What if McConnell: Fight to Let ANY EMPLOYER Deny funding 35 EXECUTIONS a year!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
A thread title:"McConnell: GOP Will Fight To Let ANY Employer Deny Birth Control Coverage"
made me want to put this in context..

Since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976, 1,277 convicted murderers have been executed in the United States.

So I'm sure McConnell wants to deny those average of 35 state sponsored killings!

Just as McConnell is fighting to prevent:
Each year an average of 1.3 million people are destroyed by physicians many paid by state/local and federal funds...
A thread title:"McConnell: GOP Will Fight To Let ANY Employer Deny Birth Control Coverage"
made me want to put this in context..

Since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976, 1,277 convicted murderers have been executed in the United States.

So I'm sure McConnell wants to deny those average of 35 state sponsored killings!

Just as McConnell is fighting to prevent:
Each year an average of 1.3 million people are destroyed by physicians many paid by state/local and federal funds...

Innocent v guilty... no comparison.

You fail!
A thread title:"McConnell: GOP Will Fight To Let ANY Employer Deny Birth Control Coverage"
made me want to put this in context..

Since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976, 1,277 convicted murderers have been executed in the United States.

So I'm sure McConnell wants to deny those average of 35 state sponsored killings!

Just as McConnell is fighting to prevent:
Each year an average of 1.3 million people are destroyed by physicians many paid by state/local and federal funds...

Innocent v guilty... no comparison.

You fail!

So you are all right with 1.3 million people a year that HAD NO CHOICE being destroyed?
A thread title:"McConnell: GOP Will Fight To Let ANY Employer Deny Birth Control Coverage"
made me want to put this in context..

Since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976, 1,277 convicted murderers have been executed in the United States.

So I'm sure McConnell wants to deny those average of 35 state sponsored killings!

Just as McConnell is fighting to prevent:
Each year an average of 1.3 million people are destroyed by physicians many paid by state/local and federal funds...

Democrats have never been about fairness, they are about freebees.

Their goal is to make you pay. The bastards are just too cheap to pay 30 a month out of pocket.
A thread title:"McConnell: GOP Will Fight To Let ANY Employer Deny Birth Control Coverage"
made me want to put this in context..

Since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976, 1,277 convicted murderers have been executed in the United States.

So I'm sure McConnell wants to deny those average of 35 state sponsored killings!

Just as McConnell is fighting to prevent:
Each year an average of 1.3 million people are destroyed by physicians many paid by state/local and federal funds...

Democrats have never been about fairness, they are about freebees.

Their goal is to make you pay. The bastards are just too cheap to pay 30 a month out of pocket.

yeah but, they CARE more as long as it's other peoples monies being used.
A thread title:"McConnell: GOP Will Fight To Let ANY Employer Deny Birth Control Coverage"
made me want to put this in context..

Since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976, 1,277 convicted murderers have been executed in the United States.

So I'm sure McConnell wants to deny those average of 35 state sponsored killings!

Just as McConnell is fighting to prevent:
Each year an average of 1.3 million people are destroyed by physicians many paid by state/local and federal funds...

Innocent v guilty... no comparison.

You fail!

So you are all right with 1.3 million people a year that HAD NO CHOICE being destroyed?

I'm pro-life and pro-capitol punishment.

What do you think?
A thread title:"McConnell: GOP Will Fight To Let ANY Employer Deny Birth Control Coverage"
made me want to put this in context..

Since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976, 1,277 convicted murderers have been executed in the United States.

So I'm sure McConnell wants to deny those average of 35 state sponsored killings!

Just as McConnell is fighting to prevent:
Each year an average of 1.3 million people are destroyed by physicians many paid by state/local and federal funds...

Democrats have never been about fairness, they are about freebees.

Their goal is to make you pay. The bastards are just too cheap to pay 30 a month out of pocket.

yeah but, they CARE more as long as it's other peoples monies being used.

