What is the winning strategy in 2018 and beyond?

What is the winning strategy in 2018 and beyond?

  • 1. More regulation and higher taxes on the rich

  • 2. Less regulation and lower taxes for taxpayers

  • 3. Open borders and/or less law enforcement

  • 4. Secure borders/more law enforcement

  • 5. America gets along with Europe and is more like Europe

  • 6. America insists on fair deals for America

  • 7. More people in all groups working

  • 8. More 'free' social services

  • 9. Courts that rule on what the law 'should be'

  • 10. Courts that rule on what the law is

  • 11. Government that decides what the law will be

  • 12. Government that represents what the people want

  • 13. Return to the social and economic policies of the Obama years

  • 14. Stay the current course

Results are only viewable after voting.


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
The poll is structured to allow multiple choice and you can change your vote if you have a change of heart.

It is said that the 2018 election may determine the course of this country for a very long time to come, probably for the rest of our lifetimes.

We are currently seeing numbers in the economy and in American society that we have not seen for a very long time:

--Record or near record low unemployment in almost all categories: black/white/Hispanic/Asian etc., high school diploma or less, women, youth, etc etc etc

--Individual and family incomes are rising again after steady decline in the Obama years and to some extent in the Bush43 years. That is mostly due to tax reform, removal of unnecessary regulation, and a pro-business approach resulting in more honest low unemployment numbers and business confidence and prosperity enabling employers to pass on higher profits to their employees via increased wages, bonuses, benefits etc.

--We are approaching the reality of the people being in charge of their government again via the ballot box instead of unelected, unaccountable courts and unelected, unaccountable faceless bureaucrats dictating what the law will be and how we are required to live our lives.

--We are seeing support for securing the border and enforcing necessary laws to protect and empower those in the country legally.

--We are seeing significantly less dependence on social services and more empowerment of people to choose and pursue their own destinies on their own initiatives.

--And for the first time in a long time we are seeing government policies that produce positive results initiated instead of what is 'politically correct' or what 'looks good' ideologically. And if Plan A doesn't produce the desired results, we are going to Plan B or C or whatever does produce the desired results instead of being stuck in a feckless status quo.

So where do you stand? Stay the course we are on keeping whatever policies are working? Or return to the policies of the previous Administration? Obviously a poll cannot include every possible issue or ideological stance, but how members respond to the options in the limited posted poll and vote in November and beyond will determine the direction the country will go.
Definitely not 12.

Just because the people want free shit doesn't mean we should elect a government to take shit from other people.
Definitely not 12.

Just because the people want free shit doesn't mean we should elect a government to take shit from other people.

I would agree though #13 probably would be seen as most as supporting taking stuff from some in order to give to others. :)

But realistically, the Founders wrote a Constitution for the purpose of allowing the people to govern themselves via the ballot box--the people would elect representatives who would represent THEM and not the whims and wants of others in government.

And the President was intended to be the executive of the nation who carries out the will of the people that was supposed to be expressed by their elected representatives.

All that is turned on its head when the people's elected representatives forget all about the general welfare of those they represent once they get to Washington.
I would agree though #13 probably would be seen as most as supporting taking stuff from some in order to give to others. :)

But realistically, the Founders wrote a Constitution for the purpose of allowing the people to govern themselves via the ballot box--the people would elect representatives who would represent THEM and not the whims and wants of others in government.

And the President was intended to be the executive of the nation who carries out the will of the people that was supposed to be expressed by their elected representatives.

All that is turned on its head when the people's elected representatives forget all about the general welfare of those they represent once they get to Washington.

I would argue than some of them, more than half possibly are working towards the detriment of who they represent. The democrook party is eaten up with globalist sociopaths and the republicrats want to join their parties and pretend to be the opposition. I'd like to repeal the 17th Amendment and roll back federal authority across the board.
I would agree though #13 probably would be seen as most as supporting taking stuff from some in order to give to others. :)

But realistically, the Founders wrote a Constitution for the purpose of allowing the people to govern themselves via the ballot box--the people would elect representatives who would represent THEM and not the whims and wants of others in government.

And the President was intended to be the executive of the nation who carries out the will of the people that was supposed to be expressed by their elected representatives.

All that is turned on its head when the people's elected representatives forget all about the general welfare of those they represent once they get to Washington.

I would argue than some of them, more than half possibly are working towards the detriment of who they represent. The democrook party is eaten up with globalist sociopaths and the republicrats want to join their parties and pretend to be the opposition. I'd like to repeal the 17th Amendment and roll back federal authority across the board.

