What is Hillarys endgame with all the shit she's stirring up?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Attacking Tulsi and the Green party? Constantly being interviewed all the sudden.
Is she under the impression she is the King Maker? Is she planning to upset the apple cart by jumping in at the last minute?
Her presence in the election cycle has no upside from my perspective. At least not for Democrats. If she continues to beat up on her own partys candidates it only serves to help Trump.

She reminds me of that meme of the kid who sees dead people except she sees Russians.
She seems to be sitting on the sidelines, coaching the Democrats on how to lose another election. Maybe she too is making out so well in Trump's economy, that she wants him to win another term.

Go Hillary! :laughing0301:
She's trying to sell her new book....Foundation money dried up...maybe she bounced a check to the liquor store. So far all of her "runaway best sellers" have ended up in warehouses unsold....I'm surprised Simon and Schuster are still playing this little game with her since they've lost money on every book so far.
I read somewhere that the Clinton's motto was if we can’t have it nobody can. The democrat party is basically west coast/northeast...not enough to win national elections
She is working with the Russians to divide us and influence our elections.
She must be investigated.
She is like the ugly chick in the bar at closing time. Nobody has talked to her all night, but now she is desperately trying to get a hook up with a dude too drunk to care about how fat and ugly she is.
It is difficult to say what she is trying to do. It could simply be for the speaking fees, and attention to sell books. Hell she might be hoping to get a great deal like the Obama's did with Netflix.
Or... indeed she might be waiting for the Democrat candidates to shake out and continue to self implode like they are... and see herself flying in on a cape to save the world. In other words, run for President again.
She's trying to sell her new book....Foundation money dried up...maybe she bounced a check to the liquor store. So far all of her "runaway best sellers" have ended up in warehouses unsold....I'm surprised Simon and Schuster are still playing this little game with her since they've lost money on every book so far.
She is like the ugly chick in the bar at closing time. Nobody has talked to her all night, but now she is desperately trying to get a hook up with a dude too drunk to care about how fat and ugly she is.

We used to refer to that as "Hog Calling"
She's just a pathetic loser. Like a boxer waking up after getting knocked out in the tenth round and railing I won, I am ahead on all three score cards.

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