HEALTH CARE COSTS ARE OUT OF CONTROL. so we demand freebees.

I know somewhere there has to be a sharp leftie on this board. None have stepped forward.
A thread title:"McConnell: GOP Will Fight To Let ANY Employer Deny Birth Control Coverage"
made me want to put this in context..

Since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976, 1,277 convicted murderers have been executed in the United States.

So I'm sure McConnell wants to deny those average of 35 state sponsored killings!

Just as McConnell is fighting to prevent:
Each year an average of 1.3 million people are destroyed by physicians many paid by state/local and federal funds...

Innocent v guilty... no comparison.

You fail!

So you are all right with 1.3 million people a year that HAD NO CHOICE being destroyed?

Well the Pope certainly isn't. The Pope opposes the death penalty (also the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan), but you won't hear the Rebups railing about that on the house floor will you?
A thread title:"McConnell: GOP Will Fight To Let ANY Employer Deny Birth Control Coverage"
made me want to put this in context..

Since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976, 1,277 convicted murderers have been executed in the United States.

So I'm sure McConnell wants to deny those average of 35 state sponsored killings!

Just as McConnell is fighting to prevent:
Each year an average of 1.3 million people are destroyed by physicians many paid by state/local and federal funds...

Innocent v guilty... no comparison.

You fail!

So you are all right with 1.3 million people a year that HAD NO CHOICE being destroyed?

Contraception is not abortion, dumbass.
So you are all right with 1.3 million people a year that HAD NO CHOICE being destroyed?

Contraception is not abortion, dumbass.

Where did I say it was?

Oh but the morning after pill in my opinion is an abortifacient.

I wasn't quoting you.

But anyways, I cant call the morning after pill abortion, because there's a very small percent chance that a pregnancy even occured.

First, it's only possible about 2-3 days a month (Ovulation), then, even if it's during ovulation, the sperm only has about a 25% chance of fertilizing the egg.
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Where did I say it was?

Seeing as he was talking to someone else...I dunno, try putting two and two together.

Oh but the morning after pill in my opinion is an abortifacient.

Then your opinion is worthless. When will people realize that deliberately denying facts and calling it "opinion" does not shield them from being anything more than an idiot and/or liar.
But anyways, I cant call the morning after pill abortion, because there's a very small percent chance that a pregnancy even occures.

First, it's only possible about 2-3 days a month (Ovulation), then, even if it's during ovulation, the sperm only has about a 25% chance of fertilizing the egg.

Er, I think I understand what you're saying, but I think you're also misunderstanding the facts. The mechanism of action for so called morning after pills is to prevent pregnancy from occurring in the first place, by preventing ovulation, and by further preventing fertilization if ovulation has occurred already. It's not about flushing out a pregnancy in the first couple days of one occurring, in the so called 25% chance that one did happen.

There is speculation, and I stress that word because that is all that it is, that such medications could interfere with the implantation of a blastocyst on the unterine wall. But there's no evidence to indicate this, and it would be extremely unlikely for this scenario to ever occur if emergency contraception is used properly in the first place. And when we take into consideration how easy it is for a blastocyst to run into problems implanting, etc, it's just as likely that a woman going out and having a few drinks that evening could equally cause such problems. I doubt that anyone would call it an "abortion" in that case.
Where did I say it was?

Seeing as he was talking to someone else...I dunno, try putting two and two together.

Oh but the morning after pill in my opinion is an abortifacient.

Then your opinion is worthless. When will people realize that deliberately denying facts and calling it "opinion" does not shield them from being anything more than an idiot and/or liar.

Then he should have quoted that someone else and not me.

Your opinion regarding my opinion is worthless.

The effective action of "emergency contraception", and hence of the "morning-after pill", is abortifacient in 80 per cent (oestroprogestogen or progestogen) to 100 per cent (oestrogen, danazol, coil) of the cases the embryo is prevented from being implanted in the endometrium after the alteration of its physiological development, and/or the blocking of the action of the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone, an essential hormone for the continuation of pregnancy.

