have to destroy so many life's and infrastructure to destroy tunnels that Egypt didn't even need to enter Gaza to do. Now if I have someone digging a tunnel onto my property, I would bury the opening of it on my land , not bomb the living daylights out of them , knowing darn well I'd be killing people, including children. But no , the very intelligent Israel gov. bombed the living daylights out of gaza to destroy the tunnels.

also how did they smuggle more rockets in since SISI closed the tunnels on his end in 2013 , did they smuggle them in from Israel's end?? I mean they probably had used all they had in 2012 defending themselves in the Pillar of Defense fighting, so where did the "projectiles" come from?
Everything oppose itself and shrinks to the statements made by the terrorists of Gaza.
Everything oppose itself and shrinks to the statements made by the terrorists of Gaza.

You obviously have no response to any of this. Ever think maybe your gov. sounded the sirens just to instill fear in everyone, unwarranted fear. Invading and destroying Gaza under the false pretense of destroying tunnels. One big masterpiece theater, but the world didn't fall for or like the show.
Everything oppose itself and shrinks to the statements made by the terrorists of Gaza.

You obviously have no response to any of this. Ever think maybe your gov. sounded the sirens just to instill fear in everyone, unwarranted fear. Invading and destroying Gaza under the false pretense of destroying tunnels. One big masterpiece theater, but the world didn't fall for or like the show.
I Guess its the pro-Palestinian 'world' you're talking about, in that case even then nobody bothered to make a sound, funny.
Lets get real for once, three of my best friends spent nearly 40 days in Gaza fighting terrorists, blowing tunnels, seizing firearms and intelligence, destroying rockets facilities and launchers, and basically doing everything possible to disarm northern Gaza and prepare for - obvious - future escalations.
Save your poor fairy-tales to someone else, your defected logic is pathetic.
Everything oppose itself and shrinks to the statements made by the terrorists of Gaza.

You obviously have no response to any of this. Ever think maybe your gov. sounded the sirens just to instill fear in everyone, unwarranted fear. Invading and destroying Gaza under the false pretense of destroying tunnels. One big masterpiece theater, but the world didn't fall for or like the show.
I Guess its the pro-Palestinian 'world' you're talking about, in that case even then nobody bothered to make a sound, funny.
Lets get real for once, three of my best friends spent nearly 40 days in Gaza fighting terrorists, blowing tunnels, seizing firearms and intelligence, destroying rockets facilities and launchers, and basically doing everything possible to disarm northern Gaza and prepare for - obvious - future escalations.
Save your poor fairy-tales to someone else, your defected logic is pathetic.

Keep telling yourself how you were defending yourself, we all know better. You were never in any danger, you gov, put on a good show, together with propaganda. As you PM of Defense put it Protective edge came as no surprise, this current admin had been planning it. All your doing, all planned.
Here mark my words, A war against Hezbollah is about to happen soon, there you go, no surprise.
Aw and please do me a favor and find me any 'actual propaganda' within last month.
Everything oppose itself and shrinks to the statements made by the terrorists of Gaza.

You obviously have no response to any of this. Ever think maybe your gov. sounded the sirens just to instill fear in everyone, unwarranted fear. Invading and destroying Gaza under the false pretense of destroying tunnels. One big masterpiece theater, but the world didn't fall for or like the show.
I Guess its the pro-Palestinian 'world' you're talking about, in that case even then nobody bothered to make a sound, funny.
Lets get real for once, three of my best friends spent nearly 40 days in Gaza fighting terrorists, blowing tunnels, seizing firearms and intelligence, destroying rockets facilities and launchers, and basically doing everything possible to disarm northern Gaza and prepare for - obvious - future escalations.
Save your poor fairy-tales to someone else, your defected logic is pathetic.

Keep telling yourself how you were defending yourself, we all know better. You were never in any danger, you gov, put on a good show, together with propaganda. As you PM of Defense put it Protective edge came as no surprise, this current admin had been planning it. All your doing, all planned.

Blah blah blah . What a bunch of crap.

It's simple. Stop fuckin launching rockets at Israel, and Israel won't have any reason to commence a new operation. Did you forget that prior to the operation, Hamas was launching rockets on a daily basis for a month. What did they expect to happen ?

Stop attacking Israel.


Keep attacking Israel, but stop whining about casualties

You people are unbelievable.
Aw and please do me a favor and find me any 'actual propaganda' within last month.

You refuse to answer my question of why they couldn't just close off the tunnels on Israel's land, instead of bombing the heck out of gaza even more, and well I no longer believe much of what they say anymore. Where is any proof? None. Where is the proof of the amt. of rockets , and how did they smuggle more in since the 2012 war? answer that? I believe Israel is always out causing riots and they are using the temple mount now to incite. I'm not saying the Pals are not rioting back, but who is really instigating.

What are you planning another false flag? I believe everything is planned and Israel is never surprised, isn't that the motto? We attack before we can be attacked. You act, you do not react.
Everything oppose itself and shrinks to the statements made by the terrorists of Gaza.

You obviously have no response to any of this. Ever think maybe your gov. sounded the sirens just to instill fear in everyone, unwarranted fear. Invading and destroying Gaza under the false pretense of destroying tunnels. One big masterpiece theater, but the world didn't fall for or like the show.

