What IS all this, can someone please summarize this (one lib one con, by consensus please)


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
I got this email, and my head is spinning trying to get who is or is not doing what,
or saying one thing and doing another. Can someone please summarize?
If one Lib and one Con can please spell this out, where both agree on the points, both positive and negative,
I can confirm how much is information, how much is spin, and how much is political skewed. Thanks!

It's about the Iran deal, the Corker clause, and whether the Constitution is being bypassed or twisted around?

The "Corker Betrayal" Is Now Moot. Iran Has Violated It. Barack Obama Has Violated It. Jettison It And Tell Obama NO!

Yes, while you were among the first to act on the news, everyone is now aware of what was really happening. There was a reason why spineless Republicans, led by Senator Bob Corker, voted to effectively suspend Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution back in May.

Instead of following the Constitution and requiring that a 2/3rds vote of the United States Senate would be needed to ratify this Iran deal, the "Corker Betrayal" turned the Constitution on its head and effectively required that it would require a 2/3rds majority of both Houses of Congress to nix it.

But... there's something you are not being told. That's not EXACTLY what happened... Iran's ballistic missile and conventional military weapons programs were NEVER supposed to be part of the deal. Essentially, Obama and the Iranian mullahs pulled the old bait-and-switch and Congress passed the Corker Betrayal under false pretenses.

Andrew McCarthy, writing for National Review explains what is really going on:"Congress and the public were led to believe that the administration was negotiating to deprive Iran of nuclear capabilities. The president, in stark contrast, has struck an agreement that obliges the United States and other nations to build up Iran's nuclear capabilities. That is not just outside the scope of what Obama led Congress to believe he was doing; it is the opposite of what he said he was doing – and patently unacceptable."

But that's not all. McCarthy goes on to say: "That is not what Iran and the Obama administration led the American people and its elected representatives to believe they were negotiating. Indeed, Iran has claimed all along – implausibly but assiduously – that its nuclear activities are entirely peaceful and have nothing to do with weaponizing uranium and plutonium.... It was over the nuclear program alone that the administration told Congress it was negotiating; that is why the statutory sanctions against that program are the narrow subject of the Corker Bill."

In other words, Obama and the mullahs of Iran pulled a bait-and-switch on Congress... shame on Corker and naïve Republicans for allowing themselves to be snookered in the first place...

And now that the deception is out in the open, McCarthy also explains what must happen next: "If you scrutinize [Barack] Obama's Iran nuclear deal, you find that [Obama] ignores the existence of the Corker process. So should Congress... The Congress, particularly the Senate, has not only a clear justification but a constitutional duty to scrap the legally defective and, now, factually nigh-irrelevant Corker review process, codified as the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015."

But that's not all... after pulling the wool over the eyes of elected officials who were all too willingly fooled, Barack Obama unveiled his double-cross by announcing that he was taking his Iran deal to the United Nations BEFORE Congress even had the opportunity to vote in accordance with the now moot Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015.

The steps our elected officials must now take should be apparent. The Obama bait-and-switch and the ensuing double-cross must not be allowed to stand, but whether or not they find the backbone to do what must be done is now in your hands.

Perhaps that's why Obama has lied throughout the entire process and continues to lie. Here are some of the bigger Obama whoppers:

"Today... We Have Stopped The Spread Of Nuclear Weapons In This Region."That's a blatant lie. Even if Iran does not renege on the deal (and it will), the deal actually gives Iran a clear pathway to obtain nuclear weapons in the foreseeable future. Moreover, Obama has actually ensured that an arms race in the Middle East will now escalate. As former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton put it: "We have given Iran the path it has been seeking for almost 35 years. The other states in the region are not going to sit idly by, which is why in effect the nuclear arms race is already underway."

"Inspectors Will Also Be Able To Access Any Suspicious Location... Where Necessary, When Necessary." That's another lie. The truth is there is a potential window of up to 24 days from the time when a request is made to visit a suspicious location to the time when the visit may actually occur. Of course, such a window would give Iran more than enough time to conceal any violations of the deal. Also, an"independent commission" will be empowered to review all requests and the provisions of the faux deal also allow Iran to contest the request and even reject it outright.

"If Iran Violates The Deal, All Of [The] Sanctions Will Snap Back Into Place."That's yet another lie. More than being false, this Obama fabrication is probably the most fanciful, as "snapping back" any sanctions is tantamount to closing the barn door after the horses have fled. The United States is required to release $150 Billion dollars in frozen assets to Iran immediately. If Iran breaks the deal, how is the United States going to get those frozen assets back from Iran? Answer: It's impossible. Moreover, as ForeignPolicy.com reports: "The phrase 'snap back' is vivid, and conveys precisely the sort of rapid, alert, and decisive action skeptical hawks have been demanding... But if sanctions really do 'snap back' as promised, it would be an unprecedented episode of economic diplomacy."

There are more lies but you get the picture. The question that sane Americans should be asking is why did the Obama Regime tell so many lies and engage in so many bait-and-switches to enable the world's greatest sponsor of global terrorism to obtain nuclear weapons?

We'll allow you to answer that question yourself but one thing is clear. The Corker Bill is now moot and as Andrew McCarthy says, Congress "has not only a clear justification but a constitutional duty to scrap the legally defective and, now, factually nigh-irrelevant Corker review process, codified as the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015."

It's time for Congress to scrap the "Corker Betrayal" and simply tell Barack Obama NO!


^ Can I please ask help to cut out any politicized exaggerations, and just state what points are agreed on,
are contested or correctable, and what is the deal with the process of going through Congress *
I got this email, and my head is spinning trying to get who is or is not doing what,
or saying one thing and doing another. Can someone please summarize?
If one Lib and one Con can please spell this out, where both agree on the points, both positive and negative,
I can confirm how much is information, how much is spin, and how much is political skewed. Thanks!

It's about the Iran deal, the Corker clause, and whether the Constitution is being bypassed or twisted around?

The "Corker Betrayal" Is Now Moot. Iran Has Violated It. Barack Obama Has Violated It. Jettison It And Tell Obama NO!

Yes, while you were among the first to act on the news, everyone is now aware of what was really happening. There was a reason why spineless Republicans, led by Senator Bob Corker, voted to effectively suspend Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution back in May.

Instead of following the Constitution and requiring that a 2/3rds vote of the United States Senate would be needed to ratify this Iran deal, the "Corker Betrayal" turned the Constitution on its head and effectively required that it would require a 2/3rds majority of both Houses of Congress to nix it.

