What policy should America have related to Islam?


Platinum Member
Aug 30, 2011
One of the reasons why we were successful in the cold war, is we presented an ideology that countered communism.

All bush and Obama have done is kill muslims, and then talk about what a peaceful religion Islam is...I'm not saying that we need to openly oppose islam, but maybe we need to work with muslims that have an opposing view, so they can promote a peaceful alternative, and that movement has to be much stronger than the islamist movement.

I don't see anything we're doing to help the opposing view of radicalism relating to islam....what can we do?
The policy that the U.S. should have towards Islam is the same as towards all other religions and it's spelled out in the Constitution:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or restricting the free exercise thereof . . ."

(First Amendment.)

As for your suggestion of a new Cold War, I'll pass, thanks. The old one was an excuse for increased control of people's personal lives and compromising of political liberties here at home. We don't need any more of that crap.
I believe Islam is in fact a religion of peace, as has been proclaimed.
The practice of Islam is another matter.
But as long as our firearms outnumber their members I think we'll be ok.
The policy that the U.S. should have towards Islam is the same as towards all other religions and it's spelled out in the Constitution:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or restricting the free exercise thereof . . ."

(First Amendment.)

As for your suggestion of a new Cold War, I'll pass, thanks. The old one was an excuse for increased control of people's personal lives and compromising of political liberties here at home. We don't need any more of that crap.

This has nothing to do with separation of church and state...

Many muslims around the world think its ok to kill people and oppress people, because their religion tells them its ok.....we shouldn't help fight that sort of thinking? Maybe if we did, that wouldn't be PC enough?
Our policy towards the religion of Islam should be extermination. It is a wicked cancer of religion.
This has nothing to do with separation of church and state...

Separation of church and state is, however, a good counter to your fascist inclinations, and is put forth for that reason.

Many muslims around the world think its ok to kill people and oppress people, because their religion tells them its ok.....we shouldn't help fight that sort of thinking? Maybe if we did, that wouldn't be PC enough?

The thing is, I am not fooled. I know that what you are looking for -- you said as much yourself in the OP -- is a new crusade similar in function to the Cold War. The Cold War not only led to a couple of hot wars we would have been better off avoiding, but also to a loss of liberty in the U.S., the expansion of the national security state, and the persecution of almost all liberals of a certain generation.

Anyone who misses the Cold War and thinks we need another one should be run out of town on a rail forthwith. In tar and feathers.
One of the reasons why we were successful in the cold war, is we presented an ideology that countered communism.

All bush and Obama have done is kill muslims, and then talk about what a peaceful religion Islam is...I'm not saying that we need to openly oppose islam, but maybe we need to work with muslims that have an opposing view, so they can promote a peaceful alternative, and that movement has to be much stronger than the islamist movement.

I don't see anything we're doing to help the opposing view of radicalism relating to islam....what can we do?

I don't think we have a choice. We have to keep them out of the entire continent of N. America. Many are living in the 15th century--there is no amount of winning the "hearts and minds"--that is going to change their ancient violent mindset when it comes to Islam.
This has nothing to do with separation of church and state...

Separation of church and state is, however, a good counter to your fascist inclinations, and is put forth for that reason.

Many muslims around the world think its ok to kill people and oppress people, because their religion tells them its ok.....we shouldn't help fight that sort of thinking? Maybe if we did, that wouldn't be PC enough?

The thing is, I am not fooled. I know that what you are looking for -- you said as much yourself in the OP -- is a new crusade similar in function to the Cold War. The Cold War not only led to a couple of hot wars we would have been better off avoiding, but also to a loss of liberty in the U.S., the expansion of the national security state, and the persecution of almost all liberals of a certain generation.

Anyone who misses the Cold War and thinks we need another one should be run out of town on a rail forthwith. In tar and feathers.

WoW, talk about taking something and running with it

Islam is a religion that does have people, that take a positive and peaceful message from the theology...right? What I am suggesting is we help empower a movement that preaches that message against the islamist message.

