What is it called?

The Farmer subsidies are vital to assure our supply chain is maintained, as you know our food supply is very important.
If you don't believe me then try not eating for a month and then come back and say otherwise. ;-)
This process of assurance also keeps food prices affordable for those underprivledged and low wage earners.
The time we gave farmers money during the China trade deal posturing, was because the Gov't caused the trade issues temporarilly thus not of their control they were temporarily reimbursed for their sacrifice just like the workers and businesses today were reimbursed for the lockdowns=being fair and practical.
That is not socialism, it just shares traits, but different basis and terms of use and definitely different directives.
Remember, it was Biden's China compromise (by corruption money and ties)that lead to China holding off it's trade deal, thus requiring the Farmers compensation for taking the brunt of the trade war, thinking Biden could get into office and they'd write their own ticket to lopsided trade deals favoring Chinas interests and benefit.

The bank bailouts were to fix the brilliant Dodd-Frank easy loan dabacle from Dems failed financial policies. That was not socialism, because they were mostly investments and loans by the Gov't which made money off of the deals while saving our financial collapse and run of the existing banks, another vital part of our existance.

Farm subsidies are socialist. The government is protecting farmers from the free market. It's 'selective socialism'. Selective socialism is used extensively to protect the economic status quo against the free market.

The Dodd-Frank act came long after the bank bailouts:

Try getting your facts straight.
Farm subsidies are socialist. The government is protecting farmers from the free market. It's 'selective socialism'. Selective socialism is used extensively to protect the economic status quo against the free market.

The Dodd-Frank act came long after the bank bailouts:

Try getting your facts straight.
I never said Dodd Frank reform, I said from their concept of enticing poor people with very low rates because they aren't fixed they were adjustable. This sparked the flippers who didn't care about the adjustable jumping on them because they intended to sell before the adjustments.
In their attempts to create affordable housing, they created an infationary frenzy and a trap for poor people. Everything they touch, always has a cause and effect they never see coming through their ignorance and arrogance.
I always say: "sometimes what seems to be the right thing to do, is not always best. "
People trying to impress the visually right things always make things worse, because their intent might not match the road to achieving it, and that process not taking into account cause and effect always blows up in the liberals faces.
Farm subsidies are socialist. The government is protecting farmers from the free market
Yes...in a way.

Farm subsidies are to insulate a farmer from a supply/demand paradox.

If there is a bumper crop this year...the price of corn (or soybeans or wheat or whatever) may be so plentiful that the lack of demand may drive the price below the ability of the farmer to make a profit.

So...that farmer defaults on his loans...loses his farm and isn't around next year.

Next year is a weak harvest and there isn't an safety valve of overabundant supply from the farmers who would have been paid last year to plow under their crop to fill the gap. They are now no longer farmers.

And we become Ethiopia.

Food ain't Iphones. You can live without an Iphone. You NEED food. The farm subsidies maintain abundance without bankrupting farms.

Is it abused? Yes.

So is welfare. What are you going to do...end welfare to stop the abuse? How's that going to work out.

Same with subsidies...
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Most poor are working poor...with many holding multiple jobs
There are very few working multiple jobs

if they are a single mom they have to have at least one part-time job to qualify for the cash giveaway called EITC

but actually work their butt off feeding their children?

Dont make me laugh
It's called American capitalism. Privatize the profits and socialize the losses.
Socialism becomes impossible at the interface between necessary labor and surplus labor, so there’s more to it than socialized loss.
Farmer produce something the nation needs - food

all the poor produce is more poor people looking for a handout
exactly--when he says ''poor''/''underprivileged''/etc = stupid and lazy = WASTING $$$$
When we give out billions to farmers, it's called "being fair" :)

When we give out billions to banks, it's called "good for the economy":)

When we give out billions in grants, subsidies, and other corporate welfare goodies, to the fortune 500 it's called "Good for America":)

When we give out $$ to the poor, the sick, and underprivileged, it's called "Socialism!" :mad:
poor--under privileged = lazy and stupid = waste
When we give out billions to farmers, it's called "being fair" :)

When we give out billions to banks, it's called "good for the economy":)

When we give out billions in grants, subsidies, and other corporate welfare goodies, to the fortune 500 it's called "Good for America":)

When we give out $$ to the poor, the sick, and underprivileged, it's called "Socialism!" :mad:
I am against big business being subsidized, but Democrats and Republicans are beholding to the rich and thus make laws that favor the rich. The two parties have sold us out and Americans don’t seem to care, so we will continue to see Congress and Presidents create, sign and push laws that will continue the greater divide of rich and the rest of the country, but hey, we got $2000 in stimulus money, so we are all happy.
Those poor folks do the WORK that "produces" that wealth. They just don't get to share in it
the poor are usually poor because they are stupid and lazy [ just do enough to get by/get welfare ]
that is a nonsensical reply--you haven't refuted the point
Hutch Starskey does not inderstand the economics of farming

the variances of weather mean that when conditions are favorable all the farmers produce bumper crops

then the law of supply and demand kicks in driving the price of corn or wheat for instance down

often below the cost of production

no income that year means no money to pay the bank

three successive years of bad weather is even more damaging to a farmers bottom line for obvious reasons

the price of corn goes way up - but the farmer has nothing to sell

Which can also drive farmers out of business - just want old hutch starsky seems to want

but t
Is it abused? Yes.

So is welfare. What are you going to do...end welfare to stop the abuse? How's that going to work out.

Same with subsidies...
Anything can be and usually is abused in some way to some degree.

You get it. While we should try to reduce those abuses...ya don't throw he baby out with the bathwater.

In the case of help for poor folks...RWNJs would kill the baby....literally
There are very few working multiple jobs

if they are a single mom they have to have at least one part-time job to qualify for the cash giveaway called EITC

but actually work their butt off feeding their children?

Dont make me laugh
You've gone from

They sit on their ass collecting welfare to

Well not all of them hold two jobs

Newsflash...being a single parent is a job in itself.

Add a part time job and they work harder than you do
You've gone from

They sit on their ass collecting welfare to

Well not all of them hold two jobs

Newsflash...being a single parent is a job in itself.

Add a part time job and they work harder than you do
If you insist on wasting bandwidth by qualifying every statement with “most” be my guest

for me its understood that that there are always exceptions

I dont agree that most people on welfare are not welfare bums

thats lib myth

the only reason they work at all is to qualify for EITC
Hutch Starskey does not inderstand the economics of farming

the variances of weather mean that when conditions are favorable all the farmers produce bumper crops

then the law of supply and demand kicks in driving the price of corn or wheat for instance down

often below the cost of production

no income that year means no money to pay the bank

three successive years of bad weather is even more damaging to a farmers bottom line for obvious reasons

the price of corn goes way up - but the farmer has nothing to sell

Which can also drive farmers out of business - just want old hutch starsky seems to want

but t
Sounds like a failed business.
It would be without federal assistance

and you would go hungry
Sure,dope. With that glut that caused the price to plummet. :cuckoo:
Obviously too many farmers are planting too many acres. Maybe it should be more of a side gig rather than a way of life.

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