But... there's something you are not being told. That's not EXACTLY what happened... Iran's ballistic missile and conventional military weapons programs were NEVER supposed to be part of the deal. Essentially, Obama and the Iranian mullahs pulled the old bait-and-switch and Congress passed the Corker Betrayal under false pretenses.

Andrew McCarthy, writing for National Review explains what is really going on:"Congress and the public were led to believe that the administration was negotiating to deprive Iran of nuclear capabilities. The president, in stark contrast, has struck an agreement that obliges the United States and other nations to build up Iran's nuclear capabilities. That is not just outside the scope of what Obama led Congress to believe he was doing; it is the opposite of what he said he was doing – and patently unacceptable."

But that's not all. McCarthy goes on to say: "That is not what Iran and the Obama administration led the American people and its elected representatives to believe they were negotiating. Indeed, Iran has claimed all along – implausibly but assiduously – that its nuclear activities are entirely peaceful and have nothing to do with weaponizing uranium and plutonium.... It was over the nuclear program alone that the administration told Congress it was negotiating; that is why the statutory sanctions against that program are the narrow subject of the Corker Bill."

In other words, Obama and the mullahs of Iran pulled a bait-and-switch on Congress... shame on Corker and naïve Republicans for allowing themselves to be snookered in the first place...

And now that the deception is out in the open, McCarthy also explains what must happen next: "If you scrutinize [Barack] Obama's Iran nuclear deal, you find that [Obama] ignores the existence of the Corker process. So should Congress... The Congress, particularly the Senate, has not only a clear justification but a constitutional duty to scrap the legally defective and, now, factually nigh-irrelevant Corker review process, codified as the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015."

But that's not all... after pulling the wool over the eyes of elected officials who were all too willingly fooled, Barack Obama unveiled his double-cross by announcing that he was taking his Iran deal to the United Nations BEFORE Congress even had the opportunity to vote in accordance with the now moot Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015.

The steps our elected officials must now take should be apparent. The Obama bait-and-switch and the ensuing double-cross must not be allowed to stand, but whether or not they find the backbone to do what must be done is now in your hands.

Perhaps that's why Obama has lied throughout the entire process and continues to lie. Here are some of the bigger Obama whoppers:

"Today... We Have Stopped The Spread Of Nuclear Weapons In This Region."That's a blatant lie. Even if Iran does not renege on the deal (and it will), the deal actually gives Iran a clear pathway to obtain nuclear weapons in the foreseeable future. Moreover, Obama has actually ensured that an arms race in the Middle East will now escalate. As former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton put it: "We have given Iran the path it has been seeking for almost 35 years. The other states in the region are not going to sit idly by, which is why in effect the nuclear arms race is already underway."

"Inspectors Will Also Be Able To Access Any Suspicious Location... Where Necessary, When Necessary." That's another lie. The truth is there is a potential window of up to 24 days from the time when a request is made to visit a suspicious location to the time when the visit may actually occur. Of course, such a window would give Iran more than enough time to conceal any violations of the deal. Also, an"independent commission" will be empowered to review all requests and the provisions of the faux deal also allow Iran to contest the request and even reject it outright.

"If Iran Violates The Deal, All Of [The] Sanctions Will Snap Back Into Place."That's yet another lie. More than being false, this Obama fabrication is probably the most fanciful, as "snapping back" any sanctions is tantamount to closing the barn door after the horses have fled. The United States is required to release $150 Billion dollars in frozen assets to Iran immediately. If Iran breaks the deal, how is the United States going to get those frozen assets back from Iran? Answer: It's impossible. Moreover, as ForeignPolicy.com reports: "The phrase 'snap back' is vivid, and conveys precisely the sort of rapid, alert, and decisive action skeptical hawks have been demanding... But if sanctions really do 'snap back' as promised, it would be an unprecedented episode of economic diplomacy."

There are more lies but you get the picture. The question that sane Americans should be asking is why did the Obama Regime tell so many lies and engage in so many bait-and-switches to enable the world's greatest sponsor of global terrorism to obtain nuclear weapons?

We'll allow you to answer that question yourself but one thing is clear. The Corker Bill is now moot and as Andrew McCarthy says, Congress "has not only a clear justification but a constitutional duty to scrap the legally defective and, now, factually nigh-irrelevant Corker review process, codified as the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015."

It's time for Congress to scrap the "Corker Betrayal" and simply tell Barack Obama NO!


^ Can I please ask help to cut out any politicized exaggerations, and just state what points are agreed on,
are contested or correctable, and what is the deal with the process of going through Congress *
Can you please take that down to its simplest form so we don't have to read a novel in order to answer your question? I'm sure that you can condense that into one simple paragraph. Please try. Thanks.
It appears to be a fund-raiser for a lobbying firm, since they require a donation. You can actually get online and contact members of Congress individually (and state your opinion) for free.

You usually get emails like that if your email address was sold after you signed an online petition, but the page the link takes you to should have an unsubscribe link to stop emails from the lobbying firm in question.
Last edited:
I got this email, and my head is spinning trying to get who is or is not doing what,
or saying one thing and doing another. Can someone please summarize?
If one Lib and one Con can please spell this out, where both agree on the points, both positive and negative,
I can confirm how much is information, how much is spin, and how much is political skewed. Thanks!

It's about the Iran deal, the Corker clause, and whether the Constitution is being bypassed or twisted around?

The "Corker Betrayal" Is Now Moot. Iran Has Violated It. Barack Obama Has Violated It. Jettison It And Tell Obama NO!

Yes, while you were among the first to act on the news, everyone is now aware of what was really happening. There was a reason why spineless Republicans, led by Senator Bob Corker, voted to effectively suspend Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution back in May.

Instead of following the Constitution and requiring that a 2/3rds vote of the United States Senate would be needed to ratify this Iran deal, the "Corker Betrayal" turned the Constitution on its head and effectively required that it would require a 2/3rds majority of both Houses of Congress to nix it.

But... there's something you are not being told. That's not EXACTLY what happened... Iran's ballistic missile and conventional military weapons programs were NEVER supposed to be part of the deal. Essentially, Obama and the Iranian mullahs pulled the old bait-and-switch and Congress passed the Corker Betrayal under false pretenses.

Andrew McCarthy, writing for National Review explains what is really going on:"Congress and the public were led to believe that the administration was negotiating to deprive Iran of nuclear capabilities. The president, in stark contrast, has struck an agreement that obliges the United States and other nations to build up Iran's nuclear capabilities. That is not just outside the scope of what Obama led Congress to believe he was doing; it is the opposite of what he said he was doing – and patently unacceptable."