Islam is not only theology, but also political, and there many not be a fundamental flaw in the religion and the political stuff maybe all metaphors for peace, but to be honest I think it is flawed, which is why islamic terrorism is a world wide epidemic, but even if there isn't a flaw, that's all the more reason to support a movement of peaceful practicing islam against evil islam.

Maybe I'm wrong, and I don't claim to have all the answers, which is why I asked for opinions....It just doesn't seem like we're doing enough to fight the problem.
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One of the reasons why we were successful in the cold war, is we presented an ideology that countered communism.

All bush and Obama have done is kill muslims, and then talk about what a peaceful religion Islam is...I'm not saying that we need to openly oppose islam, but maybe we need to work with muslims that have an opposing view, so they can promote a peaceful alternative, and that movement has to be much stronger than the islamist movement.

I don't see anything we're doing to help the opposing view of radicalism relating to islam....what can we do?

I don't think we have a choice. We have to keep them out of the entire continent of N. America. Many are living in the 15th century--there is no amount of winning the "hearts and minds"--that is going to change their ancient violent mindset when it comes to Islam.

You might be right, but maybe if we are a bit more honest about the mindset being the problem, that would help, but it may also make things worse.
One of the reasons why we were successful in the cold war, is we presented an ideology that countered communism.

All bush and Obama have done is kill muslims, and then talk about what a peaceful religion Islam is...I'm not saying that we need to openly oppose islam, but maybe we need to work with muslims that have an opposing view, so they can promote a peaceful alternative, and that movement has to be much stronger than the islamist movement.

I don't see anything we're doing to help the opposing view of radicalism relating to islam....what can we do?

I don't think we have a choice. We have to keep them out of the entire continent of N. America. Many are living in the 15th century--there is no amount of winning the "hearts and minds"--that is going to change their ancient violent mindset when it comes to Islam.

I pretty much have to agree with you on this. As much as I would like to think that there are some real moderate Muslims who would stand up against the radicals of their faith, I haven't seen it. We know that with current trends, Muslims will become the majority in Europe within the next 50 to 100 years. Will that then mean that Europe will embrace Sharia Law? Who knows?

What I do know is that I don't want to find out if it could happen here in the US. While it would take much longer than I have left to happen in the US, I don't want future generations of Americans to ever be faced with such a situation. And to say it could never happen is foolish. Demographics can change very rapidly, although it seems slow throughout an individual's lifetime. Just as Europe will become majority Muslim within the next century, so too will the US see the majority move from Anglo-Saxon to Hispanic.
Our policy towards islam should be simple; simply leave us the fuck alone,. No trading, no helping ever and surely no immigrations of anyone that is a muslim into our lands. Period.

We can build a understanding with each other that if you fuck with --we will NUKE YOU. Don't talk to us and we don't you. This is the way it needs to be.

That is the only way to deal with islam. You don't want them in your lands at all. Let them enjoy their 7th century islam now until hell freezes over. They're NOT our friend and we theirs.
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Our policy towards islam should be simple; simply leave us the fuck alone,. No trading, no helping ever and surely no immigrations of anyone that is a muslim into our lands. Period.

We can build a understanding with each other that if you fuck with --we will NUKE YOU. Don't talk to us and we don't you. This is the way it needs to be.

That is the only way to deal with islam. You don't want them in your lands at all. Let them enjoy their 7th century islam now until hell freezes over. They're NOT our friend and we theirs.

What would you suggest be done about the 5 million or so taxpaying American citizens who are Muslim?
Our policy towards islam should be simple; simply leave us the fuck alone,. No trading, no helping ever and surely no immigrations of anyone that is a muslim into our lands. Period.

We can build a understanding with each other that if you fuck with --we will NUKE YOU. Don't talk to us and we don't you. This is the way it needs to be.

That is the only way to deal with islam. You don't want them in your lands at all. Let them enjoy their 7th century islam now until hell freezes over. They're NOT our friend and we theirs.

