What Is the Worst Prediction From Climate Scientists


Diamond Member
Dec 26, 2021
It seems that if the wind blows the wrong direction one day, it's all due to AGW.

We won't hit 100 in Phoenix today. We will get up there a little later. This is all normal.

But washing machines are still taking care of the soiled underpants of the alarmists over "Phoenix's record heat", which was only a record in terms of duration about 110. There was one day when the record for that day was broken And BTW, the previous record was set in the 1970's (50 years ago). Still waiting to hear about that.

But....for the sake of discussion, I'd like to know what is the worst projected "disaster" you have read about. Links would be much appreciated.

Lately it seems that some of the scientific community is coming out and saying "Global Warming Yes......Climate Crisis.....No). They have to have some rational for that thinking too. If you come across any, I'd love to hear.
It seems that if the wind blows the wrong direction one day, it's all due to AGW.

We won't hit 100 in Phoenix today. We will get up there a little later. This is all normal.

But washing machines are still taking care of the soiled underpants of the alarmists over "Phoenix's record heat", which was only a record in terms of duration about 110. There was one day when the record for that day was broken And BTW, the previous record was set in the 1970's (50 years ago). Still waiting to hear about that.

But....for the sake of discussion, I'd like to know what is the worst projected "disaster" you have read about. Links would be much appreciated.

Lately it seems that some of the scientific community is coming out and saying "Global Warming Yes......Climate Crisis.....No). They have to have some rational for that thinking too. If you come across any, I'd love to hear.
The climate-change cult is setting fires all over the planet.
How can you care about the planet if you're trying to burn it down?

They've rendered our washing machines worthless.
They don't allow them to operate in a normal manner.
They simply get the cloths wet and then wring out the water at the end of the cycle.
Clothes still stink when they're done washing.

That's why they created perfume pellets to make your clothes smell decent when they're dried.
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It seems that if the wind blows the wrong direction one day, it's all due to AGW.

We won't hit 100 in Phoenix today. We will get up there a little later. This is all normal.

But washing machines are still taking care of the soiled underpants of the alarmists over "Phoenix's record heat", which was only a record in terms of duration about 110. There was one day when the record for that day was broken And BTW, the previous record was set in the 1970's (50 years ago). Still waiting to hear about that.

But....for the sake of discussion, I'd like to know what is the worst projected "disaster" you have read about. Links would be much appreciated.

Lately it seems that some of the scientific community is coming out and saying "Global Warming Yes......Climate Crisis.....No). They have to have some rational for that thinking too. If you come across any, I'd love to hear.
AOC said we have 7 years before extinction, by now 6. She is one of the great minds of our time. :)
It seems that if the wind blows the wrong direction one day, it's all due to AGW.

We won't hit 100 in Phoenix today. We will get up there a little later. This is all normal.

But washing machines are still taking care of the soiled underpants of the alarmists over "Phoenix's record heat", which was only a record in terms of duration about 110. There was one day when the record for that day was broken And BTW, the previous record was set in the 1970's (50 years ago). Still waiting to hear about that.

But....for the sake of discussion, I'd like to know what is the worst projected "disaster" you have read about. Links would be much appreciated.

Lately it seems that some of the scientific community is coming out and saying "Global Warming Yes......Climate Crisis.....No). They have to have some rational for that thinking too. If you come across any, I'd love to hear.
Talk about morons of the Climate Religion, here they are blocking a road, causing more cars to idle, thus creating more CO2, until a police SUV runs over their blockade. I for one, would of walked up to one of the idiots, pulled out my gun and said "are you willing to die for your cause". I bet the chicken shits would of soiled their pants and left in a NY minute. They always like to make other people suffer, but never take the bullet for their religious zealotry....

AOC said we have 7 years before extinction, by now 6. She is one of the great minds of our time. :)
Talk about morons of the Climate Religion, here they are blocking a road, causing more cars to idle, thus creating more CO2, until a police SUV runs over their blockade. I for one, would of walked up to one of the idiots, pulled out my gun and said "are you willing to die for your cause". I bet the chicken shits would of soiled their pants and left in a NY minute. They always like to make other people suffer, but never take the bullet for their religious zealotry....

I would have just driven around them, others would have followed. Sadly, the driver in front was either stupid or a pussy.
AOC said we have 7 years before extinction, by now 6. She is one of the great minds of our time. :)

My mistake, I should have qualified it to say intelligent predictions.

She has a mind ?
I am looking for any documented predictions.

Like this from a site I really don't like:

It’s hard to even know where to begin to address this statement by climate change deniers, especially when you think about the human cost of a warming planet. The evidence points to a clear link between climate change and a surge in modern slavery: When crop failures, drought, floods, or fires wipe out livelihoods and homes, people migrate in the hopes of improving their lot—but can find themselves vulnerable to human trafficking and forced labor and other human rights abuses. And the overall economic cost is staggering: The global economy could lose $23 trillion to climate change by 2050.