But that's not all. McCarthy goes on to say: "That is not what Iran and the Obama administration led the American people and its elected representatives to believe they were negotiating. Indeed, Iran has claimed all along – implausibly but assiduously – that its nuclear activities are entirely peaceful and have nothing to do with weaponizing uranium and plutonium.... It was over the nuclear program alone that the administration told Congress it was negotiating; that is why the statutory sanctions against that program are the narrow subject of the Corker Bill."

In other words, Obama and the mullahs of Iran pulled a bait-and-switch on Congress... shame on Corker and naïve Republicans for allowing themselves to be snookered in the first place...

And now that the deception is out in the open, McCarthy also explains what must happen next: "If you scrutinize [Barack] Obama's Iran nuclear deal, you find that [Obama] ignores the existence of the Corker process. So should Congress... The Congress, particularly the Senate, has not only a clear justification but a constitutional duty to scrap the legally defective and, now, factually nigh-irrelevant Corker review process, codified as the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015."

But that's not all... after pulling the wool over the eyes of elected officials who were all too willingly fooled, Barack Obama unveiled his double-cross by announcing that he was taking his Iran deal to the United Nations BEFORE Congress even had the opportunity to vote in accordance with the now moot Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015.

The steps our elected officials must now take should be apparent. The Obama bait-and-switch and the ensuing double-cross must not be allowed to stand, but whether or not they find the backbone to do what must be done is now in your hands.

Perhaps that's why Obama has lied throughout the entire process and continues to lie. Here are some of the bigger Obama whoppers:

"Today... We Have Stopped The Spread Of Nuclear Weapons In This Region."That's a blatant lie. Even if Iran does not renege on the deal (and it will), the deal actually gives Iran a clear pathway to obtain nuclear weapons in the foreseeable future. Moreover, Obama has actually ensured that an arms race in the Middle East will now escalate. As former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton put it: "We have given Iran the path it has been seeking for almost 35 years. The other states in the region are not going to sit idly by, which is why in effect the nuclear arms race is already underway."

"Inspectors Will Also Be Able To Access Any Suspicious Location... Where Necessary, When Necessary." That's another lie. The truth is there is a potential window of up to 24 days from the time when a request is made to visit a suspicious location to the time when the visit may actually occur. Of course, such a window would give Iran more than enough time to conceal any violations of the deal. Also, an"independent commission" will be empowered to review all requests and the provisions of the faux deal also allow Iran to contest the request and even reject it outright.

"If Iran Violates The Deal, All Of [The] Sanctions Will Snap Back Into Place."That's yet another lie. More than being false, this Obama fabrication is probably the most fanciful, as "snapping back" any sanctions is tantamount to closing the barn door after the horses have fled. The United States is required to release $150 Billion dollars in frozen assets to Iran immediately. If Iran breaks the deal, how is the United States going to get those frozen assets back from Iran? Answer: It's impossible. Moreover, as ForeignPolicy.com reports: "The phrase 'snap back' is vivid, and conveys precisely the sort of rapid, alert, and decisive action skeptical hawks have been demanding... But if sanctions really do 'snap back' as promised, it would be an unprecedented episode of economic diplomacy."

There are more lies but you get the picture. The question that sane Americans should be asking is why did the Obama Regime tell so many lies and engage in so many bait-and-switches to enable the world's greatest sponsor of global terrorism to obtain nuclear weapons?

We'll allow you to answer that question yourself but one thing is clear. The Corker Bill is now moot and as Andrew McCarthy says, Congress "has not only a clear justification but a constitutional duty to scrap the legally defective and, now, factually nigh-irrelevant Corker review process, codified as the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015."

It's time for Congress to scrap the "Corker Betrayal" and simply tell Barack Obama NO!


^ Can I please ask help to cut out any politicized exaggerations, and just state what points are agreed on,
are contested or correctable, and what is the deal with the process of going through Congress *

Yo, Hi, we need to get Mitch McConnell and John Boehner, two crooked Republicans!!!

Democrats love deception when they are the one doing it, but cry bloody murder if they think the Republicans are doing 1/10 as much. The enemy is already inside the gates.
I got this email, and my head is spinning trying to get who is or is not doing what,
or saying one thing and doing another. Can someone please summarize?
If one Lib and one Con can please spell this out, where both agree on the points, both positive and negative,
I can confirm how much is information, how much is spin, and how much is political skewed. Thanks!

It's about the Iran deal, the Corker clause, and whether the Constitution is being bypassed or twisted around?

The "Corker Betrayal" Is Now Moot. Iran Has Violated It. Barack Obama Has Violated It. Jettison It And Tell Obama NO!

Yes, while you were among the first to act on the news, everyone is now aware of what was really happening. There was a reason why spineless Republicans, led by Senator Bob Corker, voted to effectively suspend Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution back in May.

Instead of following the Constitution and requiring that a 2/3rds vote of the United States Senate would be needed to ratify this Iran deal, the "Corker Betrayal" turned the Constitution on its head and effectively required that it would require a 2/3rds majority of both Houses of Congress to nix it.

But... there's something you are not being told. That's not EXACTLY what happened... Iran's ballistic missile and conventional military weapons programs were NEVER supposed to be part of the deal. Essentially, Obama and the Iranian mullahs pulled the old bait-and-switch and Congress passed the Corker Betrayal under false pretenses.

Andrew McCarthy, writing for National Review explains what is really going on:"Congress and the public were led to believe that the administration was negotiating to deprive Iran of nuclear capabilities. The president, in stark contrast, has struck an agreement that obliges the United States and other nations to build up Iran's nuclear capabilities. That is not just outside the scope of what Obama led Congress to believe he was doing; it is the opposite of what he said he was doing – and patently unacceptable."

But that's not all. McCarthy goes on to say: "That is not what Iran and the Obama administration led the American people and its elected representatives to believe they were negotiating. Indeed, Iran has claimed all along – implausibly but assiduously – that its nuclear activities are entirely peaceful and have nothing to do with weaponizing uranium and plutonium.... It was over the nuclear program alone that the administration told Congress it was negotiating; that is why the statutory sanctions against that program are the narrow subject of the Corker Bill."

In other words, Obama and the mullahs of Iran pulled a bait-and-switch on Congress... shame on Corker and naïve Republicans for allowing themselves to be snookered in the first place...

And now that the deception is out in the open, McCarthy also explains what must happen next: "If you scrutinize [Barack] Obama's Iran nuclear deal, you find that [Obama] ignores the existence of the Corker process. So should Congress... The Congress, particularly the Senate, has not only a clear justification but a constitutional duty to scrap the legally defective and, now, factually nigh-irrelevant Corker review process, codified as the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015."