The Republican permanent political class is little better in my estimation. They just throw their constituencies somewhat different bones because they represent a somewhat different group but mostly they work just as hard as the Democrats do to retain a status quo that greatly benefits them personally and does little to nothing to actually fix the problems we have. I think they resent a President who is actually returning power to the people just as much as the Democrats do. The people having the power is the last thing any of them want.
Interesting. Lots of views but no takers in the discussion. Is that significant? :)

Just as we did in 2016, I am hearing Democrat after Democrat expressing the same themes of stop President Trump dead in his tracks along with achieving more income equality along with a lot of free stuff including 'free' government provided healthcare, making it easier and less restrictive to vote everywhere, amnesty for illegals, etc.

I am hearing the same mantras of invest in health care, invest in education, invest in our youth, invest in clean energy, etc. etc. etc. without being at all specific about what that actually is and/or what the results of such investment will look like and/or how much such investment will cost.

Several are throwing in some new wrinkles:

--kneeling during the National Anthem and presentation of the flag is the appropriate free speech way to protest police brutality especially against minorities while silencing conservative voices or politically incorrect opinion everywhere, especially on college campuses, is the thing to do.

--free college education

--abolish ICE

--open borders

--limit corporate compensation for executives

--themes of decriminalizing more offenses that are sometimes taken to the extreme of closing the jails and prisons.

And of course there is describing half of American citizens as racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic white supremacists clinging to their religion and guns, white women are told how to vote by their husbands and bosses, minority conservatives are not a credit to their race or are sell outs or Uncle Toms, basket of deplorables, and smelly Walmart shoppers. (I think they never read Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence People.)

Is that a winning strategy? Or are they simply trusting the non-stop media assault trashing President Trump will inspire all the uninformed people to show up at the polls to vote Democrat this year?
There is only one strategy in play -- pander to enough disgruntled identity groups in such a way that you convince them the other guy is the cause of all their ills.
The poll is structured to allow multiple choice and you can change your vote if you have a change of heart.

It is said that the 2018 election may determine the course of this country for a very long time to come, probably for the rest of our lifetimes.

We are currently seeing numbers in the economy and in American society that we have not seen for a very long time:

--Record or near record low unemployment in almost all categories: black/white/Hispanic/Asian etc., high school diploma or less, women, youth, etc etc etc

--Individual and family incomes are rising again after steady decline in the Obama years and to some extent in the Bush43 years. That is mostly due to tax reform, removal of unnecessary regulation, and a pro-business approach resulting in more honest low unemployment numbers and business confidence and prosperity enabling employers to pass on higher profits to their employees via increased wages, bonuses, benefits etc.

--We are approaching the reality of the people being in charge of their government again via the ballot box instead of unelected, unaccountable courts and unelected, unaccountable faceless bureaucrats dictating what the law will be and how we are required to live our lives.

--We are seeing support for securing the border and enforcing necessary laws to protect and empower those in the country legally.

--We are seeing significantly less dependence on social services and more empowerment of people to choose and pursue their own destinies on their own initiatives.

--And for the first time in a long time we are seeing government policies that produce positive results initiated instead of what is 'politically correct' or what 'looks good' ideologically. And if Plan A doesn't produce the desired results, we are going to Plan B or C or whatever does produce the desired results instead of being stuck in a feckless status quo.

So where do you stand? Stay the course we are on keeping whatever policies are working? Or return to the policies of the previous Administration? Obviously a poll cannot include every possible issue or ideological stance, but how members respond to the options in the limited posted poll and vote in November and beyond will determine the direction the country will go.
Your poll proves this is not a serious thread
The poll is structured to allow multiple choice and you can change your vote if you have a change of heart.

It is said that the 2018 election may determine the course of this country for a very long time to come, probably for the rest of our lifetimes.

We are currently seeing numbers in the economy and in American society that we have not seen for a very long time:

--Record or near record low unemployment in almost all categories: black/white/Hispanic/Asian etc., high school diploma or less, women, youth, etc etc etc

--Individual and family incomes are rising again after steady decline in the Obama years and to some extent in the Bush43 years. That is mostly due to tax reform, removal of unnecessary regulation, and a pro-business approach resulting in more honest low unemployment numbers and business confidence and prosperity enabling employers to pass on higher profits to their employees via increased wages, bonuses, benefits etc.

--We are approaching the reality of the people being in charge of their government again via the ballot box instead of unelected, unaccountable courts and unelected, unaccountable faceless bureaucrats dictating what the law will be and how we are required to live our lives.

--We are seeing support for securing the border and enforcing necessary laws to protect and empower those in the country legally.

--We are seeing significantly less dependence on social services and more empowerment of people to choose and pursue their own destinies on their own initiatives.