Crops fail for a reason. We might start talking about how they would fail because of climate change and start makine provisions for that.

Droughts have always happened. I know of nothing that can link droughts directly to CO2.

Do forests have to burn ? Seems like when northeastern AZ went up in flames, the big culprit was the U.S. Forest Service. They would not allow the thinning needed to prevent rapid spread of fire.

I love the Human Slavery angle. A "surge"....meaning it's going on now. Wow.....how does that happen. Maybe they should be spending thier time there instead of pissing off the Burning Man people.
AOC is not a scientist so no one should be placing in real trust in what she says scientifically. I'm curious however if there some academic work that underpinned her statement and if so, what was it.
Talk about morons of the Climate Religion, here they are blocking a road, causing more cars to idle, thus creating more CO2, until a police SUV runs over their blockade. I for one, would of walked up to one of the idiots, pulled out my gun and said "are you willing to die for your cause". I bet the chicken shits would of soiled their pants and left in a NY minute. They always like to make other people suffer, but never take the bullet for their religious zealotry....

Look at all that room on the right shoulder.
Looking for presumed future outcomes as predicted by alarmists....ones that can be tracked (i.e. sea level rise).
One of their biggest lies all along is that Antarctica is "melting," despite having NO LIQUID WATER ON IT...

In fact, as a continent specific ice age on a pole, Antarctica is printing a new ice layer every year, and to date what breaks off still frozen in the form of icebergs has yet to catch up with the growth on the top layer each year, despite dumping 46 times the H2O into the oceans the Mississippi dumps in the Gulf.

It seems that if the wind blows the wrong direction one day, it's all due to AGW.

We won't hit 100 in Phoenix today. We will get up there a little later. This is all normal.

But washing machines are still taking care of the soiled underpants of the alarmists over "Phoenix's record heat", which was only a record in terms of duration about 110. There was one day when the record for that day was broken And BTW, the previous record was set in the 1970's (50 years ago). Still waiting to hear about that.

But....for the sake of discussion, I'd like to know what is the worst projected "disaster" you have read about. Links would be much appreciated.

Lately it seems that some of the scientific community is coming out and saying "Global Warming Yes......Climate Crisis.....No). They have to have some rational for that thinking too. If you come across any, I'd love to hear.
You've been so concerned about messaging. What sort of message do you think you're sending when you contend that the duration record set is unimportant or insignificant? Allow me to fill you in: It tells us clearly that YOU ARE IGNORANT, DISHONEST AND DESPERATE
One of their biggest lies all along is that Antarctica is "melting," despite having NO LIQUID WATER ON IT...

In fact, as a continent specific ice age on a pole, Antarctica is printing a new ice layer every year, and to date what breaks off still frozen in the form of icebergs has yet to catch up with the growth on the top layer each year, despite dumping 46 times the H2O into the oceans the Mississippi dumps in the Gulf.

This, of course, is something I need to learn more about.

I kept thinking about it when Al Gore was blathering about glaciers.

What should we be expecting in terms of water level increases.

Most of the charts I see, show 10" increase since 1880. I've seen some challenges to those numbers, but by-and-large that is what is being said.

How that is related to melting and past increases....I am not aware of (and need to learn).

I've seen statements that we are looking at 230 ft increase if all ice melts.

That's happened (the ice has melted) in the past. So I assume we increased sea levels by that much.
It seems that if the wind blows the wrong direction one day, it's all due to AGW.

We won't hit 100 in Phoenix today. We will get up there a little later. This is all normal.

But washing machines are still taking care of the soiled underpants of the alarmists over "Phoenix's record heat", which was only a record in terms of duration about 110. There was one day when the record for that day was broken And BTW, the previous record was set in the 1970's (50 years ago). Still waiting to hear about that.

But....for the sake of discussion, I'd like to know what is the worst projected "disaster" you have read about. Links would be much appreciated.

Lately it seems that some of the scientific community is coming out and saying "Global Warming Yes......Climate Crisis.....No). They have to have some rational for that thinking too. If you come across any, I'd love to hear.
The rate of sea level rise will triple by the end of this decade. Not going to happen.
This, of course, is something I need to learn more about.

I kept thinking about it when Al Gore was blathering about glaciers.

What should we be expecting in terms of water level increases.

Most of the charts I see, show 10" increase since 1880. I've seen some challenges to those numbers, but by-and-large that is what is being said.

How that is related to melting and past increases....I am not aware of (and need to learn).

I've seen statements that we are looking at 230 ft increase if all ice melts.

That's happened (the ice has melted) in the past. So I assume we increased sea levels by that much.

Earth ice

90% on Antarctica
7% on Greenland

the two continent specific ice ages of today. If Earth had two polar oceans, it would have no ice, and it would be a lot warmer and wetter...


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