What is "Conservative" Nowadays???

Last but not least!

U.S. Debt Reaches 100 Percent of Country's GDP

The U.S. debt surpassed 100 percent of gross domestic product after the government's debt ceiling was lifted, Treasury figures showed Wednesday, according to AFP.


Read more: U.S. Debt Reaches 100 Percent Of Country's GDP | Fox News

You were saying?


Man I give up. You just cannot understand the difference between the debt and the debt as a % of GDP.

Reagan did just about double the national debt and that is a fact jack.
And he gave congress more money to waste by increasing the SS withholding too much.

And SS in not tax income for the govt exactly.
At this point, about half of the GOP has become the laughingstock of the First World. Our peers basically wonder why the party of Reagan is being led by Perry and Palin rather than people like Jon Huntsman.

Huntsman is more of the moderate statesman that the GOP needs right now. Even an old fashioned Goldwater type would be a welcome change.

No one is fooled by liberal toadies pontificating on who the "true conservatives" are.

Huntsman is a weasel RINO. That's why you like him.
Technically, the words 'conservative' and 'liberal' are adjectives. What are they modifying? Social ideals or fiscal ideals?

When they are used as nouns, they mean whatever you want them to mean and whatever the recipient wants them to mean. That's ineffective communication.

If you want to use them as nouns, they need a modifier, such as 'socially' or 'fiscally'.

I never thought the USA would come to this, now, but apparently there is a third type of conservative - the constitutional conservative.

Very sad.
You get called "liberal" quite a bit, do you? There's a reason for that. You are a liberal.

No one is fooled.

Um. Pardon me. I know the standard whackjob azzhole response is to immediately label anyone, saying anything you dislike as a Liberal. Got it. See it all the time. Usual tactic with RW Conserv whackjobs (and on rare ocassion, with Liberals too).
Of course, if I weren't all over this board for months, talking about how badly Obama sucks, your post might not seem credible. Oh well.
So I was 18 when I voted for and then served under Reagan. Obviously, I remember him more fondly and in a better light than perhaps is deserved. I seemed to remember him as a guy who, although he may have had the views you discuss, never talked about trying to legislate his way into the bedroom etc...

So here's the difference between you and me. When someone is strongly disagreeing with me or even being a hostile azzhole, I can do this:

You're right. I was wrong.

(Except about him raising taxes or Iran-Contra gate.)

So maybe he wasn't as ideologically pure I as give him credit for. Oh well, live n learn.
Oh, and here's another difference between us: You might as well not even post. I watch both MSNBC and FOX. Which means I know your views on the vast majority of issues before you ever state them. Your opinions are spoon fed into your brain like a little child. So it's not like it's difficult to tell what will come out of the other end...
So fine. What would you change and how? Or are petty insults and bullshet all you have to offer?

Oh wait I've seen your posts before. nm

Simple: massive cuts in government. Eliminate the Dept of Energy, Dept of Education, Dept of Commerce right off the bat. Cut EPA funding by 60%. Return unemployment to 25 weeks. Adopt the fair tax, but only after repealing the 16th Amendment. a 20% pay cut for all federal employees. Then they learning the meaning of "fair share."
It's quite obvious what this is about.

Libs KNOW that Obama is probably going to lose in 2012 and they are pulling out all the lies they can to prevent this.

One of the lies comes straight from Obama, in which he has compared himself to both Lincoln and Reagan.

So, the spin is in. They hope to convince those too young to remember Reagan that Obama is the "real conservative" not those "crazies running against him."

It's deseperately hilarious and pathetic.

They are deseprate, and it's obivous.

They are going to try any lie and spin to get Obama elected.

Just wait until it actually is 2012 for the real liberal meltdown. It's going to be entertaining.