But that's not all... after pulling the wool over the eyes of elected officials who were all too willingly fooled, Barack Obama unveiled his double-cross by announcing that he was taking his Iran deal to the United Nations BEFORE Congress even had the opportunity to vote in accordance with the now moot Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015.

The steps our elected officials must now take should be apparent. The Obama bait-and-switch and the ensuing double-cross must not be allowed to stand, but whether or not they find the backbone to do what must be done is now in your hands.

Perhaps that's why Obama has lied throughout the entire process and continues to lie. Here are some of the bigger Obama whoppers:

"Today... We Have Stopped The Spread Of Nuclear Weapons In This Region."That's a blatant lie. Even if Iran does not renege on the deal (and it will), the deal actually gives Iran a clear pathway to obtain nuclear weapons in the foreseeable future. Moreover, Obama has actually ensured that an arms race in the Middle East will now escalate. As former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton put it: "We have given Iran the path it has been seeking for almost 35 years. The other states in the region are not going to sit idly by, which is why in effect the nuclear arms race is already underway."

"Inspectors Will Also Be Able To Access Any Suspicious Location... Where Necessary, When Necessary." That's another lie. The truth is there is a potential window of up to 24 days from the time when a request is made to visit a suspicious location to the time when the visit may actually occur. Of course, such a window would give Iran more than enough time to conceal any violations of the deal. Also, an"independent commission" will be empowered to review all requests and the provisions of the faux deal also allow Iran to contest the request and even reject it outright.

"If Iran Violates The Deal, All Of [The] Sanctions Will Snap Back Into Place."That's yet another lie. More than being false, this Obama fabrication is probably the most fanciful, as "snapping back" any sanctions is tantamount to closing the barn door after the horses have fled. The United States is required to release $150 Billion dollars in frozen assets to Iran immediately. If Iran breaks the deal, how is the United States going to get those frozen assets back from Iran? Answer: It's impossible. Moreover, as ForeignPolicy.com reports: "The phrase 'snap back' is vivid, and conveys precisely the sort of rapid, alert, and decisive action skeptical hawks have been demanding... But if sanctions really do 'snap back' as promised, it would be an unprecedented episode of economic diplomacy."

There are more lies but you get the picture. The question that sane Americans should be asking is why did the Obama Regime tell so many lies and engage in so many bait-and-switches to enable the world's greatest sponsor of global terrorism to obtain nuclear weapons?

We'll allow you to answer that question yourself but one thing is clear. The Corker Bill is now moot and as Andrew McCarthy says, Congress "has not only a clear justification but a constitutional duty to scrap the legally defective and, now, factually nigh-irrelevant Corker review process, codified as the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015."

It's time for Congress to scrap the "Corker Betrayal" and simply tell Barack Obama NO!


^ Can I please ask help to cut out any politicized exaggerations, and just state what points are agreed on,
are contested or correctable, and what is the deal with the process of going through Congress *
Can you please take that down to its simplest form so we don't have to read a novel in order to answer your question? I'm sure that you can condense that into one simple paragraph. Please try. Thanks.

Hi Sonny Clark
You are asking what I am asking!
If I could summarize it, I would not have asked HELP to summarize it.

I posted the content of the email and asked to clarify what part
is propaganda/exaggeration, and what is actually going on that is
outside Constitutional or Congressional process, and how to fix it!

At least we agree it is too much stuff to sort through.

I was hoping to find a way to sift through it,
but I see the replies are either:
* it's all garbage, unsubscribe, put it on ignore
* it's longwinded diatribe for how either Obama messed up or
corrupt Republicans who went along with something politically amiss

How can this be FIXED? What is the proper agreement there IS support for with Iran?
How do we get there, from where this deal is now?

Thanks SC!
I got this email, and my head is spinning trying to get who is or is not doing what,
or saying one thing and doing another. Can someone please summarize?
If one Lib and one Con can please spell this out, where both agree on the points, both positive and negative,
I can confirm how much is information, how much is spin, and how much is political skewed. Thanks!

It's about the Iran deal, the Corker clause, and whether the Constitution is being bypassed or twisted around?

The "Corker Betrayal" Is Now Moot. Iran Has Violated It. Barack Obama Has Violated It. Jettison It And Tell Obama NO!

Yes, while you were among the first to act on the news, everyone is now aware of what was really happening. There was a reason why spineless Republicans, led by Senator Bob Corker, voted to effectively suspend Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution back in May.

Instead of following the Constitution and requiring that a 2/3rds vote of the United States Senate would be needed to ratify this Iran deal, the "Corker Betrayal" turned the Constitution on its head and effectively required that it would require a 2/3rds majority of both Houses of Congress to nix it.

But... there's something you are not being told. That's not EXACTLY what happened... Iran's ballistic missile and conventional military weapons programs were NEVER supposed to be part of the deal. Essentially, Obama and the Iranian mullahs pulled the old bait-and-switch and Congress passed the Corker Betrayal under false pretenses.

Andrew McCarthy, writing for National Review explains what is really going on:"Congress and the public were led to believe that the administration was negotiating to deprive Iran of nuclear capabilities. The president, in stark contrast, has struck an agreement that obliges the United States and other nations to build up Iran's nuclear capabilities. That is not just outside the scope of what Obama led Congress to believe he was doing; it is the opposite of what he said he was doing – and patently unacceptable."

But that's not all. McCarthy goes on to say: "That is not what Iran and the Obama administration led the American people and its elected representatives to believe they were negotiating. Indeed, Iran has claimed all along – implausibly but assiduously – that its nuclear activities are entirely peaceful and have nothing to do with weaponizing uranium and plutonium.... It was over the nuclear program alone that the administration told Congress it was negotiating; that is why the statutory sanctions against that program are the narrow subject of the Corker Bill."

In other words, Obama and the mullahs of Iran pulled a bait-and-switch on Congress... shame on Corker and naïve Republicans for allowing themselves to be snookered in the first place...

And now that the deception is out in the open, McCarthy also explains what must happen next: "If you scrutinize [Barack] Obama's Iran nuclear deal, you find that [Obama] ignores the existence of the Corker process. So should Congress... The Congress, particularly the Senate, has not only a clear justification but a constitutional duty to scrap the legally defective and, now, factually nigh-irrelevant Corker review process, codified as the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015."

But that's not all... after pulling the wool over the eyes of elected officials who were all too willingly fooled, Barack Obama unveiled his double-cross by announcing that he was taking his Iran deal to the United Nations BEFORE Congress even had the opportunity to vote in accordance with the now moot Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015.

The steps our elected officials must now take should be apparent. The Obama bait-and-switch and the ensuing double-cross must not be allowed to stand, but whether or not they find the backbone to do what must be done is now in your hands.

