What Leftism Does to People

In your opinion, which statement most closely reflects the truth?

  • Leftism is America’s best hope.

    Votes: 15 16.5%
  • Unchecked Leftism will destroy the America we know.

    Votes: 66 72.5%
  • Neither and I will explain in my post

    Votes: 7 7.7%
  • I am a troll and/or numbnut who has nothing constructive to add to the discussion.

    Votes: 3 3.3%

  • Total voters
I'm waiting for any of these leftist liberals to point to their model. Were has it worked? were is it working? As most of Europe is reeling from all the big government programs and we are on the brink of the same fate were is it working?

Norway, Sweden, Germany, Finland, Denmark, etc...
The World Economic Forum 2009–2010 competitiveness index ranks Sweden the 4th most competitive economy in the world.[105] In the World Economic Forum 2010–2011 Global Competitiveness Report, Sweden climbed two positions, and is now ranked 2nd in the world.[106] Sweden is ranked 6th in the IMD Competitiveness Yearbook 2009, scoring high in private sector efficiency.[107] According to the book, The Flight of the Creative Class, by the U.S. economist, Professor Richard Florida of the University of Toronto, Sweden is ranked as having the best creativity in Europe for business and is predicted to become a talent magnet for the world's most purposeful workers. The book compiled an index to measure the kind of creativity it claims is most useful to business—talent, technology and tolerance.[108]

Sweden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The World Economic Forum 2009–2010 competitiveness index ranks Sweden the 4th most competitive economy in the world.[105] In the World Economic Forum 2010–2011 Global Competitiveness Report, Sweden climbed two positions, and is now ranked 2nd in the world.[106] Sweden is ranked 6th in the IMD Competitiveness Yearbook 2009, scoring high in private sector efficiency.[107] According to the book, The Flight of the Creative Class, by the U.S. economist, Professor Richard Florida of the University of Toronto, Sweden is ranked as having the best creativity in Europe for business and is predicted to become a talent magnet for the world's most purposeful workers. The book compiled an index to measure the kind of creativity it claims is most useful to business—talent, technology and tolerance.[108]

Sweden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Population: 9,316,256
The World Economic Forum 2009–2010 competitiveness index ranks Sweden the 4th most competitive economy in the world.[105] In the World Economic Forum 2010–2011 Global Competitiveness Report, Sweden climbed two positions, and is now ranked 2nd in the world.[106] Sweden is ranked 6th in the IMD Competitiveness Yearbook 2009, scoring high in private sector efficiency.[107] According to the book, The Flight of the Creative Class, by the U.S. economist, Professor Richard Florida of the University of Toronto, Sweden is ranked as having the best creativity in Europe for business and is predicted to become a talent magnet for the world's most purposeful workers. The book compiled an index to measure the kind of creativity it claims is most useful to business—talent, technology and tolerance.[108]

Sweden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Population: 9,316,256

You are moving the goal posts.

You asked for an example of where socialism has worked, and I gave you several.

Here are some other examples....the police department, the fire department, the U.S. military, the Hoover Dam, the interstate highway system, etc...
The World Economic Forum 2009–2010 competitiveness index ranks Sweden the 4th most competitive economy in the world.[105] In the World Economic Forum 2010–2011 Global Competitiveness Report, Sweden climbed two positions, and is now ranked 2nd in the world.[106] Sweden is ranked 6th in the IMD Competitiveness Yearbook 2009, scoring high in private sector efficiency.[107] According to the book, The Flight of the Creative Class, by the U.S. economist, Professor Richard Florida of the University of Toronto, Sweden is ranked as having the best creativity in Europe for business and is predicted to become a talent magnet for the world's most purposeful workers. The book compiled an index to measure the kind of creativity it claims is most useful to business—talent, technology and tolerance.[108]

Sweden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Population: 9,316,256

You are moving the goal posts.

You asked for an example of where socialism has worked, and I gave you several.

Here are some other examples....the police department, the fire department, the U.S. military, the Hoover Dam, the interstate highway system, etc...
You want to see what liberalism does to people, look no further then the OWS morons.....Those people are a fuckin' joke. And it's quite funny how the libs are trying to downplay their rude, violent, destructive, dirty behavior on a "few rogue people"......Christ, they were showing the encampment at L.A.'s city hall this morning. Those filthy bastards are literally using plastic grocery bags and bottles as toilets. There are shit filled bags littering the entire lawn. The side of the city hall building is urine stained. They've killed the lawn. They've nailed signs to trees, and those trees are showing the negative effects of it. The reporter who was covering the story this morning said the smell permeating around the camp was as bad as a city dump....And then you have people who are trying to enter the hall to do business, applying for permits and such, who have to walk by the filth and put up with the crazy bastards screaming in their faces......It's time the LAPD goes in there and clears those dirty, disrespectful bastards out, by whatever means necessary. And if those losers put up a fight, start cracking their ignorant noggins......Their support is dwindling by the day. It's time to give the areas back to the citizens who actually pay taxes, and deserve to be able to moveabout the cities unimpeded by a bunch o' unbathed lunatics, their trash, their vile smells, and their violent ways, PERIOD!

