What is worse, death or being called a racist?

The term racist doesn't have meaning anymore. In fact, real racists, those few who may exist; enjoy the loose appplications to people. Its akin to calling someone an anti-vaxxer simply because they didnt get jabbed. Anti-vaxxer, btw, was FAR worse a label to be given just a yesr or so ago. It coould mean the end of your career, marriage and freedom.
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The term racist doesn't have meaning anymore. In fact, real racists, those few who may exist; enjoy the loose appplications to people. Its akin to calling someone an anti-vaxxer sinply because they didnt get jabbed. Anti-vaxxer, btw, was FAR worse a label to be given just a yesr or so ago. It coould mean the end of your career, marraige and freedom.
Here we have a bunch of white racists trying to tell themselves that being called a racist means nothing.

Next thing that will happen is that alcoholics will allow alcohol at AA meetings.
It has meaning. Do something overtly racist annd you will see exactly tthhe meaning it has..
What is overly racist? Was having a terrorist put behind bars overly racist? Personally, if a pokadot trans woman pulls a knife on me, he's going down.
What is overly racist? Was having a terrorist put behind bars overly racist? Personally, if a pokadot trans woman pulls a knife on me, he's going down.
You know what overtly racist is.
Go do something racist and find out how little meaning it has. Only white racists make this claim.
You are missing the point which is why you react impulsively to the issue. I've been the victim of racism multiple times in my life. I don't need to hear the fake outrage. Prejudice isn't my angle. People are what they are and I will only judge them according to their words and actions, nothing else.
LOL, you prove my point precisely. Thanks to those of your ilk, the term has little to no meaning.
It has a legal meaning in spite of what many posting here care to believe.

IM2 was correct, do something overtly racist in the presence of those who have the ability to capture the act on video/audio medium. Depending on what was done & where, you can then look up what the violations are and the penalties as well.
You are missing the point which is why you react impulsively to the issue. I've been the victim of racism multiple times in my life. I don't need to hear the fake outrage. Prejudice isn't my angle. People are what they are and I will only judge them according to their words and actions, nothing else.
No, I'm not missing anything. And when you have to write that last sentence, it is proof that you do the opposite. If you didn't, you wouldn't agree with the OP.

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