Perhaps that's why Obama has lied throughout the entire process and continues to lie. Here are some of the bigger Obama whoppers:

"Today... We Have Stopped The Spread Of Nuclear Weapons In This Region."That's a blatant lie. Even if Iran does not renege on the deal (and it will), the deal actually gives Iran a clear pathway to obtain nuclear weapons in the foreseeable future. Moreover, Obama has actually ensured that an arms race in the Middle East will now escalate. As former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton put it: "We have given Iran the path it has been seeking for almost 35 years. The other states in the region are not going to sit idly by, which is why in effect the nuclear arms race is already underway."

"Inspectors Will Also Be Able To Access Any Suspicious Location... Where Necessary, When Necessary." That's another lie. The truth is there is a potential window of up to 24 days from the time when a request is made to visit a suspicious location to the time when the visit may actually occur. Of course, such a window would give Iran more than enough time to conceal any violations of the deal. Also, an"independent commission" will be empowered to review all requests and the provisions of the faux deal also allow Iran to contest the request and even reject it outright.

"If Iran Violates The Deal, All Of [The] Sanctions Will Snap Back Into Place."That's yet another lie. More than being false, this Obama fabrication is probably the most fanciful, as "snapping back" any sanctions is tantamount to closing the barn door after the horses have fled. The United States is required to release $150 Billion dollars in frozen assets to Iran immediately. If Iran breaks the deal, how is the United States going to get those frozen assets back from Iran? Answer: It's impossible. Moreover, as ForeignPolicy.com reports: "The phrase 'snap back' is vivid, and conveys precisely the sort of rapid, alert, and decisive action skeptical hawks have been demanding... But if sanctions really do 'snap back' as promised, it would be an unprecedented episode of economic diplomacy."

There are more lies but you get the picture. The question that sane Americans should be asking is why did the Obama Regime tell so many lies and engage in so many bait-and-switches to enable the world's greatest sponsor of global terrorism to obtain nuclear weapons?

We'll allow you to answer that question yourself but one thing is clear. The Corker Bill is now moot and as Andrew McCarthy says, Congress "has not only a clear justification but a constitutional duty to scrap the legally defective and, now, factually nigh-irrelevant Corker review process, codified as the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015."

It's time for Congress to scrap the "Corker Betrayal" and simply tell Barack Obama NO!


^ Can I please ask help to cut out any politicized exaggerations, and just state what points are agreed on,
are contested or correctable, and what is the deal with the process of going through Congress *
Can you please take that down to its simplest form so we don't have to read a novel in order to answer your question? I'm sure that you can condense that into one simple paragraph. Please try. Thanks.

Hi Sonny Clark
You are asking what I am asking!
If I could summarize it, I would not have asked HELP to summarize it.

I posted the content of the email and asked to clarify what part
is propaganda/exaggeration, and what is actually going on that is
outside Constitutional or Congressional process, and how to fix it!

At least we agree it is too much stuff to sort through.

I was hoping to find a way to sift through it,
but I see the replies are either:
* it's all garbage, unsubscribe, put it on ignore
* it's longwinded diatribe for how either Obama messed up or
corrupt Republicans who went along with something politically amiss

How can this be FIXED? What is the proper agreement there IS support for with Iran?
How do we get there, from where this deal is now?

Thanks SC!

Why start from the disinformation hole that the emailer has dug for himself?

Why don't you just go to the source of the Iran deal for yourself and read exactly what it says and decide for yourself who is BS'ing and who isn't?

Why do you need someone else to translate and put their own biased spin on it for you?
I got this email, and my head is spinning trying to get who is or is not doing what,
or saying one thing and doing another. Can someone please summarize?
If one Lib and one Con can please spell this out, where both agree on the points, both positive and negative,
I can confirm how much is information, how much is spin, and how much is political skewed. Thanks!

It's about the Iran deal, the Corker clause, and whether the Constitution is being bypassed or twisted around?

The "Corker Betrayal" Is Now Moot. Iran Has Violated It. Barack Obama Has Violated It. Jettison It And Tell Obama NO!

Yes, while you were among the first to act on the news, everyone is now aware of what was really happening. There was a reason why spineless Republicans, led by Senator Bob Corker, voted to effectively suspend Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution back in May.

Instead of following the Constitution and requiring that a 2/3rds vote of the United States Senate would be needed to ratify this Iran deal, the "Corker Betrayal" turned the Constitution on its head and effectively required that it would require a 2/3rds majority of both Houses of Congress to nix it.

But... there's something you are not being told. That's not EXACTLY what happened... Iran's ballistic missile and conventional military weapons programs were NEVER supposed to be part of the deal. Essentially, Obama and the Iranian mullahs pulled the old bait-and-switch and Congress passed the Corker Betrayal under false pretenses.

Andrew McCarthy, writing for National Review explains what is really going on:"Congress and the public were led to believe that the administration was negotiating to deprive Iran of nuclear capabilities. The president, in stark contrast, has struck an agreement that obliges the United States and other nations to build up Iran's nuclear capabilities. That is not just outside the scope of what Obama led Congress to believe he was doing; it is the opposite of what he said he was doing – and patently unacceptable."

But that's not all. McCarthy goes on to say: "That is not what Iran and the Obama administration led the American people and its elected representatives to believe they were negotiating. Indeed, Iran has claimed all along – implausibly but assiduously – that its nuclear activities are entirely peaceful and have nothing to do with weaponizing uranium and plutonium.... It was over the nuclear program alone that the administration told Congress it was negotiating; that is why the statutory sanctions against that program are the narrow subject of the Corker Bill."

In other words, Obama and the mullahs of Iran pulled a bait-and-switch on Congress... shame on Corker and naïve Republicans for allowing themselves to be snookered in the first place...

And now that the deception is out in the open, McCarthy also explains what must happen next: "If you scrutinize [Barack] Obama's Iran nuclear deal, you find that [Obama] ignores the existence of the Corker process. So should Congress... The Congress, particularly the Senate, has not only a clear justification but a constitutional duty to scrap the legally defective and, now, factually nigh-irrelevant Corker review process, codified as the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015."

But that's not all... after pulling the wool over the eyes of elected officials who were all too willingly fooled, Barack Obama unveiled his double-cross by announcing that he was taking his Iran deal to the United Nations BEFORE Congress even had the opportunity to vote in accordance with the now moot Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015.

The steps our elected officials must now take should be apparent. The Obama bait-and-switch and the ensuing double-cross must not be allowed to stand, but whether or not they find the backbone to do what must be done is now in your hands.