Fuckin' losers!:evil:
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I don't think passing a law that confirms the long-term status quo is imposing government on people. The laws - and worse, the court judgements - that that confirmation is attempting to head off, on the other hand, would be.

Yes a law that doesn't effect you in any way or restrict anyone is really imposing.
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I'm waiting for any of these leftist liberals to point to their model. Were has it worked? were is it working? As most of Europe is reeling from all the big government programs and we are on the brink of the same fate were is it working?

Norway, Sweden, Germany, Finland, Denmark, etc...
Have you ever been to any of those countries?

Do you not understand the limits placed on them as far as getting ahead?

Do you not understand how expensive it is to live in those countries?

Go buy a bottle of coke in Norway, and don't be surprised when your jaw drops when told the price.

I have family in Norway. My cousin visited us just a couple o' years ago. They are not the happiest people on earth. My cousin too is a chef, an executive chef at a top restaurant there. Like I used too, and all chefs do, she works very long hours, and after 20 years in the business, she can't afford more than a 600 square foot lil' flat, because of the cost of living there......She was shocked when she found out how much money I made as an exec. chef before opening my own ventures. She was also shocked by how much I made as an owner. It's not possible in her country, and her goal is to come to the United States and become a citizen, because this is where the opportunity is.

Screw socialism, unless you want to be meagerly government coddled, and just the same as everybody else, where hard work and determination only gets you so far, and NEVER above those government lackeys who own you and your entire life.
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Care and Jillian, you know I adore you both. But look at the poll. Eighty two responses now with an overwhelming majority opposing leftism as a viable ideology for freedom loving people. There are a number of members for whom I have considerable affection and who I admire and respect who cannot or will not embrace conservatism. But so far all the opposition here has been in complaints that the thread exists and/or personal insults and/or some attempt at deflection from Klavan's thesis.

But not one who identifies himself or herself as left of center has offered any kind of rebuttal to show why the thesis is wrong.

I think that fact in inself, considering the widespread interest in the thread, should be instructive. It obviously is a subject of interest to many and I think it deserves a fair hearing.

you think a "poll" on a board that is heavily weighted with rightwingers is relevant?

please, hon. the thread is nonsense. no offense and nothing personal. cause we like you, too.

I don't like her. I never have. She always comes across as a pompous know-it-all wannabe intellectual. I have never seen anyone so skillful at being condescending.
I'm waiting for any of these leftist liberals to point to their model. Were has it worked? were is it working? As most of Europe is reeling from all the big government programs and we are on the brink of the same fate were is it working?

Norway, Sweden, Germany, Finland, Denmark, etc...
Have you ever been to any of those countries?

Do you not understand the limits placed on them as far as getting ahead?

Do you not understand how expensive it is to live in those countries?

Go buy a bottle of coke in Norway, and don't be surprised when your jaw drops when told the price.

I have family in Norway. My cousin visited us just a couple o' years ago. They are not the happiest people on earth. My cousin too is a chef, an executive chef at a top restaurant there. Like I used too, and all chefs do, she works very long hours, and after 20 years in the business, she can't afford more than a 600 square foot lil' flat, because of the cost of living there......She was shocked when she found out how much money I made as an exec. chef before opening my own ventures. She was also shocked by how much I made as an owner. It's not possible in her country, and her goal is to come to the United States and become a citizen, because this is where the opportunity is.

Screw socialism, unless you want to be meagerly government coddled, and just the same as everybody else, where hard work and determination only gets you so far, and NEVER above those government lackeys who own you and your entire life.

Just an all around great post.

"...this is where the opportunity is."

Rep on the way.
Well, I have no idea what the left thinks the answer is, but that IS the actual answer: they DON'T like us, because they want to BE us, and they resent us for already having and being what they want.
Just to set the record straight....there is not a Republican that stands on this God given Earth, that I want to "BE" like......no envy exists towards any of you on my part! :thup:

come to think of it, there isn't a Democrat that stands on this god given earth, that I want to "be" like either, or am envious of....I am content with being me, thank you very much!

she projects a lot.

i am with you, though. there isn't anything they have that i would want. and there isn't anything any of them have that i couldn't get if i wanted it. (assuming i don't already have it).

the really funny bit of projection is them whining that we don't "like them" when they're the ones spewing all over this nonsense thread..

it's really funny.

:eusa_eh: It seems to me that you want to take more of their money, money that they have earned and hand out their money to people that you believe need it more :cuckoo:
Care and Jillian, you know I adore you both. But look at the poll. Eighty two responses now with an overwhelming majority opposing leftism as a viable ideology for freedom loving people. There are a number of members for whom I have considerable affection and who I admire and respect who cannot or will not embrace conservatism. But so far all the opposition here has been in complaints that the thread exists and/or personal insults and/or some attempt at deflection from Klavan's thesis.

