What is Obama's plan to defeat ISIS?


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2015
One of the main questions being asked Today is "What is Obama's plan to defeat ISIS?", so let's see if we can figure it out...

Since the Libs like Luddly keep telling us about Obama's 60+ nation coalition, which is primarily delivering humanitarian aid such as food (only a handful are actually fighting ISIS), I think it must be to feed ISIS beans until they fart themselves to death...

Anybody else want to take a stab at it?
I was thinking that Obama, Kerry, and Jarret were going to get low and suck hard.........They should have them defeated sometime in 2018...
It does not matter what Obama's plan is. The Republicans will oppose it.

The Republicans have always taken their lead from Obama. That's how they roll.

If Obama wants to put boots on the ground, the Republicans will oppose it. If he doesn't want to put boots on the ground, the Republicans will excoriate him.

So if I were Obama, I would say I want to do the exact opposite of what I really want to happen.
OBAMA: I think we should not put boots on the ground or beat the shit out of ISIS.

GOP: The hell you say! We need to send every available fighting man we have in there!

OBAMA: Oh...all right, darn it...
He doesn't have a plan. The NWO Globalist Elites who put him in power, are the ones who make the plans. ISIS was created by Saudi Arabian, British, and U.S. intelligence. It was created to take Assad out. First they lied about Assad using chemical weapons to invade. But that didn't work, so they created ISIS.

Once they know Assad is gonna go, they'll begin fighting and eliminating ISIS. Until that day comes, they'll allow ISIS to grow more powerful. They'll allow Thousands of innocents to die to achieve their goals. It's pure evil. For the Globalist Elites, it's Chess, not Checkers.
Maybe it's to let them take over a lot of territory, where their forces will be stretched pretty thin.
Maybe it's to let them take over a lot of territory, where their forces will be stretched pretty thin.

ISIS was created by Saudi Arabia and the West to take Assad out. Once they feel Assad is about to go, they'll begin fighting and eliminating ISIS. Until then, many many more innocents will be allowed to be brutally butchered by ISIS.
It does not matter what Obama's plan is. The Republicans will oppose it.

The Republicans have always taken their lead from Obama. That's how they roll.

If Obama wants to put boots on the ground, the Republicans will oppose it. If he doesn't want to put boots on the ground, the Republicans will excoriate him.

So if I were Obama, I would say I want to do the exact opposite of what I really want to happen.

And I'm sure it's Booshes fault.
Didn't you hear about obama's massive drone-bombing of this isis parade, killing hundres of isis members? No? Yeah, me neither.

"According to a Twitter account that explores ”the domestic and regional challenges facing Iraq’s security,” a massive convoy of ISIS fighters paraded out in the open desert in Western Anbar on Monday, providing a target rich environment for the U.S.-led coalition."

Huge ISIS Convoy Parades Out in the Open in West Anbar Province in Iraq Providing Target-Rich Environment for Coalition PJ Tatler

ISIS Holds Massive Military Parade in West Anbar Celebrating Victory in Ramadi Where s the Coalition The Gateway Pundit
Maybe Obama wants members of ISIS to laugh themselves to death...
Good point, since he's Commander in Chief.....
That is like thinking that you are responsible for a cockroach infestation of somebody's house blocks away.
Guess you didn't hear about ISIS sympathizers here, or the ISIS members that Obama allowed to return to the US.....

Been tied up on that rebunked global warming problem?
Didn't you hear about obama's massive drone-bombing of this isis parade, killing hundres of isis members? No? Yeah, me neither.

"According to a Twitter account that explores ”the domestic and regional challenges facing Iraq’s security,” a massive convoy of ISIS fighters paraded out in the open desert in Western Anbar on Monday, providing a target rich environment for the U.S.-led coalition."

Huge ISIS Convoy Parades Out in the Open in West Anbar Province in Iraq Providing Target-Rich Environment for Coalition PJ Tatler

ISIS Holds Massive Military Parade in West Anbar Celebrating Victory in Ramadi Where s the Coalition The Gateway Pundit

They easily could have bombed and eliminated the entire convoy. So why didn't they? Well, because ISIS was created by Saudi, British, and U.S. intelligence. They've armed and trained ISIS from the start. Do people really believe they just popped up out of nowhere with so much cash & weapons? God, i hope people aren't that ignorant.

The goal was to kill Assad. If they feel Assad is about to go, they'll begin to fight and eliminate ISIS. But not till then. In the mean time, ISIS will be allowed to brutally slaughter countless innocents. It's a means to an end for the Globalist Elites. Human life matters very little to them. They're pure evil.
Didn't you hear about obama's massive drone-bombing of this isis parade, killing hundres of isis members? No? Yeah, me neither.

"According to a Twitter account that explores ”the domestic and regional challenges facing Iraq’s security,” a massive convoy of ISIS fighters paraded out in the open desert in Western Anbar on Monday, providing a target rich environment for the U.S.-led coalition."

Huge ISIS Convoy Parades Out in the Open in West Anbar Province in Iraq Providing Target-Rich Environment for Coalition PJ Tatler

ISIS Holds Massive Military Parade in West Anbar Celebrating Victory in Ramadi Where s the Coalition The Gateway Pundit

They easily could have bombed and eliminated the entire convoy. So why didn't they? Well, because ISIS was created by Saudi, British, and U.S. intelligence. They've armed and trained ISIS from the start. Do people really believe they just popped up out of nowhere with so much cash & weapons? God, i hope people aren't that ignorant.

The goal was to kill Assad. If they feel Assad is about to go, they'll begin to fight and eliminate ISIS. But not till then. In the mean time, ISIS will be allowed to brutally slaughter countless innocents. It's a means to an end for the Globalist Elites. Human life matters very little to them. They're pure evil.
No, they have the weapons because Obama pulled our troops out of Iraq, and the Iraqis ran off when left to themselves, giving that equipment to ISIS....

Maybe that's Obama's plan.... Arm ISIS and hope they shoot each other, like those bikers did in Texas.
Guess you didn't hear about ISIS sympathizers here, or the ISIS members that Obama allowed to return to the US.....
You are right. We should be strictly concentrating on terrorism here to prevent another 9/11.
Been tied up on that rebunked global warming problem?
Global warming has nothing to do with this?

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