Perhaps that's why Obama has lied throughout the entire process and continues to lie. Here are some of the bigger Obama whoppers:

"Today... We Have Stopped The Spread Of Nuclear Weapons In This Region."That's a blatant lie. Even if Iran does not renege on the deal (and it will), the deal actually gives Iran a clear pathway to obtain nuclear weapons in the foreseeable future. Moreover, Obama has actually ensured that an arms race in the Middle East will now escalate. As former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton put it: "We have given Iran the path it has been seeking for almost 35 years. The other states in the region are not going to sit idly by, which is why in effect the nuclear arms race is already underway."

"Inspectors Will Also Be Able To Access Any Suspicious Location... Where Necessary, When Necessary." That's another lie. The truth is there is a potential window of up to 24 days from the time when a request is made to visit a suspicious location to the time when the visit may actually occur. Of course, such a window would give Iran more than enough time to conceal any violations of the deal. Also, an"independent commission" will be empowered to review all requests and the provisions of the faux deal also allow Iran to contest the request and even reject it outright.

"If Iran Violates The Deal, All Of [The] Sanctions Will Snap Back Into Place."That's yet another lie. More than being false, this Obama fabrication is probably the most fanciful, as "snapping back" any sanctions is tantamount to closing the barn door after the horses have fled. The United States is required to release $150 Billion dollars in frozen assets to Iran immediately. If Iran breaks the deal, how is the United States going to get those frozen assets back from Iran? Answer: It's impossible. Moreover, as ForeignPolicy.com reports: "The phrase 'snap back' is vivid, and conveys precisely the sort of rapid, alert, and decisive action skeptical hawks have been demanding... But if sanctions really do 'snap back' as promised, it would be an unprecedented episode of economic diplomacy."

There are more lies but you get the picture. The question that sane Americans should be asking is why did the Obama Regime tell so many lies and engage in so many bait-and-switches to enable the world's greatest sponsor of global terrorism to obtain nuclear weapons?

We'll allow you to answer that question yourself but one thing is clear. The Corker Bill is now moot and as Andrew McCarthy says, Congress "has not only a clear justification but a constitutional duty to scrap the legally defective and, now, factually nigh-irrelevant Corker review process, codified as the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015."

It's time for Congress to scrap the "Corker Betrayal" and simply tell Barack Obama NO!


^ Can I please ask help to cut out any politicized exaggerations, and just state what points are agreed on,
are contested or correctable, and what is the deal with the process of going through Congress *
Can you please take that down to its simplest form so we don't have to read a novel in order to answer your question? I'm sure that you can condense that into one simple paragraph. Please try. Thanks.

Hi Sonny Clark
You are asking what I am asking!
If I could summarize it, I would not have asked HELP to summarize it.

I posted the content of the email and asked to clarify what part
is propaganda/exaggeration, and what is actually going on that is
outside Constitutional or Congressional process, and how to fix it!

At least we agree it is too much stuff to sort through.

I was hoping to find a way to sift through it,
but I see the replies are either:
* it's all garbage, unsubscribe, put it on ignore
* it's longwinded diatribe for how either Obama messed up or
corrupt Republicans who went along with something politically amiss

How can this be FIXED? What is the proper agreement there IS support for with Iran?
How do we get there, from where this deal is now?

Thanks SC!

Yo, advise? You have been around long enough to know better? Iran is a killer Nation, period! Now if you don`t see that? Then you are living in a dream World!!!

The e-mail does seem to be a solicitation for a contribution.

But the Corker effort DID turn the Constitution on its damn head.

Rejecting the shithead "deal" cooked up by Iran with Obumbler begging to get us fleeced by it should be an obvious solution to the clusterfuck mistake of gigantic proportions crafted by Obumbler And Lurch. And it should have been rejected AS A TREATY by the usual methods.

NOW, it is treated as a bill that is subject to a fucking Presidential veto. That's not what the Constitution had in mind.

Today's idiot Congressional GOP leadership is tripping over itself to kowtow to the Bumbler in Chief. For no clear reason.

THEY all need to get booted the fuck out of office.
I got this email, and my head is spinning trying to get who is or is not doing what,
or saying one thing and doing another. Can someone please summarize?
If one Lib and one Con can please spell this out, where both agree on the points, both positive and negative,
I can confirm how much is information, how much is spin, and how much is political skewed. Thanks!

It's about the Iran deal, the Corker clause, and whether the Constitution is being bypassed or twisted around?

The "Corker Betrayal" Is Now Moot. Iran Has Violated It. Barack Obama Has Violated It. Jettison It And Tell Obama NO!

Yes, while you were among the first to act on the news, everyone is now aware of what was really happening. There was a reason why spineless Republicans, led by Senator Bob Corker, voted to effectively suspend Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution back in May.

Instead of following the Constitution and requiring that a 2/3rds vote of the United States Senate would be needed to ratify this Iran deal, the "Corker Betrayal" turned the Constitution on its head and effectively required that it would require a 2/3rds majority of both Houses of Congress to nix it.

But... there's something you are not being told. That's not EXACTLY what happened... Iran's ballistic missile and conventional military weapons programs were NEVER supposed to be part of the deal. Essentially, Obama and the Iranian mullahs pulled the old bait-and-switch and Congress passed the Corker Betrayal under false pretenses.

Andrew McCarthy, writing for National Review explains what is really going on:"Congress and the public were led to believe that the administration was negotiating to deprive Iran of nuclear capabilities. The president, in stark contrast, has struck an agreement that obliges the United States and other nations to build up Iran's nuclear capabilities. That is not just outside the scope of what Obama led Congress to believe he was doing; it is the opposite of what he said he was doing – and patently unacceptable."

But that's not all. McCarthy goes on to say: "That is not what Iran and the Obama administration led the American people and its elected representatives to believe they were negotiating. Indeed, Iran has claimed all along – implausibly but assiduously – that its nuclear activities are entirely peaceful and have nothing to do with weaponizing uranium and plutonium.... It was over the nuclear program alone that the administration told Congress it was negotiating; that is why the statutory sanctions against that program are the narrow subject of the Corker Bill."

In other words, Obama and the mullahs of Iran pulled a bait-and-switch on Congress... shame on Corker and naïve Republicans for allowing themselves to be snookered in the first place...

And now that the deception is out in the open, McCarthy also explains what must happen next: "If you scrutinize [Barack] Obama's Iran nuclear deal, you find that [Obama] ignores the existence of the Corker process. So should Congress... The Congress, particularly the Senate, has not only a clear justification but a constitutional duty to scrap the legally defective and, now, factually nigh-irrelevant Corker review process, codified as the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015."