Um. Pardon me. I know the standard whackjob azzhole response is to immediately label anyone, saying anything you dislike as a Liberal. Got it. See it all the time. Usual tactic with RW Conserv whackjobs (and on rare ocassion, with Liberals too).
Of course, if I weren't all over this board for months, talking about how badly Obama sucks, your post might not seem credible. Oh well.
So I was 18 when I voted for and then served under Reagan. Obviously, I remember him more fondly and in a better light than perhaps is deserved. I seemed to remember him as a guy who, although he may have had the views you discuss, never talked about trying to legislate his way into the bedroom etc...

So here's the difference between you and me. When someone is strongly disagreeing with me or even being a hostile azzhole, I can do this:

You're right. I was wrong.

(Except about him raising taxes or Iran-Contra gate.)

So maybe he wasn't as ideologically pure I as give him credit for. Oh well, live n learn.
Oh, and here's another difference between us: You might as well not even post. I watch both MSNBC and FOX. Which means I know your views on the vast majority of issues before you ever state them. Your opinions are spoon fed into your brain like a little child. So it's not like it's difficult to tell what will come out of the other end...

And I say bullshit!

Because *I* was 19 I voted for Reagan, and I know that pack of lies you claimed about Reagan is a pack of lies!

I notice you don't even try to counter the facts I brought up that refute your BS.

Keep lying.

It's hilarious!


Wow! Geez I've seen stupid people here before but I didn't realize the level of stupidity I was dealing with. Okay, let me try to dumb this down for you.

I wrote "You're right. I was wrong."
Then you wrote:
"I notice you don't even try to counter the facts I brought up .."
The reason was carefully hidden in this tricky phrase: "You're right."
Now what that means is that I acknowledged you were right.

Now obviously, this is something you can't admit because that takes character, intelligence and stuff like that. I'm sure you've never admitted to here, so I understand why you are confused and don't know how to handle it. But stay with me there junior. There's more!

When I wrote "You're right. I was wrong.", what that means is that ....................
I was wrong.
See, being wrong means NOT being right. Remembering things wrong or inaccurately, remembering them with bias (I was really fond of Reagan) or just plain being wrong.
This would be why I wrote "I was wrong."
Again, I understand. You've never had the character to reply to someone who was hostilely disagreeing with you, to admit you're wrong here. So you don't know how to handle it. That' why you would write something so stupid about me not countering your points and make cute little smiley faces - because you're too stupid to figure out what else to do. I should have known from your avatar :lol:

It's okay. You can always go back to petty insults and bumpersticker phrases like "Drill baby drill!" Leave things that require character and intelligent conversation to the grown-ups. You can uh.... reply to yourself! That's very cute junior!

(Pssst. btw, some people have jobs, lives, families, tennis matches and so on... So if they don't respond to you all throughout the day, now you understand why. Glad to help. I'm a helper. It's what I do.)
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You get called "liberal" quite a bit, do you? There's a reason for that. You are a liberal.

No one is fooled.

Well, lately I've been called a Conservative Corporate Shill for my views on OWS - and also because I have the gall to be a "job creator".
But Liberals usually argue the issue with facts, opinions, insights etc... Conservatives do that too. It's only the mindless whackjobs who immediately call anyone disagreeing with them "Liberal" because that's the programming that is put into them.
Last but not least!

U.S. Debt Reaches 100 Percent of Country's GDP

The U.S. debt surpassed 100 percent of gross domestic product after the government's debt ceiling was lifted, Treasury figures showed Wednesday, according to AFP.


Read more: U.S. Debt Reaches 100 Percent Of Country's GDP | Fox News

You were saying?


Man I give up. You just cannot understand the difference between the debt and the debt as a % of GDP.

Reagan did just about double the national debt and that is a fact jack.
And he gave congress more money to waste by increasing the SS withholding too much.

And SS in not tax income for the govt exactly.

You should give up!

Not only have you a crumb of evidence to back up your BS, I have PLENTY and WHY debt as a percentage of GDP is important. Just check out the article above, and keep lying!

