What is the future of Europe


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
What will the World be like when the Islamist take control of Europe?
Will the Europeans be forced to convert to Islam?
Some of those countries have large military resources, including WMDs.
Will the Islamist use WMDs?
Why doesn't the Left understand how dangerous it is to allow their culture to be erased just for political correctness?
Is Leftism a mental disorder or is it mass brainwashing by social media, or is it epic ignorance?
Will it be too late by the time they wake up?
What will the World be like when the Islamist take control of Europe?
Will the Europeans be forced to convert to Islam?
Some of those countries have large military resources, including WMDs.
Will the Islamist use WMDs?
Why doesn't the Left understand how dangerous it is to allow their culture to be erased just for political correctness?
Is Leftism a mental disorder or is it mass brainwashing by social media, or is it epic ignorance?
Will it be too late by the time they wake up?

I fully expect France to go into a Civil War soon, too many hostile Islamists are in France, in just a week and a half they have had a teacher decapitated and a Christian Church attack that had three people stabbed to death including one of the women who had her throat slit and was either decapitated or partially decapitated. Then add to this the previous Islamic acts of terrorism during the past several years in France.
What will the World be like when the Islamist take control of Europe?
Will the Europeans be forced to convert to Islam?
Some of those countries have large military resources, including WMDs.
Will the Islamist use WMDs?
Why doesn't the Left understand how dangerous it is to allow their culture to be erased just for political correctness?
Is Leftism a mental disorder or is it mass brainwashing by social media, or is it epic ignorance?
Will it be too late by the time they wake up?

I fully expect France to go into a Civil War soon, too many hostile Islamists are in France, in just a week and a half they have had a teacher decapitated and a Christian Church attack that had three people stabbed to death including one of the women who had her throat slit and was either decapitated or partially decapitated. Then add to this the previous Islamic acts of terrorism during the past several years in France.

I hope France does. Sooner the better. Because as time goes on and the mudslimes breed and continue to poor in, the french’s chances at victory goes down.
The future of EU Europe is as an Islamic Republic.

Russia, Eastern Europe and Britain might hold out, but Muslims consistently choose a third child over a second car and that is going to destroy the consumerist European population demographics.
The future of EU Europe is as an Islamic Republic.

Russia, Eastern Europe and Britain might hold out, but Muslims consistently choose a third child over a second car and that is going to destroy the consumerist European population demographics.
And much like we do here with our Africans, European society subsidizes these people and pays for them to eat, live, and breed.
We literally subsidize our own destruction.
I watched a video on this, which I cannot find now (of course) and it showed how the media and governments both, years ago, had this planned out, all in the name of "diversity ". You saw commercials with mixed couples, always a white woman with a black husband, never the other way around, a mixed child (say something simple as eating cereal) or one were the black guy appeared "strong" or "smart", (big, muscular black guy, showing off his "guns") while the white guy appeared "weak" or "dumb" (doing slap-stick comedy, slipping and falling) . Never the other way around. Never the white guy "getting the girl". What's up with this? Oh, because they want to demonize the white man, which is exactly the message they have brought on to the general public. So now, we will have young , white, boys going to school, being told that they're "no good". I wonder what kind of effects that will have on them? Equality my ass! No such thing as equality. Just special treatment for special groups of people. But some folks think that's just a okay, in the name of JUSTICE...(justice for???...going backwards...)
It is one of the perversities of life: People leave their shit-hole homeland to go somewhere that is much, much better.

Then they immediately seek to implement the same culture in the new home that caused their previous home to devolve into a shit-hole.

I'm speaking of course of Californians moving to Texas, Arizona and other more civilized states.

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