What is it called?

The farmers are not benefiting from a temporary oversupply

and neither will you when the glut turns to a scarcity
No one benefits. It costs and is wasteful.
There is no risk of scarcity. There just needs to be an equilibrium. Each buyer should only commit to buying a capped amount from each farmer. The farmers then plant accordingly. Farmers should supply the market demand Instead of over supplying the markets.
That program died a long time ago. See King corn. The latest rumor is that they only pay farmers subsidies if they destroy their crops first. Also, not true. No, they now only pay farmers subsidies to produce far more of everything that we have too much of already.
90% of the subsidies go to corn growers.
You have already used the excuse that government is paying farmers not to plant

and now you know why

not over planting is good for everyone including you
It’s not the taxpayers responsibility to float the farmer. They should develop alternate revenue sources.
Thats what the farm subsidies do
Artificially. That’s not equilibrium. It’s a bail out.
If buyers commit to a set amount to purchase from each farmer they can then control their costs in order to make money. Apparently though the actual business of farming escapes the industry. Farmers also need to understand that traditional methods don’t always work in modern markets. Taxpayers shouldn’t be on the hook for subsidizing failed practices or romantic notions of the family farm.
Artificially. That’s not equilibrium. It’s a bail out.
If buyers commit to a set amount to purchase from each farmer they can then control their costs in order to make money. Apparently though the actual business of farming escapes the industry. Farmers also need to understand that traditional methods don’t always work in modern markets. Taxpayers shouldn’t be on the hook for subsidizing failed practices or romantic notions of the family farm.
The buyers will always attempt to drive the price down

and individual farmers are in no position to limit production

the current system is not perfect

but its succeeded in the basic goal of food security for the last 100 years
The buyers will always attempt to drive the price down

and individual farmers are in no position to limit production

the current system is not perfect

but its succeeded in the basic goal of food security for the last 100 years
Farmers should only plant what they can sell for the best price. No other industry works like what you expect. You’re expecting to be compensated for poor business practices.

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