Um. Pardon me. I know the standard whackjob azzhole response is to immediately label anyone, saying anything you dislike as a Liberal. Got it. See it all the time. Usual tactic with RW Conserv whackjobs (and on rare ocassion, with Liberals too).
Of course, if I weren't all over this board for months, talking about how badly Obama sucks, your post might not seem credible. Oh well.
So I was 18 when I voted for and then served under Reagan. Obviously, I remember him more fondly and in a better light than perhaps is deserved. I seemed to remember him as a guy who, although he may have had the views you discuss, never talked about trying to legislate his way into the bedroom etc...

So here's the difference between you and me. When someone is strongly disagreeing with me or even being a hostile azzhole, I can do this:

You're right. I was wrong.

(Except about him raising taxes or Iran-Contra gate.)

So maybe he wasn't as ideologically pure I as give him credit for. Oh well, live n learn.
Oh, and here's another difference between us: You might as well not even post. I watch both MSNBC and FOX. Which means I know your views on the vast majority of issues before you ever state them. Your opinions are spoon fed into your brain like a little child. So it's not like it's difficult to tell what will come out of the other end...

And I say bullshit!

Because *I* was 19 I voted for Reagan, and I know that pack of lies you claimed about Reagan is a pack of lies!

I notice you don't even try to counter the facts I brought up that refute your BS.

Keep lying.

It's hilarious!


Wow! Geez I've seen stupid people here before but I didn't realize the level of stupidity I was dealing with. Okay, let me try to dumb this down for you.

I wrote "You're right. I was wrong."
Then you wrote:
"I notice you don't even try to counter the facts I brought up .."
The reason was carefully hidden in this tricky phrase: "You're right."
Now what that means is that I acknowledged you were right.

Now obviously, this is something you can't admit because that takes character, intelligence and stuff like that. I'm sure you've never admitted to here, so I understand why you are confused and don't know how to handle it. But stay with me there junior. There's more!

When I wrote "You're right. I was wrong.", what that means is that ....................
I was wrong.
See, being wrong means NOT being right. Remembering things wrong or inaccurately, remembering them with bias (I was really fond of Reagan) or just plain being wrong.
This would be why I wrote "I was wrong."
Again, I understand. You've never had the character to reply to someone who was hostilely disagreeing with you, to admit you're wrong here. So you don't know how to handle it. That' why you would write something so stupid about me not countering your points and make cute little smiley faces - because you're too stupid to figure out what else to do. I should have known from your avatar :lol:

It's okay. You can always go back to petty insults and bumpersticker phrases like "Drill baby drill!" Leave things that require character and intelligent conversation to the grown-ups. You can uh.... reply to yourself! That's very cute junior!

(Pssst. btw, some people have jobs, lives, families, tennis matches and so on... So if they don't respond to you all throughout the day, now you understand why. Glad to help. I'm a helper. It's what I do.)

Would you check out the blabbering above? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

It's like now that he knows the jig is up, all he has left is to rattle on and on about the difference between the two of us.

THAT'S WHAT LIBERALS DO WHEN THEY LOSE. They cease discussing the subject and they just make it about the other person who beat them (and that would be ME).

But the FACTS are, you made a LOT of false assertions about Reagan in your op, and I refuted 'em all.

This isn't about he say she say, it's about FACTS. You don't have any and I do!

And I hate to break it to you but your got your ass kicked by a girl.

I'm a girl!



A conservative is what makes up the membership of the Republican Party.

90% white.

Mostly Christian.

They applaud Executions.

They yell, "Let him die".

They apologize to BP because liberals wanted BP to clean up their mess.

They held millions of unemployed Americans hostage to extend tax cuts for the wealthy.

They hate gay people.

They are against women's rights.

They hate Muslims.

They are anti education.

They don't want to waste money rebuilding America's infrastructure.

They blame the unemployed for being unemployed.

They believe Americans shouldn't have health care.

Did I get it right?

A conservative is what makes up the membership of the Republican Party.

90% white.

Mostly Christian.

They applaud Executions.

They yell, "Let him die".

They apologize to BP because liberals wanted BP to clean up their mess.

They held millions of unemployed Americans hostage to extend tax cuts for the wealthy.

They hate gay people.

They are against women's rights.