What would you suggest be done about the 5 million or so taxpaying American citizens who are Muslim?

Islam is one of those cases that we must remove it and deported it back to there lands. They're hell bent at taking us over and have been working towards taking over for 1,400 years. WE MUST deport them out of here.

Islam is like having a 30 foot long man eating snake in your house. Not something that you want to have in your home.
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Our policy towards islam should be simple; simply leave us the fuck alone,. No trading, no helping ever and surely no immigrations of anyone that is a muslim into our lands. Period.

We can build a understanding with each other that if you fuck with --we will NUKE YOU. Don't talk to us and we don't you. This is the way it needs to be.

That is the only way to deal with islam. You don't want them in your lands at all. Let them enjoy their 7th century islam now until hell freezes over. They're NOT our friend and we theirs.

What would you suggest be done about the 5 million or so taxpaying American citizens who are Muslim?

Islam is one of those cases, which we must remove it and deported it back to there lands. They're hell bent at taking us over and have been working towards taking over for 1,400 years. WE MUST deport them out of here.

You sound a bit like a guy who got pretty famous a while back. He blamed everything on the Jews though.
What would you suggest be done about the 5 million or so taxpaying American citizens who are Muslim?

Islam is one of those cases, which we must remove it and deported it back to there lands. They're hell bent at taking us over and have been working towards taking over for 1,400 years. WE MUST deport them out of here.

You sound a bit like a guy who got pretty famous a while back. He blamed everything on the Jews though.

Well, that guy came to power within a country that had gotten the fuck, fucked out of it after wwI. You think the depression within the US was big? Well, the one that occurred because of the "allies" treaty--- easily done 3 times that on the country of the leader that you're saying I'm. He came to power with a population that was extremely pissed off and wanted a leader that would turn the country around and reclaim what was theirs. Poland was killing the civilians of said country and said leader tried to make a deal with Poland, but they kepted pushing it. It would of been a simple regional war, but Briton had promised war no matter. Read more into it to understand it as it is all history...The man that you're saying I'm took said nation from that depression to the most powerful nation on earth within 5 years. FDR's policies took into the 1950's to get our economy back to the 1920's. We all know that the USSR with the removal of Czar was done by a very kosher group of people and that the worlds banking system was very much ran by such. When you think about it, what does said nation Pre-the guy you excuse me of and our fed have in common? A central Bank and control by a group of people that are very special.

Since 1913 our currency has want to shit as these bastards has printed paper like it is nothing, which it is....The fed has grown more and more power ever since. So did the said people that struggled said nation after wwI with said treaty. Well, we need to get rid of the FED as badly as said man did in WWII. Ron Paul will do it to...Then our economy will explode with great power as it grows faster then china's economy.

Just watch and learn. In yes we must get the muslims out of this nation.
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Our policy towards islam should be simple; simply leave us the fuck alone,. No trading, no helping ever and surely no immigrations of anyone that is a muslim into our lands. Period.

We can build a understanding with each other that if you fuck with --we will NUKE YOU. Don't talk to us and we don't you. This is the way it needs to be.

That is the only way to deal with islam. You don't want them in your lands at all. Let them enjoy their 7th century islam now until hell freezes over. They're NOT our friend and we theirs.

What would you suggest be done about the 5 million or so taxpaying American citizens who are Muslim?

The few that are here pose no threat. We just need to be very careful about letting more immigrate here. Europe allowed Muslims to immigrate in massive numbers over the last thirty years. Some of the reasoning behind that was due to a declining birthrate. We face a similar situation here in the US. We actually could use more immigrants if they were educated and could help our economy grow. But this is how unwanted consequences occur, when policies are put in place to solve a current problem without thinking of the long term implications.

Prime example of this is Asian Carp. While they have nothing to do with immigration, farmers brought the damn things here to clean up algae in their ponds. Floods came, and the Carp ended up in our water ways. Now they are wreaking havoc on our entire freshwater ecosystems.

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