But not one who identifies himself or herself as left of center has offered any kind of rebuttal to show why the thesis is wrong.

I think that fact in inself, considering the widespread interest in the thread, should be instructive. It obviously is a subject of interest to many and I think it deserves a fair hearing.

you think a "poll" on a board that is heavily weighted with rightwingers is relevant?

please, hon. the thread is nonsense. no offense and nothing personal. cause we like you, too.

It is relevant when the rightwingers see things for what they are. When the rightwingers, at least some/most of them, are able to articulate a rationale for the thesis, show examples, comment on history. And so far the leftwingers continue to call the thread nonsense but have not offered much of any thing in the way of rebuttal on the thesis.

So again, I prefer conservatism. I don't put a lot of stock in theory or opinion or concepts that cannot be backed up with much of anything.
Care and Jillian, you know I adore you both. But look at the poll. Eighty two responses now with an overwhelming majority opposing leftism as a viable ideology for freedom loving people. There are a number of members for whom I have considerable affection and who I admire and respect who cannot or will not embrace conservatism. But so far all the opposition here has been in complaints that the thread exists and/or personal insults and/or some attempt at deflection from Klavan's thesis.

But not one who identifies himself or herself as left of center has offered any kind of rebuttal to show why the thesis is wrong.

I think that fact in inself, considering the widespread interest in the thread, should be instructive. It obviously is a subject of interest to many and I think it deserves a fair hearing.

you think a "poll" on a board that is heavily weighted with rightwingers is relevant?

please, hon. the thread is nonsense. no offense and nothing personal. cause we like you, too.

It is relevant when the rightwingers see things for what they are. When the rightwingers, at least some/most of them, are able to articulate a rationale for the thesis, show examples, comment on history. And so far the leftwingers continue to call the thread nonsense but have not offered much of any thing in the way of rebuttal on the thesis.

So again, I prefer conservatism. I don't put a lot of stock in theory or opinion or concepts that cannot be backed up with much of anything.

Some don't seem too thrilled with actual conversation...Go figure... I thought thats what we were supposed to be doing here:eusa_eh:
…rebuttal on the thesis.

One isn’t required to rebut a flawed thesis, if you understood objective historical analysis you’d realize the thesis is flawed. If you argued 4 + 4 = 6, it’s not incumbent upon me to rebut your ‘argument.’

Some don't seem too thrilled with actual conversation...Go figure... I thought thats what we were supposed to be doing here.

Conversation is fine – provided there’s an actual topic.
Just to set the record straight....there is not a Republican that stands on this God given Earth, that I want to "BE" like......no envy exists towards any of you on my part! :thup:

come to think of it, there isn't a Democrat that stands on this god given earth, that I want to "be" like either, or am envious of....I am content with being me, thank you very much!

For the record, they were referring to Americans. Are you saying you don't want to be an American (democrat or republican or other)?

she IS an american, nutter.

and for the record, i think you'll find if you ask most of the non-americans on this board, they think we have a pretty stupid political system... at least as it's practiced now.

They think dictators/tyrants are a better way to go?
I'm waiting for any of these leftist liberals to point to their model. Were has it worked? were is it working? As most of Europe is reeling from all the big government programs and we are on the brink of the same fate were is it working?

..... It will be different ...... this time!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and yet it's trickle down voodoo economics that has screwed up this country.

go figure...

Right. It was those nasty rich folks that started the Revolutionary War and helped fund the Revolution, and once the Revolution was over, helped fund the fledging gov't. The wealthy have helped build this country by "hiring" the poor (ambitious) to accomplish their dreams, dragging their workers along with them to prosperity.

Why is it that you "tolerant" are soooo hateful when it comes to anyone that disagees with you?
…rebuttal on the thesis.

One isn’t required to rebut a flawed thesis, if you understood objective historical analysis you’d realize the thesis is flawed. If you argued 4 + 4 = 6, it’s not incumbent upon me to rebut your ‘argument.’

Some don't seem too thrilled with actual conversation...Go figure... I thought thats what we were supposed to be doing here.

Conversation is fine – provided there’s an actual topic.

^I read this as:

Now please rebut yourself as I'm far too bright and busy to do more than post this drivel in the space of an actual definitive response. <-- wasting the same amount of time to say nothing.

…rebuttal on the thesis.

One isn’t required to rebut a flawed thesis, if you understood objective historical analysis you’d realize the thesis is flawed. If you argued 4 + 4 = 6, it’s not incumbent upon me to rebut your ‘argument.’

Some don't seem too thrilled with actual conversation...Go figure... I thought thats what we were supposed to be doing here.

Conversation is fine – provided there’s an actual topic.

^I read this as:

Now please rebut yourself as I'm far too bright and busy to do more than post this drivel in the space of an actual definitive response. <-- wasting the same amount of time to say nothing.

No shit!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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