They hate Muslims.

They are anti education.

They don't want to waste money rebuilding America's infrastructure.

They blame the unemployed for being unemployed.

They believe Americans shouldn't have health care.

Did I get it right?

you've never been right about anything, you clueless fuckroast.


A conservative is what makes up the membership of the Republican Party.

90% white.

Mostly Christian.

They applaud Executions.

They yell, "Let him die".

They apologize to BP because liberals wanted BP to clean up their mess.

They held millions of unemployed Americans hostage to extend tax cuts for the wealthy.

They hate gay people.

They are against women's rights.

They hate Muslims.

They are anti education.

They don't want to waste money rebuilding America's infrastructure.

They blame the unemployed for being unemployed.

They believe Americans shouldn't have health care.

Did I get it right?
When I cast my first presidential vote (for Reagan), being "Conservative" sure seemed different than it does today.

Reagan summed up being a Conservative pretty well: Less government, Less spending and strong Defense. But none of this was set in stone or nearly as extreme as it is packaged and sold, nowadays.
Reagan never wanted to do away with the EPA, USDA or CIA (oops, okay my Contra-Gate is showing but stilll). So Reagan saw a LOT of waste but stayed within what seemed to be reasonable bound to me. Danm Liberal!
He didn't impose and increase government on social issues. Hell, he was a Hollywood actor. Danm Liberal.
Less spending. Okay. Sounds good. But in order to balance the budget, he raised taxes on the rich a few times. Danm Liberal!
Strong Defense. Not offense. Defense. No Libya, Africa OR Iraq. Defense. Danm Liberal.

Reagan was a Liberal. By todays' standards. Frankly, I don't even know what "Conservative" means nowadays.
There seem to be the religious types like Michele Whackman or Rick Perry who want a great Big Government telling everyone who can get married, join the military, overturn Roe v. Wade and so on. WTF? Really?
Then there seems to be the Libertarians who believe that all those nice corporations will regulate themselves (like say, Wall Street), treat minorities, women and everyone else fairly, take good care of their employees etc... if we just leave them alone. They also seem to believe "The Magic Market" will prevent corporations from releasing dangerous products, destroying the environment and stop contaminated food from ever harming us. Oh, and we should all be able to take AK-47's to work. WTF? Really?

Seriously, I don't know what Conservatism is anymore. Other than "Extreme".

Everyone who doesn't buy the products peddled by the Snake Oil Salesmen running the country are 'extremists' these days. It's become a meaningless term, much like 'racist'.... people use it to offend rather than to accurately describe. I put this down to a lack of rational thought..... or, if you prefer, outright stupidity.

So fine. What would you change and how? Or are petty insults and bullshet all you have to offer?

Oh wait I've seen your posts before. nm

On this board, yea, petty insults. On others, not so much. I post in the 'spirit' of the board.
And I say bullshit!

Because *I* was 19 I voted for Reagan, and I know that pack of lies you claimed about Reagan is a pack of lies!

I notice you don't even try to counter the facts I brought up that refute your BS.

Keep lying.

It's hilarious!


Wow! Geez I've seen stupid people here before but I didn't realize the level of stupidity I was dealing with. Okay, let me try to dumb this down for you.

I wrote "You're right. I was wrong."
Then you wrote:
"I notice you don't even try to counter the facts I brought up .."
The reason was carefully hidden in this tricky phrase: "You're right."
Now what that means is that I acknowledged you were right.

Now obviously, this is something you can't admit because that takes character, intelligence and stuff like that. I'm sure you've never admitted to here, so I understand why you are confused and don't know how to handle it. But stay with me there junior. There's more!

When I wrote "You're right. I was wrong.", what that means is that ....................
I was wrong.
See, being wrong means NOT being right. Remembering things wrong or inaccurately, remembering them with bias (I was really fond of Reagan) or just plain being wrong.
This would be why I wrote "I was wrong."
Again, I understand. You've never had the character to reply to someone who was hostilely disagreeing with you, to admit you're wrong here. So you don't know how to handle it. That' why you would write something so stupid about me not countering your points and make cute little smiley faces - because you're too stupid to figure out what else to do. I should have known from your avatar :lol:

It's okay. You can always go back to petty insults and bumpersticker phrases like "Drill baby drill!" Leave things that require character and intelligent conversation to the grown-ups. You can uh.... reply to yourself! That's very cute junior!

