What is transhumanism


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
What is Transhumanism? - GenSix Productions
The title of this year’s True Legends Conference is Transhumanism and the Hybrid Age. For the followers of Steve Quayle, Timothy Alberino and Tom Horn, these might be familiar terms, but the importance of the topic deserves a clear understanding by all. So what exactly is transhumanism? And for that matter, what is a hybrid?

We have those who think they know what they are talking about, we have those who haven't a clue and we have those who are so far down the rabbit hole they know this is only a grain in the sand with the things we are going to see in OUR LIFE TIME, half the sheep think it's far off in the future lmao if you only knew. Sad thing is you all have been told, but guess what indoctrination works wonders keeping ppl dumbed down.

If ppl knew how much of this put humanity in danfer they wouldn't be stupid enough to accept it all....

meaning this subject , genetic editing, dna editing, animal genetic crossing them over etc et c....
People accept their limitations so as to prevent themselves from wanting anything they might get.

Celia GreenThere is no a priori reason why a human being should not combine the qualities, say, of Einstein, Shakespeare, Mozart, Darwin, J.M.W. Turner, a nuthatch and a pocket calculator. Indeed, there is no a priori reason why such a paragon should not be considered ordinary.

Colin TudgeTranshumanism has many forms, sometimes apparently contradictory. Its essence is in my opinion, that we humans can, and should continue to develop ourselves in all possible directions. The bodies and minds evolution has given us are wonderful, but far from perfect. They can be improved in many ways, and this can be done in a rational manner using science and technology. In the same way many other parts of the "Human Condition" may be changed through new methods and visions. In the long run, we will no longer be human anymore, but posthuman beings.

Of course, not all people would like to go this far. Some might want to improve themselves somewhat, but still remain essentially as before. Others might reject any improvements outright for various reasons. From a transhumanistic standpoint, this is no problem. If they don't want to go in our direction, they are welcome to remain humans. What we cannot accept is other people putting restrictions on our quest towards transhumanity; in that case we have to prevent them from interfering, probably by simply avoiding them. In no way do we want to force anybody to anything.

Essays about Transhumanism
Philosophy and Views
Other Sites
See Also

Anders Transhuman Page

If we wish to converse about a topic, let us put the topic up where people can see it. So there is an introduction to transhumanism.
People accept their limitations so as to prevent themselves from wanting anything they might get.

Celia GreenThere is no a priori reason why a human being should not combine the qualities, say, of Einstein, Shakespeare, Mozart, Darwin, J.M.W. Turner, a nuthatch and a pocket calculator. Indeed, there is no a priori reason why such a paragon should not be considered ordinary.

Colin TudgeTranshumanism has many forms, sometimes apparently contradictory. Its essence is in my opinion, that we humans can, and should continue to develop ourselves in all possible directions. The bodies and minds evolution has given us are wonderful, but far from perfect. They can be improved in many ways, and this can be done in a rational manner using science and technology. In the same way many other parts of the "Human Condition" may be changed through new methods and visions. In the long run, we will no longer be human anymore, but posthuman beings.

Of course, not all people would like to go this far. Some might want to improve themselves somewhat, but still remain essentially as before. Others might reject any improvements outright for various reasons. From a transhumanistic standpoint, this is no problem. If they don't want to go in our direction, they are welcome to remain humans. What we cannot accept is other people putting restrictions on our quest towards transhumanity; in that case we have to prevent them from interfering, probably by simply avoiding them. In no way do we want to force anybody to anything.


Essays about Transhumanism

Philosophy and Views


Other Sites


See Also

Anders Transhuman Page

If we wish to converse about a topic, let us put the topic up where people can see it. So there is an introduction to transhumanism.
I like to swim so sign me up for gills.
Torba points out the anti-human efforts now to ignore even more the soul & spirit of human beings.

Transhumanism and The Spiritual Battle For Humanity
Do the soul and spirit reside in the flesh? If so, where?

No - yet both are nearer than hands and feet.
If neither are physical, can one or both be virtual?

In a modern definition, No. Yet the principal old meaning as Webster 1828 puts it, Yes:

"VIR'TUAL, adjective [See Virtue.]

1. Potential; having the power of acting or of invisible efficacy without the material or sensible part.
Every kind that lives, fomented by his virtual power, and warm'd."
Torba points out the anti-human efforts now to ignore even more the soul & spirit of human beings.

Transhumanism and The Spiritual Battle For Humanity
Do the soul and spirit reside in the flesh? If so, where?

No - yet both are nearer than hands and feet.
If neither are physical, can one or both be virtual?

In a modern definition, No. Yet the principal old meaning as Webster 1828 puts it, Yes:

"VIR'TUAL, adjective [See Virtue.]

1. Potential; having the power of acting or of invisible efficacy without the material or sensible part.
Every kind that lives, fomented by his virtual power, and warm'd."
So we can't be human and be digital? How do you know?
alang1216: Do the soul and spirit reside in the flesh? If so, where?

Skull: No - yet both are nearer than hands and feet.

alang12116: If neither are physical, can one or both be virtual?

Skull: In a modern definition, No. Yet the principal old meaning as Webster 1828 puts it, Yes:
"VIR'TUAL, adjective [See Virtue.]

1. Potential; having the power of acting or of invisible efficacy without the material or sensible part.
Every kind that lives, fomented by his virtual power, and warm'd."

alang1216: So we can't be human and be digital? How do you know?

Skull: Because the source of digital is human. What is secondary is not primary.
Even your word 'digital' is sourced from Latin for digits, that is fingers & toes.
alang1216: Do the soul and spirit reside in the flesh? If so, where?

Skull: No - yet both are nearer than hands and feet.

alang12116: If neither are physical, can one or both be virtual?

Skull: In a modern definition, No. Yet the principal old meaning as Webster 1828 puts it, Yes:
"VIR'TUAL, adjective [See Virtue.]

1. Potential; having the power of acting or of invisible efficacy without the material or sensible part.
Every kind that lives, fomented by his virtual power, and warm'd."

alang1216: So we can't be human and be digital? How do you know?

Skull: Because the source of digital is human. What is secondary is not primary.
Even your word 'digital' is sourced from Latin for digits, that is fingers & toes.
I'm thinking you should have posted this in the religion section, not S & T
This satanic loser should be shut down this loser wants to be God and replace God he is killing humans and humanity with his philisophical bs , the funding this pig gets to do this is sickening.
those joinging him are sickening there is more trouble here than the average idots will refuse to believe.

This satanic loser should be shut down this loser wants to be God and replace God he is killing humans and humanity with his philisophical bs , the funding this pig gets to do this is sickening.
those joinging him are sickening there is more trouble here than the average idots will refuse to believe.

Flippen ass Freak!!!


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