What Is The Democratic Platform?

Universal healthcare has an approval rate of 41% no longer worlds policeman currently bombing in both Iraq and Syria gay rights on people's list of most important issues that seems to rank either right above or below climate change which it's self ranks at or near the bottom of the list.
Answer: Gay Marriage. At any cost. To the nation and to themselves as a party. To which they are soon going to find out.

See that republicans? Here's a perfect example of one of your "one issue" voters. These are the ones making you look so bad.

That wasn't the Rabbi saying that. It was me. Check your quote function..

I'm a lifelong democrat. Middle dem. And that should worry you because there are millions like me viscerally opposed, but silently so, to gay marriage at such a degree that it will cause many of us to crossover vote this Fall and perhaps even two from it..



A homophobic Democrat? I don't think so.....
Ahead of the 2006 election that brought Democrats to power in Congress Nancy Pelosi laid out their program. It was anti war, fiscally responsible, the most open and ethical Congress in history.
OK, we saw how that worked out. Amazingly some people still believe them. But anyway...
This time what is the Democratic argument for why they deserve to control the House and Senate? They've had years of unfettered access to the legislative process. They've been in charge. And things are worse now than they were in 2006. So why didnt they succeed??

Things are worse today, Republicans crashed the economy in 2008.
The dimwits had control of congress in 08.

So your answer is that the 2007-2008 crash started in 2008? Really?
What Is The Democratic Platform?

Lies, half truths, distortions, stealing money people earned and buying votes with it, hate, division, racial tension, envy, double standards, slavery to the state for starters.
We hate men
Let's force all successful men to quit and replace them with women and non-whites!
Let's kill all the babies
Let's praise people that stay single. Doesn't matter if they have a child or not. We don't give a damn how it hurts the childs chances in life!.
Let's scare off the father as he's a pig!
Let's whine about how the tax payer should pay for the birth control
Let's have open borders and invite the world in!!!! No borders!!!
Let's let certain racial groups do as they please. Murder, ok...Rape, ok. Looting and violence is a'ok!!! Let's blame the white man for causing it!!!!
Let's let that llittle brat as ong as he's the right color cause trouble in our class rooms.
Let's screw up math to force whites to fail as the brat above can't make it.
Let's blame the police for doing their job!
Let's silence people that voice their opinions of violent, stupid and lazy fucking people.
Let's force them to bake us a cake....We're only going against our relgious beliefs for doing so!
Let's lay down and die when a bad guy breaks into our house!

The platform of the democratic party!
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Well I see even the Democrat knee padders can't articulate why anyone with 2 functioning brain cells should vote Democrat. The only argument seems to be "Republicans are stupid."
THis is why they will lose. A failed economy. A failed foreign policy. A failed government nanny state. That is the Democrat legacy.
Drop everything else and focus on these
1. Education and making the system better
2. Science...Do something like Appolo in the 1960's! Make people think we have hope!
3. Work to rebuild the middle class. Good policies that make sense!!!
4. Bring jobs home and grow our manufacturing.

Just drop all the anti-white, anti-male and all the nut cake shit before you do.
Drop everything else and focus on these
1. Education and making the system better
2. Science...Do something like Appolo in the 1960's! Make people think we have hope!
3. Work to rebuild the middle class. Good policies that make sense!!!
4. Bring jobs home and grow our manufacturing.

Just drop all the anti-white, anti-male and all the nut cake shit before you do.
I'm a lifelong democrat. Middle dem. And that should worry you because there are millions like me viscerally opposed, but silently so, to gay marriage at such a degree that it will cause many of us to crossover vote this Fall and perhaps even two from it..

Your a democrat???? GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY PARTY!!!

Go! Do it CROSSOVER! Vote republican the rest of your pathetic life. It's the best thing you can do for the Democrat party you piece of shit! GET OUT!

This from the party of tolerance and understanding.
I'm a lifelong democrat. Middle dem. And that should worry you because there are millions like me viscerally opposed, but silently so, to gay marriage at such a degree that it will cause many of us to crossover vote this Fall and perhaps even two from it..

Your a democrat???? GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY PARTY!!!

Go! Do it CROSSOVER! Vote republican the rest of your pathetic life. It's the best thing you can do for the Democrat party you piece of shit! GET OUT!

This from the party of tolerance and understanding.
So much for the big tent, eh?
Ahead of the 2006 election that brought Democrats to power in Congress Nancy Pelosi laid out their program. It was anti war, fiscally responsible, the most open and ethical Congress in history.
OK, we saw how that worked out. Amazingly some people still believe them. But anyway...
This time what is the Democratic argument for why they deserve to control the House and Senate? They've had years of unfettered access to the legislative process. They've been in charge. And things are worse now than they were in 2006. So why didnt they succeed??

Great question...

It starts with a universal healthcare which was accomplished
Getting us out of the role of being the worlds policeman
Ending the Bush tax cuts
Gay rights.....accomplished beyond our imagination
Glad you got rights to be a gay.
Ahead of the 2006 election that brought Democrats to power in Congress Nancy Pelosi laid out their program. It was anti war, fiscally responsible, the most open and ethical Congress in history.
OK, we saw how that worked out. Amazingly some people still believe them. But anyway...
This time what is the Democratic argument for why they deserve to control the House and Senate? They've had years of unfettered access to the legislative process. They've been in charge. And things are worse now than they were in 2006. So why didnt they succeed??

Things are worse today, Republicans crashed the economy in 2008.
Democrats crashed the economy in 2008.
Did they end the war? No.
Did they have fiscal restraint? No.
Was it open and honest or ridden with scandal? Yeah, the latter.
Look, another Rabbi thread where Nutjobber's alternative vision of reality is exposed for the lie it is.

I just want to point out that the current respective statuses of each "scandal" is "bullshit made up by partisan hacks."

Get us some concrete evidence or gtfo.
No evidence would satisfy a hack like you.
Needless to say the Democrats suffered scandal after scandal once they took power.
A scandal per week it seems, just to redirect the news to something else.

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