What Qualifies Larry Elder to be Governor of California?

or Joe knows Covid left America last year, and while he understands that

Parroting moron cuckoo clocks disguised as people still do not....
Yes there was an insurrect and the same type who committed thatinsurrection set those fires. But yo see idiot, you want to compare a protest of a police officer clearly committing murder to a group of people rioting because there candidate didn't win. A false equivalence.
Left wingers riot all the time because their favored candidate didn't win an election. What do you imagine happened when Hillary didn't win?
What you mean is that you have the right to oppose a black man if he's a Republican, but I don't have the right to oppose one if he's a Democrat. Like all Dims, you can't accept the proposition that blacks have the right to decide for themselves what's in their best interests.

You snivellnig white leftwing chumps are the ones who believe you can tell the black man what he supprts and who he supports. Didn't Biden say that if you don't vote for him, then you ain't black?

What a bunch of racist douchebags.
No, that's what you mean. Black democrats get opposed by blacks too. Look at NYC, Adams won, but black Maya Wiley didn't and blacks voted against her. Same with Ohio. Nina Turner lost, blacks voted against her.

As I am black, I think I can speak better on what's in our best interest than you. Larry Elder is hated by blacks in South Central. Blacks have boycotted his radio program for years. Blacks like him keep racism alive because people like you support him because he disses blacks and he gives you an out to claim you're not racist because you support a black man.

So let me be blunt. This asshole is 70 years old. He has had a lifetime to fix the problems in South Central but hasn't done a motherfucking thing but run his uncle tom mouth about what blacks need to do. That lawn jockey had the last 50 years to do something and hasn't busted a grape. If you want to talk about the problems in the black community, look right at Larry Elder, because he hasn't done a GD thing to fix the problem.
Look at his resume.

Compare it to Gavin Newsome.

You would think the right would have learned it's lesson about supporting loudmouths with no public policy experience. And here we have the right wing supporting an unqualified black over a better qualified white candidate. Why? To create plausible deniability because you know that Bojangles Elder will two step for you and implement anti black policy. But this way right wingers can claim they aren't racist because they support a man with brown skin.
Look at his resume.

Compare it to Gavin Newsome.

You would think the right would have learned it's lesson about supporting loudmouths with no public policy experience. And here we have the right wing supporting an unqualified black over a better qualified white candidate. Why? To create plausible deniability because you know that Bojangles Elder will two step for you and implement anti black policy. But this way right wingers can claim they aren't racist because they support a man with brown skin.
All that translates to is " How dare that Black man have any other thought than what the Democratic party dictates for minorities.
No, that's what you mean. Black democrats get opposed by blacks too. Look at NYC, Adams won, but black Maya Wiley didn't and blacks voted against her. Same with Ohio. Nina Turner lost, blacks voted against her.

As I am black, I think I can speak better on what's in our best interest than you. Larry Elder is hated by blacks in South Central. Blacks have boycotted his radio program for years. Blacks like him keep racism alive because people like you support him because he disses blacks and he gives you an out to claim you're not racist because you support a black man.

So let me be blunt. This asshole is 70 years old. He has had a lifetime to fix the problems in South Central but hasn't done a motherfucking thing but run his uncle tom mouth about what blacks need to do. That lawn jockey had the last 50 years to do something and hasn't busted a grape. If you want to talk about the problems in the black community, look right at Larry Elder, because he hasn't done a GD thing to fix the problem.

Larry elder is not a hypocrite, you are.

Larry elder is not a bigot, you are.

Larry elder does not support discrimination on the basis of skin color, you do.

Larry elder wants black kids educated, you do not.

Larry elder wants America to prosper, you do not.

Larry elder wants all Americans treated equally, you do not.

Trump is a ‘divider,’ says Robert Gates, former CIA director and defense secretary​

Gates said this about trump:

At least on national security, I believe Mr. Trump is beyond repair. He is stubbornly uninformed about the world and how to lead our country and government, and temperamentally unsuited to lead our men and women in uniform. He is unqualified and unfit to be commander-in-chief.

Trump withdrew all but a couple thousand of our troops without any problem and no embarrassment. Along comes Joe Biden and he totally screws everything up. We become the laughing stock of the world overnight. In future wars it will be a cold day in hell before any citizen in a foreign nation volunteers to help our military as a translator.

I’m listening to CNN and even that propaganda network is criticizing Joe Biden.

Robert Gates is a neocon so of course he is critical of Trump.

One of the enduring mysteries is why neoconservative foreign policy continues to dominate the Republican Party and also large parts of the Democratic Party even though that policy has been disastrous for the United States. No one – not even Secretary of Defense Robert Gates – is willing to call the two land wars currently underway in Asia successful and the hemorrhage of more than $12 billion a month to support the conflicts does nothing whatsoever for a struggling US economy unless one is a defense contractor. Yet the view that the United States must use its waning power to remake much of the globe prevails. The policy is in some circles underwritten by the myth that the United States is a special nation that makes it somehow immune to the history of the decline and fall of past empires. The catch phrase “American exceptionalism” persists in the minds of presidential wannabes like Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin, both of whom conflate the country’s genuinely unique national qualities with a divine right to intervene militarily anywhere and at any time, a continuation in perpetuity of the nearly forgotten Bush Doctrine.

Rather than being ostracized and marginalized – as they surely deserved for the Iraq War fiasco – key neocons were still held in the highest regard. According to his memoir Duty, Gates let neocon military theorist Frederick Kagan persuade him to support a “surge” of 30,000 U.S. soldiers into the Afghan War in 2009.

Gates wrote that “an important way station in my ‘pilgrim’s progress’ from skepticism to support of more troops [in Afghanistan] was an essay by the historian Fred Kagan, who sent me a prepublication draft.”

Defense Secretary Gates then collaborated with holdovers from Bush’s high command, including neocon favorite Gen. David Petraeus, and Secretary of State Clinton to maneuver Obama into a political corner from which he felt he had no choice but to accede to their recommendation for the “surge.”

Obama reportedly regretted the decision almost immediately after he made it. The Afghan “surge,” like the earlier neocon-driven Iraq War “surge,” cost another 1,000 or so dead U.S. soldiers but ultimately didn’t change the war’s strategic direction.
Larry Elder got a big boost. President Chaos and Vice President Kumquat are coming to campaign for Gruesom Newsom.
Look at his resume.

Compare it to Gavin Newsome.

You would think the right would have learned it's lesson about supporting loudmouths with no public policy experience. And here we have the right wing supporting an unqualified black over a better qualified white candidate. Why? To create plausible deniability because you know that Bojangles Elder will two step for you and implement anti black policy. But this way right wingers can claim they aren't racist because they support a man with brown skin.
LOL. What qualifies Newsome to be governor? People are fleeing the state in droves due to progressive policies and a Covid surge. It's been so bad he is facing recall.

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