A Worldwide Joooooo-ish Kornspiracy, no less !!!
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Good video. As they say, Finkelstein "nailed it", but he could have talked a little bit faster for my liking.
It's good to see there are some moderate Jewish people out there willing to publicly stick their neck out and speak the truth about King Netanyahu's self-serving strategy in Gaza.
Good video. As they say, Finkelstein "nailed it", but he could have talked a little bit faster for my liking.
It's good to see there are some moderate Jewish people out there willing to publicly stick their neck out and speak the truth about King Netanyahu's self-serving strategy in Gaza.
There are always Chamberlains and Lavals and Petains and Quislings... always.
Aw and please do me a favor and find me any 'actual propaganda' within last month.

You refuse to answer my question of why they couldn't just close off the tunnels on Israel's land, instead of bombing the heck out of gaza even more, and well I no longer believe much of what they say anymore. Where is any proof? None. Where is the proof of the amt. of rockets , and how did they smuggle more in since the 2012 war? answer that? I believe Israel is always out causing riots and they are using the temple mount now to incite. I'm not saying the Pals are not rioting back, but who is really instigating.

What are you planning another false flag? I believe everything is planned and Israel is never surprised, isn't that the motto? We attack before we can be attacked. You act, you do not react.
Prove that Israel attacked Gaza under false premise.

BTW, EVERY TIME, and I mean EVERY TIME Israel conducts an operation, brainwashed sheep like you come up with some conspiracy lie as to why they attacked Gaza.
Aw and please do me a favor and find me any 'actual propaganda' within last month.

You refuse to answer my question of why they couldn't just close off the tunnels on Israel's land, instead of bombing the heck out of gaza even more, and well I no longer believe much of what they say anymore. Where is any proof? None. Where is the proof of the amt. of rockets , and how did they smuggle more in since the 2012 war? answer that? I believe Israel is always out causing riots and they are using the temple mount now to incite. I'm not saying the Pals are not rioting back, but who is really instigating.

What are you planning another false flag? I believe everything is planned and Israel is never surprised, isn't that the motto? We attack before we can be attacked. You act, you do not react.
Prove that Israel attacked Gaza under false premise.

BTW, EVERY TIME, and I mean EVERY TIME Israel conducts an operation, brainwashed sheep like you come up with some conspiracy lie as to why they attacked Gaza.
Maybe that's the problem. Too many "operations", not enough peace.
Aw and please do me a favor and find me any 'actual propaganda' within last month.

You refuse to answer my question of why they couldn't just close off the tunnels on Israel's land, instead of bombing the heck out of gaza even more, and well I no longer believe much of what they say anymore. Where is any proof? None. Where is the proof of the amt. of rockets , and how did they smuggle more in since the 2012 war? answer that? I believe Israel is always out causing riots and they are using the temple mount now to incite. I'm not saying the Pals are not rioting back, but who is really instigating.

What are you planning another false flag? I believe everything is planned and Israel is never surprised, isn't that the motto? We attack before we can be attacked. You act, you do not react.
There's like seven questions but you missed the point, there is no surprise knowing that terrorists store rockets in order to attack, not a single eyebrow raised when they launched them to Israel instead of using them for wedding' fireworks, only thing necessary is a common sense which you refuse to adept.
I have some very difficult questions to respond with but I know you'd somehow avoid or won't be able to answer so instead of going all the way around lets get down to the point:
NO Israel can ONLY benefit when there's peace, nothing except - truce - was achieved which could have been happened a very long time ago with thousands of lives spared, the ignorance and intolerance Arabs known for sealed the deal, again NO surprise.
I really didn't think any Zionist would have a response.

Hahahaha. How about this for a response from a thread where after I created it and then posted a second just like yours above:

Your wanting attention for your posts is just a little sad Teddy.

Go get a hug somewhere. There is plenty wrong with what Israel is doing here. Just there is little point in revealing it to you.
Now. Who do you know would can bear to hug you?

Can you believe this, Wanting recognition for something that always should of been allowed. Got to laugh. I have read how Jordan has been sending semi's over , so Israel had better let them in, and also with the money all the countries have put up for rebuilding what Israel had torn down, infrastructure ,homes and roads, they had better allow cement and building materials to go in. Also all of the Pals should be able to come and go at will.

Israel once again, because they want to talk, shows just how oppressed the Pals have been and still are.
I really didn't think any Zionist would have a response.

Hahahaha. How about this for a response from a thread where after I created it and then posted a second just like yours above:

Your wanting attention for your posts is just a little sad Teddy.

Go get a hug somewhere. There is plenty wrong with what Israel is doing here. Just there is little point in revealing it to you.
Now. Who do you know would can bear to hug you?

Can you believe this, Wanting recognition for something that always should of been allowed. Got to laugh. I have read how Jordan has been sending semi's over , so Israel had better let them in, and also with the money all the countries have put up for rebuilding what Israel had torn down, infrastructure ,homes and roads, they had better allow cement and building materials to go in. Also all of the Pals should be able to come and go at will.

Israel once again, because they want to talk, shows just how oppressed the Pals have been and still are.

Have you still not had your hug, Teddy?

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