What is more important, paying illegal immigrants, or paying our military

Great, then it appears Democrats caved also...everyone caved. Guess that happens in a compromise.

Except at the end of the day, the Democrats walk away with what they wanted, new DACA legislation.

That may be true, too early to tell. If Democrats walk away with DACA, Republicans walk away with funding for the wall, end to chain migration and an end to lottery immigration.
Dimocrats were willing to stop the paychecks going to our men and women in the military in order to protect a bunch of illegals.
Luckily, enough of them got cold feet and backed down.
And, You believe we can lower taxes and not raise taxes to at least, green alert level if not yellow alert level?
we need to cut taxes ......there is so much waste...
my dad worked for the government--he said a lot of the workers were plain lazy, would sleep on the job/etc

we can save $$$ by posting the military on the borders:
1. we cut some US overseas bases
2. we stop paying these countries for overseas bases
--stop spending $$ to foreign countries for the maintenance/supplies of these bases/etc etc etc
--stop employing civilian foreigners and employ American civilians
3. the servicemen that come back to the US will spend their $$ in the US and not overseas
4. we don't have to spend $$$ to ship/transport the servicemen overseas--there and back
MUCHO US tax $$$ goes into America and not out of it
win win win for everyone---except the illegals---so the Dems/lefties might not like that

Which ones do you have in mind?

I always love this when people trot this out, not knowing that most of our "bases" overseas are either closed or very small tenants on other military bases.

Know why Benghazi was such a problem? No bases close by.
hey--we are in HUGE debt--if we don't cut some things--we will have to cut a lot more later
training/readiness/etc can be degraded if we don't get this debt controlled--just like the USSR
The Economic Collapse of the Soviet Union
cut our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror to balance the budget!
ever hear of 9-11 where over 2500 were murdered by terrorists in ONE day??
that's more dead than a week's worth of some battles in many wars!
that's more than the USMC lost in the Beirut bombing??
alleged?? surely you troll
Yet, the right wing was for cutting taxes to help the rich get richer faster.

This is why, nobody should take the right wing seriously about politics.
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics or the law.
tax cuts baby
I guess funding Government is not very important to the right wing.
what do tax cuts have to do with funding government. The Money is always there. How much is your problem. I can do without many forms of government.
Why should anyone take the right wing seriously about economics?

It cannot be real times of war without real times of war tax rates.

We subscribe to Capitalism, not Socialism, for the market based metrics.
sure it can. why are you so naive. If I want the biggest and the best I pay for it. duh!!!!
the right wing cut taxes to cut government spending; only the right wing, never gets it.
That may be true, too early to tell. If Democrats walk away with DACA, Republicans walk away with funding for the wall, end to chain migration and an end to lottery immigration.

Trump will be gone long before any of that happens.

No kidding, is he going on vacation? Although with the progress so far it must feel like a vacation every day. Don't tell me you got that info from a poll.
No kidding, is he going on vacation? Although with the progress so far it must feel like a vacation every day. Don't tell me you got that info from a poll.

sorry, bud, Trump won't last out his term. He really won't. Republicans hate him as much as Democrats do.

Hmmm...what is that saying....oh yeah....elections have consequences, suck it up buttercup.
Hmmm...what is that saying....oh yeah....elections have consequences, suck it up buttercup.

Russian Collusion has consequences.

Hey, ask Tricky Dick Nixon about how his election had consequences after we found out about Watergate.

I'll agree with that statement, Russian Collusion will have consequences. Although, I'm guessing right about now Obama and Hillary are sweating bullets.

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