We can not rule out the fact that, if oestroprogestogen or progestogen is administered before ovulation has taken place, the release of the egg cell can be inhibited with a true contraceptive effect, which occurs in 0 to 20 per cent of the cases.

So how can it be said that the "morning-after pill" or any "emergency contraception" is not abortifacient? Or that it merely prevents implantation? In fact, those who say that the "morning-after pill" is not abortifacient but prevents implantation do not realize that they are affirming its abortifacient nature when they say that it prevents implantation: since this action can only take place after fertilization and works by preventing the continued development of the embryo, it can only be abortifacient.

Maria Luisa Di Pietro, Institute of Bioethics
Yeah! I guess RepubliCONZ have gotten all my letters about how I want to give up any rights I had to decide my OWN medical treatment, in favor of my company doing it for me.
Where did I say it was?

Seeing as he was talking to someone else...I dunno, try putting two and two together.

Oh but the morning after pill in my opinion is an abortifacient.

Then your opinion is worthless. When will people realize that deliberately denying facts and calling it "opinion" does not shield them from being anything more than an idiot and/or liar.

Then he should have quoted that someone else and not me.

I did quote that someone else. Sorry that you've been here as long as you have and you can't yet read who is being quoted. Hint: it's the bottom quote in the string of the conversation. :eek:
Then he should have quoted that someone else and not me.

He did. Go back and look at it. Get with the program.

Your opinion regarding my opinion is worthless.

No, I never gave an opinion. I stated facts. You're claiming false things and calling it "opinion." It's also a fact that such is not an "opinion" it's actually a lie.

The effective action of "emergency contraception", and hence of the "morning-after pill", is abortifacient in 80 per cent (oestroprogestogen or progestogen) to 100 per cent (oestrogen, danazol, coil) of the cases the embryo is prevented from being implanted in the endometrium after the alteration of its physiological development, and/or the blocking of the action of the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone, an essential hormone for the continuation of pregnancy.

Completely untrue.

Oh, yes, let's use pieces written by Vatican advisors in Catholic schools as allegedly unbiased sources of information. Or, we can take the reasearch from actual doctors, like this, for example, which explains that the mechanism of action for the morning after pill is prevention of ovulation. It further explains that their research indicates that the morning after pill does not have a post-fertilization effective action. If ovulation has already occurred before taking the medication, then the morning after pill won't do anything.

Here's more actual experts.

"There is no evidence that the Pill's effect on the uterine lining interferes with implantation or has a post-fertilization effect," says contraception expert Felicia Stewart, MD, codirector of the Center for Reproductive Health Research and Policy in San Francisco. "Documenting it would be a very difficult research task."

"The post-fertilization effect was purely a speculation that became truth by repetition," says Joe DeCook, MD, a retired OB/GYN and vice president of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

Look at that. So the vice president of a PRO LIFE association says that the post-fertilization claim is a mythical speculation.
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Innocent v guilty... no comparison.

You fail!

So you are all right with 1.3 million people a year that HAD NO CHOICE being destroyed?

Contraception is not abortion, dumbass.

hmmm... my Latin was from two years in highschool BUT..
"Contra"meant against something.
"inception" means beginning..
hmmm. so "contra (against) "ception"beginning..
AGAINST BEGINNING WHICH means NOT starting.. so Contraception is the prevention of beginning and abortion is the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy.

Seems both words objective is preventing potential people from existing!

But that is just me.. i.e. contraception is a tool for idiots to have sexual excess to spew out life without any responsibility!
All you ever have to do to find out HOW sincere pro-life people are about stopping abortion is asking them HOW MUCH OF THEIR OWN MONEY they'd be willing to give to raise all those kids whose parents don't want them if abortions became illegal?

That usually shuts them up pretty damn quick.

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