What is your pet peeve while driving?

I hate it when Ron Paul and Obama are tailgating me, I'm like,"Hey,I've got Sarah Palin in my car with me, we're going shopping, so GET OFF MY ASS!"

(thought I'd combine the political/driving rants in one sentence......)

By the way Gigi and Paulie, my fiancee wanted Ron Paul too....maybe 2012?
I hate it when Ron Paul and Obama are tailgating me, I'm like,"Hey,I've got Sarah Palin in my car with me, we're going shopping, so GET OFF MY ASS!"

(thought I'd combine the political/driving rants in one sentence......)

By the way Gigi and Paulie, my fiancee wanted Ron Paul too....maybe 2012?

Your fiancé is obviously intelligent.
Your fiancé is obviously intelligent.


Think I would get engaged to an IDIOT! ;)

I married one of those once...won't make that mistake again!

He is the reason I joined this board, for him to post his political rants, but he went elsewhere, so you guys are stuck with ME! :rofl:

He's funny too, and a handsome chap!

Think I would get engaged to an IDIOT! ;)

I married one of those once...won't make that mistake again!

He is the reason I joined this board, for him to post his political rants, but he went elsewhere, so you guys are stuck with ME! :rofl:

He's funny too, and a handsome chap!

So you married an Obama supporter before? I can see why that would've been a problem. :lol:
I tried to rep you for that, but evidently I need to spread some reputation around. (And I'm only here on a contract, just in case you were wondering.)

I think I read that in your FBI file I have..............
people who signal for the vehicle in front of them....if you are not turning....you dont put on your damned signal ...i dont give a flying fuck what the truck in front of you is doing....you pay attention to that....dont signal that you are turning unless your dumb ass is turning...and dont fucking blow your damned horn at me either...
people who signal for the vehicle in front of them....if you are not turning....you dont put on your damned signal ...i dont give a flying fuck what the truck in front of you is doing....you pay attention to that....dont signal that you are turning unless your dumb ass is turning...and dont fucking blow your damned horn at me either...

When we were first married we had this old Ford LTD, a tank. I would carpool to work with a friend of mine, but I never used my horn. She'd keep asking me why. Then one day, when someone in front of us wouldn't move, she reached over and pressed on the horn. This little tiny "beep" came out. She just looked at me and laughed. I think the previous owners must've replaced the horn but it was really embarresing having this quiet little horn on this great big tank. :lol:
me ...i like cute horns....man hates horns...dont even blow the horn at him...if i pull up to the house and tap the horn to let him know i am home...i get the ...how could i have married such a redneck lecture...
When we were first married we had this old Ford LTD, a tank. I would carpool to work with a friend of mine, but I never used my horn. She'd keep asking me why. Then one day, when someone in front of us wouldn't move, she reached over and pressed on the horn. This little tiny "beep" came out. She just looked at me and laughed. I think the previous owners must've replaced the horn but it was really embarresing having this quiet little horn on this great big tank. :lol:

I think I have injured myself laughing at this post.


Like I said, I spent a lot of time working to help the campaign. Met tons of people. I never once met anyone wearing a tin foil hat, spitting on themselves.

Most of the people I met were very intelligent, and obviously educated. When I say "tricked" it's because as we have seen so far, nothing is changing. Obama is picking people who come from the EXACT same circles as those before them who have been chastized.

How is Tim Geithner "change"? He is directly responsible for our monetary policy. He's a member of the Open Market Committee, where they decide that they're going to print more money and inflate, or extinguish money and deflate. Men like him are the ones responsible for the housing mess, by artificially manipulating credit and making it cheap when the economy is hurting. Men like him made it all possible.

I don't see ANYTHING that is different about Obama. He's picking the same establishmentarians.

Yes, if I voted for Obama hoping for change, I'd feel TRICKED right now. I'd be FURIOUS. I certainly wouldn't be defending my vote, simply because it was my vote. I'd be holding him accountable for falsely advertising himself as someone who will change things, when he quite obviously will not be, based on his appointees so far.

Can't rep you anymore but bravo!
I hate it when Ron Paul and Obama are tailgating me, I'm like,"Hey,I've got Sarah Palin in my car with me, we're going shopping, so GET OFF MY ASS!"

(thought I'd combine the political/driving rants in one sentence......)

By the way Gigi and Paulie, my fiancee wanted Ron Paul too....maybe 2012?

Maybe Rand Paul for 2012. Ron Paul did a wonderful job of bringing up his son. He's like a little clone :)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jUX4XM28xQ]YouTube - Rand Paul's introduction speech in Louisville[/ame]
When we were first married we had this old Ford LTD, a tank. I would carpool to work with a friend of mine, but I never used my horn. She'd keep asking me why. Then one day, when someone in front of us wouldn't move, she reached over and pressed on the horn. This little tiny "beep" came out. She just looked at me and laughed. I think the previous owners must've replaced the horn but it was really embarresing having this quiet little horn on this great big tank. :lol:
I have the worst luck with horns, my first car it only worked some of the time and then I had this other car where something shorted out and the horn would just keep honking unless I wacked it with my ice scraper. So one night I am driving down the road and my horn just kept going off everyone was looking at me like I was crazy!
It sounds like most of the idiotic behaviors have been covered, along with a couple of rants about Obama.

I don't think he will be driving his own car for a while anyway, do you?

You did miss the flatlander, though, and the left lane exiter.

The flatlander is afraid of mountain roads, so he/ she drives in the middle of the road (afraid of the edge, you see), at 10 MPH around every curve, then takes off like a shot when the road straightens out and it might be possible to pass. The flatlander considers the wide spots marked "turnout" to be handy places to dump dirty diapers and ash trays, but with no other purpose.

I've actually devised a point system for the left lane exiter. If the car simply exits the freeway from the left lane, it's 5 points. If he cuts off another car in the right lane, 10 points. If it's a big truck, that's 20 points. If the truck smokes its brakes avoiding giving the guy a Darwin Award, that's 50 points. if the truck flips over and mashes the idiot like a bug, that's 100 points. So far, I haven't seen any 100 pointers, but I've seen some 50s.
What idiotic behaviors of fellow motorists do you find the most annoying? Why?

Driving slow in the left lane on the highway.

Acting like no one else is on the road and crossing lanes or turning when they feel like it.

Doing either of the above with a damned phone stuck to their ear.:evil:

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