But that's not all... after pulling the wool over the eyes of elected officials who were all too willingly fooled, Barack Obama unveiled his double-cross by announcing that he was taking his Iran deal to the United Nations BEFORE Congress even had the opportunity to vote in accordance with the now moot Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015.

The steps our elected officials must now take should be apparent. The Obama bait-and-switch and the ensuing double-cross must not be allowed to stand, but whether or not they find the backbone to do what must be done is now in your hands.

Perhaps that's why Obama has lied throughout the entire process and continues to lie. Here are some of the bigger Obama whoppers:

"Today... We Have Stopped The Spread Of Nuclear Weapons In This Region."That's a blatant lie. Even if Iran does not renege on the deal (and it will), the deal actually gives Iran a clear pathway to obtain nuclear weapons in the foreseeable future. Moreover, Obama has actually ensured that an arms race in the Middle East will now escalate. As former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton put it: "We have given Iran the path it has been seeking for almost 35 years. The other states in the region are not going to sit idly by, which is why in effect the nuclear arms race is already underway."

"Inspectors Will Also Be Able To Access Any Suspicious Location... Where Necessary, When Necessary." That's another lie. The truth is there is a potential window of up to 24 days from the time when a request is made to visit a suspicious location to the time when the visit may actually occur. Of course, such a window would give Iran more than enough time to conceal any violations of the deal. Also, an"independent commission" will be empowered to review all requests and the provisions of the faux deal also allow Iran to contest the request and even reject it outright.

"If Iran Violates The Deal, All Of [The] Sanctions Will Snap Back Into Place."That's yet another lie. More than being false, this Obama fabrication is probably the most fanciful, as "snapping back" any sanctions is tantamount to closing the barn door after the horses have fled. The United States is required to release $150 Billion dollars in frozen assets to Iran immediately. If Iran breaks the deal, how is the United States going to get those frozen assets back from Iran? Answer: It's impossible. Moreover, as ForeignPolicy.com reports: "The phrase 'snap back' is vivid, and conveys precisely the sort of rapid, alert, and decisive action skeptical hawks have been demanding... But if sanctions really do 'snap back' as promised, it would be an unprecedented episode of economic diplomacy."

There are more lies but you get the picture. The question that sane Americans should be asking is why did the Obama Regime tell so many lies and engage in so many bait-and-switches to enable the world's greatest sponsor of global terrorism to obtain nuclear weapons?

We'll allow you to answer that question yourself but one thing is clear. The Corker Bill is now moot and as Andrew McCarthy says, Congress "has not only a clear justification but a constitutional duty to scrap the legally defective and, now, factually nigh-irrelevant Corker review process, codified as the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015."

It's time for Congress to scrap the "Corker Betrayal" and simply tell Barack Obama NO!


^ Can I please ask help to cut out any politicized exaggerations, and just state what points are agreed on,
are contested or correctable, and what is the deal with the process of going through Congress *
Can you please take that down to its simplest form so we don't have to read a novel in order to answer your question? I'm sure that you can condense that into one simple paragraph. Please try. Thanks.

Hi Sonny Clark
You are asking what I am asking!
If I could summarize it, I would not have asked HELP to summarize it.

I posted the content of the email and asked to clarify what part
is propaganda/exaggeration, and what is actually going on that is
outside Constitutional or Congressional process, and how to fix it!

At least we agree it is too much stuff to sort through.

I was hoping to find a way to sift through it,
but I see the replies are either:
* it's all garbage, unsubscribe, put it on ignore
* it's longwinded diatribe for how either Obama messed up or
corrupt Republicans who went along with something politically amiss

How can this be FIXED? What is the proper agreement there IS support for with Iran?
How do we get there, from where this deal is now?

Thanks SC!

Why start from the disinformation hole that the emailer has dug for himself?

Why don't you just go to the source of the Iran deal for yourself and read exactly what it says and decide for yourself who is BS'ing and who isn't?

Why do you need someone else to translate and put their own biased spin on it for you?

I trust you to tell me what is and what is not spun beyond recognition.

There is always some truth behind why someone is protesting something.

I want to get to the real proposed corrections, and not get lost in all the extra anti/pro propaganda added on top
for attention grabbing alarm sounding marketing.

If the Iranian leaders and govt cannot be trusted to stick to civil protocol,
then WHO over there should the US UN and other nations be supporting and working with to restore working relations?

I am reading that Boehner and McDonnell are corrupting the process.

Who or which are the parties on the Iran side that are trustworthy to work with,
and who is abusing power? is there any part of this deal that is workable to stick with,
or is the whole thing premised on working with untrustworthy Iranian leadership
so that no matter WHAT is passed, that side will abuse and derail it anyway.

Who are the parties who COULD work together responsibly,
and where are the plans that these parties could agree on?

I just read a bunch of objections, but where are the corrections?

I got this email, and my head is spinning trying to get who is or is not doing what,
or saying one thing and doing another. Can someone please summarize?
If one Lib and one Con can please spell this out, where both agree on the points, both positive and negative,
I can confirm how much is information, how much is spin, and how much is political skewed. Thanks!

It's about the Iran deal, the Corker clause, and whether the Constitution is being bypassed or twisted around?

The "Corker Betrayal" Is Now Moot. Iran Has Violated It. Barack Obama Has Violated It. Jettison It And Tell Obama NO!

Yes, while you were among the first to act on the news, everyone is now aware of what was really happening. There was a reason why spineless Republicans, led by Senator Bob Corker, voted to effectively suspend Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution back in May.

Instead of following the Constitution and requiring that a 2/3rds vote of the United States Senate would be needed to ratify this Iran deal, the "Corker Betrayal" turned the Constitution on its head and effectively required that it would require a 2/3rds majority of both Houses of Congress to nix it.

But... there's something you are not being told. That's not EXACTLY what happened... Iran's ballistic missile and conventional military weapons programs were NEVER supposed to be part of the deal. Essentially, Obama and the Iranian mullahs pulled the old bait-and-switch and Congress passed the Corker Betrayal under false pretenses.

Andrew McCarthy, writing for National Review explains what is really going on:"Congress and the public were led to believe that the administration was negotiating to deprive Iran of nuclear capabilities. The president, in stark contrast, has struck an agreement that obliges the United States and other nations to build up Iran's nuclear capabilities. That is not just outside the scope of what Obama led Congress to believe he was doing; it is the opposite of what he said he was doing – and patently unacceptable."

But that's not all. McCarthy goes on to say: "That is not what Iran and the Obama administration led the American people and its elected representatives to believe they were negotiating. Indeed, Iran has claimed all along – implausibly but assiduously – that its nuclear activities are entirely peaceful and have nothing to do with weaponizing uranium and plutonium.... It was over the nuclear program alone that the administration told Congress it was negotiating; that is why the statutory sanctions against that program are the narrow subject of the Corker Bill."