(Pssst. btw, some people have jobs, lives, families, tennis matches and so on... So if they don't respond to you all throughout the day, now you understand why. Glad to help. I'm a helper. It's what I do.)

Would you check out the blabbering above? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

It's like now that he knows the jig is up, all he has left is to rattle on and on about the difference between the two of us.

THAT'S WHAT LIBERALS DO WHEN THEY LOSE. They cease discussing the subject and they just make it about the other person who beat them (and that would be ME).

But the FACTS are, you made a LOT of false assertions about Reagan in your op, and I refuted 'em all.

This isn't about he say she say, it's about FACTS. You don't have any and I do!

And I hate to break it to you but your got your ass kicked by a girl.

I'm a girl!


Um. Let's see. There's this thing about character. Obviously something beyond your comprehension. So when someone has that thing (character) and is able to say they've made a mistake or were wrong, a person with class will reply accordingly. A female dog will, well, you've shown us haven't you.
As far as you being a "girl", you say that as if it would be surprising that a man could be wrong in the presence of a woman. My wife has a Ph.D. in Immunology, masters in O.Chem and under in Bio. I would never degrade women by saying it's significant that a woman is right about something that a man was wrong about. You seem to feel that's the case but perhaps I have a higher opinion of women (and you), than you do. Seems evident.
So I said Reagan claimed to be about Less Government, Less Spending and Strong Defense. However, I was wrong about the extent to which he held these ideals. It happens and it's no big deal to me. I'm not some betch that gets off on making discussions about "winning or losing", I just discuss things.
Now let me dumb this down so that even a completely ignorant person could get it. The point I made is that what was defined as "Conservative" back then, seems to hav changed and even divided into seprate camps e.g. Libertarians and Tea Partiers. Is that too complex for you? If so, find one of those "Liberal Elitists" to explain it.
In the meantime, if personifying a female dog (obviously an older one) is all you've got, then that is fine. There is plenty of whackjobbery and ignorance out there. Why would I expect someone from the trailerpark to be able to discuss such cerebral concepts coherently?
However, if you would care to share your views on things such as Seperation of Church & State, Abortion, Gun Control, The Wars on Terror and/or Drugs, I would welcome something even more inteelectually stimulating than "Hey! A girl was more of a betch than a man! Wow Impressive!".
Everyone who doesn't buy the products peddled by the Snake Oil Salesmen running the country are 'extremists' these days. It's become a meaningless term, much like 'racist'.... people use it to offend rather than to accurately describe. I put this down to a lack of rational thought..... or, if you prefer, outright stupidity.

So fine. What would you change and how? Or are petty insults and bullshet all you have to offer?

Oh wait I've seen your posts before. nm

On this board, yea, petty insults. On others, not so much. I post in the 'spirit' of the board.

So then let's try something new. Civil and intelligent discussion. Do you not see a rather evident chasm between Social and Fiscal Conservative? Between those who embrace Rick Perry and Ron Paul? To those not embracing ANY ideology, how would you describe Conservatism? What would be ephemeral or incidental and what sine qua non?


A conservative is what makes up the membership of the Republican Party.

90% white.

Mostly Christian.

They applaud Executions.

They yell, "Let him die".

They apologize to BP because liberals wanted BP to clean up their mess.

They held millions of unemployed Americans hostage to extend tax cuts for the wealthy.

They hate gay people.

They are against women's rights.

They hate Muslims.

They are anti education.

They don't want to waste money rebuilding America's infrastructure.

They blame the unemployed for being unemployed.

They believe Americans shouldn't have health care.

Did I get it right?

And we want to blow up the sun too!!!!!!!


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