What Is Going On At The FBI?


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
For months now, members of the FBI have been coming forward to announce a shocking disparity and bias in how the FBI handles cases with a strong political bias leaning towards protecting the democrat party. Even hundreds of agents have apparently left the agency now out of fears of being prosecuted for their crimes. And now it is looking more and more as if the agency has been weaponized by the democrats for a long time much as they used the IRS a decade ago with Lois Lerner to thwart elections, usurp voter power in choosing candidates in order to put or keep democrats in office!

This is looking more and more like a clear cut case of insidious corruption with the intent to subvert, gain control of, and overthrown the US government.

All this on top of using Twitter and Facebook to thwart freedom of information, deny justice, to control public opinion, and concealing 40,000 hours of evidence to effect a skewed perception of a protest over one of their skewed elections! And then to threaten news organizations as well who dare exercise their 1st Amendment freedom of the press to get the facts to the public!

I wonder how Mike Stivic feels now having grown up from being a hippy-dippy liberal into becoming the Archie Bunker fascist he always feared?


"Archie Bunker Fascist"?


These meat headed bed wetters have become ridiculous caricatures of Mussolini himself. They'd have to get jobs, a sense of morality, dignity, patriotism as well as a frontal lobe to look nearly as good as AB, let alone be taken as seriously as anyone of us would take a man like AB.

The thing is, meathead's character on the show was about as clownish as the left could tolerate one of their fellow drones being perceived, because in reality even back in the 1970's liberals were just as stupid as they are now. The writers had to make meathead sound "intellectual" when he parroted inane psychobabble heard on university campuses in the day and dumb down common sense responses from AB who actually epitomized more of the population than the bed wetters ever had.

I'm not sure at what point the FBI went from a relentless pursuit of international marxists that endeavored to destroy the USA, to a network of agents the KGB could have only dreamed of creating.
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For months now, members of the FBI have been coming forward to announce a shocking disparity and bias in how the FBI handles cases with a strong political bias leaning towards protecting the democrat party. Even hundreds of agents have apparently left the agency now out of fears of being prosecuted for their crimes. And now it is looking more and more as if the agency has been weaponized by the democrats for a long time much as they used the IRS a decade ago with Lois Lerner to thwart elections, usurp voter power in choosing candidates in order to put or keep democrats in office!

This is looking more and more like a clear cut case of insidious corruption with the intent to subvert, gain control of, and overthrown the US government.

All this on top of using Twitter and Facebook to thwart freedom of information, deny justice, to control public opinion, and concealing 40,000 hours of evidence to effect a skewed perception of a protest over one of their skewed elections! And then to threaten news organizations as well who dare exercise their 1st Amendment freedom of the press to get the facts to the public!

I wonder how Mike Stivic feels now having grown up from being a hippy-dippy liberal into becoming the Archie Bunker fascist he always feared?


"Archie Bunker Fascist"?


These meat headed bed wetters have become ridiculous caricatures of Mussolini himself. They'd have to get jobs, a sense of morality, dignity, patriotism as well as a frontal lobe to look nearly as good as AB, let alone be taken as seriously as anyone of us would take a man like AB.

The thing is, meathead's character on the show was about as clownish as the left could tolerate one of their fellow drones being perceived, because in reality even back in the 1970's liberals were just as stupid as they are now. The writers had to make meathead sound "intellectual" when he parroted inane psychobabble heard on university campuses in the day and dumb down common sense responses from AB who actually epitomized more of the population than the bed wetters ever had.

I'm not sure at what point the FBI went from a relentless pursuit of international marxists that endeavored to destroy the USA, to a network of agents the KGB could have only dreamed of creating.

Actually, the FBI was created solely as an INVESTIGATIVE branch concerned only with national matters, they didn't even carry guns.

But as far as Meathead and Archie are concerned, I know you understand all these shows were written as subtly hidden leftwing disparagements of conservatives. The left NEED to put down those that differ from them we scare them so much they need to do that to feel superior because they can't do it on their own. A real sign of inferiority complex.
  1. In All In The Family, Archie was made out this fossilized stereotype but save for a few things they put in there to make him appear the kook, essentially, most everything Archie said and believed has turned out to be right and true.
  2. Much the same can be said of the Clampets in Beverly Hillbillies. The Clampets were really the Left's idea of what rightwingers were about and the show really poking fun at them uneducated inbreds. The stereotype continues to this day.
For months now, members of the FBI have been coming forward to announce a shocking disparity and bias in how the FBI handles cases with a strong political bias leaning towards protecting the democrat party. Even hundreds of agents have apparently left the agency now out of fears of being prosecuted for their crimes. And now it is looking more and more as if the agency has been weaponized by the democrats for a long time much as they used the IRS a decade ago with Lois Lerner to thwart elections, usurp voter power in choosing candidates in order to put or keep democrats in office!

This is looking more and more like a clear cut case of insidious corruption with the intent to subvert, gain control of, and overthrown the US government.

All this on top of using Twitter and Facebook to thwart freedom of information, deny justice, to control public opinion, and concealing 40,000 hours of evidence to effect a skewed perception of a protest over one of their skewed elections! And then to threaten news organizations as well who dare exercise their 1st Amendment freedom of the press to get the facts to the public!

I wonder how Mike Stivic feels now having grown up from being a hippy-dippy liberal into becoming the Archie Bunker fascist he always feared?


Imagine being a "liberal" and going on Twitter to say to the FBI on their threads,

"Thank you for your service"

An astounding lack of self-awareness and self-respect there. Staggering really.
You would have been found standing on a pile of corpses in Dachau, shrieking inane shit about conspiracies against your furhrer if you had been alive in Germany in 1944.

Except that back then you'd have been thrown in an asylum where you belong, rather than just another of the millions of medicated drones we weave through on our day to day routines today.
FBI directors:

Director Louis Freeh Republican
Director Robert Muller Republican
Director James Comey Republican
Director Christopher Wray Republican
Imagine being a "liberal" and going on Twitter to say to the FBI on their threads,

"Thank you for your service"

An astounding lack of self-awareness and self-respect there. Staggering really.
30 years ago bed wetters hated the FBI because the agency pursued and prosecuted people for doing the shit as directed from the KGB. Once the USSR shit the bed, the marxists infiltrated the country and now our own government is beginning to operate like a neo-bolshevik shit show.

I'll let the States of New York and Georgia speak to that.
They already have. They've admitted that the "crime" is a specious misdemeanor that they are not sure they can get away on even an average person much less a president with trying to put it through as a felony and even at that, are not likely to get a jury to agree with. I would not hold my hopes too high. The only motive here is to once again try to invent some way to try to keep Trump off the ballot next year because they know he will win given the voters have free choice in our leftwing banana republic "elections."

I doubt the feds charge him - that would take balls, which Garland doesn't have.
No, but I'm sure he has a big pussy.

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