What issue would Jillian like to debate with me.

Perhaps she has something more important to do than answering you.... Like a crossword?

She routinely does troll drive by. One sentence attacks with no supporting evidence or explanation in defense of people like Truthmatters and Rdean. She is an obamabot that lost what ever intelligence she once had when he got elected.
I can understand her doing that to you.

Go ahead prove on this point you are stupid.
Doesn't matter. Odds are she'd mop the floor with you...

And that comes from someone who doesn't necessarily share her political views.


She would kick your ass. Politically misguided, but smarter than all but a few here.
I'll take Valox and the points.

I wanna see this shit.

I would like to see Ernie challenge me. I would like him to defend his girlfriend, Betty Boop. It would be cute.
She routinely does troll drive by. One sentence attacks with no supporting evidence or explanation in defense of people like Truthmatters and Rdean. She is an obamabot that lost what ever intelligence she once had when he got elected.
I can understand her doing that to you.

Go ahead prove on this point you are stupid.
Huh? You want me to PROVE how I understand someone would do something to you?


Well, now that I think of it, you did it for me. :lol:
Since Ernie popped his head into this thread, I will open the debate up to you.

Lets see what you have, inbred.

OK since you challenged, I pick the topic.

Tissue or handkerchief?

I dunno. I just got a new message from you. Is it worth opening?

No. Seriously, stop sending me PM's. I don't want to read them.

Do you have actually anything to debate me on, or are you just going to troll? I'd figured with all the negs that you gave me that you actually have a discussion to talk about, but you don't. You are incapable of talking about politics.
She has been hiding for awhile now.

Bring it on.

Perhaps she has something more important to do than answering you.... Like a crossword?

She routinely does troll drive by. One sentence attacks with no supporting evidence or explanation in defense of people like Truthmatters and Rdean. She is an obamabot that lost what ever intelligence she once had when he got elected.

You've been on this drive by troll/serial negger crap all day. She must really have gotten to you.
When I get negged, I look at why. I don't automatically assume someone is out to get me. Yup there are assholes and I attract my share, but I don't spend my whole day whining about it.
When I get negged, I look at why.

You are such a piece of shit. The whole thread was about "why" and as you can see Jillian and her crew could not explain it. Yet, when you ask "why", you are this noble creature. When I ask "why", you neg me and fill my mailbox with spam.

Do us a favor and crash your motorcycle into a stop sign. You are one of the biggest douchebags on here.

p.s. don't send me a private e-mail. I don't need to read your BS.
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When I get negged, I look at why.

You are such a piece of shit. The whole thread was about "why" and as you can see Jillian and her crew could not explain it. Yet, when you ask "why", you are this noble creature. When I ask "why", you neg me and fill my mailbox with spam.

Do us a favor and crash your motorcycle into a stop sign. You are one of the biggest douchebags on here.

p.s. don't send me a private e-mail. I don't need to read your BS.

Look asshole! I negged you, you responded by negging me, but I don't have the right to respond? Fuck you!
As for your favor request, Fuck you! Your douchebag remark? Yup, Fuck you. Your request for no more private messages? OK. In the future, I'll limit my contact to neg rep comments, which in the future, will be, you guessed it! Fuck you!
Jillian is incapable of debate. She's only capable of replying with snotty one-liner retorts. She's just a cranky & bitter Ex-Mod failure. When you prove she's a dunce, she responds by Neg-Rep stalking you for months. She's very well known for that. The best way to deal with the little weirdo, is to just laugh at her. I mean we're talking about someone who couldn't even handle being a Message Board Mod for God's sake. lol! She's only worthy of ridicule at this point.
When I get negged, I look at why.

You are such a piece of shit. The whole thread was about "why" and as you can see Jillian and her crew could not explain it. Yet, when you ask "why", you are this noble creature. When I ask "why", you neg me and fill my mailbox with spam.

Do us a favor and crash your motorcycle into a stop sign. You are one of the biggest douchebags on here.

p.s. don't send me a private e-mail. I don't need to read your BS.

Look asshole! I negged you, you responded by negging me, but I don't have the right to respond? Fuck you!
As for your favor request, Fuck you! Your douchebag remark? Yup, Fuck you. Your request for no more private messages? OK. In the future, I'll limit my contact to neg rep comments, which in the future, will be, you guessed it! Fuck you!

I lol'd. I am sure you had a point in there somewhere. Like most Jillian lovers, you are an overemotional fucking idiot who has nothing of substance.

I have been waiting for a long time for Jillian or one her fanbois to bring a solid political argument against me, and they cannot. Instead, they respond like petulatant Justin Beiber fans.

I need to go, but it has been clearly obvious that you cannot debate me on political issues. Neither Jillian or her fanbois can. You people are pathetic losers who hit and run negs and think they are special. However, when you are actually confronted with a debate, you run like sissies, to the hills.

It disgraces me that I have to share the word "human" with you fucking clowns.
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I've debated Jillian plenty of times and both of us don't use the word "debate" loosely, either.

But, like me, she treats stupid differently.

She treats everyone who stands up to her craven bullying differently....Bullies are like that.

True. And you have to bully the bullies. I routinely call her out for being the bitter Ex-Mod failure she is. She's only good for snotty one-liners and Neg-Rep stalking at this point. If you stand your ground with her, she usually runs away and hides. I actually think she's funny, in a pathetically deranged sort of way. :)

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