In other words, Obama and the mullahs of Iran pulled a bait-and-switch on Congress... shame on Corker and naïve Republicans for allowing themselves to be snookered in the first place...

And now that the deception is out in the open, McCarthy also explains what must happen next: "If you scrutinize [Barack] Obama's Iran nuclear deal, you find that [Obama] ignores the existence of the Corker process. So should Congress... The Congress, particularly the Senate, has not only a clear justification but a constitutional duty to scrap the legally defective and, now, factually nigh-irrelevant Corker review process, codified as the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015."

But that's not all... after pulling the wool over the eyes of elected officials who were all too willingly fooled, Barack Obama unveiled his double-cross by announcing that he was taking his Iran deal to the United Nations BEFORE Congress even had the opportunity to vote in accordance with the now moot Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015.

The steps our elected officials must now take should be apparent. The Obama bait-and-switch and the ensuing double-cross must not be allowed to stand, but whether or not they find the backbone to do what must be done is now in your hands.

Perhaps that's why Obama has lied throughout the entire process and continues to lie. Here are some of the bigger Obama whoppers:

"Today... We Have Stopped The Spread Of Nuclear Weapons In This Region."That's a blatant lie. Even if Iran does not renege on the deal (and it will), the deal actually gives Iran a clear pathway to obtain nuclear weapons in the foreseeable future. Moreover, Obama has actually ensured that an arms race in the Middle East will now escalate. As former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton put it: "We have given Iran the path it has been seeking for almost 35 years. The other states in the region are not going to sit idly by, which is why in effect the nuclear arms race is already underway."

"Inspectors Will Also Be Able To Access Any Suspicious Location... Where Necessary, When Necessary." That's another lie. The truth is there is a potential window of up to 24 days from the time when a request is made to visit a suspicious location to the time when the visit may actually occur. Of course, such a window would give Iran more than enough time to conceal any violations of the deal. Also, an"independent commission" will be empowered to review all requests and the provisions of the faux deal also allow Iran to contest the request and even reject it outright.

"If Iran Violates The Deal, All Of [The] Sanctions Will Snap Back Into Place."That's yet another lie. More than being false, this Obama fabrication is probably the most fanciful, as "snapping back" any sanctions is tantamount to closing the barn door after the horses have fled. The United States is required to release $150 Billion dollars in frozen assets to Iran immediately. If Iran breaks the deal, how is the United States going to get those frozen assets back from Iran? Answer: It's impossible. Moreover, as ForeignPolicy.com reports: "The phrase 'snap back' is vivid, and conveys precisely the sort of rapid, alert, and decisive action skeptical hawks have been demanding... But if sanctions really do 'snap back' as promised, it would be an unprecedented episode of economic diplomacy."

There are more lies but you get the picture. The question that sane Americans should be asking is why did the Obama Regime tell so many lies and engage in so many bait-and-switches to enable the world's greatest sponsor of global terrorism to obtain nuclear weapons?

We'll allow you to answer that question yourself but one thing is clear. The Corker Bill is now moot and as Andrew McCarthy says, Congress "has not only a clear justification but a constitutional duty to scrap the legally defective and, now, factually nigh-irrelevant Corker review process, codified as the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015."

It's time for Congress to scrap the "Corker Betrayal" and simply tell Barack Obama NO!


^ Can I please ask help to cut out any politicized exaggerations, and just state what points are agreed on,
are contested or correctable, and what is the deal with the process of going through Congress *
Can you please take that down to its simplest form so we don't have to read a novel in order to answer your question? I'm sure that you can condense that into one simple paragraph. Please try. Thanks.

Hi Sonny Clark
You are asking what I am asking!
If I could summarize it, I would not have asked HELP to summarize it.

I posted the content of the email and asked to clarify what part
is propaganda/exaggeration, and what is actually going on that is
outside Constitutional or Congressional process, and how to fix it!

At least we agree it is too much stuff to sort through.

I was hoping to find a way to sift through it,
but I see the replies are either:
* it's all garbage, unsubscribe, put it on ignore
* it's longwinded diatribe for how either Obama messed up or
corrupt Republicans who went along with something politically amiss

How can this be FIXED? What is the proper agreement there IS support for with Iran?
How do we get there, from where this deal is now?

Thanks SC!

Why start from the disinformation hole that the emailer has dug for himself?

Why don't you just go to the source of the Iran deal for yourself and read exactly what it says and decide for yourself who is BS'ing and who isn't?

Why do you need someone else to translate and put their own biased spin on it for you?

I trust you to tell me what is and what is not spun beyond recognition.

There is always some truth behind why someone is protesting something.

I want to get to the real proposed corrections, and not get lost in all the extra anti/pro propaganda added on top
for attention grabbing alarm sounding marketing.

If the Iranian leaders and govt cannot be trusted to stick to civil protocol,
then WHO over there should the US UN and other nations be supporting and working with to restore working relations?

I am reading that Boehner and McDonnell are corrupting the process.

Who or which are the parties on the Iran side that are trustworthy to work with,
and who is abusing power? is there any part of this deal that is workable to stick with,
or is the whole thing premised on working with untrustworthy Iranian leadership
so that no matter WHAT is passed, that side will abuse and derail it anyway.

Who are the parties who COULD work together responsibly,
and where are the plans that these parties could agree on?

I just read a bunch of objections, but where are the corrections?


Do you recall how St Reagan characterized the nuclear arms deals he made with the USSR?

"Trust but verify" ring any bells?

How did that work out?

The Cold War is over for all intents and purposes.

The current deal leaves out the "trust" part and relies on "verify" instead because neither side trusts the either. (The USA and USSR didn't either but that is irrelevant now.)

The Iran deal relies upon verification. If Iran obstructs the inspectors the deal is off, period. If Iran wants sanctions lifted it has to allow the inspections. If it obstructs inspections after the sanctions are lifted they automatically resume again.

Everything else is bloviating BS by those with a partisan political agenda.

Don't waste your time and energy trying to sort out the disinformation that is being spewed by those who seek to profit from trying to scare you into parting with your hard earned money.

The basics of the deal, as outlined above, and not that complicated to grasp. Iran either sticks to the deal and gets what it wants or it doesn't stick to the deal and it has to suffer the consequences.

Just ignore the BS'ers who are inventing all kinds of bizarre scenarios because they are paid to do that in order to extract money from gullible fools who are all too willing to believe the hogwash in that email.
I've often suspected these copy and paste parroting rubes were on some kind of mass email list.


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