What if the Senate subpoenas Bolton or Mulvaney and ....


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
Trump claims executive privilege? Is the trial suspended until the question of whether EP is appropriate or not in this case is settled in court? Would the SCOTUS decide that? I doubt that Chief Justice Roberts could or would make the call, we don't really want one man making such a big decision, do we? I think Trump already said he would do that in a recent interview. And he has rights, that shouldn't be minimized. Plus, every president should have some degree of privacy/confidentiality without an opposing Congress constantly subpoenaing everything and everybody in their desire to get him removed from office. The Supreme court has ruled that communications that take place within a president's administration are protected under a "presumptive privilege," which is "fundamental to the operation of government and inextricably rooted in the separation of powers under the Constitution." The democrats didn't seem to have a problem with Obama's claims of executive privilege; every president in recent times has had to resort to it when battling an opposition Congress.

The Dems are making a big deal out of calling witnesses, which is kinda hypocritical when they could've done that in the House Inquiry but elected not to, because of course Trump was such a menace to national security. And then they sat on the Articles of Impeachment for a month.

My take? Trump allows a taped deposition with pre-approved questions that the witness answers without being personally interrogated and without followups. The witness basically answers the questions provided and that's it. I don't know if Trump will go for that, I'm sure he won't like it but he does need to consider the most vulnerable GOP senators who are up for re-election. He does not need to go into his 2nd term with a Dem-controlled Senate.
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The claim of Privilege would apply to specific lines of inquiry. An expedited hearing and decision by the USSC might be possible.

And the Democrat position is preposterous. Congressional oversight goes nowhere near this sort of activity.
I’m calling mitt Romney’s office tomorrow to Tell him to get on with the peoples business
Bolton or Mulvaney wouldn't have anything incriminating to say...Biden, his son, and his brothers on the other hand...

Oh...you didn't know bidens brothers were in on it to? Yup...they made millions as well!

Trump claims executive privilege? Is the trial suspended until the question of whether EP is appropriate or not in this case is settled in court? Would the SCOTUS decide that? I doubt that Chief Justice Roberts could or would make the call, we don't really want one man making such a big decision, do we? I think Trump already said he would do that in a recent interview. And he has rights, that shouldn't be minimized. Plus, every president should have some degree of privacy/confidentiality without an opposing Congress constantly subpoenaing everything and everybody in their desire to get him removed from office. The Supreme court has ruled that communications that take place within a president's administration are protected under a "presumptive privilege," which is "fundamental to the operation of government and inextricably rooted in the separation of powers under the Constitution." The democrats didn't seem to have a problem with Obama's claims of executive privilege; every president in recent times has had to resort to it when battling an opposition Congress.

The Dems are making a big deal out of calling witnesses, which is kinda hypocritical when they could've done that in the House Inquiry but elected not to, because of course Trump was such a menace to national security. And then they sat on the Articles of Impeachment for a month.

My take? Trump allows a taped deposition with pre-approved questions that the witness answers without being personally interrogated and without followups. The witness basically answers the questions provided and that's it. I don't know if Trump will go for that, I'm sure he won't like it but he does need to consider the most vulnerable GOP senators who are up for re-election. He does not need to go into his 2nd term with a Dem-controlled Senate.

The number one rule for lawyers is never to ask a question you don't know what the answer is going to be.

IMHO, if the libs are successful in opening this can of worms, they will sorry as they might not want to hear what the witnesses have to say. Huge backfire coming

The Libs would be well advised to move this whole trial through as quickly as possible, but that might not be actually possible now that its in the hands of President Trump's ally Mitch McConnell.
About Biden and his family, I believe the Senate and maybe the DOJ are already looking into them with respect to Ukraine and China, and there''s already enough information out there to support Trump's request for an investigation by the Ukraine in to Burisma and Hunter Biden's connections. Plus that fucking idiot Joe Biden, who couldn't keep his big mouth shut about getting that Ukraine prosecutor fired. No rush IMHO.

Let's be honest here, Trump is not going to get removed from office, that ain't happening. And at this point, he looks good to get re-elected against the clown show running on the dem side. So, the priority IMHO should be to avoid losing the GOP Senate majority. 4 more years of placing conservative judges on the federal bench would be absolutely huge. Not to mention the possibility of another SC justice or 2, maybe even 3.
About Biden and his family, I believe the Senate and maybe the DOJ are already looking into them with respect to Ukraine and China, and there''s already enough information out there to support Trump's request for an investigation by the Ukraine in to Burisma and Hunter Biden's connections. Plus that fucking idiot Joe Biden, who couldn't keep his big mouth shut about getting that Ukraine prosecutor fired. No rush IMHO.

Let's be honest here, Trump is not going to get removed from office, that ain't happening. And at this point, he looks good to get re-elected against the clown show running on the dem side. So, the priority IMHO should be to avoid losing the GOP Senate majority. 4 more years of placing conservative judges on the federal bench would be absolutely huge. Not to mention the possibility of another SC justice or 2, maybe even 3.

Breyer and RBG are both octogenarians and are ripe to retire during the 2nd Trump Term. In addition, Justice Thomas may finally give the libs their wish and retire as well after 30 years of tremendous work on the court.
Holy crap, delusional Democrats still think the Senate is going to call witnesses.

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