--And for the first time in a long time we are seeing government policies that produce positive results initiated instead of what is 'politically correct' or what 'looks good' ideologically. And if Plan A doesn't produce the desired results, we are going to Plan B or C or whatever does produce the desired results instead of being stuck in a feckless status quo.

So where do you stand? Stay the course we are on keeping whatever policies are working? Or return to the policies of the previous Administration? Obviously a poll cannot include every possible issue or ideological stance, but how members respond to the options in the limited posted poll and vote in November and beyond will determine the direction the country will go.
Your poll proves this is not a serious thread

How does it prove it? It specifies the campaign initiatives expressed by Republicans and Democrats that I've been listening to.
There is only one strategy in play -- pander to enough disgruntled identity groups in such a way that you convince them the other guy is the cause of all their ills.

I disagree. I think President Trump and the Republicans still worthy of that name are giving strong specifics of what has been accomplished so far and what remains necessary to do:

--keep the tax reform and improve on it
--secure the border and make it very unattractive to break our immigration laws
--free trade that is fair trade on the part of all parties
--remove unnecessary and nonproductive regulation
--return as much power to the states and the people as possible
--peace through strength
The poll is structured to allow multiple choice and you can change your vote if you have a change of heart.

It is said that the 2018 election may determine the course of this country for a very long time to come, probably for the rest of our lifetimes.

We are currently seeing numbers in the economy and in American society that we have not seen for a very long time:

--Record or near record low unemployment in almost all categories: black/white/Hispanic/Asian etc., high school diploma or less, women, youth, etc etc etc

--Individual and family incomes are rising again after steady decline in the Obama years and to some extent in the Bush43 years. That is mostly due to tax reform, removal of unnecessary regulation, and a pro-business approach resulting in more honest low unemployment numbers and business confidence and prosperity enabling employers to pass on higher profits to their employees via increased wages, bonuses, benefits etc.

--We are approaching the reality of the people being in charge of their government again via the ballot box instead of unelected, unaccountable courts and unelected, unaccountable faceless bureaucrats dictating what the law will be and how we are required to live our lives.

--We are seeing support for securing the border and enforcing necessary laws to protect and empower those in the country legally.

--We are seeing significantly less dependence on social services and more empowerment of people to choose and pursue their own destinies on their own initiatives.

--And for the first time in a long time we are seeing government policies that produce positive results initiated instead of what is 'politically correct' or what 'looks good' ideologically. And if Plan A doesn't produce the desired results, we are going to Plan B or C or whatever does produce the desired results instead of being stuck in a feckless status quo.

So where do you stand? Stay the course we are on keeping whatever policies are working? Or return to the policies of the previous Administration? Obviously a poll cannot include every possible issue or ideological stance, but how members respond to the options in the limited posted poll and vote in November and beyond will determine the direction the country will go.
Your poll proves this is not a serious thread

The OP is childish and stupid; much like the President. For one thing..."Plan A" crap.... Heathcare.... sabotaged with no replacement. There was no plan to start with much less a plan A, B, or C. Another Trillion in debt.

Add into it we have an embarrassing pervert who the OP supports for some bizarre reason...
And there you have the problem with the Democratic platform:

Trump sucks
Trump is bad
Trump is evil
Impeach Trump

But nothing to counter all the goods some of which is listed in Post #10.

Is that a winning strategy? If it is, this country is in terrible trouble.
And there you have the problem with the Democratic platform:

Trump sucks
Trump is bad
Trump is evil
Impeach Trump

But nothing to counter all the goods some of which is listed in Post #10.

Is that a winning strategy? If it is, this country is in terrible trouble.

Allowing students to re-negotiate their student loans
More funding for public health to mitigate the opioid crisis
Working with our allies (if there are any left after the blob gets through) to combat illegal immigration
Finding a way to reinvigorate the federal agencies who are being depleted by this pervert
Strengthening law enforcement through more interagency cooperation
Addressing the wage gap by encouraging a higher minimum wage

Just a few of the things democrats are talking about. Your vast amount of ignorance is only matched by your vast amount of intellectual dishonesty; or do you still think Trump never told a lie?
And there you have the problem with the Democratic platform:

Trump sucks
Trump is bad
Trump is evil
Impeach Trump

But nothing to counter all the goods some of which is listed in Post #10.

Is that a winning strategy? If it is, this country is in terrible trouble.

Allowing students to re-negotiate their student loans
More funding for public health to mitigate the opioid crisis
Working with our allies (if there are any left after the blob gets through) to combat illegal immigration
Finding a way to reinvigorate the federal agencies who are being depleted by this pervert
Strengthening law enforcement through more interagency cooperation
Addressing the wage gap by encouraging a higher minimum wage

Just a few of the things democrats are talking about. Your vast amount of ignorance is only matched by your vast amount of intellectual dishonesty; or do you still think Trump never told a lie?

