What Is Big Government?


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
This is one of the best descriptions I have read regarding what Big Government Is:

It is our time: It is oxidizing, the aging process applied to civilization and turning us to dust. Big Government is nothing less than the consumption of our very moment here on Earth, our lives spent creating and producing. Take our works and humanity, skim from the top, then the middle until we were not here.

No man’s time is another’s to waste, not politics but morality. This stupid, stupid list is our government, and the creators of this owe an answer to their benefactors — an answer to a question neither about the politics or the theory, as none of that is relevant to the actual government that exists as people working at the above agencies, being paid from the profits, and then the principal, of civilization. Simply, they owe us this question answered:

Are you proud?

Because you seem to be proud. Conservatives did not want a government made of these agencies, you did, and we now have them, a hundred years of liberal lifetimes spent creating. It’s yours and we deserve to know if you are proud of this structure — not the principles behind the structure, the ideals, but the actual structure. This is the government, now, crushing and wasting us, and rational men cannot be proud of what you have done here. Are you, and do you understand us?

So you Big Government Liberal Types, read through the mind boggling list at the link:

Pajamas Media » What We

And then answer the question: Are You Proud of the Bureaucracy You Built?

And, Are You Proud of the uncountable time you have wasted in the lives who are harassed by this Big Government?
I'm sure most libs would say they are indeed proud...proud of how 'compassionate' they are.
So you Big Government Liberal Types, read through the mind boggling list at the link:

Pajamas Media » What We

And then answer the question: Are You Proud of the Bureaucracy You Built?

And, Are You Proud of the uncountable time you have wasted in the lives who are harassed by this Big Government?

I wasn't aware that "Liberals" had monopolised the growth of our government bureaucracy..

The Bureau of American Battle Monuments don't sound Liberal
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They haven't. But their ideology and efforts made the most impact. The career politicians from both parties who fostered it are largely cynical, corrupt self dealers.

It's the ideologues who are most to blame.
They haven't. But their ideology and efforts made the most impact. The career politicians from both parties who fostered it are largely cynical, corrupt self dealers.

It's the ideologues who are most to blame.

So it isn't the Liberals who are most to blame?

What about the Klingons? They must be responsible, somehow!:evil:
The Klingons already have enough blame for qagh.
have we hit the point of can't return ? i started washamericom for this very reason. dedicated to the curiosity of is it even possible. the size of the government shouldn't be bigger than the will of the people. right now, we are adrift in a volume of people compounded by the peter principle and sheer reverse attrition.
in a way, the bureaucrats (democrat party) have grown this ugly monster so big, that they may have won the bureaucracy war temporarily; then i hear people like paul ryan on gretta, and am quickly reminded that there is always hope. one thing for sure, smaller government means more fun and spending money for you and me. why is big government is my problem.
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What Is Big Government?

When I think of big government, I think of this guy.


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