What is left?


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
The Liberals and the main stream Democrats have called Republicans Nazis, murderers, terrorists and suicide bombers not to mention racist. We still have a year to the election, what ever will they call us now?
The Liberals and the main stream Democrats have called Republicans Nazis, murderers, terrorists and suicide bombers not to mention racist. We still have a year to the election, what ever will they call us now?

"Pussies" for being able to dish it out but not able to take it.
Thanks 15... I was going to make a list of all the things I've been called over the past 3 or so years... but you post said it better than I could have with the list.
The Liberals and the main stream Democrats have called Republicans Nazis, murderers, terrorists and suicide bombers not to mention racist. We still have a year to the election, what ever will they call us now?

"Pussies" for being able to dish it out but not able to take it.

Ya cause after all that clamor after the Arizona shootings by the left to tone down the violent rhetoric calling fellow American citizens terrorists and suicide bombers is following through right?

By the way keep calling us these things, all you are doing is proving to the moderates and independents just how out of touch you are.
The Liberals and the main stream Democrats have called Republicans Nazis, murderers, terrorists and suicide bombers not to mention racist. We still have a year to the election, what ever will they call us now?

let 'em name call, it's all they have remaining. They sure as hell can't accomplish their policies with honesty.
Thanks 15... I was going to make a list of all the things I've been called over the past 3 or so years... but you post said it better than I could have with the list.

Go ahead provide for us a list of names called by prominent members of the Republican party about Democrats. You can go all the way back to 2000 if you want.
The Liberals and the main stream Democrats have called Republicans Nazis, murderers, terrorists and suicide bombers not to mention racist. We still have a year to the election, what ever will they call us now?

"Pussies" for being able to dish it out but not able to take it.

Ya cause after all that clamor after the Arizona shootings by the left to tone down the violent rhetoric calling fellow American citizens terrorists and suicide bombers is following through right?

By the way keep calling us these things, all you are doing is proving to the moderates and independents just how out of touch you are.

Political point scoring is so much more important to the left than honesty or decency.
"Pussies" for being able to dish it out but not able to take it.

Ya cause after all that clamor after the Arizona shootings by the left to tone down the violent rhetoric calling fellow American citizens terrorists and suicide bombers is following through right?

By the way keep calling us these things, all you are doing is proving to the moderates and independents just how out of touch you are.

Political point scoring is so much more important to the left than honesty or decency.

Yeah, and the right is as pure as the driven snow.

Shut the fuck up, ya dumb broadbrushing twat.
The Liberals and the main stream Democrats have called Republicans Nazis, murderers, terrorists and suicide bombers not to mention racist. We still have a year to the election, what ever will they call us now?

"Pussies" for being able to dish it out but not able to take it.

You are now officially the frontrunner in the Comeback Post of the Year contest.

The Liberals and the main stream Democrats have called Republicans Nazis, murderers, terrorists and suicide bombers not to mention racist. We still have a year to the election, what ever will they call us now?

"Pussies" for being able to dish it out but not able to take it.

You are now officially the frontrunner in the Comeback Post of the Year contest.


We are not only "taking it" fine we are asking what you are left to call us now that you have shot your wad a year early? What could be worse then terrorists and suicide bombers?
"Pussies" for being able to dish it out but not able to take it.

Ya cause after all that clamor after the Arizona shootings by the left to tone down the violent rhetoric calling fellow American citizens terrorists and suicide bombers is following through right?

By the way keep calling us these things, all you are doing is proving to the moderates and independents just how out of touch you are.

Political point scoring is so much more important to the left than honesty or decency.

So says the USMB's only proven pathological liar.

"Pussies" for being able to dish it out but not able to take it.

You are now officially the frontrunner in the Comeback Post of the Year contest.


We are not only "taking it" fine we are asking what you are left to call us now that you have shot your wad a year early? What could be worse then terrorists and suicide bombers?

The irony of your post is that 2 years ago I made the same observation about the Right, after YOU PEOPLE had called Obama every name in the book. I asked what was the Right going to do to ratchet up the rhetoric in the future, now that they'd taken it to that extreme already.

Where were you then?
What is left?
The Liberals and the main stream Democrats have called Republicans Nazis, murderers, terrorists and suicide bombers not to mention racist. We still have a year to the election, what ever will they call us now?

You missed Maureen Dowd calling us "cannibals" and "vampires". :lol:
You are now officially the frontrunner in the Comeback Post of the Year contest.


We are not only "taking it" fine we are asking what you are left to call us now that you have shot your wad a year early? What could be worse then terrorists and suicide bombers?

The irony of your post is that 2 years ago I made the same observation about the Right, after YOU PEOPLE had called Obama every name in the book. I asked what was the Right going to do to ratchet up the rhetoric in the future, now that they'd taken it to that extreme already.

Where were you then?

When did Vice President Cheney ever call any member of the D opposition "terrorists"?And yes I know what he said about one press person.

When it comes to the press, it's open season from both sides. The press has no honor any more and they sling shit daily and they have to expect it back.

BUT Biden is a sitting Vice President using these over the top terms for the electorate.

Limbaugh had a montage of the ranking D's in the House and Senate using the term "hostage takers" for the Republicans. I mean come on.

I don't care what anyone calls me, but when the elected officials of America are going with this over the top and completely out of line rhetoric, it's a sad day we have come to.

The histrionics by the left have hit new low. Sheesh. This crap surpasses Durbin, Kerry and Murtha.

And I didn't think Dems could get any lower than the shit those people were tossing about over Iraq.
The Liberals and the main stream Democrats have called Republicans Nazis, murderers, terrorists and suicide bombers not to mention racist. We still have a year to the election, what ever will they call us now?

So Gunny, you're telling us you never called someone a "traitor" or "unAmerican" for opposing the invasion of Iraq? How about "Commie" or "Pinko"?
When the Libs get angry and/or upset they more closely resemble the running of the bulls at Pamplona rather than the exquisite eloquence of a Lloyd George rebuking Neville Chamberlain following the military debacle at Narvik which can still resonate today if paraphrased using the days events:
"Mr Obama, some Americans have sacrificed greatly. All Americans have sacrificed some. Mr Obama, it is now time for you to add your own sacrifice to that sum and go! Leave! Leave NOW!"
We are not only "taking it" fine we are asking what you are left to call us now that you have shot your wad a year early? What could be worse then terrorists and suicide bombers?

The irony of your post is that 2 years ago I made the same observation about the Right, after YOU PEOPLE had called Obama every name in the book. I asked what was the Right going to do to ratchet up the rhetoric in the future, now that they'd taken it to that extreme already.

Where were you then?

When did Vice President Cheney ever call any member of the D opposition "terrorists"?And yes I know what he said about one press person.

When it comes to the press, it's open season from both sides. The press has no honor any more and they sling shit daily and they have to expect it back.

BUT Biden is a sitting Vice President using these over the top terms for the electorate.

Limbaugh had a montage of the ranking D's in the House and Senate using the term "hostage takers" for the Republicans. I mean come on.

I don't care what anyone calls me, but when the elected officials of America are going with this over the top and completely out of line rhetoric, it's a sad day we have come to.

The histrionics by the left have hit new low. Sheesh. This crap surpasses Durbin, Kerry and Murtha.

And I didn't think Dems could get any lower than the shit those people were tossing about over Iraq.

The terminology was accurate. There was a faction in the GOP whose clearly stated position was that they were willing to destroy this country via default if they didn't get their way.

That is by definition both hostage taking, and terrorism.

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