What is Conservatism?

Which is utter bull because the conservative constituency always screamed out against spending. You talk about ball-less, why don't the Democrats come out and openly say they are Communists? After all, that's what they really are. They will eventually say it, but now they are just taking baby steps towards it. They changed liberalism to Progressive. Now they introduced Democrat Socialism whatever the hell that's supposed to be. Down the road they will drop Democrat and just run as Socialists. Way down the road they will then change it to Socialist Communism.

Of course they can't do it overnight. You need the frog in the pot of water on the stove to think he's just getting a warm bath.
All the GOP has to do to prove it's serious is to cut spending first.

As long as they don't, they're playing their base for fools.

Don't look now, the GOP is out of power.

Now they can take the next two years off in the hopes of getting back into power by making Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters bring them the needed votes.

Wash, rinse, repeat.
Yeah, they pissed away the last two years, but as long as they keep the base happy....

Sounds like eight years under Ears too
Yep. Trump is like Obama. Only worse. Instead of lowering our deficits, like Obama did, Trump has doubled our deficits in just two years.

I'm fine with you rubes equating Trump to Obama. That's awesome.

Every time you blubber, "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Obama", you are admitting Trump is a piece of shit, too, and that you were conned.

I could not care less what you blabber about
1st post
Yeah, they pissed away the last two years, but as long as they keep the base happy....

Sounds like eight years under Ears too
Yep. Trump is like Obama. Only worse. Instead of lowering our deficits, like Obama did, Trump has doubled our deficits in just two years.

I'm fine with you rubes equating Trump to Obama. That's awesome.

Every time you blubber, "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Obama", you are admitting Trump is a piece of shit, too, and that you were conned.

Dem's oppose any spending cuts, there you have it.

The GOP Congress has INCREASED spending dramatically.

What does that have to do with Dem's opposing spending cuts?

The Republicans oppose spending cuts, too.

You people lie by omission so reflexively, you don't even know when you are doing it.
Sounds like eight years under Ears too
Yep. Trump is like Obama. Only worse. Instead of lowering our deficits, like Obama did, Trump has doubled our deficits in just two years.

I'm fine with you rubes equating Trump to Obama. That's awesome.

Every time you blubber, "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Obama", you are admitting Trump is a piece of shit, too, and that you were conned.

Dem's oppose any spending cuts, there you have it.

The GOP Congress has INCREASED spending dramatically.

What does that have to do with Dem's opposing spending cuts?

The Republicans oppose spending cuts, too.

You people lie by omission so reflexively, you don't even know when you are doing it.

You are talking about Republicans in a thread on Conservatives fool, try to pay attention.
Republican Congress.

Republican President.

DOUBLED deficits.

And that's all you need to know about Republicans and how disconnected they are from conservatism.

In fact, you can't find a single pseudocon to bitch about Trump's deficits the same way they bitched about Obama's.

And that tells you how hypocritical and brain damaged they are.
Yep. Trump is like Obama. Only worse. Instead of lowering our deficits, like Obama did, Trump has doubled our deficits in just two years.

I'm fine with you rubes equating Trump to Obama. That's awesome.

Every time you blubber, "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Obama", you are admitting Trump is a piece of shit, too, and that you were conned.

Dem's oppose any spending cuts, there you have it.

The GOP Congress has INCREASED spending dramatically.

What does that have to do with Dem's opposing spending cuts?

The Republicans oppose spending cuts, too.

You people lie by omission so reflexively, you don't even know when you are doing it.

You are talking about Republicans in a thread on Conservatives fool, try to pay attention.
That's why I call you pseudocons. Not one of you has criticized Trump for his deficits.

You've had plenty of opportunity to do so, and never have.

So you don't get to call yourselves conservatives. You aren't. You are lying hypocrites.
5th post
Yep. Trump is like Obama. Only worse. Instead of lowering our deficits, like Obama did, Trump has doubled our deficits in just two years.

I'm fine with you rubes equating Trump to Obama. That's awesome.

Every time you blubber, "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Obama", you are admitting Trump is a piece of shit, too, and that you were conned.

Dem's oppose any spending cuts, there you have it.

The GOP Congress has INCREASED spending dramatically.

What does that have to do with Dem's opposing spending cuts?

The Republicans oppose spending cuts, too.

You people lie by omission so reflexively, you don't even know when you are doing it.

You are talking about Republicans in a thread on Conservatives fool, try to pay attention.

Dumb shit doesn't understand conservatism at all and is making a joke out of itself
Republican Congress.

Republican President.

DOUBLED deficits.

And that's all you need to know about Republicans and how disconnected they are from conservatism.

In fact, you can't find a single pseudocon to bitch about Trump's deficits the same way they bitched about Obama's.

And that tells you how hypocritical and brain damaged they are.

Obama added $10 trillion to the debt, trillions to the Fed holdings, at 0% interest rates. Call us when Trump comes even close to that disaster. :itsok:

I predict a BOOOOOOOOSH reply.
Dem's oppose any spending cuts, there you have it.

The GOP Congress has INCREASED spending dramatically.

What does that have to do with Dem's opposing spending cuts?

The Republicans oppose spending cuts, too.

You people lie by omission so reflexively, you don't even know when you are doing it.

You are talking about Republicans in a thread on Conservatives fool, try to pay attention.

Dumb shit doesn't understand conservatism at all and is making a joke out of itself
I am one of less than a handful of people on this forum who has consistently been talking about our federal debt and how to reduce it. I continued unabated once Trump started running up debt, too.

All of you pseudocons, though, bitched for eight years about the debt and then suddenly went radio silent since January 20, 2107.

So fuck you, bitch.
Dem's oppose any spending cuts, there you have it.

The GOP Congress has INCREASED spending dramatically.

What does that have to do with Dem's opposing spending cuts?