The Democrat agenda I am hearing--and I am listening--more free government stuff along with higher taxes, more regulation, roll back reforms, keep Obamacare as it was, etc. etc. etc.

But mostly Trump and anybody who supports his agenda suck.
A genuinely good strategy would be to remake the central government closer to the original sentiments and ideals of the founders updated by science and experience.
To start with, an abolition of of the two party dictatorship.
Re-examining the geo-political situation and remolding policy to the spread of democratically established republican government everywhere.
Women equally represented in any public decision-making bodies.
Setting up a carefully crafted blend of capital-based enterprise and basic sense of brother/sisterhood.
Well, one can imagine whatever one might. The almost certain fate of America is to continue to careen through unnecessary crises engineer by the controlling duopoly.
A genuinely good strategy would be to remake the central government closer to the original sentiments and ideals of the founders updated by science and experience.
To start with, an abolition of of the two party dictatorship.
Re-examining the geo-political situation and remolding policy to the spread of democratically established republican government everywhere.
Women equally represented in any public decision-making bodies.
Setting up a carefully crafted blend of capital-based enterprise and basic sense of brother/sisterhood.
Well, one can imagine whatever one might. The almost certain fate of America is to continue to careen through unnecessary crises engineer by the controlling duopoly.

I think our current Administration not only understands the original intent re the role of the central government but has been doing a better job than most of operating under that principle.

I am seeing a shift of the non-diehard partisans--you know, those people who actually think for themselves instead of toe and/or parrot the party line--who are looking for people like the President who have a vision and an agenda they can get behind and who will also do their best to achieve that vision and that agenda. THAT is the best and only way to break the two-party dictatorship. (That is also why the President is getting so much resistance from both parties who LIKE the status quo that so greatly benefits them personally.) The President is neither partisan nor ideologue and the permanent political class can't stand that.

I can't support regime change or nation building as even the great United States does not have the time, energy, or resources to conquer and then remake all the messed up countries out there and anything short of that is simply perpetual war. We should lead by example, not by colonization.

If you go with the original intent of the Constitution, it was never given to the central government power to create sisterhood/brotherhood or any other sociopolitical situation, but the government was intended to completely stay out of that and defend the peoples unalienable right to govern themselves and create whatever sorts of societies they wished to have.

And speaking as a woman, I don't want anybody assigned to anything based on race, gender, ethnicity, group, etc. etc. etc. but rather I want the best people with the best intent, qualifications, experience put in positions of leadership.
And there you have the problem with the Democratic platform:

Trump sucks
Trump is bad
Trump is evil
Impeach Trump

But nothing to counter all the goods some of which is listed in Post #10.

Is that a winning strategy? If it is, this country is in terrible trouble.

Allowing students to re-negotiate their student loans
More funding for public health to mitigate the opioid crisis
Working with our allies (if there are any left after the blob gets through) to combat illegal immigration
Finding a way to reinvigorate the federal agencies who are being depleted by this pervert
Strengthening law enforcement through more interagency cooperation
Addressing the wage gap by encouraging a higher minimum wage

Just a few of the things democrats are talking about. Your vast amount of ignorance is only matched by your vast amount of intellectual dishonesty; or do you still think Trump never told a lie?

The Democrat agenda I am hearing--and I am listening--more free government stuff along with higher taxes, more regulation, roll back reforms, keep Obamacare as it was, etc. etc. etc.

But mostly Trump and anybody who supports his agenda suck.

There's room for both the Democratic party's good government stances as well as pointing out the vacuum of morality and decency that people like you occupy; yes.
A genuinely good strategy would be to remake the central government closer to the original sentiments and ideals of the founders updated by science and experience.
To start with, an abolition of of the two party dictatorship.
Re-examining the geo-political situation and remolding policy to the spread of democratically established republican government everywhere.
Women equally represented in any public decision-making bodies.
Setting up a carefully crafted blend of capital-based enterprise and basic sense of brother/sisterhood.
Well, one can imagine whatever one might. The almost certain fate of America is to continue to careen through unnecessary crises engineer by the controlling duopoly.

I think our current Administration not only understands the original intent re the role of the central government but has been doing a better job than most of operating under that principle.

