What non-Californians don't know about Carly Fiorina -- but should


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
Corporate and political disaster Carl Fiorina quit her race to become POTUS today because, ...well, because...that face! Who could vote for that face?

But Californians know stuff about her that our Lamestream Media like FoxNews never told us!

What non-Californians don't know about Carly Fiorina -- but should


Even before her 2010 campaign against Boxer could get off the ground, it was poleaxed by the revelation that she had failed to cast a ballot in 75% of the California elections for which she was an eligible voter. She missed presidential primaries in 2000 and 2004, and the primary and general elections in 2006, including a Senate reelection run by Democrat Dianne Feinstein. She skipped the primary and general elections in 2002, a gubernatorial election year, as well as the historic recall vote that brought Arnold Schwarzenegger to the governor's seat.

In an Orange County Register op-ed announcing her Senate candidacy in 2009, she explained lamely: "I felt disconnected from the decisions made in Washington and, to be honest, really didn't think my vote mattered because I didn't have a direct line of sight from my vote to a result."

I observed at the time:

"During her reign at Hewlett-Packard, according to public records, her corporation spent $4.7 million to lobby Congress and donated more than $390,000 to political candidates through its political action committee. Fiorina and her husband, Frank, a former AT&T executive, have made more than $100,000 in political donations personally since 2000.

That suggests not that Fiorina 'felt disconnected' from what was going on in Washington, but rather that she understood all too well that in politics, money talks. Why bother to vote when you can get what you need with greenbacks?"

(In other words, she believes in the political system, just not the one that non-millionaires have to use.)

Among her big issues was healthcare reform and the bill just then beginning its journey through Congress. "Wouldn't you love to know what's in that 1,990-page healthcare bill that's being considered right now?" she asked the crowd at her launch event in November 2009. Actually, the measure was closer to 950 pages -- but why count pages when there's a political point to be scored? -- and, as I pointed out, it was no secret. The text could be downloaded from a public website and read by anyone, including Fiorina.

More to the point, Fiorina, who was making much out of her own battle with breast cancer ("After chemotherapy, Barbara Boxer just isn't really that scary anymore," she quipped), displayed the usual contempt that privileged insurance owners have for the uninsureds. Fiorina received her health coverage through her husband's AT&T retirement plan, but for everyone else she advocated allowing insurance companies to sell policies across state lines, which would be a boon to the insurers and a disaster for buyers.

As I observed: "If she were an average person who lost that AT&T coverage and had to replace it in an individual market where the insurers could sell it to her on their own terms, subject to the rules of the most lenient and consumer-unfriendly states ... as a cancer survivor, she'd be uninsurable."


What a POS. Good riddance and hopefully we will never ever hear from her again.
I just don't know why we should care...
I just don't know why we should care...
Because she was touted on this site by political morons as being a good choice for president, and one who would mop the floor with Hillary Clinton.

She would have been crushed. And besides...look at that face! Who could vote for that face?
Wow, the power of sleazy Media Matters to dig up dirt on (only) republican women is awesome and scary. Who in the world would think about examining the voting record of a successful woman and spinning it to the left wing blogs but the sleazy left wing woman hating sissies?
Corporate and political disaster Carl Fiorina quit her race to become POTUS today because, ...well, because...that face! Who could vote for that face?

But Californians know stuff about her that our Lamestream Media like FoxNews never told us!

What non-Californians don't know about Carly Fiorina -- but should


Even before her 2010 campaign against Boxer could get off the ground, it was poleaxed by the revelation that she had failed to cast a ballot in 75% of the California elections for which she was an eligible voter. She missed presidential primaries in 2000 and 2004, and the primary and general elections in 2006, including a Senate reelection run by Democrat Dianne Feinstein. She skipped the primary and general elections in 2002, a gubernatorial election year, as well as the historic recall vote that brought Arnold Schwarzenegger to the governor's seat.

In an Orange County Register op-ed announcing her Senate candidacy in 2009, she explained lamely: "I felt disconnected from the decisions made in Washington and, to be honest, really didn't think my vote mattered because I didn't have a direct line of sight from my vote to a result."

I observed at the time:

"During her reign at Hewlett-Packard, according to public records, her corporation spent $4.7 million to lobby Congress and donated more than $390,000 to political candidates through its political action committee. Fiorina and her husband, Frank, a former AT&T executive, have made more than $100,000 in political donations personally since 2000.

That suggests not that Fiorina 'felt disconnected' from what was going on in Washington, but rather that she understood all too well that in politics, money talks. Why bother to vote when you can get what you need with greenbacks?"

(In other words, she believes in the political system, just not the one that non-millionaires have to use.)

Among her big issues was healthcare reform and the bill just then beginning its journey through Congress. "Wouldn't you love to know what's in that 1,990-page healthcare bill that's being considered right now?" she asked the crowd at her launch event in November 2009. Actually, the measure was closer to 950 pages -- but why count pages when there's a political point to be scored? -- and, as I pointed out, it was no secret. The text could be downloaded from a public website and read by anyone, including Fiorina.

More to the point, Fiorina, who was making much out of her own battle with breast cancer ("After chemotherapy, Barbara Boxer just isn't really that scary anymore," she quipped), displayed the usual contempt that privileged insurance owners have for the uninsureds. Fiorina received her health coverage through her husband's AT&T retirement plan, but for everyone else she advocated allowing insurance companies to sell policies across state lines, which would be a boon to the insurers and a disaster for buyers.

As I observed: "If she were an average person who lost that AT&T coverage and had to replace it in an individual market where the insurers could sell it to her on their own terms, subject to the rules of the most lenient and consumer-unfriendly states ... as a cancer survivor, she'd be uninsurable."


What a POS. Good riddance and hopefully we will never ever hear from her again.

AT&T is self-insured.
I just don't know why we should care...
Because she was touted on this site by political morons as being a good choice for president, and one who would mop the floor with Hillary Clinton.

She would have been crushed. And besides...look at that face! Who could vote for that face?

Dat mean! How's your face HT??

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