The Republicans oppose spending cuts, too.

You people lie by omission so reflexively, you don't even know when you are doing it.

You are talking about Republicans in a thread on Conservatives fool, try to pay attention.
That's why I call you pseudocons. Not one of you has criticized Trump for his deficits.

You've had plenty of opportunity to do so, and never have.

So you don't get to call yourselves conservatives. You aren't. You are lying hypocrites.

So Dem's support spending cuts? Oh wait, they don't so stop bitching.
Dem's oppose any spending cuts, there you have it.

The GOP Congress has INCREASED spending dramatically.

What does that have to do with Dem's opposing spending cuts?

The Republicans oppose spending cuts, too.

You people lie by omission so reflexively, you don't even know when you are doing it.

You are talking about Republicans in a thread on Conservatives fool, try to pay attention.

Dumb shit doesn't understand conservatism at all and is making a joke out of itself

I'm a conservative, 10% of the spending cuts I would propose would cause Dem's to squeal like stuck pigs.
10th post
Republican Congress.

Republican President.

DOUBLED deficits.

And that's all you need to know about Republicans and how disconnected they are from conservatism.

In fact, you can't find a single pseudocon to bitch about Trump's deficits the same way they bitched about Obama's.

And that tells you how hypocritical and brain damaged they are.

Obama added $10 trillion to the debt, trillions to the Fed holdings, at 0% interest rates. Call us when Trump comes even close to that disaster. :itsok:

I predict a BOOOOOOOOSH reply.
You didn't wait until Obama set a new debt record to start bitching about his deficits.

You aren't fooling anyone with your hypocrisy. You have been totally silent about Trump DOUBLING our deficits.

So fuck you, bitch.
Republican Congress.

Republican President.

DOUBLED deficits.

And that's all you need to know about Republicans and how disconnected they are from conservatism.

In fact, you can't find a single pseudocon to bitch about Trump's deficits the same way they bitched about Obama's.

And that tells you how hypocritical and brain damaged they are.

Obama added $10 trillion to the debt, trillions to the Fed holdings, at 0% interest rates. Call us when Trump comes even close to that disaster. :itsok:

I predict a BOOOOOOOOSH reply.
You didn't wait until Obama set a new debt record to start bitching about his deficits.

You aren't fooling anyone with your hypocrisy. You have been totally silent about Trump DOUBLING our deficits.

So fuck you, bitch.

Obama's $10 trillion has triggered you.

The GOP Congress has INCREASED spending dramatically.

What does that have to do with Dem's opposing spending cuts?

The Republicans oppose spending cuts, too.

You people lie by omission so reflexively, you don't even know when you are doing it.

You are talking about Republicans in a thread on Conservatives fool, try to pay attention.

Dumb shit doesn't understand conservatism at all and is making a joke out of itself

I'm a conservative, 10% of the spending cuts I would propose would cause Dem's to squeal like stuck pigs.
No, you are not a conservative. You are a trumpian pseuedocon.

You have been totally silent about Trump DOUBLING our deficits. Not a peep out of you.

So fuck you, bitch.
Trump will shatter Obama's record.

And I guarantee you, the pseueocons will find a way to blame someone else.

Book it.
What does that have to do with Dem's opposing spending cuts?

The Republicans oppose spending cuts, too.

You people lie by omission so reflexively, you don't even know when you are doing it.

You are talking about Republicans in a thread on Conservatives fool, try to pay attention.

Dumb shit doesn't understand conservatism at all and is making a joke out of itself

I'm a conservative, 10% of the spending cuts I would propose would cause Dem's to squeal like stuck pigs.
No, you are not a conservative. You are a trumpian pseuedocon.

You have been totally silent about Trump DOUBLING our deficits. Not a peep out of you.

So fuck you, bitch.

LOL you know nothing libtard, go attend a rally.
Trump has doubled our deficits, and the pseuedocons have not said a word.

Now that the Democrats have taken the House, the tards will start to notice the future deficits and will blame the Democrats.

You can book that, too.
I am going to have fun quoting all the pseuedocons who put the entire debt of the Obama years all on Obama when they start trying to blame the Democratic House for all of Trump's debt.

So much fun.

God, how many times did I warn them that their benchmarks would come back to bitch slap them in their faces!

And already, so many have.
I'm just wondering if one of the so called conservatives can inform me of what conservatism is with regard to economic policy.
I was under the impression that conservatism is lower taxes, lower government spending, and balanced budgets. I have never seen a conservative do this though. The era of big deficits and big government spending started with Reagan as he was the first president to say screw it just blow up the deficit.

Actually things might have turned out ok because Bill Clinton actually cut government spending and thus had a government surplus. All that was thrown out the window when Bush another so called conservative passed massive tax cuts that did little to spur economic growth along with massive government spending bills turning a surplus to a massive deficit.

Now we have Trump who has done the same as Bush and has enacted a massive tax cut and massive spending bills leading to a massive deficit 10 years into an economic expansion when deficits are supposed to be at their smallest.

I haven't seen any so-called conservatives criticizing any of this so I am just wondering what they believe in and what is conservatism?

The massive tax cut has resulted in the highest level of tax collections in history.

Trump has directed Exec Branch department heads to cut expenses 5%.

He has cut regulations, which cost both the government and the private sector to enforce.

One big problem we have is that the piper must be paid for the debt Obabble piled up under ZIRP. We are on track for the interest on the debt to surpass Defense Spending (one of the few legitimate things in the scope of the Feds). The interest on the debt, combined with entitlement spending comprise the majority of Federal outlays. We should restructure SS and Medicare to wind down into private programs - this will take economic growth to support and years to enact, if Congress has the will to pass such reforms. Given the Prog-Justice Dems efforts to take over the party, I doubt the Dems have the will.

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