I am seeing a shift of the non-diehard partisans--you know, those people who actually think for themselves instead of toe and/or parrot the party line--who are looking for people like the President who have a vision and an agenda they can get behind and who will also do their best to achieve that vision and that agenda. THAT is the best and only way to break the two-party dictatorship. (That is also why the President is getting so much resistance from both parties who LIKE the status quo that so greatly benefits them personally.) The President is neither partisan nor ideologue and the permanent political class can't stand that.

I can't support regime change or nation building as even the great United States does not have the time, energy, or resources to conquer and then remake all the messed up countries out there and anything short of that is simply perpetual war. We should lead by example, not by colonization.

If you go with the original intent of the Constitution, it was never given to the central government power to create sisterhood/brotherhood or any other sociopolitical situation, but the government was intended to completely stay out of that and defend the peoples unalienable right to govern themselves and create whatever sorts of societies they wished to have.

And speaking as a woman, I don't want anybody assigned to anything based on race, gender, ethnicity, group, etc. etc. etc. but rather I want the best people with the best intent, qualifications, experience put in positions of leadership.
Please note "updated by science and experience".
Please note that Coca Cola, Levis and Rock and Roll conquered the world through publicity and propaganda, not military intervention. The same can be done with ideas and ideals.
Please note that a large amount of the world's woes are the result of the predominance of males in positions of power and the only way to reverse that is with women.
Please note that government cannot avoid being involved in economics, so it should do so intelligently and constructively.
Please note that no hope of real change is held out.
A genuinely good strategy would be to remake the central government closer to the original sentiments and ideals of the founders updated by science and experience.
To start with, an abolition of of the two party dictatorship.
Re-examining the geo-political situation and remolding policy to the spread of democratically established republican government everywhere.
Women equally represented in any public decision-making bodies.
Setting up a carefully crafted blend of capital-based enterprise and basic sense of brother/sisterhood.
Well, one can imagine whatever one might. The almost certain fate of America is to continue to careen through unnecessary crises engineer by the controlling duopoly.

I think our current Administration not only understands the original intent re the role of the central government but has been doing a better job than most of operating under that principle.

I am seeing a shift of the non-diehard partisans--you know, those people who actually think for themselves instead of toe and/or parrot the party line--who are looking for people like the President who have a vision and an agenda they can get behind and who will also do their best to achieve that vision and that agenda. THAT is the best and only way to break the two-party dictatorship. (That is also why the President is getting so much resistance from both parties who LIKE the status quo that so greatly benefits them personally.) The President is neither partisan nor ideologue and the permanent political class can't stand that.

I can't support regime change or nation building as even the great United States does not have the time, energy, or resources to conquer and then remake all the messed up countries out there and anything short of that is simply perpetual war. We should lead by example, not by colonization.

If you go with the original intent of the Constitution, it was never given to the central government power to create sisterhood/brotherhood or any other sociopolitical situation, but the government was intended to completely stay out of that and defend the peoples unalienable right to govern themselves and create whatever sorts of societies they wished to have.

And speaking as a woman, I don't want anybody assigned to anything based on race, gender, ethnicity, group, etc. etc. etc. but rather I want the best people with the best intent, qualifications, experience put in positions of leadership.
Please note "updated by science and experience".
Please note that Coca Cola, Levis and Rock and Roll conquered the world through publicity and propaganda, not military intervention. The same can be done with ideas and ideals.
Please note that a large amount of the world's woes are the result of the predominance of males in positions of power and the only way to reverse that is with women.
Please note that government cannot avoid being involved in economics, so it should do so intelligently and constructively.
Please note that no hope of real change is held out.

But I believe thoughtful leadership based on real ideals and principle rather than fuzzy ideological concepts--example: income equality, social justice, women's reproductive rights, et al--can make a difference.

I believe President Trump is basing his agenda and talking points on real ideals and principle--love of what God/flag/country stands for and protocol regarding those--encouraging economic initiative and prosperity in the private sector among ALL segments of society--putting America's interests on the same level with everybody else--peace through strength etc. And all of that is real change compared to what we have had with the last several administrations. It is because he has little or no respect for the status quo in much of anything that he is making a significant difference, and most of it is turning out so much better than his critics and the haters have predicted.

And if you look at those nations headed by women over the course of history, female leadership is not much different than male leadership or at least the gender of the leader doesn't make much difference in the grand scheme of things. Some female monarchs were quite notorious. But many women, as do men, have distinguished themselves in leadership roles and left their mark on history, not because they were women but because they had a vision and perspective that resulted in good things. Gold Meir of Israel, for instance, was instrumental in Israel becoming an independent country. And Corazon Aquino was instrumental in the Phillippines becoming a democracy. I have great admiration for both ladies and adored Maggie Thatcher as well as others.

So again I look for a vision and competence in people regardless of their gender.

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