What Line Of Work Will AOC Choose Next?


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
The bartender thing was coming to an end because she was stealing the waitress' tips and now it appears she's involved in money-laundering campaign funds. This latest fiasco, threatening the slightly less-crazy Rats in the House was fine with Pelousy until it became public. Now she's got to do something about Bugsy. Nancy knows how to deal with a frantic freshman and it won't be with the walrus hand clap. There may be punches thrown and AOC will be replaced with Pelousy favorite Joe Crowley returning. So what will become of AOC? Maybe some topless pics in Playboy and a cookbook with kitchen tips you just can't find anywhere else: :nocknockHT:

If AOC's campaign finance problem works out the way I'd like, her next job will be cleaning the toilets in prison.
Believe it or not there’s actually a poster on this board that claims AOC is a economist
The AO-C obsession continues unabated at a feverish pace.

Still jerking off to her college video guys?
If AOC's campaign finance problem works out the way I'd like, her next job will be cleaning the toilets in prison.

She's got most of Fidel's moves down pat:


AOC is an anachronism. She was born too late and had she been born in a time that better suited her politics, she probably would have ended up becoming a model, like that Che Guevara guy she admires so much.

The bartender thing was coming to an end because she was stealing the waitress' tips and now it appears she's involved in money-laundering campaign funds. This latest fiasco, threatening the slightly less-crazy Rats in the House was fine with Pelousy until it became public. Now she's got to do something about Bugsy. Nancy knows how to deal with a frantic freshman and it won't be with the walrus hand clap. There may be punches thrown and AOC will be replaced with Pelousy favorite Joe Crowley returning. So what will become of AOC? Maybe some topless pics in Playboy and a cookbook with kitchen tips you just can't find anywhere else: :nocknockHT:

an accounting internship?
It's only 5 years. We have 12 years until the end of the world (at which time we will all be dead)........global warming/climate change is going to get us unless AOC saves the planet.

You're right but we'll be so hungry, sunburned, flooded out, and hunted by polar bears in 5 years that we might as well be dead, right? :dunno:
The bartender thing was coming to an end because she was stealing the waitress' tips and now it appears she's involved in money-laundering campaign funds. This latest fiasco, threatening the slightly less-crazy Rats in the House was fine with Pelousy until it became public. Now she's got to do something about Bugsy. Nancy knows how to deal with a frantic freshman and it won't be with the walrus hand clap. There may be punches thrown and AOC will be replaced with Pelousy favorite Joe Crowley returning. So what will become of AOC? Maybe some topless pics in Playboy and a cookbook with kitchen tips you just can't find anywhere else: :nocknockHT:

an accounting internship?
Why not. Trump Bear is Grumpy that the Fed is unwinding QE. The dems can play stupid too.
As a sideline, she and Crazy Mazie could hit the comedy clubs doing one-liners about trains to Hawaii:


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